Angel and Faith are in the elevator in Angel's place, headed down to his apartment. He leads her to the bedroom, she sits on the bed. Angel suggests she get some rest. Faith lies down and Angel covers her with a blanket. He assures her he'll be close by then turns to leave. Faith calls to him. He turns to her. Flash to images of Faith stabbing Angel repeatedly. Faith tells him it's nothing. He leaves. In the office, Cordy is doing some paperwork, filing. She's sporting a nasty bruise where Faith had hit her ("Five by Five"). Wes comes in and approaches her. He looks at her eye, black and blue from the elbow smash Faith delivered to her face. He apologizes to her for not being able to stop Faith from hurting her. Cordy doesn't blame Wes, but she does blame Faith. She notes that Wesley isn't looking so good himself. Wes assumes Faith is still in the building. Cordelia confirms that she spent the night in Angel's apartment. Angel enters the office. He and Wesley acknowledge each other. Angel notes he didn't expect to see Wes back to work so soon and asks if he's okay. Wes answers that he's doing all right. Angel asks Cordelia if there are any doughnuts around. She points to a pink box set beside the coffee maker. Angel peruses the selection in the box. Wesley asks if Angel has developed a "sweet fang." He wonders if Faith won't find it a little hard to eat doughnuts since he assumes she is tied up and gagged. Angel reminds him they discussed this issue the previous night, he sees no need to do so again. Wes agrees that Angel's point about the police not being able to keep Faith in custody if she didn't want to be there was a valid one but he doesn't understand why Angel is catering to Faith now considering what she did to Wesley the night before. Angel says he doesn't really have any food in his apartment and asks Wes if he wants him to starve her. Wesley wouldn't go that far, but he does consider her a "rabid animal" who should be dealt with accordingly. Angel tells him Faith is a person, not an animal, and their business is helping people not giving up on them. Wes snaps at Angel, saying he does believe in helping people but he doesn't believe in pampering killers. Angel points out that Wes was the one who took the position not long ago that if there was a way to reach her, they needed to find it ("Five by Five"). Wes reminds him that was before she tortured him nearly to death. He is certain that no matter what Faith claims to want, if she is allowed to go free, she will murder again. Angel doesn't respond. Wes retrieves his jacket and leaves the office. Angel tells Cordy he believes Wesley will come to understand. Cordy snidely remarks that she thinks he will too, it's just that people get a little tense right after they've been tortured nearly to death. She figures Angel would know about that. Angel asks if Cordelia understands why Faith needs their help. She says she does as she has him signing a stack of checks. After he finishes signing, he realizes that all the checks are made out to Cordelia, for a "paid vacation." As she collects her things and puts on a pair of sunglasses, she tells him she's taking time off. There's no way she's going to stick around while an unstable Faith is there, especially considering the weapons arsenal available to her in Angel's apartment. She stops when she reaches the office door, turns back to Angel, noting the box of doughnuts in his hand. She suggests perhaps sending Faith on a "sugar high" isn't the best idea. She leaves. The police are combing over the apartment where Faith, Wesley and Angel were the previous night ("Five by Five"). One of the detectives, Kendrick, asks Kate Lockley what she's doing there. She holds up an evidence bag and tells him she's investigating, she's heard they have a fugitive on the loose. Kendrick hands her a copy of the arrest warrant from Sunnydale for Faith. Kate wonders if he thinks Faith was the one responsible for the shambles the apartment is in. Kendrick says the guy who lives in the apartment positively identified Faith as the woman who beat him then stole his keys and wallet. They're dusting for fingerprints now, he expects they will find a match with Faith's. Kate asks if that's all they've got. Kendrick is wondering why Lockley is inspecting a crime scene she has not been assigned to investigate. He wonders if she's heard the rumors. She indicates she hasn't and doesn't know what he's talking about. Kendrick says Faith allegedly has superpowers of some sort. Kate doesn't seem fazed by that. Kendrick tells her it's been noticed in the department that whenever a weird case comes in, Kate always shows up. Angel enters his apartment. He sees his