Cath's Summary

back to episode 7.03 - Same Time Same Place

Same Time Same Place

Sunnydale- The Airport

A clock. It's almost 9:25. The airport is busy. People are streaming from the arrivals gate. A girl pushes a boy causing him to drop his bag. Their father sighs and tells them to stop acting up. The camera follows a young man as he walks from the gate and through the crowd- past Xander, Buffy, and Dawn. The camera stops on three. They're anxiously watching the gate. Xander hoists a bright white and yellow sign against his shoulder.

"You think she'll get the sign?" Xander asks- he glances quickly at Buffy and Dawn.

"Get the sign?" Buffy asks- she and Dawn eye the paper. Its unreadable- too bright. "I don't think she's gonna see the sign."

"Why is it so pale?" asks Dawn.

"I used yellow crayon." He explains. "It was a thing. From when I talked to Will on the bluff. I hope she gets it."

"Oh. Tell us again what you said." Dawn turns to ask him- a bit offhand.

"Well, I was talking from my heart." Xander says quickly.

"And I knew evil Willow wasn't really ready to-" He notices Buffy and Dawn's look. Buffy looks slightly amused. Dawn's face is bland. "- you were kidding." He finishes.

"A little bit." Dawn smiles.

"We've heard the crayon speech a few times." Buffy says tiredly, then more brightly- "Not that it's not great, of course."

"I saved the world with talking." Xander says, gesturing quickly. "From my mouth. My mouth saved the world." Buffy and Dawn look away- disinterested. They've obviously heard this -many- times. Dawn makes a non-committal noise and follows Buffy as she walks closer to the gate. Xander trails behind.

"I'm getting nervous." Dawn asks Buffy- changing the subject. "Are you nervous?"

"Yeah." Buffy sighs- looks over at the gate. People continue to walk by. "It's going to be weird seeing her. What do you say to someone in this situation?" Xander shrugs, "I'm going to say: 'Hi, Willow.'"

"Come on." Buffy turns to him. "You're saying it's not going to be the least bit… strange?" She sighs- grows more tense.

"I mean, we saw her -kill- someone. She was about to kill Dawn." Dawn looks off in the distance. Xander cuts in quickly.

"Giles wouldn't let her leave unless she completed that...whatever recovery course."

"Right." Dawn nods. Affirmative. Until she notices that Buffy is staring at the floor- an unconvincing, and fading smile on her lips. "Right?" Dawn asks her- eyes narrowing.

"She kinda didn't finish." Buffy says softly.

"She didn't finish?" Dawn says darkly- disbelieving. "She didn't finish being not evil?" Dawn starts to fidget- clearly upset now.

Buffy speaks fast. Insistent- nods her head in a tight motion. "He said that it was -really important- that she come back early and that she was doing really well and we shouldn't worry."

Xander is looking over at the gate. His sign is now visible- it says 'Welcome back Willow'. "Guys, I just noticed something." He says. "Everyone's off the plane so... Where's Willow?"

The three look at the gate. Airport staff are closing the doors. The area is now empty of arriving passengers.

Sunnydale- The Airport

A clock. It's almost 9:25. The airport is busy. People are streaming from the arrivals gate. A girl pushes a boy causing him to drop his bag. Their father sighs and tells them to stop acting up. Behind him is Willow (and behind her, the young man the camera appeared to be following previously)- she walks through the crowd, her eyes searching. She stops- very near where Xander, Buffy and Dawn had appeared to be standing in the previous scene. She keeps watching as passengers walk by, then giving up, she looks very sad. Hurt. No one is there to greet her.

"Welcome home, me."

[credits and commercials]

Sunnydale- A Construction Site

A teenage boy (in a red shirt *grin*) is spray-painting on a wall- putting some extra touches on a piece of graffiti. (The graffiti is a word- SPIDER) A shadow crosses the screen as something runs behind the excavator- hides in the shadow.

"All alone." A hoarse voice whispers. A silhouette of hand- long fingernails snapping together- appears on the screen. The boy doesn't appear to notice. He shakes the can of paint and continues to paint. ( "Are you -frightened- to be all alone?" The voice says- a bit louder. The boy turns- looks into the shadows. "Hey, is somebody there?"

"The wind talks when you're alone." The voice says… sing-song.

"You better clear out, whoever you are!" The boys shouts. Now frightened.

The creature jumps out of the dark from beside the excavator- pouncing on the boy. He screams.

Sunnydale- The Summers' House

The outside of the house is dark. Dim lights show from the windows- it's unclear if anyone is inside. Willow stands on the porch- raps on the door and then looks around. She picks up her bag and goes to the back door. No answer there either. She opens the door- it's unlocked- and enters. She calls Buffy's name. The microwave clock says it's 10:41.

Willow goes up the stairs to her former room. A nameplate on the door says BUFFY. She looks at the bed- sorrow and pain on her face. She looks to the window- touches the glass, and remembers screaming Tara's name (we get this as audio- no video flashback). Willow continues to look around the room slowly- sees the pictures of the Scooby Gang on the wall (same ones as in After Life that had turned to skeletons). She picks up Buffy's agenda. Sees a list of 'Family Numbers' [It lists Buffy's Work (555-0101), Xander's Office (555-0168), and Dawn's Cell (555-0195). How's that for trivia at a later date! *grin*]. Willow seems sad to note that she's not on the list.

Downstairs the door slams. Willow drops the planner on the floor and runs downstairs calling for Dawn. No one is there. Willow goes in the living room- weary and curls up on the couch to wait.

Sunnydale- The Summers' House

The microwave clock says it's 10:41. Buffy, Dawn, and Xander enter the house through the front door.

"He absolutely put her on the plane in London." Buffy says.

"So she got off in Chicago when they stopped?" Xander asks, leaning against the edge of the door.

"She could have caught a plane anywhere from there." Dawn adds. The three of them stand at the stairs. Buffy folds her arms. "Maybe she doubled back. Got off the plane in London after Giles left."

