Things pick up where they left off at the end of "Calvary". Angelus finds Lilah's body in the hallway, looks down at her and sighs, annoyed someone ruined his fun. ![]() Wes and Gunn, having realized Angelus doubled back to the hotel, arrive and search the hallways. Wes calls out for Lilah. They turn the corner and find Angelus holding Lilah's body, feeding on her. ![]() Angelus looks up and chuckles, telling them it isn't what it looks like. Gunn tosses the ax he's carrying toward Angelus, missing him. The ax embeds in the wall. Angelus tells them Lilah is a bit "tart" for his taste anyway. He figures Wes can understand that. He wipes the blood from his mouth and leaps out the window, escaping. Gunn rushes to the window and looks out, then turns back toward Wes who is sadly gazing upon Lilah's lifeless body. ![]() In the lobby, Connor pulls the crossbow bolt out of Cordy's leg as Fred and Lorne tend the wound. Gunn comes downstairs and asks if Cordelia is okay. Connor notes there was quite a bit of blood loss. Cordelia asks where Angelus is. ![]() Gunn answers he got away then tells the others Angelus killed Lilah. Connor heads upstairs. Cordelia mutters to herself, "It's started" as a wry smirk creeps across her lips. ![]() In the hallway, Lorne, Fred, and Cordy look on as Gunn and Wes wrap Lilah's body in plastic sheeting. Connor turns away from the window where Angelus made his escape and asks why they aren't going after him. Wes quietly tells him they don't need to, he'll return at some point. Fred wonders how Wes can be sure of that. Cordy answers, saying they're the ones Angelus wants to hurt because they're the ones closest to Angel. Connor is anxious to hunt him down and dust him before he gets the chance to come after them again. ![]() ![]() Wes notes it was reckless planning like that which gave Angelus the chance to double back to the hotel and kill Lilah. He quietly stares down at her body, now completely wrapped in the plastic sheeting. Cordy groans and stiffly sits down. Wes tells the others they have to stay close to each other from now on. ![]() Fred wonders what good that will do, noting if Angelus is going to come back for them they have to do something other than just sit and wait for his return. She suggests boarding up the windows, try to make the hotel safe somehow. ![]() Gunn doesn't reckon it would make any difference, knowing if Angelus wants in, he'll get in. ![]() Lorne offers they could use the sanctuary spell he used to protect his club, Caritas, conceding it won't keep Angelus out but it should stop any violence. Gunn asks if that process isn't a bit involved. Lorne agrees it is, but suggests he can put a call in to the Furies ("That Old Gang of Mine"), see if they can "tech support me through a quickie version." ![]() Connor doesn't like the idea, pointing out they rely too much on magicks. Wes notes they make use of whatever they can. Connor reminds him it never seems to work and it was the use of magicks that got them into this mess in the first place. Fred asks Cordy why the soul restoration spell didn't work. She wonders if they did something wrong. Cordy shrugs, saying she doesn't know. ![]() Gunn asks Lorne how he could have read Angelus so wrong, thinking Angel's soul had been restored. Lorne fumbles for an explanation, not knowing what to say. Cordy interrupts, telling Gunn not to blame Lorne for it, she's the one who let Angelus out, it's her fault. Fred doesn't think it's anybody's fault. Gunn blames The Powers for doing nothing but sending cryptic messages that are useless. Connor says they have to "destroy her", pointing out Lilah could have been turned. Wesley's expression indicates he hadn't considered that possibility. Gunn doesn't think there was enough time for that. ![]() Connor figures he couldn't know that. Gunn assures him he does but before he can explain how, Wes interrupts, agreeing with Connor that they can't take the risk. He gets up, pulls Gunn's ax out of the wall and volunteers to do what needs to be done. ![]() Angelus enters a sleazy demon bar. He whispers something to one of the vamp patrons who points him toward someone. A dog-like demon notes Angelus' arrival ("Dark Angel" viewers will recognize the character/actor and the make-up, it's "Joshua") and asks the vamp next to him if that isn't -- The vamp anticipates the question and answers it is. ![]() The vamps and demons in the bar all notice Angelus' arrival. The place falls silent. Angelus tells them the rumors are true, he's back. The patrons applaud. Angelus tells them he's no different than anyone else, "I put my victims' skin on one leg at a time." ![]() As he strides into the room, a young blonde woman in vamp face approaches him, asking if he remembers her. Angelus tries to move on, brushing her aside. She doesn't give up so easily, reminding him they'd met outside of Tuscany around 1845. She tells him her name is "Rosaria". He tries to