bed has been made. He calls to Faith, but gets no answer. He look around the apartment, then sees her standing, leaning against the kitchen wall, holding a butcher knife at her side. Angel approaches her cautiously, slowly. He assures her that he will help her but she needs to give him the knife. He extends his hand to take it. Faith looks down at her hand, almost as if she didn't expect to see the knife in it. She raises her hand, pauses a moment, then hands it over, turning it so it's pointed with the handle toward Angel.. He suggests she should be resting. She says she was in a coma for eight months, she's done resting. She suggests maybe he should get some rest. Lilah Morgan enters Lindsey's office at Wolfram & Hart. She pours herself a drink and tells him that Faith has been found, she's staying at Angel's place. Lindsey isn't happy to hear that the assassin they hired to kill Angel has ended up being his roommate instead. He asks Lilah if anyone else at the firm knows yet that the plan failed. She tells him so far they're the only ones who know. Lindsey is concerned what will happen if the Senior Partners find out. He wants to find a solution to the problem before that becomes an issue. They both look toward the couch in the office where Lee Mercer is sitting. He's wearing a foam cervical brace, his broken jaw is wired shut, his face badly bruised from the beating he took from Faith. He's all for any plan that leaves Faith dead. At Angel's apartment, Faith is remembering killing Alan Finch in Sunnydale. She remembers staking him, the look on his face, the blood flowing from his wound, and her telling Buffy that killing a man didn't mean anything to her. Faith begins packing her duffel bag just before Angel comes in. He tells her she's in no frame of mind to go out into the world right now. He reckons she'll be running for what's left of what will probably be a short life if she goes now. Faith walks past him, telling him she doesn't care. Angel positions himself between her and the door and tells her that he cares. Faith is suspicious of his concern for her. She wonders if he's going to get out of her way or if she's going to have to make him move. Angel tells her she's not a prisoner and slides the door open. Faith steps out of the apartment and heads down the hallway. Angel follows her out, wondering where she thinks she's going to go. He reminds her that he told her once she didn't have to be consumed by darkness as Faith stops in her tracks. He says it was her choice to return to that, thinking she could flirt with it while not being devoured by it but she was wrong. He asks her how she likes it. Faith responds by turning around and punching him hard in the face. Angel doesn't respond. Faith looks away from him and asks him to help her. Wesley is in a bar, drinking and tossing darts. As he approaches the target to retrieve his darts, one flies by his head and hits the bullseye. Wes turns and sees who threw it, one of the Council lackeys, Weatherby. He is accompanied by the other members of the Council's team that had originally been sent to retrieve Faith from Sunnydale, Collins and Smith. Collins greets Wesley. Wes and the Council guys are sitting at a booth in the bar. Collins notes a "No Smoking" sign but lights one up anyway. He finds it surprising Wesley ended up in Los Angeles. Wes says he likes the weather and it seemed a good place to figure things out for himself after the Council asked him to leave their employ. Collins thinks it's more a matter of the Council not being willing to foot the bill for Wesley's return to England. Wes confirms they refused to offer any financial assistance. Smith notes that's the way the Council is, cheap. Collins counters that they may be thrifty, but they aren't idiots, they are willing to admit their mistakes. Wesley wonders what mistake Collins is referring to. Collins says the Council would like Wes to accompany the team back to England. They are willing to give him his old job back, as Watcher. The situation in Sunnydale was a messy one but the Council realizes Wes was not to blame for what happened. Wesley is incredulous. He felt they did blame him when they fired him. Collins reiterates his line that it was a mistake, one that can be rectified if Wesley will help them. Smith hands Wesley an envelope. Wes opens it and finds a photo of Faith. Collins says they know Wes is privy to her whereabouts and that he also has access. Wesley returns the photo to the envelope and lays it on the table, refusing to assist Collins and crew. Weatherby expresses his disgust that Wesley's loyalty lies with a vampire. Collins shoots Weatherby a stern look then tells Wes that isn't the