...submission guidelines
When submitting a fanfiction or any other medium to Grey Street, please make sure you follow the guidelines below.
- Do not submit any fanfiction that isn't Faith-based. Fanfiction where she is breifly mentioned is not acceptable. This is a Faith fanfiction archive. We will not accept fanfiction about Eliza Dushku.
- All submissions of fanart, wallpapers, hotbars, postcards, songs, article/interviews, dolls, icons and avatars must be based around Faith or Eliza. You may blend in other characters or actors but they must be largely Faith/Eliza centric.
- When submitting essays please make sure you've already pre-checked your essay for spelling and punctuation problems, we will not accept essays that have not been checked.
- All essays MUST be about Faith. Essays about other characters will be rejected.
- All essays and fanfiction MUST be submitted via an html or txt document, no other documents will be excepted.
- All wallpapers donated should be tagged Author Name @ Grey Street in a small, clean font on one of the lower corners.
- All song submissions should include lyrics and artist name.
- All postcard submissions should be completely original and not used on another site. Postcards used by Grey Street will be credited to the author and a link back to the author will be provided, but they remain solely on Grey Street and not for distribution elsewhere.
- Your fanfiction or other submission is more likely to be archived if you provide an url where we can reach it already on the web.
- To make sure you've read the guidelines before you submit, where it asks on the form "Did you read the guidlines?" please write "Depends, who the hell are you?".