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Latest news – October 17, 2001

Now Shooting: Episode 8

  Episode Summaries

For those of you who are as spoiler-whorish as I am, I am posting complete summaries of what I know about the episodes. I'm making these into links so that those who do not want to be spoiled that much can just pass them by.

Episode 5

Episode 6

Episode 7

Episode 8

Latest Rumors:

Posted by Sweetie on FanForum on 10-10-01

(These are spoilers about the musical.)

Willow and Tara are singing at a park.

There's a car on fire... Giles, Xander, Anya, Willow and Tara walk by.

"We will walk through the fire, and let it burn" (part of the actual song)

This is part of a song Spike is singing about Buffy. Buffy and Spike both sing in this song. These two lines (of Spike's song) weren't said right next to each other though... Tara has a line in between them:

"I'll kill her then I'll save her"
"No, I'll save her then I'll kill her"

Posted by Sweetie on Fanforum on 10-10-01

Okay, so here's the rest. Well, almost. Most of what I got is the Willow/Tara song... I'm not going to post it for now, but if you want me to, that's fine. Just let me know. And everything below is being sung.

Oh, and I guess there's this new character named "Sweet" and he (I think it's a he ) has lots of parts. I was really confused at first to what Sweet was, but it's a person.

(script portions not included; we at BAPS are sensitive to Fox's issues with copyright)

*phew* That's about it. Supposedly, the verses overlap each other and it sounds really cool. Also, some of the verses I got were right next to each other, so a couple might be in reversed order... I don't think it matters too much though *shrugs*

Also, I guess the way James sings his second line ("No, I'll save her then I'll kill her") is really menacing and he puts a lot of oomph into the word 'kill'... which, of course, has me worried. And I don't think Buffy hears him sing this. I guess there's a lot of switching back and forth between shots and when Spike says this, Buffy is singing in a different scene. So they can still kiss, because Buffy doesn't know...

Posted by Sweetie on Fanforum on 10-11-01

It is not known who Spike is singing about or to. The line right
before his is about her. The circumstances of the song are not known.

That whole sequence is scenes 26-28 and there's usually 35-40 scenes
in an episode... that means Buffy's song, "Going Through the Motions"
could be a reprise (something Joss threw in there... like
the 'Filler' line by Willow). Spike didn't sound upset - he was more
determined. And as I said before, they are all outside on various
streets (as it says in script). The Scooby Gang is together (Giles,
Xander, Willow, etc). No one else is.

And no, I didn't see the filming, unfortunately, but my source was
there. They were playing back the songs and Spike's lines were
repeated a few times - that's how I know the tone of his voice and

Posted by Sweetie on Fanforum on 10-11-01

Sorry, but I don't know much in the Dawn department. I do know that Michelle
is scheduled to shoot scene 21PT tomorrow, right before James comes in the
"INT. BRONZE" scene. So, yeah, my guess is that she'll be at the Bronze.

And guess what everybody?? We have a title! The musical episode is called,
"Once More, With Feeling"Joy! I've been wanting to know the title for the longest time. Seems fitting

And about the Spike line again... I really got nasty vibes from it. James
said very menacingly and didn't really even sing it. It was like:
"No, I'll save her THEN I'll KILL her!"
He more like said/shouted it, than sang it. I'm still not sure how to take
it, but maybe it's like Nice Spike ("I'll save her") battling with the Demon
Spike ("then I'll KILL her!"). Or maybe Buffy confesses her feelings to him
in the cemetery scene and then is all horrified with herself. That could piss
Spike off and he gets all conflicted. Then they would kiss at the end of the
episode. *sigh* I don't know. That's just my ideas/scenarios.

And I should have emphasized the fact that he said it in an evil-like way
because he really does. I thought I should tell you that, just so you guys
don't get your hopes up. I've been seeing lots of "maybe he doesn't say it in
a mean way" kind of things, so I thought I'd better pop in to clear that up.

Posted by Leena on BC&S on 10-11-01

No big thing actually, and maybe it´s not new for you, but I didn´t found it here, so I thought I post it.
Before I tell you what I heard, I want to explain from what source they are. A friend of mine has a friend who has strange connections to the Buffy crew. Rubbish, you say? So did I when I met him first, but he told me Buffy would die at the end of season 5 long before it was aired in the US. But I still don´t trust him for he is so mysterious with his sources (Besides he is a very unpleasant fellow).

Anyway, here´s what I heard:
First, sorry for all B/Aer, it´s "definiteley over" (his words). He said, that they will have some kind of connection, but won´t take up their relationship. :(

Second, Spike "changes" and becomes more and more human. I couldn´t bring him to make that clearer, though he mentioned some things we´ve already seen, e.g. Spike eating and drinking. And he said that his new hair (??? I haven´t seen any new episode yet what´s up with his hair?) is some kind of a first "sign" for his change (does this sounds as silly to you as it sounds to me?) And that there would be something coming up with a Doppelganger (double) of Spike. (Hmm. Didn´t Doc in "Forever" said something something to Spike like: "Haven´t we met? But you had different hair then"?)

Posted by Wanda on E!Online on 10-15-01

Kelly_from_Austi asks: I know that your brain is probably frazzled due to the Alias hotties, but how about a little Angel info.
Wanda replies: Mmmmmm….. Alias hotties….. Ahhhhh….Okay, back to reality. I've heard from a realiable source that Angel could have a new romance on the horizon with "someone who is already close to him."

