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...rating guide

To help insure that minors do not read what they're not allowed to read (and so I don't get in trouble) below is the rating system for the fan fiction of this site. A majority of the fan fiction in this site is not intended for young minds but for mature audiences. Check out the rating system to see what you *should* and *shouldn't* read:

NC-17: If a Fan Fiction has this rating it's because it is heavy in violence, language, sexual acts, detailed smut, and all of that good sinful stuff. If you are under the age of 17 these sorts of fan fics are not meant for you.

R: If a Fan Fiction has this rating it's because it may contain violence, foul language, a bit of sexual activity, but nothing really detailed. No Smut. I would say anyone from ages 14 up could read this.

PG-13: If a Fan Fiction has this rating it's because it may contain violence, a little foul language, not much sexual activity, nothing really big. I would say no one under the age of 13 should read these fics.

G: If a Fan Fiction has this rating it's because it may contain a tiny bit of violence but nothing really big. Anyone can read these fics.