"Well, if she's doing that, ducking Giles, then she's evil, right?" Dawn says quietly. Squitches her nose.

"Well, I've avoided Giles tons of times." Xander reasons. He's also quiet- trying to maintain his optimism, but only slightly. "Just meant I was -lazy-, not evil." Buffy doesn't smile. "I hope you're right, because defeating lazy Willow... Probably less hard." Xander just nods, shrugs.

"We should check the messages." Dawn suggests "See if she tried to reach us here."

"It's a good idea." Buffy agrees. The three move to go into the Dining Room. Xander slams the door closed. A thumping sound comes from upstairs. The three stop cold- look up at the stairs.

"What was that?" Dawn asks.

"Upstairs." Buffy says softly. Xander starts up the stairs. "Willow?! Is that you?" Buffy and Dawn follow.

Cut to the outside of the Summers' house awhile later. Then inside. Buffy is just coming down the stairs. "Definitely not up there." She brushes her hair back with her hand- discouraged. Dawn walks from the dining room- follows Buffy. "She didn't leave a message." Buffy goes into the living room. "I checked with Giles again, too. Hasn't heard from her."

Xander is sitting on the couch. "Is he throwing a tasteful British wiggins?" He asks.

"Oh, with extra wig." Buffy says, joining him on the couch. Dawn sits between them. "He's blaming himself pretty hard. Like he should have known she wasn't ready to come back. I--I kept telling him, you know, it wasn't his fault. Maybe it's something about us she couldn't face."

Xander nods, pursing his lips. "Like she didn't think we were ready to forgive her. I get that."

Dawn isn't impressed- she sits forward. "So Giles is blaming Giles, and we're blaming us. Is anyone gonna blame Willow?" She says. Her voice is rational, but not harsh. She notices Buffy giving her a disapproving look and continues. "Oh, don't give me shock face. I mean, will anyone around here ever start asking for help when they need it?"

"If Willow flipped out, it's her bad." Buffy concurs. "We can only be here for her so much if she won't be.. you know… here."

The camera moves out- still on Xander, Dawn, and Buffy- sitting on the couch. Their image fades away, gradually superimposed with Willow's. She's still laying on the couch. Willow wakes up. It's day now. She goes to the phone and dials.

"Hello, I'm calling for Giles - Mr. Giles. Right. Council meeting all day. No, no, I now he can't be reached there. Thanks. Bye." She puts the phone down and looks around at the empty room. Very sad and lonely.

Sunnydale- A street outside the Magic Box

Willow walks down the street purposefully. She stops outside the Magic Box. The store is closed- danger signs on the boarded-up windows. As Willow walks up to the door Anya comes out carrying a cardboard box full of salvaged items. Anya sees Willow- steps back quickly.

Willow rushes forward. "Anya! Anya, don't! Don't run away."

"What are you doing here?" Anya says pointedly- the box held a bit like a shield. "I thought you were with Giles studying how to not kill people."

"I just got back."

"-Just got back- as in you're all better," Anya asks.

"or -just got back- to bring about a Fiery Apocalypse of Death?"

"Neither." Willow looks down, a bit chastened- but not put off. "But I have been studying, working real hard, and I'm gonna be fine." She smiles slightly.

"Oh. Good!" Anya says snarkily, then gets more serious.

"''Cause I remember the last time you said that. I've spent a lot of time since then cleaning the debris out of my ex-livelihood. Stuff like that."

"Yeah, I--I wanna help any way I can with that." Willow says uncomfortably. "I--I feel really responsible."

"You -feel- really responsible?" Anya demands. "You -are- really responsible." She moves toward Willow. Not intense in her anger, but very direct.

"I know I hurt you and--and everyone." Willow pants- agitated, sincere. "I'm sorry."

"Here's something you should know about vengeance demons." Anya says bluntly. "We don't -groove- with the sorry. We prefer, 'Oh, god. Please stop hitting me with my own rib bones.'"

"Go on." Willow says, still sincere. Shakes her head. "Say whatever you want, rib bones and so forth. I--I deserve it."

"And you won't mind?" Anya asks. Willow shakes her head 'no'. "Well, then that's no fun." Anya says petulantly- deflated.

"Sorry." Willow turns and sits on the step. She's tired, weary. Anya sets the box down and sits beside Willow. Willow is surprised- welcomes the company. They smile at each other uncomfortably. Anya plays with her hair a bit. Willow reaches into the cardboard box and pulls out a figurine. "So, um, where is everyone these days?"

"Well, I'm back in my own apartment." Anya says, nodding.

"Of course, vengeance takes me all over the world. I was in Brazil yesterday… They love their soccer." She finishes thoughtfully. Willow plays absently with the figurine. "And the others-- Dawn and..." Anya looks down at the object. Willow realises what she's doing and puts it back in the box. "Uh, Xander... Buffy?"

"You haven't seen them?" Anya asks.

"Not so much."

"Huh." Anya arches her eyebrows. "I guess they're still mad at you. They've been a -little- temperamental lately, just between you and me. We had this little mix-up a few days ago, and-" Willow sees Anya is going on a tangent- interrupts. "That sounds great, so, um, where do you think they'd be?"

"Oh." Anya says, still thoughtful. Mild. "At the new high school, probably. Everyone's all about the high school." She rolls her eyes a bit. "Buffy's got some kind of job there helping junior deviants. Spike's insane in the basement. Xander's there doing construction on the new gym."

Willow stops her again. Blinks. "Wait. Spike's what in the what-ment?"

"-Insane-. -Base-." Anya clarifies- then continues, nodding.

"Xander does construction. He -likes- to start early, so he's probably there by now." She says this without malice- a wistful look on her face. Willow just looks at Anya- still thinking on how to connect with the others.