walk away but she persists. She tells him she came to L.A. with a few of her friends after hearing about the permanent darkness. She offers she and her friends are going to "raid a preschool later", she wonders if Angelus would like to accompany them. ![]() As Rosaria is talking, one of the bar's patrons hands Angelus a pool cue behind his back, out of the woman's view. Angelus takes the cue, snaps it in half, then dusts Rosaria with it. ![]() Angelus walks up to a demon at the bar and tells him one of the vamps told him he might have some information for him. He says he's looking for the Beast. The demon is impressed that Angelus is talking to him. He tells him it's an honor. He wonders if Angelus would sign "a little something for my hell spawn" as he hands him a pen, telling him to "Make it out to Ashley --" ![]() Angelus takes the pen and stabs the demon through the hand with it. He grabs him by the throat and suggests they do that another time. Right now, he's looking for the Beast. ![]() The demon says he doesn't know anything about it. One of the vamps speaks up, saying he's seen the Beast a few times hanging around "the buildings by the wash." Angelus directs him to take him there. ![]() ![]() In the basement of the hotel, Lilah's body lies on a table. Wes pulls the plastic away from her face. He picks up the ax and stares at her a moment. He brushes his fingertips across her forehead. Her eyes open. Lilah asks why Wes is so gloomy, she figures this is what he wanted, her out of the way. She reckons it makes his life easier. Wes assures her this isn't what he wanted. ![]() ![]() Lilah sits up and pushes the plastic sheeting away. She gets up and tells Wes he hated himself for being with her, or maybe for enjoying being with her. She says whichever it is, they both knew it was likely to end messy for one of them. She reaches out and touches him. He turns to face her. She caresses his face and tells him not to worry about it, he's free now, no longer having to bear the shame of their relationship. ![]() Wes looks away from her, back toward the corpse, telling her it wasn't a relationship. ![]() Lilah reminds him there's a signed dollar bill in his wallet that indicates otherwise ("Slouching Toward Bethlehem"). She figures Wes knew how she felt. Wes shoots back that she doesn't feel. Lilah says, "The only true thing I ever --" Wes turns abruptly away from her, telling her she never loved him. He looks at the table and sees Lilah's body, still wrapped in plastic, still dead. He says she couldn't love him. ![]() ![]() The vision of Lilah crosses behind him, no longer dressed in the clothes she died in but attired in her executive finest, her hair styled to perfection. She says, "We'll never know now, will we?" The view pulls out to a wider shot of the basement, Wes alone with Lilah's dead body. ![]() Two vamps from the bar lead Angelus to where one of them, Paco, has seen the Beast. Paco asks the other vamp if that's the right place. The vamp answers Paco is the one who saw it, not him. ![]() Angelus is getting impatient. He grabs Paco and suggests he work a bit harder on remembering. Something gets Angelus' attention as he looks around, then walks on by himself. The vamps stay behind. ![]() At the hotel, Lorne is on the lobby phone with the Furies as Fred and Gunn bring some ingredients in and lay them on the desk. ![]() Lorne goes through a checklist, sees what they have, what they don't, then asks what they can substitute. Once he determines they have what they need, he offers his thanks and hangs up the phone. Connor paces in the background. ![]() Cordy says it sounds like they have what they need for the "home security spell." Lorne happily confirms they do, saying that once they sprinkle some stuff around, light some candles, say a few phrases, they'll have the spell working. ![]() Connor tells Lorne to hurry up and get it done, noting the sooner they finish playing with the magicks, the sooner they can get to hunting and killing Angelus. Cordy's expression indicates her displeasure with that idea. ![]() Fred reminds Connor Wes said they shouldn't go after Angelus. Connor lets her know he doesn't care what Wes, or anybody else, has to say about it. He wonders what's keeping Wes, figuring it doesn't take this long to behead a corpse. ![]() Gunn agrees with Wesley's point they need to stick together until they figure out what to do. Connor reckons he already knows what to do, Angel is the one who told him to kill him if things went badly Lorne sarcastically notes Connor's willingness to listen to Angel now. Fred reminds Connor that Angel's soul still exists somewhere, they still have a chance to find it and restore it. ![]() Connor wonders how many people have to die before they give up on that plan. Cordelia asks him how many people will die without Angel there to save them. Connor figures it's too late for that, he's seen Angel's "true face and he's