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Latest news January 19, 2002
Shooting: Episode 16
For those of you who are as spoiler-whorish as I am, I am posting complete summaries of what I know about the episodes. I'm making these into links so that those who do not want to be spoiled that much can just pass them by.
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
Episode 16
Latest Rumors:
Posted by Wanda on E!Online on 1-14-02
AJLChiefs asks: Are Xander & Anya going
to be getting hitched this season? I asked you this last week as well and you
didn't respond; even though I told you that you were hot and I liked watching
you on the Survivor pre-show.
Wanda replies: I'll answer you now, even though you've got questionable taste.
Here is the blow-by-blow for the 16th episode, which is the BIG DAY: Buffy and
Willow are bridesmaids. We meet Xander's relatives, of course, and many of Anya's
strange demon friends andrelatives. A "Creepy old Man" approaches
Xander before the ceremony and says, "Don't get married today. It's a huge
mistake." When Xander ignores him, the man claims to be Xander himself.
He shows Xander a vision of his future life with Anya in which they're deeply
unhappy. Xander ducks out of the ceremony, but Anya confronts the old man and
reveals that he's a demon imposter.
spankmymonkey asks: Buffy spoilage pleeeaaseee........Throw me a bone Wanda!!!!
Wanda replies: I thought monkeys ate bananas? Anyway ... Talked to Seth Green
the other day at Fox's press tour and get this -- UPN has completely led me
astray regarding his "likely" guest appearance in May. Seth told me
that he's never even received a phone call about it. And sadly, it seems that
he's somewhat ready to leave the show behind -- he mentioned he doesn't even
watch Buffy any more. But luckily, we WILL get to see Seth on Greg the Bunny,
which is getting huge buzz already. It looks hysterical.
monkeyterdgirl asks: Wanda luv do you have anys good spoilerage for us buffy
fans out here in cyber space?
Wanda replies: What's up with the monkey brigade today?! Also in the wedding
ep, Spike and Buffy are on the outs, and he brings a sleeeeeazy date to the
big event.
Posted by Fraz on FF
TITLE: Older and Far Away
Synopsis: Feeling abandoned, Dawn wishes that no one leaves her alone again
and makes her wish known to a guidance counselor who is actually a vengeance
demon in disguise. The demon then casts a spell that makes it impossible for
anyone in Buffys house, there for her birthday party, to bring themselves
to leave. Things get worse when a monster is discovered in the house that is
wreaking havoc.
Posted by AngelX on BC&S Extra Spoilage board on 1-16-02
Dead Things
NEW! Buffy didn't come back really "wrong" at all. As far as the spell
is concerned, Buffy's molecular structure was changed just enough upon her return
to life to make the chip think she wasn't human, allowing Spike to hurt her.
(This is actual spoilage, but because it ruins the ending of the episode, it's
being posted in ES. I had zero intention of ever posting this, but since some
people can't keep secrets or promises, I'm posting it. A word of warning for
anyone who visits my boards--I don't want to see one slightest hint of this
spoiler in a subject line and if this leads to a complaint fest about the spoiler,
this *will* be the last major spoiler I give out.)
Older and Far Away
NEW! There is a brief moment in "Older and Far Away" where Halfrek
recognizes Spike as "William" and he recognizes her as well...although
he doesn't identify her by name. The actress is the same one who played "Cecily,"
William's love interest in the S5 ep, "Fool for Love." I don't know
if the recognition of the two knowing each other relates to Halfrek being Cecily
or not... but it's there. I'm posting this to ES simply because the moment is
short and sweet and easily dropped to the cutting room floor.
Posted by Steve DeKnight at the Bronze Beta on 1-18-02
Q: Steven DeKnight: Asking for a bit of behind
the scene info here: is the Buffy/Spike pairing considered a success or failure
at this point? Here at the Bronzebeta it is at the forefront ofmany a discussion.
For me, if it keeps them talking, it's all good. Whaddya think? ~Petrona
A: Petrona: Spike/Buffy considered a major success. And in my episode coming
up wait a minute! Don't think you can trick me! Get `em, butt monkeys!
Q: Steve DeKnight hey there! nice to see you. What kind of goodies do you guys
have breaking? And a question...how do negative reactions to an episode you've
written affect you? do you just blow it off, or does it hurt your feelings?
;) - Cashmere
A: Cashmere: Ah yes, the negative reactions. Well, of course they hurt. We're
only human (most of us, anyway jury's still out on Greenberg). But we
also realize that everybody has an opinion. Usually they balance out. But yeah,
it can be tough on the ego when your ep goes down in flames. That being said,
the Buffy writers all dare to suck. We'll push things as far as we can. Sometimes
it works, sometimes it doesn't.
Q: Steve DeKnight - Just getting psyched for the PBP. What's new in your world?
One question I'm sure you won't answer - do Buffy and Willow realize they're
holding a gun with a multi-million dollar diamond in it? - OldManFan
A: OldManFan: The diamond is actually cubic Zarconium. We've got a two-episode
arc coming up centering around this. Lot's of fun. Just like my ep.
Q: Steve DeKnight: I have few pleasures in life, one of them is nekkid Spike,
just wondering, will there be any Nekkid Spike in the near future? (or anything
else about the show you might want to add, for a big spoiler junkie *g* ) -
A: SD: Lil'Bit: I'll say only this about nekkid Spike: Dead Things. Honey Biscuit.
Q: Steve DeKnight ok...mmm...give me one word--one good word--concerning Spike
in the upcoming episodes. Just humour me ;) - Cashmere
A: Cashmere: How about two words for Spike in the upcoming eps? "Honey
biscuit." `Nuff said.