reason they came. Faith is extremely dangerous, more so than an individual vampire, they need to stop her. He's certain Wesley understands what needs to be done and why. Wes agrees but wonders why they are seeking assistance from him when they already know where Faith is. Why not just do the job themselves? Each man in the Council's crew casts their glance away from Wesley who understands now. Faith got the better of them before. Collins says Faith is evil and has betrayed everything the Slayer and the Council stand for. They have to stop her. Faith is in Angel's kitchen, standing in front of the microwave oven, apparently deep in thought. Angel enters. She quietly asks him how it works. Angel thinks she means the redemption thing. He tells her there are no simple answers, it won't be easy and it's not likely people will really believe she's changed just because she says she wants to. He says no matter how long she works to atone, no matter how truly remorseful she feels for what's happened, she may never be able to make up for the damage she's done. Faith looks at him briefly, then clarifies what she meant by asking how the microwave works. Angel pauses a beat, then walks over to the microwave and shows her how to work it. He wonders if the popcorn she's making is going to be enough to sustain her. Faith says it's fine and tells him to relay to Cordy that she'll pay her back. Angel tells her he thinks the popcorn belonged to Wes. Faith reckons he should forget mentioning it then. Angel suggests maybe she shouldn't ignore it. Faith wants to know what he expects her to do, say she's sorry? Angel thinks that would be a good start if she can do it. He wonders if she really is sorry for what she did. Faith realizes that some things can't simply be forgiven. Angel acknowledges, in his experience, that's true. Faith notes he's been trying to atone for over a century, she doesn't think she'll make it through the next few minutes, it's too painful. Angel tells her it's supposed to be painful. She has to deal with all the pain she's inflicted on others before she can truly begin to heal herself. Faith notes the irony of a vampire helping a Slayer. Angel reminds her he was in a similar situation once, he understands. Faith is reminded of Buffy. She wonders if she'll ever be able to fix things between them. Angel wants her to focus on herself, not on Buffy. This is Faith's fight to win or lose, it's not about anyone else. Faith is still overwhelmed with the realization of the damage she did to Buffy, the one person in her life who tried to be a friend to her. She regrets that she only caused her pain, including sleeping with her boyfriend. Angel is a bit confused by that remark, reminding Faith they never slept together. She clarifies that she meant the current boyfriend. The look on Angel's face tells Faith that's the first he's heard that Buffy has moved on to someone new. She apologizes for breaking it that way. Angel downplays it, telling her she's just proven she can apologize and that's a start. He turns from her to leave, trying to cover, but he's clearly thrown by the revelation that Buffy has moved on. In a conference room at Wolfram & Hart, Lilah is pouring coffee. Lee and Lindsey are also present, seated at the conference table. Lindsey is thanking an as yet unseen individual for coming to the office on short notice. He offers a photo of Faith, saying she is the mark and they don't want anything drawn out, they just want her dead. Lee agrees wholeheartedly. Lilah brings the coffee to the table on a tray. She says that there won't be anything in writing on this deal, it's strictly verbal and a handshake. She removes a bowl of cream from the tray and sets it on the table. Lindsey is quick to add that of course having hands isn't a requirement for working with them. Lilah apologizes for her generalization, she didn't mean any offense to their visitor. The visitor slams its face down into the cream bowl and slurps it up as the others look on, trying their best to conceal their revulsion. It looks up at the lawyers, cream smeared all over its face. It resembles a big bug, with stringy black hair, four eyes, sharp teeth and grayish blue skin. Collins shoves a folded napkin across the table to Wesley who opens it, revealing a hypodermic needle. Collins tells him the needle contains a sedative that will bring down the Slayer. Wes asks how it works. Collins tells him to just press it against Faith's skin, it will bring her down in a matter of minutes. Wes wants to know if they intend to take Faith alive. Collins assures him that is the case, they want to take her back to England where she can be rehabilitated. Wes wonders if they