Sunnydale- A Construction Site

The site is empty. Willow leans over the fence and calls for Xander but no one answers. She climbs down a metal ladder into the construction site. Graffiti spelling out the word SPIDER is visible on the wall beside the ladder. Willow walks beside the excavator. And looks down. Clothing. And a skinless body.

The camera pulls away. Xander and Buffy stand by the excavator. Xander blinks rapidly, shifts from foot-to-foot. He looks from the body to Buffy. "No skin." Buffy says, her lip curling in revulsion. She's shocked. Standing very still. Not sure what to do.

"Tough to look at." Xander agrees. He's very, very sickened. Very anxious.

"And yet, my eyes refuse to look away." Buffy says roughly. "Stupid eyes."

"I found it first thing this morning." Xander's eyes continue to move from the body to Buffy. "I gave my crew the day off, and--and I called you right away."

"I gotta get a job where I don't get called right away for this stuff." Buffy shakes her head. Her eyes haven't moved form the body. Xander wipes his face. The ladder rattles behind him. He turns. Nothing. Willow moves up the ladder- desperate to get out of the pit. It rattles.

"Yeah, I know exactly what you're thinking." Xander says bluntly. "Maybe Willow -is- back." Buffy finally stops looking at the body- turns and looks at Xander. Her eyes are dark.

Sunnydale- Sunnydale High

Willow walks down the hall of the new school. She looks around guardedly- watches the students rush to class. The hall empties. Willow goes down through the basement access. She doesn't walk far into the basement.

"Out!" Spike yells. He jumps in front of Willow. "This is my place! You need permission to be here! You need a special slip with a stamp!" He looks down at her hands. Seems to register her- stops.

"Spike." Willow looks Spike over. She's shocked- both by his sudden appearance and his rant. "My god, I-"

Spike cuts her off- turns away and continues to rant as he stalks across the floor. "You go off, and you try to -wall- up the bad parts, and put your -heart- back in where it fell out, and you call yourself -finished-, but you're-not-." Spike gestures- illustrating his points as he walks. (His voice is that of the old Spike- direct, explaining a point… Think Pangs and the "Boo-hoo about the bloody Indians" speech.) Spike stops between two bookcases- suddenly stands still- his voice softer, slower. "You're worse off than ever, you are."

He looks up, then down again and takes a pace forward- slowly. "You went away." He says softly- looking straight ahead- not looking at Willow. His head slightly bowed. "You've been gone since--" Spike's voice trails off- breaking slightly.

"Yeah." Willow says quietly, stepping forward warily. "I--I needed to go, but I'm back now. And I found-" She sighs.

"There's a body." She's tense- unsure.

"Tragedy." Spike says flatly. He turns abruptly to look at Willow. "Is there blood?" He asks. His eyes are open and eager- hungry.

"Yeah." Willow says quickly, "And I can't find Buffy. Or Xander. Or Dawn." Spike quirks an eyebrow and turns his head forward again- away from Willow as she continues. "And there's this thing killing people. And the victim was... Skinned." She looks puzzled- unsure. "What could do that?"

Spike turns to her again, perplexed. "You did it once." He says, forehead furrowed. "I heard about it."

Willow rolls her eyes a little- directed at herself. She's irritated at herself, and not sure how to deal with the strangeness of Spike. "Anything other-- other than me?" Suddenly Spike isn't paying attention. He is looking straight forward- he walks forward- head tilted and smiling.

"Look at you." He glances down, and then up again- appraising. Proud. "You're glowing." Spike stops, voice changing- his body language changes- becomes less open, more reserved. His hands clasp behind his back. "What's a word mean, 'glowing'? It's gotta rhyme."

Willow is desperate.- confused. "Spike?" She tries to get his attention again.

Spike suddenly becomes agitated- covers his face with his hand. He turns away- cowers. "Oh, uh, no! I--I should hide. Hide from you, hide my face. You know what I did." He stands back, face down- left hand at his face, moving restlessly.

"What you did?" Willow asks, confused. "You didn't do anything." Her eyes widen slightly. "Did you?"

Spike hangs back. Not looking up. He smiles slightly- eyes inward. "Everyone's talking to me. No one's talking to each -other-." He says, looking up at Willow. He's thinking hard- puzzling something out.

"Spike." Willow says rationally. She squints her eyes.

"-Please- try to listen to me." Spike smiles, walks about in a semi-circle. "Some-one isn't -here-." He says slowly, smugly. He drawls the words.

"Button, button, who's got the button?" He walks around in a circle, sauntering. He stops facing Willow. "My money's on the -witch-." Willow looks on at Spike- dismayed.

Sunnydale- Sunnydale High- The Basement

Buffy and Xander walk down the basement corridor.

"We can't use the blueprints to find our way around down here. It's like the walls move or something." Xander mutters- looking around at the walls.

Buffy stops Xander. "I think I hear him." Spike's voice echoes down the hall. Xander and Buffy enter as Spike is pacing. "And put your -heart- back in where it fell out, and you call yourself -finished-, but you're-not-." Spike gestures- illustrating his points as he walks. Spike stops between two bookcases- suddenly stands still- his voice softer, slower.

"You're worse off than ever, you are." He puts his hand to his head- doesn't notice Buffy or Xander.

"Spike." Buffy says, walking up to him. "Spike."

Spike looks up, then down again and takes a pace forward- slowly. "You went away." He says softly- looking straight ahead- not looking at Willow. His head slightly bowed.

"You've been gone since--"

"The church. You scared me a little." Buffy says quietly- she smiles a little. "I didn't-- I didn't know what to think." Spike nods as she speaks- distracted. Xander steps forward a little. "We're here for a reason, Spike."

"Tragedy." Spike says flatly. He turns abruptly away from Buffy and Xander. "Is there blood?" He asks. His eyes are open and eager- hungry. Buffy looks to where Spike directed his question. There's nothing there.

"He knows." Xander says softly- eyes not moving from Spike.

"He must have seen the body."

"You did it once." Spike says, still turned away from them.

"I heard about it."

