
The Freshman

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Informationen zur Episode


     Originaltitel:     The Freshman

     Dt. Titel:         Frischlinge

     USA:               05. Oktober 1999
     Pro7:              03. Januar 2001
                        (03. Januar 2001)
        ab 3:           2,11 Mio /  6,3% [20:15 Sendeplatz]
        14-49:          1,68 Mio / 12,3% [20:15 Sendeplatz]

     Regie:             Joss Whedon

     Drehbuch:          Joss Whedon

     Gastdarsteller:    Kristine Sutherland (Joyce Summers)
                        Marc Blucas (Riley)
                        Dagney Kerr (Kathy)
                        Pedro Balmaceda (Eddie)
                        Katharine Towne (Sunday)
                        Lindsay Crouse (Maggie Walsh)
                        Mike Rad (Rookie)
                        Shannon Hillary (Dav)
                        Mace Lombard (Tom)
                        Robert Catrini (Prof. Riegert)
                        Scott Rinker (R.A.)
                        Phina Oruche (Olivia)
                        Denice J. Sealy (Student Volunteer)
                        Evie Peck (wütende Mädchen)
                        Jason Christopher (Junge)
                        Jane Silvia (Frau)
                        Mark Silverberg (Student)
                        Walt Borchert (Vampir)

     Musik:             Christophe Beck

                        Stretch Princess
                        (Stretch Princess)

                        "I Wish I Could Be You"
                        The Muffs
                        (Alert Today Alive Tomorrow)
                        "Memory of a Free Festival"
                        David Bowie
                        (Space Oddity)						

                        "You and Me"

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