truly believe she can be. Collins responds they do. All they need from Wes is for him to give them a signal as soon as he has Faith sedated with the hypodermic and they'll take care of the rest. Wes has one condition, no harm comes to Angel. Weatherby is once again disgusted by Wesley's loyalty to a vampire but Wes is adamant. He shoves the syringe toward Collins, telling him that without an agreement from them not to harm Angel, he won't assist them. Collins slides the syringe across the table back to Wesley telling him they have no problem with Angel. Weatherby offers that he has a problem with the fact that Angel is a vampire. Wes points out Angel has a soul, which makes him different. He says he's accomplished more in the good fight in the short time he's been working with Angel than he ever did during his tenure with the Council. Collins assures him they'll try. Wes lets him know that's not good enough. He wants a guarantee that no harm comes to Angel. Collins agrees, they shake hands on the deal. Faith is sitting in front of the television at Angel's, eating popcorn and channel surfing. Something moves in the apartment, unnoticed. Angel sticks his head out of the bathroom, apparently just having finished showering, and asks Faith if things are okay. She says things are the same as they were the last time he asked, about four minutes ago. Angel goes to his bedroom to get dressed while the intruder climbs across the ceiling, just above Faith. Faith continues her channel surfing and stops when she hears a police report. The voice of Kate Lockley is heard describing Faith, as a picture of her is shown on screen, and telling the audience she's a fugitive they are searching for. Faith reaches for a drink she has sitting nearby and knocks it over. Angel hears the glass break as he's finishing getting dressed. He calls to Faith who doesn't answer. Angel comes into the living room, not having had time to button his shirt, and asks Faith what's wrong. He sees her picture on the television screen and kneels beside her chair. He tries to reassure her that things will be okay, they expected this. On the television Lockley is still talking about Faith, asking for the help of viewers who may have seen her or may see her, warning people Faith is dangerous. Angel presses the 'off' button on the television remote and tries to reassure Faith that she is safe at his place. Suddenly, the intruder that's been hanging on the ceiling drops down on top of them both. It's the bug demon that had met with Lindsey and the others earlier in the W&H conference room. The demon throws Angel away from Faith, then throws Faith across the room. Angel rushes it and gets thrown back again, ending up near Faith. He pushes her out of the way of the oncoming bug demon, into the kitchen, then grabs a ceiling beam and swings his legs up to kick the demon. The demon grabs his legs and yanks him from his grasp on the overhead beam, slamming him down hard on his back onto the floor. Faith grabs a butcher knife from the kitchen and rushes back into the fray. Angel is thrown across the floor and ends up near the kitchen, slightly dazed. Faith rushes the demon from behind and plunges the butcher knife into it. After a few more stabs, the demon falls to the floor, dead. Angel slowly pulls himself up off of the floor as Faith stares at the knife in her hand, covered in the demon's blood. She's obviously very fragile. Angel tries to assure her it's okay as he leads her over to the day bed in the living room and gently guides her into sitting down. He embraces her in an attempt to calm and comfort her when he hears a noise, someone is coming down the stairs. He breaks the embrace and looks toward the steps to see Buffy standing there. Angel gets up from the day bed and buttons his shirt, surprised to see Buffy standing in his apartment. Buffy looks at Angel, then to Faith who's still sitting on the day bed as she stares in shock at her blood covered hands, then back to Angel again. Buffy wants to know what Angel was doing. Angel tells her they were attacked. It's not what she thinks. Buffy says she really hasn't had a chance to process what she's seeing yet, that Giles told her Faith had tried to kill Angel. Angel confirms that's true. Buffy, in full snark mode, wonders if Angel decided to punish Faith for trying to kill him by hugging her. Angel begins to see Buffy's true motivation in coming. He asks if her reason for showing up was to "punish" Faith. Buffy insists she came because she was concerned for Angel. Faith looks up and for the first time seems to register that Buffy is in the room. Buffy approaches her. Faith shrinks back from her. Buffy is sure Faith must have