"Spike, we need to know who did this." Buffy insists. Spike turns to her, he walks forward- head tilted and smiling. "Look at you." He glances down, and then up again- appraising. Proud. "You're glowing." Spike stops, voice changing- his body language changes- becomes less open, more reserved. "What's a word mean, 'glowing'? It's gotta rhyme." His words are soft and intimate.

Buffy looks uncomfortable. "Spike, please." She says, trying to get him to stop. Spike looks up at Buffy, glances at Xander. He becomes agitated- covers his face with his hand. He turns away- cowers. "Oh, uh, no! I--I should hide. Hide from you, hide my face. You know what I did." He stands back, face down- left hand at his face, moving restlessly.

Xander, hands in pockets, gets snarky. "Boy, he's extra useful today."

Buffy glares at Xander. "This isn't the time." She says through her teeth.

Spike smiles slightly- eyes inward. "Everyone's talking to me. No one's talking to each -other-." He says, looking away from Buffy- to his right.

Buffy sighs, looks at Xander. "We might as well go." Buffy and Xander start to walk out of the room

. Spike smiles, walks about in a semi-circle. "Some-one isn't -here-." He says slowly, smugly. He drawls the words. "Button, button, who's got the button?" He walks around in a circle, sauntering. He stops. "My money's on the -witch-." Buffy and Xander stop- turn to look at Spike.

"Red's a -bad- girl!" Spike says, looking over to the right. He tilts his head at the word girl.

"He's talking about Willow." Buffy says.

Xander sneers. "And that means something, because he's chock full of sanity."

Buffy glares at him again. "Maybe he saw her."

Spike stands, considering. Hand at his chin. "They think you did it... The Slayer and her boy. They think you took the skin."

Buffy and Xander walk forward to Spike. Buffy looks into the shadows. "Is there something here? Something that killed?"

"Her boy?" Xander says, indignant. "I'm. Her. Boy?" Spike walks towards them now.

"I have to go." Spike says quietly serious- and directed at Xander. "There are things here without permission. I have to check their slips... Make sure they have… authorization." Spike nods briefly. Walks away.

Sunnydale- Anya's House

Willow stands at Anya's door. "I need help."

"I don't have any money." Anya says shortly.

Willow shakes her head and walks in. "I don't want money."

"Come in." Anya says brightly sarcastic. "Enjoy my personal space." She shuts the door.

"I found a dead body near the high school." Willow says. Anya nods. "Yes, that can happen."

"Something -horrible- killed a boy!" Willow says, exasperated. "Took his skin right off." Both at once: "Was it you?!" Both at once: "No!" They look at each other suspiciously.

"Well, with the skin thing, they're definitely going to think it was you." Anya reasons, disgust on her face. "Buffy is, anyway."

"Yeah. I mean, maybe she already does." Willow says- a touch of a whimper. "I don't know. I just-- I have to find whatever did this. I just-" She sighs. "I need to do something right."

"Oh, and so they'll think it wasn't you, right? I mean, that has to be part of it. Maybe you're even thinking you kill this thing, they don't even have to know about it. Won't suspect you even for a minute." Anya nods, smiling.

"No, I don't-" Willow stops. Shakes her head, irritated.

"When did you get all insightful?"

"I'm surprisingly sensitive." Anya nods again.

"So will you help me?" Willow asks- plaintive. This is her last resort. Anya takes a moment. Sighs and shrugs. "Is it difficult or time-consuming?"

Sunnydale- Anya's House

Willow has laid out magic items on the floor. Candles and a large piece of paper are on the floor. Anya and Willow sit opposite each other on either side of the paper.

"This isn't gonna get all sexy, is it?" Anya asks.

"I'd be shocked." Willow says blandly. (ROTFLMAO… literally. Spent about ten minutes trying to explain the 'metaphor' to my Mom. Brutal.)

"Okay, do you have your powder?" Willow asks.

"Oh, I ate that." Anya says lightly. Then at Willow's -very- peeved look- "I have it."

"Okay," Willow explains. "we scatter it over the map, and everywhere there's a demon, a little light appears."

"Oh! Pretty." Anya says brightly. Then more serious- "Will it hurt the carpet?" Willow replies in the negative. The two sit in meditative positions- hands resting on their knees.

"Okay, scatter." Willow says. They pour the powder over the map. Suddenly, the map glows with specks of light- little dots on various points in Sunnyvale. There's a really bright spot near the centre of the map that takes up about an inch square.

"Oh! Hey, look!" Anya says excitedly. She points to a light on the map. "That's me!" She waves to the spark. "Hello!" Willow smiles. Anya points to the large spot of light.

"What's that huge clump?"

"It's the high school." Willow says lightly. Still smiling at her magical feat. "It's all Hellmouthy underneath."

"Things have been stirring there lately." Anya nods- then looking at the bright clump, "Is it getting brighter?" The map begins to smolder- catches fire.

"Smoke." Willow says- they both stand up. Willow stops out the fire with her shoe. She smiles ruefully at Anya and reaches down to pick up the map. Ashes fall from the map onto the burnt hole in the carpet.

"Aah!" Anya yell, pointing to the floor. "Okay. Remember our talk about the -carpet-?!"

Willow tries to ignore Anya- focuses on the map. "Hey, this-- this could be it. It's strong. I-it's near the body, and it's all by itself. Hiding in the woods, or--or maybe a cave?"

"There are a couple good caves around there." Anya stalks over to get a cloth to clean up the mess. "I don't know. Sounds pretty thin to me." She kneels- tries to fix the burnt mess of floor.

"Well, that's why you teleport over there real quick like a bunn…" Willow stops, looks down at Anya. "Real quick, and, uh, see if I'm right."

Anya looks embarrassed. Hides it by continuing to fuss with the carpet. "No. Sorry. You damaged my carpet." She glares up at Willow.

"Anya, you're a vengeance demon. Just..." Willow makes a shooshing motion. "Teleport!"

