Story Line
Faith is talked about in the pre-credit opening. Willow is having problems with Faith (obviously since trying to implicate her best friend as a murderer and trying to kill her first love and other best friend). Buffy, who started the conversation, admits two things. One: "She'll never make the cover of 'Sanity Fair'" and two: "She had it rough".
The first time we see Faith, she's preceding an exhausted Wesley into the library. Both she and Buffy have to do a fitness test (Faith's just completed hers). She uncomfortably wishes Buffy good luck with hers, then, hopping up on the counter, proceeds to ask Willow what she is doing on the computer. Willow informs her that she's trying to tap into the Mayor's computer files. Intrigued, Faith asks Willow if she can do it. Willow admits it'll be tough, but thinks she can.
Cut to Faith's new apartment! She's beside herself with joy, checking the place out and jumping on the bed, horrifying the germ phobic Mayor. Telling the mayor "This place is the kick!". She's clearly ecstatic. The Mayor informs her that she'll have to keep her old place for appearances sake. Faith, hopping of the bed, jumps down to him, thanking him and calling him 'sugar daddy'. He insists that nothing like that will be going on, as he's a family man. Faith moves away once more, still not believing this lovely place is hers. The Mayor then chimes in that they'll have to kill "your little friend." Faith's face falls, but the Mayor brightens, telling her not to worry, that she won't have to do it. He's going to make it appear like a vampire attack. Moving swiftly on, he asks a still perturbed Faith to "Guess who's got a Playstation?" Faith lights up, saying: "No way!" and runs off to see. And that's it for Faith in this episode. Still, things are building nicely.