The Lonely Ones
(Because sometimes you just don't fit in.)

The Rebellion
Someone gets what's coming to him.
**Nominated for the 1999 Golden Frog Awards**

The Escape
Sequel to The Rebellion.

The Back Room
Make-out session at the Bronze.

My Father's Eyes
Wesley fic.

Xander's worst fear is realized.

Human Flaws
Anya's pov on her sudden humanity.

A Fool's Lullaby
What happens to Buffy when Angel's gone?

When the Magic Fades
It's a few years in the future, and Willow tries to bring back Angel's first love. Things go awry.

Goodnight, My Love
Buffy and Xander spend a lot of time together and start to realize some important things about their friendship.

Harden My Heart
Willow has a decision to make, but isn't sure whether she should trust her heart.

Revenge of the 150 Foot Twinkie
Xander finds that vengeance has a new shape, and it's filled with creamy goodness.
Written with Karen.

Smoke and Mirrors
Rebecca tries to make amends with Angel.

An Adventure in Cheese
The cheese guy speaks.

A Very Dirty Trick
Future fic.

The Little Words
Buffy at the end of Fool For Love.

As Good as Forever
An alternate ending to "Into the Woods."

Little Sister
Buffy's thoughts on Dawn before the big showdown with Glory.

The Same
Dawn's POV after "The Gift."

A few years into the future, disaster strikes Sunnydale.

Tired of being alone?

If you want to send feedback, Amy's new email address is

Graphic created by Rebecca. Please don't redistribute.
Pictures used in graphic are from Sunnydale High School.