tasted blood". He doesn't think there's any going back now. He believes Angel has to be killed and he's the one to do it. He starts to leave the hotel. ![]() Cordelia gets up and calls after him, asking him not to do it, it's too dangerous. She faints, falling to the floor. ![]() Connor comes back in as Gunn and Fred assist Cordelia to the couch. Cordy asks what happened. Fred tells her she fainted. Cordy asks if she means, "like this?" as she passes out again. Gunn suggests they get her upstairs. Connor offers to do it as he helps her up to her room. ![]() As Gunn and Lorne look on, Gunn notes they won't be able to stop Connor. He knows he'll kill Angelus the first chance he gets. Lorne figures it's more likely he'll die trying but isn't sure what they can do about it, noting they don't exactly have any control over him. Gunn notes, other than Angel, who does? ![]() At the Northern California Women's Facility in Stockton CA, a guard announces a prisoner's number entering the yard as the Slayer, Faith, ("Five by Five", "Sanctuary", "Judgment") steps out into the sunshine. ![]() The inmates engage in various activities as the guards keep watch. Faith does some chin-ups on a bar. ![]() A woman, Deb, stalks toward Faith, concealing something inside the side of her open shirt. She comes up behind Faith, pulls out a dagger and slices toward Faith's back with it. ![]() Faith turns and kicks Deb to the ground, knocking the dagger out of her hand. The dagger has an ornate handle and a curved blade (the same type used by the "Bringers" in S7 of BtVS). Faith does a backward somersault off of the bar as the woman retrieves the dagger. Faith notes she has her attention, she asks what her problem is. Deb gets off the ground and faces off with Faith. ![]() ![]() As the other inmates gather around them cheering, Deb slashes at Faith with the dagger, missing her. They fight briefly. Deb says it's not personal, she needed the money. Faith disarms the woman, puts her on the ground, grabs a barbell and smashes her in the face with it. ![]() A guard arrives and directs a bloodied Deb be taken to the infirmary. Faith raises her hands in the air, telling the guard she was just defending herself. He tells her he knows, he saw it. He says the fight took them by surprise, they couldn't believe anybody would be stupid enough to make an attempt on Faith's life. He looks down at the dagger Deb had used, which he's retrieved from the ground. Faith casts a glance toward it as well. ![]() In the basement of the hotel, Wes sits with Lilah's body, still not having done what he set out to do. As he stares at her body, the vision of Lilah tells him she knows why it's taking him so long to chop her head off. She thinks he feels he couldn't save her and this is the proof of it. Wes quickly notes that he did save her from the Beast, though he concedes it didn't mean much in the end. ![]() Lilah says he knows that's not what she meant. She meant he couldn't save her from herself. He asks if that's what she really believes. ![]() Lilah chuckles and points out she's just a figment of his imagination, she's not even there, so it must be what he believes. She reckons no matter what had happened, there was always a part of Wes that thought he could help her find redemption. She notes that must be Angel's influence. She says it's too late for her and suggests Wes get it over with, "That body's not going to dismember itself, you know." Wes gets up from the chair and approaches Lilah's corpse. He apologizes. ![]() Lilah says they don't have that word in their vocabulary, "Not people like you and --" ![]() Wes lops the corpse's head off with the ax. The vision is quieted and disappears. An anguished and emotional Wes takes a deep breath and pulls himself together. ![]() ![]() Angelus enters a warehouse, searching for the Beast. He asks if this is how it treats "an old friend", by killing "the chick I was chasing, then lure me here with the scent of her blood." He glances at the bloody bone dagger laying on top of a crate. ![]() The Beast steps out into the open, noting the two of them were never friends. Angelus acknowledges that's true but figures describing the Beast as a "big, dumb hunk of rock" was pretty accurate anyway. Angelus says he's just kidding, wondering if after a couple of hundred years the Beast still wants to kick his ass. The Beast says it wants to crush Angelus' head but that's not why it brought him there, that wasn't its instruction. Angelus asks what that's about. The Beast replies its Master has requested Angelus' presence. ![]() Angelus notes the dagger, admiring the craftsmanship. He asks, "Did you make this in shop for daddy?" He reaches out for the dagger. The Beast warns him not to touch it. Angelus chuckles, offers an insincere apology and says he can see the Beast put a lot of itself into the weapon. Angelus notes what's been happening; the attack on Angel Investigations, the