IMPORTANT: All fanfiction is © their perspective authors, and is used here with permission, do NOT take anything without the author's consent!
--Vultures and Thieves
No Caption Yet. Rated PG-13.
--The Straight Line
Spoilers: You should not read this if you haven't read "Vultures and Thieves" yet. This also takes place after "Checkpoint," season 5, and my Willow/Tara story "Possibilities", so you should have read up to that point too. Rated PG-13.
-------Angelic Mexx
--Never Again
No Pairing. Faith's childhood, pre-BtVS timeline. Rated: PG-13/R.
--Une Petite Morte
Faith/Spike Implied. Faith's POV on sex, coming and dying. Rated NC-17.
--What Lies Beneath
This was originally written in episode form to fit near the endof a larger summer fic "season 5" for BtVS by multiple writers. It's setafter Tara commits suicide and just before Riley leaves Buffy but otherwise remains true to S4. Prequel to "Vengeance." Rated R.
--Curfews For Cowgirls
Faith/Tara. Set in the before time (pre-Sunnydale) Tara deals with her mom's death in a not-so-healthy manner. And at a bar she runs into someone who is on their way to Sunnydale. Femme slash and domestic violence. If either squicks you (not that I'm for domestic violence), turn away now. Rated NC-17 for Femme slash sexual situations.
--A Second Is An Eternity
No Caption Yet. Rated R.
Faith/Spike. PWP smut written around the five basic torture methods, just because I could. Rated NC-17 for sexual situations.
Faith/Buffy. Buffy's birthday gift to Faith. Rated NC-17 for sexual situations.
Faith/Willow Friendship. Willow visits Faith in jail to tell her of Buffy's death. . Rated R for language.
--A Cell Doesn't Always Have Bars
Faith. Buffy. Thoughts and stuff. Rated R.
-------Shawn Dorca
--Twenty Six
Faith makes a friend in prison, then things get nasty. Rated NC-17.
--Bring It
Faith/Buffy. A silly, smutty piece of fluff inspired by my love for the movie, "Bring It On," and for all things Faith/Buffy. Rated NC-17.
--Kissed By An Angel
Faith/Angel. Angel has some exciting news, but whom does he want to share it with? . Rated NC-17.