Over the years Faith has become one of the most widely 'shipped characters on the web. This page is to list some of the more popular Faith 'ships along with some links and resources for each one.
nicknames Fangle
catagory Het
the deal Faith's relationship with Angel is one of mutual respect and attraction. Both Faith and Angel have led very similar exsistances, exhibiting dark traits without the convenience of being a soulless creature (soo rectified for Angel by Darla). Both also strive for attonement.
sites Predators
...buffy anne summers
nicknames Fuffy
catagory Femslash
the deal Fuffy is one of the oldest uncannon Faith 'ships, and also has many supporter. A relationship between Buffy & Faith that went beyond friendship was often implied in the third seaon of BtVS. For a few fleeting weeks Buffy and Faith had a closeness that even Angel couldn't fathom.
sites Shared Destiny, The Chosen Ones, Slayer Pride, Just Another Good Vibration
...cordelia chase
nicknames Possibly Fordy
catagory Femslash
the deal Another popular 'ship for Faith is Cordelia Chase. Though actual interaction between the two was minimal non-exsistant, the on-screen chemistry was obvious. Cordelia's recent relationship with Angel suggest that Faith might be the sort of personality Cordelia is attracted to, since Angel and Faith are very much alike.
sites Disco Inferno
...rupert giles
nicknames Possibly Gaith
catagory Het
the deal A relationship between Faith and Giles, although an improbability would likely be backed up by strong mutual attraction. Neither are strangers to a darker path, both know the severity of the Slayer's duties and both have had a brush with their own dark side.
sites Whistles and Little Words, Black Ballooon - Closed