AJ_from_Flagstaf asks: Is there a chance of Oz appearing on Buffy?
Wanda replies: Sadly, not any time soon. Seth Green was initially slated to come back for the Halloween episode, but had to back out because of a scheduling conflict. Still, there'll be plenty of reason to tune into the Halloweenie ep. It's going to a fab storyline for Dawn, where we see the first glimpse of a stronger, tougher chiquita, who's able to fend for herself. I'll give you the details next week.

Posted by Hercules on AICN on 10-15-01


What’s it called?
"Tabula Rasa."

Who’s responsible?
Teleplay is credited to Rebecca Rand Kirschner, author of "Tough Love" (the one in which Glory gives Tara the ol’ brain suck).

Does it deal with the aftermath of the 6.7 ("Once More, With Feeling") the big truth-telling musical episode?
It does!!!

Including what Buffy did to Spike?
Yes!!! (And much, much more.)

What’s the what?
Even TV Guide will likely give away more than this: A spell causes all the Scoobies to awaken in the Magic Box with anmnesia. They don’t know who they are, who their friends are, or that demons and vampires exist.

Is Rupert Giles still hanging about?
Just barely; we are very, very sad to report that this will be Anthony Stewart Head’s final episode. Like Riley, Oz, Angel, Cordy, Faith, Harmony, Wesley, Dru and God knows who else, Giles could easily return at some point, but there are no clues indicating if he will be back, or when.

The big news?
Another shoe from "Restless" drops! Spike spends the bulk of the episode in that tweedy suit he wore in a certain dream sequence.

Any new bad guys this week?
Yes, and the creators are getting very creative with their demons. A fellow named "Teeth" is connected to a part of Spike’s life we will find out about toward the end of 6.5, "Life Serial."

Have Tara and Willow already moved out of Joyce’s bedroom at this point? Y’know, since Buffy’s back and everything?
No, as the episode kicks off, we see that Casa del Summers remains very much the house of estrogen, with Dawn, Buffy and their lesbian pals all slumbering under the same roof.

Any sign of the Legion of Nerdy Doom?
Jonathan, Warren and Andrew sit the episode out.

Will 6.8 be good?
So good. Spike’s outfit isn’t the only subtle element longtime fans will enjoy. The episode will make you laugh, it will make you cry, it will make your mouth hang very open very wide indeed. And what an ending!!!

Join me in the Crypt of Decryption:

I've added summaries of what is known about Episodes 7 and 8 and cleaned up the site by deleting some of the old summaries.

Sweetie has provided us with some excellent information regarding the musical episode (Episode 7). Her information comes primarily from scenes 26 to 29, which is probably around the third act of the episode. I will compile the script excerpts into as comprehensible a summary as I can manage.

Leena's spoilers are vague but could be true. First, it's clear that the show is moving in the direction of a B/S relationship, which would have to mean an end to B/A. The item about the Doppelganger could be an allusion to what Hercules discusses in his Episode 8 spoilers.

Episode 8 sounds like a lot of fun and exemplifies the way that the ME writing staff have been successfully employing the "demon as metaphor for life problems" strategy. The biker hellions of the premiere represent the chaos that the Scoobies fear if they admit to themselves that Buffy is gone. The demon ghost of Episode 3 personifies the collective guilt felt by Willow and the others for violating the laws of nature and resurrecting the dead. The M'Fashnik demon's seeming arbitrary targetting of Buffy in her own house mirrors Buffy's feelings of being overwhelmed and stymied in her attempts to deal with the randomness of her household problems.

In Episode 5, though, the supernatural is an especially clever representation of Buffy's problems. When she returns to college, she feels time speed up so that she misses parts of the lectures and feels that she can't catch up--not unlike many returning college students' experiences. I will skip over the anvilly demon who attacks Buffy at the construction site (a metaphor for the difficulties for a woman succeeding in a male-dominated workplace?). The scene at the Magic Box portrays the mindless repetition of customer service by making Buffy experience the same five or so minutes of time over and over again. Having worked in customer service (or as Spike calls it, customer disservice) myself, I can't help but appreciate this scene.

In Episode 6, the show reverts back to Season 1 portrayals of vampires as sexually predatory boys out for an "invitation" from the girl--this time with Dawn as the target of the seductive violence. This episode will be especially interesting for the way Buffy's and Dawn's similar experiences with vampires/sex may be explored.

Episode 7, the musical episode, features a truth-telling spell of some sort. The character "Sweet" seems to represent the Death Wish that has been part of Buffy's life since Season 5. At some point, Buffy was bound ot have to confront her desire to die and return to the after life, and Episode 7 seems to be the episode for this confrontation.

Episode 8, Tabula Rasa, asks the viewers to consider the role of an individual's experiences in the making of their personalities. What would Buffy have been like if being a Slayer hadn't intervened? What are these characters' essential personalities, unaffected by their histories?

The writers have come up with many creative ways of addressing these issues by using the supernatural. but in all cases, it is clear they are starting with the character and the emotion, then building the plot from those points. To me, these developments seem to harken back to the first season of the show, except instead of depicting the demons that plague high schoolers, the show is exploring the demons that affect adults.

Scheduled writers and episode titles:

Ep #5 David Fury and Jane Espenson
Title: Life Serial

Ep#6 Steve DeKnight
Title: All the Way

Ep#7 Joss Whedon
Title: Once More, With Feeling

Ep #8 Rebecca Rand Kirshner
Title: Tabula Rasa

Ep #9 Drew Z. Greenberg

Title: Killing Chronos Updated 10-19-01

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E-mail me at ww1614@yahoo.com

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