thought she would never find her. Angel sees where this is going as the tension in the room begins to rise. He tells Buffy they need to talk. Buffy isn't interested. Angel insists Faith is in need of help. Buffy isn't sympathetic. She wonders if Angel has the slightest idea of what Faith did to her in Sunnydale. He tells her he knows. She wonders if he gives a damn. Angel believes Faith really wants to change and she has a chance to do so. Buffy isn't interested in hearing that either. She wants Faith in jail and she wants it immediately. Faith slowly rises to her feet. Angel wonders if Buffy really believes that jail is the solution for Faith. Faith begins to speak to Buffy who snaps around to face her. Faith begins to apologize, but before she can say the words, Buffy warns her that if she does, she will beat Faith "to death." Faith quietly tells her to do it. Angel takes a protective stance between the two Slayers, telling Buffy nothing is going to happen. She wonders if he intends to prevent it because the only way he'll stop it is to stop her. Faith becomes more upset as she quietly asks them to stop arguing. Angel tells her to go upstairs. Faith hesitates. Buffy tells Angel she won't let her out of her sight. Angel tells Buffy to stop it. Buffy insists she is not going to let Faith go anywhere. Angel again tells Faith to leave, more forcefully this time. Faith complies. As she passes Buffy to go up the steps, Buffy makes a move to stop her, warning her not to go anywhere. Angel grabs Buffy's arm. In response, she turns and hits him hard in the face. She throws another blow but Angel blocks it and punches her in the face. Buffy is shocked by his response, as she stands with her hand held to her bleeding lip. Angel is even more shocked, and remorseful, that things got so out of hand. He steps back and apologizes, twice. Upstairs, Faith is in Angel's private office, staring toward the stairs leading down to the apartment. Wes enters and asks her if she's planning on leaving. Faith says she just wanted some time alone. Wes asks if Angel is in his apartment. Faith confirms that he is. At Wolfram & Hart, Lindsey paces as he and Lee await news. Lilah enters and tells them things didn't go as planned. The bug demon not only didn't kill Faith, it ended up getting killed itself. Lindsey thinks it's time for a new approach. He thinks they should try working inside the law. It will be to their advantage to move the battle to territory they are familiar with. He has a plan. Back at Angel's apartment, he is trying to convince Buffy that Faith isn't going to go anywhere. Buffy figures Faith doesn't really need to run since it appears Angel is more than willing to play the role of protector for her. She wonders what it is about Faith that attracts him. Angel is trying to be reasonable but Buffy isn't making it easy. He didn't want things to turn out this way. Buffy is still shocked that Angel hit her back and worse for her, the way she sees it, he did it for Faith. Angel tells her he doesn't want to be petty but reminds her that she hit him first and she's a little stronger physically than he is. He knows Buffy was close to forcing Faith to run. He knew if that happened, she'd be lost for sure. Buffy insists that Faith doesn't want redemption, she's just using Angel in some new game. Angel tells her Faith was looking for help. Buffy isn't buying it. Angel understands that Faith hurt her. Buffy shoots back he couldn't possibly understand. Angel is beginning to get irritated with the lack of progress in the conversation and tells Buffy that she can't understand what kind of demons Faith has to deal with. Buffy coldly agrees that Angel can understand Faith better than she can because unlike Faith and Angel, she never murdered anybody. Angel's expression says her intent to wound did just that but before he has a chance to respond, Wes comes down the stairs pushing Faith ahead of him. Angel wants to know what's happening. Wes tells him the Council lackeys will be showing up in about 20 minutes and when they arrive they will expect to find Angel absent and Faith drugged. He displays the syringe. Wes greets Buffy as an aside, suggesting this hasn't turned out to be the best time for a visit. Buffy concurs. Angel wants to know why Wes has led the Council team to his place. Wesley explains that he wasn't left with a choice, he couldn't evade them so he had to act like he was going to assist them. Angel wonders why he isn't. Buffy offers she's familiar with the Council's operations team, they're killers. Wesley says they have the building covered. Angel suggests they take the sewer tunnels as a means of escape. He calls to Faith who has