Willow returns home but, in her worry over facing her friends, unknowingly
makes herself invisible to everybody but Spike and Anya. When a
skinned body is found, the gang worries Willow is back and still
evil. Willow goes to Spike and Anya for help to find the real killer.
Anya helps Willow with a locator spell--which shows many demons
at the school, and one in a cave. Anya is temporarily unable to
teleport, so Willow faces the demon alone. The gang figures out
a demon is doing the killing and, with Spike's help, locates its
cave. The demon attacks, paralyzing Dawn and Willow. The gang takes
Dawn back home, unaware they've left Willow behind until Anya fills
them in. The demon begins feeding on Willow, all the while telling
her she's alone and her friends won't help her. Buffy, Xander, and
Anya return to rescue Willow. Anya comforts Willow as Buffy kills
the demon, breaking the paralysis. Willow, realizing her friends
do care, becomes visible again. The next day, Buffy admits her concerns
about Willow, then lends Willow some of slayer strength to heal.