rain of fire, the sun being blocked out -- ![]() The Beast adds the loss of Angel's soul, telling him all of it was part of its Master's plan to bring out, and keep, Angelus. Angelus laughs, notes the comprehensive "big picture thinking" and asks when he gets to meet his liberator. The Beast answers he'll meet the Master when the time is right but for now he'll take orders through the Beast. ![]() Angelus doesn't agree with that notion, telling the Beast he's grateful for the assist in returning but he doesn't take orders from minions. The Beast isn't pleased with the show of disrespect. ![]() Angelus notes it may have been able to play the gang at Angel Investigations but he doesn't like being used and he likes being kept out of the loop even less. He reckons the Master should be smart enough to know he won't take orders from a "lackey". Angelus notes the Beast's growing annoyance with his insolence. He offers some other synonyms to describe it; "toadie", "lickspittle", "flunky". He settles on flunky. The Beast takes a slow, lumbering swing at him. Angelus dodges it easily, taunting its lack of effectiveness and speed. The Beast takes a few more swings, but never connects. ![]() Angelus, tiring of the game, leaps up into the rafters. He suggests the Beast have its Master give him a call when he's ready to show himself. He departs. ![]() Cordy walks up to the Beast, chiding it for its lack of skill in handling the situation. The Beast doesn't reckon Angelus can be trusted. Cordy slaps it, asking why it let Angelus bait it so easily. She reminds it she didn't go through all the planning and effort to bring Angelus back just so it could foul things up with petty jealousies. She says Angelus is crucial to her plan, the Beast knows this. It apologizes to its "Master." ![]() ![]() Cordy tells it to be patient, she's sure Angelus will come around to their side when he "sees what I have to offer." She adds if he doesn't, "You can pull off his head and tear him to bits." She moves closer to the Beast and purrs, "Now, give mama some sugar." As it leans down, she gently puts her hands on the sides of its neck and pulls it into a kiss that leads to more of the same. ![]() In the hotel lobby, Fred lights candles as Lorne recites the sanctuary spell. He finishes it, noting nothing obvious happened to signal it worked. Gunn wonders if it's done. Lorne says if they did it right, it should be working. Fred says nothing feels different. ![]() Connor grouses that's because it isn't. He figures it didn't work, like every magick they attempt. He's pretty much concluded "magic sucks." ![]() Lorne picks up a candlestick, approaches Connor from behind and attempts to swat him in the back of the head with it. He takes a swing but the sanctuary spell kicks in and knocks Lorne backward. Gunn smiles and catches him, keeping him from sprawling on the floor. ![]() Wes comes in and asks if the spell is working. Lorne, still suffering the effects of it, confirms it is. Wes reckons that will make things easier. Gunn asks what he's thinking. Wes asks where Cordy is. Fred answers she's in her room, she was still feeling a bit weak. Gunn asks again what Wesley's plan is. ![]() Wes puts on his coat and answers they're going to bring Angelus in alive. Gunn reminds him it was Wes who said that wasn't an option any longer. Wes notes he's changed his mind. He explains things; they get rid of Angelus and they still have a Beast to deal with they don't know how to kill, they also know it's working with something more powerful, and worse. He believes they need Angel to help deal with the situation. He says they're going to "save Angel and I know who we need to help us do it." ![]() At the prison, Faith walks out into the visitor's area and notes Wesley's unexpected presence on the other side of the security glass. She picks up a handset, telling him she was told her lawyer was there to see her. She wonders if he's playing that role now. ![]() Wes stiffly greets her and asks how she's doing. Faith answers she's still alive, noting she didn't think she'd live long enough to see the day he'd pay her a visit. ![]() Wes tells her a lot has been going on. Faith gives him the once over, observing that whatever is happening, it suits him, he's looking good. Wes asks if she knows what's been happening in LA. She acknowledges she does, she's kept up with the news. She figures Angel and the gang must be busy. Wes notes she doesn't know all of it Faith assumes he's there to fill her in. Wes tells her she's needed. Faith reminds him she's a bit tied up at the moment, suggesting he "check back in a few decades when my parole comes up." ![]() Wes starts to tell her about Angelus but Faith cuts him off, saying she knows an apocalypse is coming but she doesn't reckon they need her in the way, she's sure Angel will handle it just like he always does. ![]() Wes tells her "Angel is gone, Angelus is back." Faith processes