Q: Mr DeKnight- For me, this season has been one of "would that character
really do that?" Along with many on these boards the past few weeks, I'm
having a hard time believing the Buffy that we've seen since season 1 would
behave this way with Spike. Same as I'm not sure about the Cordelia/Angel thing
that's been hinted at lately on "Angel". Change and growth is great,
but I still think you have to be true to the character we've been seeing for
years. - Cal
A: Cal: You know, in my early 20s I did things that were completely out of character.
I felt lost and alone and depressed, like most people in their 20s do. It was
a period of life filled with pain and self-revelation. Just like Buffy's going
through. And heck I didn't even return from the grave. That's all I'm
Posted by scifi.com on 1-18-02
Buffy Getting Darker
Buffy the Vampire Slayer executive producer Marti Noxon told SCI FI Wire that
the show will turn darker as it enters the home stretch of its sixth season.
"One of the questions we've been getting a lot of is there doesn't seem
to be a big bad this season," Noxon said in an interview. "And what
I can say is that the climax is going to be big. There may not be a big bad,
but there's a big bad climax coming. I think basically what people can expect
is that the seeds that have been planted throughout the season, the kind of
troubles that have been brewing with all the characters, are all going to come
to a head. But ... this whole season has been very character-driven. There's
not so much stuff coming from the outside."
This year, the show's characters have dealt with the issues of growing up and
facing young adulthood, Noxon said during UPN's winter press tour in Pasadena,
Calif. "Buffy is dealing with a ton of adult issues, because of the fact
that Giles has left and Joyce has passed away. And she's got her sister to deal
with. But I also think the adult responsibility of how you deal with sexuality
and relationships." Among other things, Buffy and Spike's relationship
will reach a turning point. "She's made a choice right now that is very
adult, because she's in a relationship that is a lot more sexual and less romanticized.
But there's also going to be a price to pay for that, because it's obviously
not the healthiest situation. So she's dealing with something that I think only
happens when you get out of that sort of dreamy, romantic teen-age period. And
then, you know, obviously Xander facing marriage and the responsibility of being
a husband. And then Willow dealing with how she deals with her power and addiction."
Even the three nerd villains are part of the season's overriding theme. "The
trio are also a reflection of that, because they're trying to do anything to
sort of shortcut having to do adult things, like get a job or go to school,"
Noxon said. "So really the whole thing is either about evading or accepting
responsibility, which is sort of what the 20s are all about, baby! The faster
you run, the worse it gets." She added, "I think you can expect that
we're not going to play them totally for laughs for the rest of the season.
Right now, they've been played mostly for comic relief, which I think is why
people haven't felt them as really threatening. But things are definitely going
to take a turn. It's not going to stay quite as comedic." Buffy airs on
UPN Tuesdays at 8 p.m. ET/PT.
Received on 1-18-02 Source: UPN
"Dead Things" - Buffy investigates why Spike is suddenly able to attack
her, despite the chip in his head. Meanwhile, Jonathan, Warren and Andrew try
to frame Buffy for murder, on "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" airing TUESDAY,
FEBRUARY 5 (8:00-9:00 p.m., ET/PT) on UPN.
Starring Sarah Michelle Gellar as Buffy Summers, Nicholas Brendon as Xander
Harris, Alyson Hannigan as Willow Rosenberg, James Marsters as Spike, Emma Caulfield
as Anya, Michelle Trachtenberg as Dawn Summers, Anthony Stewart Head as Rupert
Giles and Amber Benson as Tara.
Guest starring are Danny Strong as Jonathan, Adam Busch as Warren, Tom Lenk
as Andrew and Amelinda Embry as Katrina.
The episode was written by Steven S. DeKnight and directed by James A. Contner.
It carries a TV 14 parental guideline.
Join me in the Crypt of Decryption:
Steve DeKnight's comment that the ME writers
consider the Spike/Buffy story to be a success strongly suggests to me that
this story is not over. It is strongly suggested in the available episode 16
information that Spike and Buffy have broken off their relationship, probably
initiated by Buffy. To see this as an end point for this relationship would
be foolish.
The UPN release for Dead Things confirms the appearance of Katrina, Warren's
ex-girlfriend, who is reprted to die in episode 13. It is unclear but probably
insignifiant that Anthony Stewart head is listed as being in the episode. These
errors are frequent in the UPN releases.
Marti Noxon's comments in the scifi.com article confirm the growing suspicion
that there will be no traditional "Big bad" this season. Furthermore,
her comments about Buffy and Spike also indicate a coming break in the pattern
of the relationship, perhaps referring to a breakup. The situation as it is
now is unhealthy, but I do not think a breakup now rules out further development
of the relationship in the future.
And I have already gone on record in a number of fora as hating the idea that
there is any connection between the character of Cecily, Spike/William's object
of love in 1880, and Halfrek, the demon who is Anya's best friend and apparent
bridesmaid. Though many have tried admirably, I can not be persuaded that there
is a logical explanation. I suspect it is just the writers making an inside
joke because the same actress plays both roles.
I hope to have new episode 16 spoilage by next week or the week after.
Scheduled writers and episode titles:
Ep#12 Jane Espenson
Title: Doublemeat Palace
Ep#13 Steve DeKnight
Title: Dead Things
Ep#14 Drew Greenberg
Title: Older and Far Away
Ep#15 Doug Petrie
Directed by Doug Petrie
Title: As You Were
Ep#16 Rebecca Rand Kirshner
Title: Unknown
Ep. #17 Diego Gutierrez
Title: Unknown
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E-mail me at ww1614@yahoo.com