disappeared. Angel thinks Faith would go to the roof. Buffy heads for the roof. Angel starts to follow but is stopped by Wes who reminds him that they need a plan. He thinks Buffy can protect Faith. Angel isn't sure Buffy wants to. Wes agrees the sewer tunnels are their best chance for escape. He tells Angel he's not doing this for Faith, it's just that he trusts Angel more than the Council lackeys. At the police station, Lindsey is speaking with Kate Lockley. She wonders why she should put any stock in anything he says. She indicates that she's familiar with the workings of W&H, what they do and who they do it for. Lindsey is undeterred. He thinks she'd be interested in the information he has because he believes they have something in common, an enemy. He lays a photo of Angel on the desk. Lockley pretends not to know what he means but she's no match for Lindsey who's done his research. He knows he pushed a button. He understands they can't discuss the matter in specific terms because these matters really are outside of the law. He reminds her that vampires killed her father but wouldn't have been brought to justice under the traditional system even if they hadn't been dusted. Lindsey says Kate was justified in doing whatever she had to do, in his opinion. Lockley wants to know exactly what it is Lindsey wants. He tells her that there are those that are beyond the scope of common law and the structures of justice. He indicates the photo of Angel and identifies him as one such being. He tells her Angel is harboring Faith. Buffy emerges onto the roof and sees Faith is already there. The sound of a helicopter can be heard in the distance. Buffy informs Faith that she's not going anywhere. Faith wonders if Buffy is willing to toss her off the roof again to stop her. Buffy doesn't see why not. Faith faces Buffy, telling her she knows there isn't anything she can do to make up to her for what she's done. Buffy figures Faith is planning to run, yet again leaving others to deal with the mess she leaves behind. Faith thinks that would probably be easiest for everybody. Buffy doesn't agree. She figures Faith will return to her old ways sooner than later. Faith says that won't happen. Buffy agrees it won't because she doesn't intend to let it happen. Buffy's anger rises as she tells Faith she did everything she could to help her, tried to be her friend and Faith threw her efforts back in her face by messing up her life, taking anything from Buffy she could, first Angel then Riley. Faith is getting a little tense now as well. She accuses Buffy of being a bit of a control freak, not understanding what it's like for those who feel they have no control at all. Buffy doesn't want to hear it and snaps at Faith to shut up. Faith just wants to know what Buffy wants from her, how she can fix things. A door leading to the roof opens and Collins comes onto the roof, an assault rifle at the ready and opens fire. Buffy slams Faith out of the way just as the bullets begin flying. Angel and Wesley, standing near the floor trapdoor leading to the sewer tunnels, hear the shots from the rooftop. Weatherby bursts into Angel's apartment, shooting. Angel and Wes both rush for cover from the volley of shots. Weatherby takes a new position and with a smile on his face, aims a crossbow at Angel. On the roof, Buffy tells Faith they can make it to the roof of the opposite building. Faith tells Buffy to go for it and they both run but before they get to the roof's edge, a helicopter flies up taking a position over them. They find themselves caught in the bright searchlights of the chopper. Smith is inside, holding a gun aimed at the Slayers. Faith and Buffy run and take cover behind the rise of a skylight. Collins reloads while they make a dash for another one. Buffy tells Faith she'll take Collins out. She figures she will also get the attention of the guy aiming the gun from the chopper. She directs Faith to stay put and takes a flying leap onto Collins. As Buffy and Collins battle back and forth, Smith tries to get a clean shot at Buffy. In Angel's apartment, Weatherby accuses Wes of betraying the Council and all it stands for by allying himself with a vampire. He wonders if the Watcher's oath he took meant anything to him at all. Wesley reminds him that the oath swears him to protect the innocent and that does mean something to him. He tells Angel to get to the roof to assist Buffy and Faith. Angel isn't quite sure what Wesley is suggesting. Wes tells him to make a run for the roof now as he darts from behind pillar, drawing Weatherby's attention away from Angel.. Angel bolts for the stairs. Weatherby drops the crossbow and fires his gun at Wes who takes