that a moment then tells Wes to get away from the security glass separating them as she hangs up the handset. He complies. ![]() Faith dives through the glass, takes out the guards, grabs Wes and dives out the window. ![]() They fall several stories, landing on the roof of a car parked below, caving the roof and blowing out the windows. Faith asks Wes if he's okay. He grimaces, then smiles and answers, "Five by five." They run. ![]() On the drive to LA, Wes brings Faith up on events that have transpired with the gang since her imprisonment. She is puzzled by Angel having a teenage son that was born a year ago. ![]() Wes explains he grew up in a Hell dimension. Faith asks about Cordelia's spending the summer as -- Wes apparently repeats something he'd already told her, that Cordy spent the summer as a "divine being." Faith skeptically ponders that bit of news as she finishes changing clothes in the back seat, then climbs into the front. ![]() She wonders what they were thinking bringing Angelus back to fight the demon. Wes tells her the demon that turned out the sun is called "The Beast." Faith doesn't think it was the brightest idea they could have come up with. She looks around nervously. ![]() Wes tells her not to worry about the cops coming after her yet. He figures they have more pressing things to deal with at the moment considering the state of affairs in LA. Faith quietly tells Wes she won't kill Angelus, she doesn't care what Wes thought when he got her out of prison. She notes that Angel is the only person in her life who never gave up on her, she won't give up on him. ![]() Wes understands that and agrees with it, telling her "That's why it had to be you." Wes pulls the SUV to a stop, wondering if Faith is up to the task. He tells her it's a "vampire, demon free-for-all, all the time." He's concerned she may be a bit rusty. Faith concedes she might be. Wes suggests they find out. ![]() Faith starts to ask what he had planned but is interrupted by a vampire yanking her out of the vehicle through the open passenger window. Two more vamps attack. One attacks Wes as the other two take Faith on. Wes opens the door into the vamp attacking him, knocking him back. He gets out and tells the vamp, "She's the one you want." The vamp watches Faith fighting the other two, realizes she's a Slayer and runs off. Wes tosses Faith a stake over the hood of the SUV. ![]() She uses it to dust the two vamps. Wes figured she could use a bit of a "release." He asks if it felt natural. Faith tosses the stake back to him and answers, "Just like ridin' a biker." ![]() At the hotel, Connor works out with a sword on the balcony above the lobby. Gunn checks a crossbow he's holding. Lorne suggests they all take it easy, noting the sanctuary spell is working, he's got the headache to prove it. Gunn would prefer to be ready if Angelus shows up. ![]() Wesley enters the lobby with Faith, telling the others they're ready now. Fred comes out into the lobby from the back office. Faith looks around, appreciating the opulence of the surroundings. Connor stops working with the sword and checks out the new arrival. ![]() Wesley introduces Faith to the others. Fred starts to introduce herself, Faith lets her know she already knows who's who, Wes filled her in. ![]() Cordy starts to come downstairs and notes Faith's presence with surprise. She demands to know what Faith is doing there. Faith caustically responds it's nice to see her too. Wes says Faith is there to help. Cordy comes into the lobby and reminds him she was convicted of murder and sentenced to prison "for, like, a gazillion years." Faith notes she got 25 years to life for murder in the second degree, just to clarify. ![]() Cordy isn't happy about Wesley's decision to bring "psycho Slayer out of retirement to kill Angelus." ![]() Faith says Cordy has every right to her opinion of her, and no reason to trust her, but she's short on time and would prefer to do this later, after things are dealt with. Faith reckons it's time to get down to business. She says she's heard Gunn is a good fighter. He tells her, "I hold my own." Faith gives him a look over and says, "That's a shame", then tells Gunn he's with her, and Wes he's with "the kid." Connor doesn't like the reference, saying he has a name. ![]() Faith calls him by name then tells Gunn he can arm himself as he chooses but she wants him to carry the tranquilizer gun as well. If she can't take Angelus, she wants Gunn to dart him. She makes it clear to the others the job is a salvage mission "not search and destroy." ![]() Connor doesn't like Faith coming in taking over, telling them what to do, and tells her so. He doesn't figure she's a part of this and assures her if he gets the chance to kill Angelus, he'll take it. ![]() Faith tells him she'll call him if she needs a "bloodhound" and if Angelus needs "putting down", she'll do it herself. She wonders if there's anything else Connor