This is the first episode that has Faith working for the Mayor. A great introduction to the father-daughter slant that weaves its way in and out from here on.
There isn't much of Faith in this episode, in fact, she's only in two scenes, as this is a total Willow vehicle (kudos to Alyson). 'Alternate reality' Willow (the Vampire Willow we met in the episode The Wish) is brought into our reality and, to quote Buffy in 4th season's This Year's Girl, "Hi jinx ensues". Yet another gem, despite it not being part of the main 3rd season arc. However, it is a clue to 4th season Willow!
Story LineFaith is talked about in the pre-credit opening. Willow is having problems with Faith (obviously since trying to implicate her best friend as a murderer and trying to kill her first love and other best friend). Buffy, who started the conversation, admits two things. One: "She'll never make the cover of 'Sanity Fair'" and two: "She had it rough". The first time we see Faith, she's preceding an exhausted Wesley into the library. Both she and Buffy have to do... (read more) |
BreakdownThe most obvious thing about Faith in this episode is that she's had a makeover. Everything from hair to clothing has changed. Her inner makeover was meant to have happened in Consequences. The viewer can be forgiven for thinking that the two Watchers, Buffy and Willow are about as observant as lampposts. But they've noticed, they just haven't said anything. Buffy's attitude to Faith is odd. It's almost a warning to her. Faith has reason to be uncomfortable. Buffy doesn't.... (read more) |