cover behind another column. Wes removes the protective cap from the hypodermic needle and throws it, hitting Weatherby in the neck. He drops his gun. Wesley is pleased with his aim. Weatherby yanks the needle out of his neck and stands unsteadily. Wes walks up to him and punches him, knocking him out. Angel is rushing up the stairs to the rooftop where Buffy is still battling Collins. Angel catches a glimpse of the spotlight from the helicopter through the skylight above him. Buffy finally knocks Collins out and turns toward the helicopter just as Angel comes flying through the skylight, catching the bottom of the helicopter. He yanks Smith out of the open doorway and sends him flying to the rooftop below, leaving him unconscious at Buffy's feet. He pulls himself up onto the helicopter and, in game face, turns to the pilot and directs him to land. Buffy watches as the chopper heads downward for a landing, turns and calls to Faith. There is no answer. Faith has disappeared. A large number of police cars, sirens blaring, approach the site as the helicopter lands. Lockley approaches Angel and demands he tell her where Faith is. He says nothing. Kate tells the officers to arrest him. Angel is handcuffed and led to a waiting squad car. Buffy and Wes arrive at the police station in Angel's car. Buffy jumps out of the convertible almost before Wesley pulls to a complete stop and rushes inside. Kate is telling Angel she's got a cell with an eastern exposure all lined up for him. She's anxious to torch him at sunrise. Buffy runs up and accuses Lockley of planning a murder. Angel tells Buffy it's okay. Kate wants to know who Buffy is. Nobody tells her. Angel continues to reassure Buffy it will be all right. They all stop in their tracks on their way to Lockley's desk when they see Faith is already there, ready to make a confession. In a room at the police station, Angel and Buffy are alone. She thinks he should have told her what was happening. Angel didn't really think it had anything to do with her. Buffy is angry that he would think it wasn't something that she should know about. Angel says he needed more time with Faith. Buffy isn't interested in what Angel felt he needed or what Faith needed, she only wants to know if Angel understands how she felt seeing him with Faith, knowing that he went behind her back. Angel reminds her that this wasn't about her, it was about trying to help Faith find the way back. He explains that's his mission in LA and tells Buffy that she is not a party to it. He reminds her that it was her decision that they not see each other, even as friends. Buffy claims to have come because she thought Angel was in danger. He says he's always in danger, he believes she came for revenge on Faith. Buffy feels she's entitled to it. Angel says she isn't entitled to it in his city. Buffy turns her back to him briefly, collecting her thoughts for her next salvo, then turns back to face him. She slowly gets into his face and tells him that she has a new guy now and it's different than the relationship she had with Angel because she knows and trusts her new boyfriend. Angel has been swallowing hard, averting his eyes, trying not to lose control as Buffy grinds her new life into his face but he can't suppress his feelings any longer. He tells her it's nice that she's moved on to someone new, he's not allowed to do that if she'll recall. It cuts him to see her and he has nobody to share that with but himself, she doesn't know him anymore and she has no right to come to LA and throw her new life in his face or expect him to do things the way she wants. He finishes by telling her to "go home." Buffy looks at him briefly, then picks up her jacket as Angel walks over to a vending machine and rests against it, his back to Buffy. Buffy, needing to have the last word, points out that Faith has won again. Angel doesn't turn to look at her, just tells her to leave. She walks slowly down the steps and out of the building. Angel slams his hands against the vending machine in frustration. Wes approaches and wonders if Angel is okay. Angel regrets his outburst to Buffy, telling Wesley he's got a big mouth. Wes asks if Angel wants to go after her. Angel acknowledges he does. Wesley says for what it's worth, he thinks Angel did the right thing regarding Faith. Angel notes it was Faith who made the choice to take responsibility. Wes hopes Faith has the strength to find peace. Angel thinks she has a chance. Faith is sitting alone in a jail cell, her face bathed in the rays of the early morning sun. She has a slight smile as she closes her eyes and seems to have found some sense of peace.
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