has a problem with. Connor doesn't answer but his expression seems to indicate he's a bit smitten with take charge Faith. That doesn't escape Cordy's notice as she stares at Connor and notes him smiling once Faith's back is turned. ![]() A young woman runs down the street trying to escape a couple of vampires chasing her. She runs into the arms of Angelus. He reassures her she'll be okay. The vamps see him and stop their pursuit. ![]() The woman says she doesn't know how to thank Angelus. He has an idea, he morphs into game face, grabs her and tells her to, "Scream for me." She screams, he leans over and starts to bite her but is distracted by the arrival of a third vamp who tells the others he just got word, the Slayer is in town. Angelus listens to that and smiles. The woman gets away. ![]() ![]() Angelus picks up a pay phone and makes a call to Sunnydale. He cheerfully greets Dawn who apparently recognizes his voice. He confirms, "Yeah, it's me" then asks if her sister is there. In response to the answer, he says, "She is" then hangs up, sighs and notes, "It's the other one." ![]() Wes, Gunn, Connor and Faith track Angelus to the warehouse area. Connor says he was told about "vampire Slayers" and asks why Slayers are always girls. Faith doesn't know, offering maybe they're just better at the job. Connor tells her she hasn't seen what he can do. Faith says she'd rather not. They stop at a fence outside of a building. Connor tells them Angelus was there, recently. He pulls the fencing away from the frame and goes through it. The others follow. ![]() As they enter a warehouse loading dock, Faith reminds the others to keep their eyes open and not to make a move until she says so. A vamp leaps out in front of Connor who quickly beheads it with his sword. ![]() Faith grabs him by the throat and shoves him against a dumpster, asking if he didn't hear what she'd just said. Connor says the vamp was attacking. Faith knows he thought it was Angelus. She releases him, noting he's no help if he can't do what he's told. She directs Gunn to take Connor back to the hotel. Connor isn't interested in going anywhere. Gunn points out that's easier said than done, Connor isn't generally one to do what he's told. Faith figures he'll do what she says. Connor starts to walk away, Faith grabs him. Connor tries to slap her hand off of him. They go at each other a bit as Wes and Gunn look on. ![]() ![]() Faith ends it by pulling a crossbow and aiming it at Connor's throat. She wonders if he's a murderer, reminding him that she is. She says if it came down to him or Angelus, Connor hasn't given her any reason to take his side. Connor picks up his sword and heads back. Gunn smiles, liking Faith's approach. He hands the tranquilizer gun off to Wes and follows after Connor. ![]() ![]() Wes and Faith continue the search. Wes wonders how she expects to find Angelus without Connor. Faith figures they'll find some clues, a "trail of bodies" maybe. She looks up and sees "Welcome Faith" roughly spray painted on the side of a large crate. She figures that's a good clue. Wes notes they don't have the element of surprise. He starts to detail a plan of attack, but Faith has already left. She yells back at him to take him low, she'll take him high, then disappears out of sight. ![]() Wes is attacked by the two vamps that had originally led Angelus to the building. Wes ejects the forearm mounted blade weapon he's armed with ("Spin the Bottle") and slashes at one of the vamps with it. He loses his balance, ending up with the blade on the floor. Before he can lift it, the other vamp stomps on it, breaking it. ![]() As Faith goes further into the warehouse, Angelus taunts her, not showing himself. She tells him to come out. He'd prefer she came to him. She continues on, following the sound of his voice. ![]() As she descends a stairwell, he tells her she's getting closer. She keeps searching. He finally shows himself, stepping out from behind a large crate. ![]() Angelus shouts he's brought a guest for dinner. The Beast steps out from behind a stack of crates on the opposite side of Faith. Angelus chuckles and says, "Let's eat." ![]() The Beast asks who she is. Angelus tells him she's the Slayer. The demon isn't happy Angelus brought a Slayer there. Angelus points out he was helping, considering Faith would prove an obstacle to the plans of the Beast and its "Master." He wonders what the Beast plans to do about that. ![]() Faith fires the crossbow at the Beast, the bolt bounces off of its tough skin and falls to the floor. Faith tries punching it. The Beast grabs her by the throat. Angelus stands behind her, telling her he thought she'd "enjoy a threesome." Faith says, "sure" as she gives Angelus an elbow smash to the face while still in the Beast's grip. ![]() Angelus laughs at her efforts as she works herself free and attacks the Beast by punching and kicking it. The demon is unfazed by the blows. It