Anya looks up. "Well, as it turns out, teleporting isn't a right. It's a privilege." Anya says brusquely- and softens as she explains. "I withdrew a vengeance spell last week, and this is my punishment. I can only teleport for official business… I have to file a flight plan and everything."

"Oh." Willow says- sincere. "I'm sorry. That--that must be hard."

"Yeah, it bites a pretty big one. And the vengeance itself," Anya shakes her head and looks to the floor. "it's... It's not as fulfilling as I remember."

"Really?" Willow says, honestly surprised. "Because I got the impression that you enjoyed, you know, -inflicting-."

"Well, causing pain sounds really cool, I know, but..." Anya shakes her head- gets pensive. "It turns out it's really upsetting. Didn't used to be." She pauses. "But now it is."

"Is it like you're scared of losing that feeling again, and having it be okay to hurt people, and then you're not in charge of the power anymore, because it's in charge of you?" Willow asks- it all comes out quickly, but thoughtfully.

Anya picks up some of the candles. "Wow. That was..." She pauses. "-Really- over-dramatically stated, but, yeah, that's it."

"I get it." Willow nods. "Believe me."

"I'm sorry, Willow. I -wish- it were better for you." Anya looks at Willow plainly. Understands.

Willow smiles briefly, then serious. "You, too."

Anya looks around at the candles, and then at Willow. "It did get a little sexy, didn't it?"

Willow quirks her eyebrow- flirty… Realises what she is doing. Stops dead. Now serious and 'oh-I-am-so-not-flirting-with-Anya' "I have to find this monster." She says, rushes away to the door.

"Willow?" Anya stands, still holding the candles. "Um, isn't there another spell? I mean, you're trying to find Buffy and Xander. Couldn't we use a spell to do that?"

"I did." Willow says, gathering her coat. She stops, faces Anya. "I tried, and something went gaflooey and it didn't work."

"What did it say? Anya asks, shrugs.

"It said they don't exist." Willow replies. She turns and exits. Anya shrugs and blows out the candle.

Sunnydale- Summers' House- Dining Room

Dawn sits at the computer in the dining room. She's got the "Demons, Demons, Demons" web page from A:tS on the screen, and is eagerly pulling up information form the site. Books and papers are scattered across the table. Buffy and Xander are also researching- but with -far- less enthusiasm.

"Okay. I looked up demons that skin their victims and demons that flay their victims." Dawn explains. "'Cause, you know, same thing. There's a ton of prospects. Anything else gone? Eyeballs, toenails, or viscera? That's guts."

"She knows about viscera." Buffy nods mildly, looking down at her book. "Makes you proud." Xander looks a little ill. "Just skin." He winces.

"Okay, I'll work on that." Dawn eagerly gets back to the webpage.

Buffy stands up, walks away from the table, and sighs. Xander follows her. "What's up?" Buffy is agitated she makes tight little gestures. "I need to do something. I just... I have this feeling in my gut..."

"In your viscera." Xander offers, smiling slightly.

Buffy doesn't lighten up at all. She continues. "That we know exactly who did this. And -all- of this work that we're doing is just a way for us to convince ourselves that Willow's okay."

"Oh." Dawn interrupts- she has been oblivious to their conversation. "Guys, I got a good one." She pats the computer excitedly. Buffy sighs. The two walk over to the computer. Dawn shows off her discovery. "Uh, demon called Gnarl, he's a parasite with these nasty long fingernails. He secretes something through them and uses that to paralyse his victims. He then cuts strips of their skin while they're still alive… It takes hours."

Xander stands. Disturbed, he fusses at his clothes. "We didn't find any strips of skin. Which, by the way, guhh!" He shudders with revulsion.

"You wouldn't." Dawn says brightly- then seeing Xander's face, controls herself. "He eats them. That's why he's a parasite. It's like his natural food. "

"Dawn, you're new at this, and I get why you're proud, but I'm not exactly sure why this demon is any more likely than any of the others." Buffy says- dubious.

Dawn smiles- a bit smug. "You never said pool of blood."

"There was no pool," Buffy confirms, still unsure. "just splatters."

"Then this is your guy." Dawn taps the computer- beaming.

"He laps up the blood. You could say it's like his natural beverage."

Xander leans over - points at Dawn. "You're terrifying." He swallows.

Dawn looks back to the computer screen. "Now if we just knew how to find this thing."

"Well, we could ask some questions over at Willy's place." Xander suggests.

Buffy stands. She's ready to try this lead out. "Or we could be smart." She stops- realises what she said. Pauses- eyes wide. "Sorry, Xander."

Xander didn't even notice. "What?"

"Oh," Buffy recovers, continues. "whoever did this had to get blood on them, which means they left a trail."

"Right. Minute traces of blood." Dawn says matter-of-factly.

"And we have a way to track it." Buffy says.

Dawn looks confused "We have a..." Dawn begins- then gets it. Looks nods dubiously. "Oh. I get it."

Xander was lost a -long- time ago. "What? How... What's going on?"

Sunnydale- The Woods

Spike walks purposely through the woods. He's talking to himself.

"William's a good boy." He mutters. "Carries the water, carries the sin. It's supposed to get easier, isn't it? It's supposed to help to help, but it doesn't. It's still so heavy."

Dawn, Xander, and Buffy follow a couple of feet behind him. Xander looks ahead at Spike. "We should've put a leash on him."

"Yes," Buffy says glibly. "let's tie ourselves to the crazy vampire."

"Do you really think it's gonna work?" Xander asks.

"Pretty easy." Buffy replies. "Spike follows the exciting smell of blood. We follow the fairly -ripe- smell of Spike."

"It's smellementary." Dawn pipes up from behind them. Buffy and Xander both turn to give her a 'look'. She tries to regain her maturity. "Also, um, I'm sure there's tons of stuff like this, you know, procedures we can use that don't involve magic spells, just good solid detective work. And we could develop a database of tooth impressions and demon skin samples. And I could wear high heels more often." Dawn grins widely at Buffy- who isn't moved.

