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Latest news January 10, 2002
Shooting: Episode 15
For those of you who are as spoiler-whorish as I am, I am posting complete summaries of what I know about the episodes. I'm making these into links so that those who do not want to be spoiled that much can just pass them by.
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
Latest Rumors:
Posted by Wanda on E!Online on 1-7-02
From Alli: Rumors are coming around that Riley
is coming back to Buffy--please tell me it's true!
Marc Blucas definitely comes back, very soon, just to complicate matters between
Spike and the Buffster (who chops her locks over him this week). And he has
some big bell-worthy news to break to Buffy.
From Lisa_Ann: Saw a rerun in which "bad" Angel tells Spike that to
kill Buffy you have to love her. Do you think this is what Spike is planning,
or does he really love her?
Hmmm...interesting. Given the romantic angst that lies ahead, I'd say he really
is smitten.
From Ziellah: Has the entire cast been signed for next season?
Everyone except Amber Benson.
From Lorna: Anyone on Buffy coming or going?
The geek trio is on their way out, and it still looks very likely that Seth
Green (Oz) will return for an episode during May sweeps.
Posted by AngelX on BC&S on 1-9-02
Episode 16
NEW! Xander and Anya's wedding!
Posted by Ben on BC&S Spoiler Board on 1-10-02
Subject: Spoilers for Episode 16, "A Hellmouth
of A Wedding"
-Xander and Anya's wedding comes on the brink of another attempt to reopen the
Hellmouth (don't know who is behind it, but it probably is this season's big
-Do Xander and Anya actually marry? Well, no one is sure yet.
That is all I know! I can attest that these are accurate! My friend has never
been wrong before!
Interview with Drew Z. Greenberg on the Succubus Club on 1-9-02
(only selected portions included here)
Drew: No, no, no, but they shouldn't be, because he's still there with us all
the time. Nothing goes on the air that doesn't go through Joss first. I'm always
a little perplexed when I hear that people are worried, cause like, we're not
tip-toeing past his office and running things down to the set. And none of this
is to take anything away, as well, from what Marti is doing as well. Marti is
there every day, day to day, making sure that everything is going exactly the
way it should. And at the same time, it's all run through Joss too. And as I
said, when we decided that this was going to be the story we were gonna do,
we had Joss that day, Joss was there with us. So he was sort of guiding that
whole process. We sit around as a group and we break the story together so that
by the time you go to write the script, you already have an outline that's been
re-hashed amongst the group many, many times. You know exactly what's going
to happen, you know every scene. And Marti is a huge part of making that happen,
and Joss is a huge part of making that happen, and the entire staff comes together.
Drew: All I can tell you is what I think. I think there's a flaw in the question.
Well, sure, of course both of our pals are going through something that's similar,
but it has nothing to do with enjoying sex. This isn't a story about someone
who's enjoying sex and feels bad for it. This is, in my mind, I wouldn't want
to speak for the rest of the writers, this is about a young woman who is feeling
so alone right now, and so cut off from the world, that she's making choices.
And some of those choices are good, and some of those choices are less good.
Candy: I like how you avoid saying "bad." Who's to say if it's bad?
Drew: Exactly. And Spike, as a romantic partner for Buffy, is he a good choice?
Or is he a choice that's less good? And that's what she needs to figure out.
Drew: You're gonna see Spike interacting with some of the other Scoobies coming
up soon. I wrote another episode, number 14, which will be airing in February...
there will be some nice interaction with Spike and some of the other characters
soon. It's not just 14 where you're gonna see the Spike interactions, 15 is
gonna have some a little bit.
But yes oh my gosh Dawn has stuff coming up. I think you're beginning
to see shades of her that are going to start coming out more and more and you're
going to see more of that as we head into February, there's some more stuff
for Dawn.
Candy: Is [Elizabeth Anne Allen, Amy] coming back?
Drew: We are going to see her again in the next new episode.
Candy: Can you tell us about your next episode? Anything?
Drew: It's the birthday episode, it's called Older and Far Away, it airs in
February and it has to do with, um, it's definitely going to change... what's
it going to change? It has to do with Buffy and her birthday, but it also has
to do with her relationship with Dawn [...] and Buffy's relationship with Spike
and it all sort of is put into a crucible when they find themselves in a situation
that they can't escape.
Candy: Who's doing 16 and 17?
Drew: 16 is going to be the lovely Rebecca Kirshner [...] and we have a guest
doing episode 17.
Candy: A guest? That's very interesting. Is it somebody we know?
Drew: You may know him. His name is Diego Gutierrez and he has worked in the
Mutant Enemy family before.
Join me in the Crypt of Decryption:
Drew Greenberg visited Kitty and Candy at the Succubus Club last night, and
as always, he was a fun guest. He also filled in some small details about the
upcoming writers, so I've updated the list below. He also confirms Dawn's role
in episode 14 as well as increased Spike-Scoobie interaction in episode 14 and
Of most interest in Drew's interview are statements not included in Spoiler
Zone (because they are not spoilery) but well worth reading. For one thing,
he seems to suggest that Spike and Buffy's relationship will change for the
better. He also indicates that Spike's chip has changed him for the better.
These statements definitely bring hope to all fans of Spike and Buffy and Spike's
Ben's information can probably be dismissed, especially if he is the same Ben
who wrote this:
6-21-01 Posted by Ben at BC&S
I can't disclose how I got this (and if you knew whom I worked with, you'd know
why!!) Anyhow, I can tell you in no uncertain terms that as of the 17th of June,
the draft for Buffy's rebirth involved Dawn running away from her father, meeting
up with a Nether-Witch and making a pact with him, which she will forget about
for some time. There will also be a guy about Xander's age who evil spirits
speek through (the working name for him is "The Vessel",) and he's
only been in this world since the portals were opened. Buffy's rebirth will
have major repurcussions, and Dawn will be "blamed", not thanked for
AngelX's report of Xander and Anya's wedding
in 16 is credible. That episode would probably be in pre-production right now,
and a wedding episode would take time to plan for. It sounds as though they're
only up to ep. 17 or so in the breaking process. I'm sure they're figuring out
who will be assigned to the final 5 episodes of the season at this point. If
Joss Whedon declines to write the finale, my guess is that Marti Noxon will
do it. Jane Espenson has also written only two episodes this season, so I expect
we'll see another from her. And of course we always hope for entries from Doug
Petrie and new S/B-fan favorite David Fury.
Scheduled writers and episode titles:
Ep#12 Jane Espenson
Title: Doublemeat Palace
Ep#13 Steve DeKnight
Title: Dead Things
Ep#14 Drew Greenberg
Title: Older and Far Away
Ep#15 Doug Petrie
Directed by Doug Petrie
Title: As You Were Updated 1-5-02
Ep#16 Rebecca Rand Kirshner
Title: Unknown
Ep. #17 Diego Gutierrez
Title: Unknown
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