punches Faith, sending her flying backward through the air, crashing into a crate, smashing it. ![]() Angelus notes that's going to hurt in the morning. The Beast grabs Faith and jerks her to her feet. The fight continues. Faith pushes off on the Beast's leg, does a backflip and comes down on her feet then kicks it, staggering it a bit. Angelus appreciates the show. The Beast grabs Faith and throws her into a stack of containers. Wesley is still being kept busy by the two vampires, fighting hand to hand. One of the vamps picks up a length of chain to fight with. Wes manages to get the chain away from him and uses it for his own defense. ![]() ![]() The Beast pummels Faith, punching her repeatedly, stomping her as she lays on the floor. Angelus encourages her to make more of an effort. The Beast pulls her to her feet, she spits on it. It picks her up and slams her to the floor on her stomach, then kicks her in the stomach as she tries to get up, sending her flying into a pile of large, round containers. Angelus thinks it's time to break things up. ![]() Faith struggles to get to her feet, but can't pull herself up. As she crawls across the floor, the Beast stalks toward her. ![]() It's not impressed, noting it had heard Slayers were strong but it didn't find her much of a challenge. It says its Master possesses power beyond anything Faith could imagine. It dismisses her, saying she's weak, she's nothing. ![]() Angelus comes up behind the Beast and notes that seems to be the truth. He points out the only thing that could probably penetrate its thick hide is perhaps a piece of itself. He rams the bone dagger into the Beast's back. ![]() The Beast tries to pull the dagger out but can't reach it. It explodes in a bright flash of yellow-orange light. Angelus is pleased with himself, he guessed right. ![]() The light from the Beast heads skyward and connects with the darkness covering the sun, dissolving it. The sun reappears, toasting the vamps Wes has been fighting. Wes figures Faith bested the Beast as he heads in to look for her. ![]() What's left of the Beast's body crumbles, leaving nothing but a pile of rocks. Angelus notes with annoyance the sun shining outside of the window. He'd thought the 'killing the Beast brings the sun back' thing was just Angel's "retarded fantasy." ![]() Faith notices a heavy length of chain above her, hanging on a pulley connected to the ceiling. She uses that to pull herself to her feet. Angelus moves toward her, intending to finish her off. Faith shoves the chain past Angelus, who isn't impressed with the effort, noting she missed. The chain breaks the window behind him, allowing the sun to stream into the warehouse. He jumps out of the way, into a shaded area, before he's toasted. ![]() ![]() Faith sinks back to the floor, protected by a wash of bright sunlight. Angelus laughs, congratulating her on the move. He reckons he'll have to take a raincheck "on the whole eviscerating you thing." He tells her it's just the two of them now, he'll see her again. He leaves. ![]() In the garden at the hotel, Fred and Lorne appreciate the return of the sun. Lorne reckons the Beast must be dead. Gunn and Connor arrive. ![]() Fred asks where the others are. Lorne wants the details of how they defeated the Beast. Gunn says it wasn't him and Connor. Connor reckons the Beast attacked Faith and she finished it. He smiles, thinking of that. He asks where Cordelia is. Fred answers she's in her room. Connor heads inside. Lorne asks Gunn about Angelus. Gunn figures if Faith was able to defeat the Beast, she shouldn't have much trouble with Angelus. ![]() ![]() In her room, Cordy looks out the window, clearly not happy to see the return of sunshine. She softens her expression when she hears footsteps approaching. Connor enters, excited about the sun's return. Cordy pretends to be happy about it. Connor closes the door, gushing about Faith and her abilities Cordelia isn't liking that much. Connor excitedly says he had no idea what a Slayer was capable of. Cordy notes dryly, "A weakness for Slayers. You're definitely his son." She walks over to him and leads him to sit on the bed beside her. She hesitates, then says they have to discuss something. Connor asks her what she's trying to say. She smiles and tells him "We're having a baby." ![]() ![]() Connor is stunned, not sure what to think or say. Cordy raises her shirt and displays her swollen belly. She tells him to "touch it". He makes no move to do it. She takes his hand, lays it across her stomach and holds it there. Connor doesn't understand how this could be. Cordelia tells him she only knows there's a life growing inside of her and it's theirs. She touches his face, telling him they're connected now. She leans in, kisses him and tells him, "You and me. Forever." ![]() She kisses him again. They continue kissing as they sink down onto the bed.
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