"Wow, that was so close to being empowered." Buffy says smoothly.

"Everybody loves a slender ankle." Dawn quips back. They continue to walk in the wood- Xander bumps suddenly into the back of Spike.

Spike looks into the distance- says seriously. "That's it, end of the line. Everyone off." He turns, touches Xander's shoulder. Whispers- very serious, almost snarling: "Keep your ticket. You'll need that." Xander backs away- spooked. Spike turns back to look at their destination.

Buffy looks ahead where Spike is looking. "It's a rock cliff."

"Well, give him a break, Buffy." Xander says snarkily. "Maybe it's a vicious skin-eating rock cliff."

Spike turns, brow furrowed- glares at Xander balefully. "There's a cave in it. Look." Spike moves some bushes away- showing the entrance to the cave. Spike looks at Dawn and Buffy- indicates Xander. "I'm insane. What's his excuse?" He walks away.

Xander sticks his hands in his pockets- shamed.

Sunnydale- The Woods- A Cave

Willow crawls into the narrow cave opening. Inside it's wide and cavernous. Fires are lit in various spots along the floor and in sconces in the walls. Willow looks as something runs from one corridor to the next. She couldn't get a good look at it.

"-All- alone." A voice says, sing-song. Willow looks around- frightened. Xander, Dawn and Buffy stand outside the cave. Buffy enters, followed by Xander carrying a crossbow, and Dawn carrying a sword.

"Dark and dank." Says Xander. "I was hoping it would be dark and dank." Buffy stops him. "Shh... Do you hear that?"

"No, I don't." Xander mutters. Stops. "But now I do."

"Something's moving in here." Dawn says- looking into the shadows- sword ready.

"Guess we're in the right place." Buffy says softly. Willow looks around the cavern- eyes wide. The creature continues to taunt her. "Look at the shorn lamb. See how it trembles. Is it the cold wind? Ah, or is it that the flock is nowhere to be seen? Poor little lamb, all alone." It's voice echoes in the cave.

Buffy, Xander, and Dawn hear the same thing as Willow. Suddenly, the creature- a green skeletal 'man' with pointed ears, long nose, and very long claws (as seen in the credits) attacks Dawn- slashing her across the stomach. Buffy runs to Dawn- hold her up. "Are you okay?" The demon has gone again.

"I guess so." Dawn says- shocked. She looks down. A red slash across her stomach. She starts to fall. "Uhh...poison paralyses…." She moans. Buffy and Xander catch her as she falls.

"Okay, we need to get her out of here." Buffy grabs Dawn- pulls her to the cave entrance. "We'll deal with him later. We'll seal him in." Willow stands looking around the cave- she hears scuffling sounds.

"What's going on?" Willow runs to the entrance. Rocks and debris are filling the hole. "Who's there? No! Stop!" She calls out.' The demon laughs.


Sunnydale- The Woods- A Cave

"No way out now. No way out." The demon taunts Willow. She stands, unsure- but draws herself up. "Protect me, goddess. In thy name, I supplicate myself. Take the powers from my enemy and lay him lower than the lowest field-" Willow stops- something's wrong.

"Gnarl loves spells." The demon sing-songs. "He keeps them as pets. They love him, and they leave him alone." Willow moves to the cave entrance- tries to loosen the stones. It's useless. She turns to face the dark- teeth clenched. "You may be immune to magic, but I got more than that. You want to fight?"

"Your friends left you here." The demon says softly. Then sings: "No one comes to save you." Willow's face falls as Gnarl continues. "They wanted me to -have- you." Willow shudders.

Sunnydale- The Woods

Dawn is stiff as a board. Xander and Buffy try to support her as they walk through the woods.

"The computer." Buffy says quickly. "That thing Dawn was reading might have an antidote for the paralysis."

"Buffy?" Dawn mutter- she's unable to move her mouth.

"What?" Buffy asks. Dawn continues- tries to talk without moving her mouth. "I'm really sorry."

"Oh, it's okay." Buffy says.

Xander puffs as he tries to carry Dawn's right side. "You couldn't help it. It had paralysing fingernails."

Buffy nods. "Just like you said it would, so good on you." They continue to carry Dawn through the woods.

Sunnydale- The Woods- A Cave

The demon continues to talk as Willow tries to find a way to escape. "Did they leave you as a gift for me? Are you a tasty little gifty?"

"Stop it!" Willow snarls- she slides along the cave wall- trying to see into the darkness.

"Or did they just throw you away?"

"Were they here?" Willow asks, plaintively. "Were my friends really here? I heard something." The demon bursts from the shadows and slices Willow's abdomen. She looks down, then collapses to the floor. Gnarl stalks over to her, singing. "They were here. Here they were. And there they went. Gone all gone, what a pretty song." He stops singing. "They -sealed- you in with me." Gnarl grabs Willow's leg and pulls her across the cave- so that she lies prone on the cave floor. "I love a gifty." He straddles her- moving his claws in anticipation. "Can't wait to unwrap it." The creature leans forward and strokes her belly where the shirt has been cut away, then dips his head and licks at the wound. Willow cringes in terror.

Sunnydale- Summers' House- Living Room

Buffy, Xander, and Dawn arrive at the house. Dawn is unmoving- but still speaking. A lot.

"Okay, watch-- watch the head." Buffy says as they carry Dawn in. They put her on the couch- face down. And have to adjust her. Dawn protests. A lot.

"Oh, she's right. Face up is better." Xander comments.

"Okay. I'm gonna check the computer." Buffy walks ot the dining room. "Find that page, see if there's an antidote."

"It'll be all right. We'll get you fixed up. You'll be doing limbo in no time." Xander tries to comfort Dawn.

"As a pole." Dawn mutters. (Eerily. Her face does. not. move.)

