This episode has fewer scenes than Beauty And The Beasts. However, again it's important for how Faith was meant to be originally compared to how she turned out (after Eliza had wowed everyone and the producers/writers could see a bigger picture for Faith).
This time, it's K. Todd Freeman's turn to shine as Mr. Trick. Trick, wanting rid of the Slayers, organizes a "Slayerfest". Bounty hunters of all sorts are called in to kill both Buffy and Faith. As Cordelia makes her bid for HomeComing Queen, she completely forgets to tell Buffy about the yearbook pictures, causing Buffy to not be in the yearbook. More than a little ticked, Buffy calls on her pre-Sunnydale self and enters the HomeComing Queen fray which leads to misery and Cordelia being mistaken for Faith!
Story LineWe first see Faith in this episode, working out with Buffy. Buffy's doing the hitting and Faith is taking the punches (not unlike their lives!) Faith tells Buffy she should be dumped more often, as she's got some ". . .quality rage going." Seeing that Buffy's glum thanks to being dumped by Scott, Faith suggests that they go to the HomeComing dance together. "Then later we can find a coulpa studs, use them then discard them! That's always fun." Buffy... (read more) |
BreakdownIn this episode, things are good between the two Slayers. So good in fact, that Faith shows her loyalty to Buffy. Again, wanting to be liked by her peer, Faith suggests to Buffy (who's just been dumped by Scott) that the two of them could go to the dance together. She really shows her friendship colors in this episode. Faith wants to cheer Buffy up, and the only way in her mind, is to . . . find a coupla... (read more) |