Tuesday, July 26, 2005 |
This update has...ehem...CHARISMA!
*high fives himself* In The News - - CHARISMA CARPENTER told Kristin over at E!Online that she was up for a role on Nick Brendon's show, "Kitchen Confidential" playing Bradley Cooper's love interest, but Gail Berman "put the kabash" on that just before she left. In other words, we were very close to a CC/Nick reunion. Thanks Gail, you douche. - The next new SERENITY trailer will debut on SciFi during this Friday's episode of FIREFLY (appropriately). You can catch the episode and the trailer at 7PM EST. - Some killer cool little bits: JOSS and SERENITY are currently on AOL's "Hot List" at #6. IMDB is showing a small ad for this Friday's debuting trailer on their homepage. It's a Sereni-tastic week. - "The Poseidon Adventure" (co-starring ADAM BALDWIN) will air on NBC on November 20th. Yet another remake. Yay. You know, there are many of us screenwriters out there with orginal stories, you executive assholes. Oh yeah, I went there. More can be read in the NEWS BITES. Don't Forget - The SERENITY international trailer is HERE. It's 4.7 mbs, 1:50 seconds in length, and is in wmv format. An all-new COLOR ME IMPRESSED is up. Review of "Angel: The Curse #1". FU: Freddie Prinze, Jr. to appear Topless! DIVINE MUSINGS is back! You can read "Montage" HERE. I'm looking for questions for the next generation of ASK THE POOBAH columns. So send 'em in! - Matt [@ 11:16 a.m.] |
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