"No. Not as a pole. I promise." Xander says. Buffy, meanwhile has found the web page. "Oh. Got it. It says the paralysis.. is… permanent." Buffy says slowly. Then, as Dawn's eyes widen- continues reading. "No. Oh, wait. My bad. Um, permanent until the creature dies. Sorry." Buffy smiles. Dawn moans. Buffy sighs. "Ahh, guys, we have to go back."

"We can't just leave her here like this." Xander gestures to Dawn. "What if she vomits?"

"I won't vomit." Dawn groans- lips still unmoving. Buffy looks alarmed. "Do you think she'll vomit?"

"Stop. Talking. About. Vomit." Dawn insists.

"I'll call Anya. She can watch her." Buffy goes to pick up the phone.

"Right." Xander snarls. "She'll love being called for vomit watch." Dawn, still immobile: "Stop. Talking. About. Vomit."

Sunnydale- The Woods- A Cave

Gnarl straddles Willow. He's carving into Willow's stomach- shallow cuts.

"Gnarl makes a -pretty- picture. It's easy when you know -how-. It's easy when -everyone- helps." He says softly. "They helped me." He runs his tongue along a bloody claw. "Too bad there's no one to help you." The demon -peels- a long piece of skin from Willow's stomach and holds it high- like a bird gulping down a herring- He drops it into his mouth. Savouring it slowly. Willow cannot move. She's helpless and terrified.

Sunnydale- Summers' House- Living Room

Anya stands over Dawn- arms folded. "I bet she's dying."

"She's not dying." Buffy insists. She adjusts a leg knife sheath. "She's just paralysed."

"Oh." Anya says- intrigued. "Paralysed how?"

"Paralysed how?" Xander says- irritated. "In the not moving way."

"Well, there's lots of different ways." Anya rolls her eyes.

"Did you try this?" She moves ot the end of the couch and picks up Dawn's legs. Dawn protests. Her legs stay up where Anya put them. Xander points. "Oh! You're posable."

"She's posable?" Buffy walks over to the couch- intrigued.

"It's a common variety." Anya says matter-of-factly.

"Watch this." Anya picks Dawn up and adjusts her into a sitting position. "Hah. Neat as you please. Hardly need to undo her." Buffy watches- casually munching on something from a can. Dawn continues to mumble a protest.

"Where'd you get the nuts?" Buffy asks Anya- indicating the can.

"Brazil." Anya takes the can. "No need to thank me, by the way, for sitting with her." Buffy walks toward the door with Xander- ready to ignore Anya. They ready weapons "I'm feeling very benevolent today. Helping Willow, helping you. Might even call it even for that whole worm thing last week."

"Yeah, I don't think we could call-" Buffy stops. "wait. You saw Willow?"

"Mm-hmm." Anya continues- eats a few nuts. "Oh, she's looking for you, by the way. Decided you might be out in some cave. Sounded pretty tenuous." Dawn's eyes widen. She moans.

"Anya, listen." Buffy insists. "This is really important. Did Willow go to that cave?"

"Mm-hmm. Last time I saw her, that's where she was headed." Anya confirms, nodding. She turns to Dawn. "Shall I make her salute? That'd be very cute." Dawn looks around helplessly.

"Xander, she could be there right now." Buffy says. "Willow could be trapped with the Gnarl."

Anya sits- starts to adjust Dawn's hand. "Uh, it's not the Gnarl. It's just Gnarl." Still blasé, Anya continues. "Whoa. Wouldn't it be tragic if you were here being kind of silly with your comically paralysed sister while Willow was dying?" Buffy walks over to Anya. Anya continues to pose Dawn.

"Anya, you know about this creature?"

"Uh-huh. Sure." Anya mutters.

"You're coming with us." Buffy hands Anya an axe. Anya sighs, takes the axe.

Buffy pats Dawn on the head. Dawn grunts- she's posed. Sitting with her hand pointing in the air. Buffy comes back- puts the can of nuts in Dawn's hand. Dawn groans.

Sunnydale- The Woods- A Cave

Willow lies on the cave floor. In emotional and physical agony. "Wouldn't leave. They'll return." She groans. Cries.

The Gnarl is still crouched above her. "They don't want you. Lock you in, nice white skin and if they do return, where would they find you? Inside me you'll already be." He peels another strip of flesh from her stomach. "Oh...lovely..." Willow whimpers as Gnarl licks her stomach.

Sunnydale- The Woods

Xander, Buffy and Anya run through the woods. Anya's not doing so well. She's too used to teleporting around. They clear away the rocks and enter the cave.

Buffy and Xander look around. They can't see Willow. Anya can't understand. "She's right here. Can't you see her? She's hurt."

"There's nothing here." Xander insists. Anya looks down. She can see Willow. The cave appears to be empty. Xander touches the cave floor. "Your hand, it's going right through her." Anya tells him. Xander flinches- pulls away. "What's going on?" Buffy looks around the cave. "I don't know, but I'm starting to get why we haven't seen her."

"Because we haven't -seen- her." Xander says, looking around wildly.

"I have this feeling that whatever's causing this invisible thing is a whole -separate- issue from the skin-eating monster." Buffy says, desperation filling her voice.

"Behind you!" Anya shouts. The demon rushes Buffy- slices her shirt, but fails to get skin. "Close one." Buffy breathes. The demon and Buffy fight.

"Remember what I said!" Anya yells to Buffy. " Get him in the eyes." Xander backs up to stand beside Anya. Anya looks down- kneels next to Willow. "Willow. I'm here." She looks at the cuts on Willow's stomach. "Wow, you're really hurt."

"What's going on?" Willow asks- voice quavering. She can see Anya.

"Buffy is fighting the demon over there. See?" Anya points over at Gnarl. "But if they get too close, I'm gonna have to run."

"I don't see." Willow strains her eyes to look. She can see Gnarl jumping around- apparently fighting. But she's distressed not to see Buffy.

"But they're here." Anya assures Willow firmly. "Buffy and Xander."

