Episode 12: Doublemeat Palace
Written by Jane Espenson

Much of this episode takes place as Buffy starts a new job at the Doublemeat Palace, a fast-food joint.

As Willow, Xander, and Anya discuss the events of the last episode and the discovery that the Troika is up to no good, Buffy enters in her new uniform, ready to go to work at Doublemeat Palace.

At Doublemeat Palace, Buffy watches an orientation video, then her new boss, Manny, gives her a tour of the restaurant. They meet some of her co-workers, who act strangely. Manny brings her to the kitchen, then her co-worker, Gary, trains her at the counter. When Buffy seems curious about the walk-in freezer, Manny appears and warns her away. Later, Willow, Xander, Anya and Dawn come to visit Buffy on her first day at work.

Spike comes in and talks with Buffy--much sexual banter/innuendo.

The next day, Buffy comes in to find that Gary, one of the employees she met the previous day, is mysteriously gone. But no one seems to think that's unusual. She gets trained at the grill.

At his apartment, Xander is confronted by a vengeance demon, Halfrek, who vows to wreak vengeance on him. But it ends up that she is an old friend of Anya's who was invited to the wedding and just got the message mixed up.

Later that night, Buffy and Spike have sex in the alley behind the Doublemeat Palace.

Amy comes to visit Willow and "gives" her some powerful magic. Willow is shaken.

Buffy finds a finger under the meat grinder. Appalled, she runs to tell Manny. Then she goes into the restaurant and tells people that the Doublemeat burgers are made of people. Buffy is fired.

Anya and Halfrek continue to talk about Anya's relationship with Xander.

Buffy calls a meeting at the Magic Box, but only Xander and Dawn are there. Anya is still with her friend, and Willow is nowhere to be found. Buffy explains that she has found a finger near the meat grinder. She thinks the burgers are made of human flesh and she wants to investigate. Willow comes in, all jittery and flustered, like a junkie who's hiding something. Willow agrees to help out the investigation--using science--but seems to be covering for other activities.

Buffy decides to go back to the Doublemeat Palace to investigate. She is stalked by something creepy while she is there.

(There are additional scenes that I do not have copies of--mainly the climax to the action.)