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- Freddie Prinze, Jr to appear topless!

In his new sitcom, My-show’s-so-lame-that-the-writer-forgot-the-name, Producers have announced that Mr. Prinze, or Junior as they call him on set, will appear in 22 episodes topless. Junior worries that the viewers will just tune in to get a glimpse of his steely bod, but research analyst, Marti Bryant disagrees. “They will tune in because of the episode, and not how much skin he is showing.” Ms. Bryant comments from her downtown office of Yazoo Oil, Inc. “A good bod will not keep viewers.” She pauses, “Unless it is Brad Pitt, then people will watch two hyenas having sex if he is giving commentary shirtless.”

“Mister Pitt would like to speak to you about an interview on this whole Prinze baring it all.” Brad’s assistant Lucy Percy stated as she gave the writer an address to a downtown restaurant. However once the writer got there, Luke Perry, aka Lucy Percy was waiting. “See, Brad and Prinze know each other, they’re like this…” He states as he crosses his fingers. “I’m like connected to Sarah in a way, cause I played Pike you know, and so I know the whole situation with Freddie and Sarah.”

“See she is totally freakin’ out about this, she doesn’t want anyone to see her man topless.” He added with a nod. “Doesn’t matter what he has done in the movies before, she says that now he is married to her, if anyone is showing their chest, it is her.” Raising an eyebrow. “Bet Brad doesn’t even know that one.”

“The idea that SMG would even pose topless is nutso, I mean totally, like for sure.” Jamie Jameson stated as she was folding t-shirts at the Gap. “Please, if SMG showed it in a film, than that would be like heinous. She so would be like skanky. She has to show some class and not do everything that trash like Tara Reid would do.”

“Hey, SMG showing a bit of skin is offensive, yes, now Freddie… that is a different story.” Luke Perry replied before realizing how bad his statement sounded. “Uhhh, uhh, Have I ever showed you pictures of my wife?” Raised an eyebrow. “My kids?” Guess that works for Tom Cruise, then again not.

- Aeryn