"Someone came." Willow gasps- her voice high pitched, desperate. "They didn't leave me."

"No. They didn't leave you. They can't see you." Anya nods- worried, trying to console Willow.

"Unh. They're here. They're here." If Willow cries, "I'm not alone."

"Good." Anya tries to sound optimistic. Nods vigorously- but her eyes are unsure. "You're doing really good."

Buffy continues to fight Gnarl. She gets him in the foot with her knife- slowing him down. And then, as Anya directed- goes after the eyes. Gouges them. The demon drops to the floor. Buffy shakes her hands. "Ew."

Xander looks on- quite disgusted. "Ew. Thumbs? I can't believe you did that." He gestures to her.

Buffy continues to shake her hands free of gore.

Anya looks up- then down at Willow. "Ah. Buffy killed the demon." She says enthusiastically. "It was gross." Willow gasps. Starts to move. "I can... I can move." Moans in pain.

Sunnydale- Summers' House- Living Room.

Dawn collapses from the Couch. Yelps.

Sunnydale- The Woods- A Cave

Xander and Buffy look around the cave. They still cannot see Willow.

"Is she alive?" Xander asks.

"She's right here." Anya tells them. She's looking down at Willow "Okay, stand back. You're getting your feet in her." Xander and Buffy flinch and step back.

"Willow?" Buffy squeaks. Anya staggers up. "She's hurt really bad, you guys. I'm gonna go get help." She leaves the cave. Xander and Buffy stand for a moment- not sure what to do.

"I think she's sort of..." Xander gestures to a space on the floor. "Here-ish."

"Willow?" Buffy calls. "We--we can't exactly see you. But we're really glad that you're back." Buffy smiles- relieved.

"I--I don't know how badly you're hurt, but--" The floor begins to glitter.

"What's happening?" Xander asks. Willow appears- solidifying before their eyes. She's lying at their feet. Very hurt. Eyes closed. Gasping- tears flow down her face. "I couldn't find you guys, and I looked everywhere. And the demon said that you left me-" She opens her eyes. "Oh! There you are." Willow gasps. "There you are!" She shakes her head- desperate. "Don't go away."

Xander leans down to her. "We're not going away." He says softly.

"Oh, god." Buffy leans down beside them both. "It's gonna be okay, Will. You're gonna be okay." She smiles.

Relieved and happy. Willow pants. "I know." She's overwhelmingly happy. "You're here."

Sunnydale- Summers' House- Buffy's Old Room (now Willow's?)

It's daytime. Sun streams into the room. Willow sits on the bed in a meditation pose. Buffy walks through the hallway- stops and watches- then turns to go.

Willow opens her eyes. "Buffy."

Buffy turns back. Stands at the door. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt." She says quietly. Willow sighs deeply. "That's all I had left in me anyway."

"I didn't realize meditating was such hard work." Buffy says.

Willow nods- says solemnly, "I'm healing. Growing new skin."

Buffy walks into the room. "Wow." She gets flustered- talks fast. "That's magic, right? I mean, when most people meditate, they don't get extra skin, right? 'Cause Clem should, like, cut back." She smiles, sits on the edge of the bed beside Willow. Buffy is a little unsure, but open- listening.

Willow smiles- still quiet, tired. "It's magic. I'm drawing power from the earth to heal myself."

Buffy's eyes get wide. "We're on the second floor."

Willow makes a small laugh. "You know, Giles says -everything's- a part of the earth. This bed, the air, us."

"Explains why my fingernails get dirty even when I don't do anything." Buffy quips with a grin.

Willow nods- eyes wide. "Plus you stuck your thumbs in a demon."

"True." Buffy watches as Willow leans back slowly- still in pain. Exhausted (looking very much like she did in Becoming II in the hospital). "You're wiped out. I should go." Buffy motions with her hand- but doesn't move to get up. Really does want to stay.

"No." Willow says quickly- sincerely wanting Buffy's company. "Please stay. I missed you so much when I couldn't find you." She breathes deep.

"We missed you, too… I missed you." She nods- changes tack.

"Dawn's working on what caused the mutual no-see-ums, but so far we haven't-"

Willow interrupts her. "I did it." She says quickly- looking uncomfortable.

"You did a spell?" Buffy asks slowly.

"I didn't mean to." Willow explains. "I just remember thinking I wasn't ready to see you guys yet, and I was afraid we wouldn't, you know, connect."

Buffy shrugs- discomfited. "So you made it happen just by thinking it?"

Willow raises her eyebrows- speaks in a self-deprecating manner.. "Guess I have a ways to go before I master my powers, huh?"

"It's okay." Buffy smiles and nods. Okay with this- right now. "As long as you're all right."

"It's nice to be forgiven." Willow mumbles, smiling half-heartedly still. "Too bad I need so much of it."

Buffy looks down, abashed. "I have a confession to make. I thought it might be you... With the flaying."

"I know." Willow nods, understanding.

"I wanna be the kind of person that wouldn't think that." Buffy insists, shaking herself a bit- tense with emotion.

"Xander never thought it."

"He did, a little." Willow says- smiles. "Heck, -I- did a little. Xander has the luxury of not saying it. But you're the Slayer. You have to say stuff like that. It's okay." Willow furrows her brow- looks worried. "It's okay, too, if you still don't think I can recover from this magic stuff. Because, honestly, I'm not that sure about it either." Willow shakes her head, looks down. Then pushes herself back up into a sitting position- sets herself up to meditate again. Takes a deep breath.

"I thought you were too tired." Buffy says, worried. Willow's voice breaks a little. "It hurts too much not to try."

"I'm sorry."

"Well, it just takes so much strength. I don't have that much." Willow smiles weakly.

Buffy moves to sit on the bed opposite Willow. "Well, I got so much strength, I'm giving it away." She takes Willow's hands in hers.

"Are you sure?" Willow asks softly.

"Will it help?" Buffy counters.

"Much." Willow breathes.






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