Divine Musings
- Montage
by Aeryn -7.18.05
[ aaeryn@blkswan.com ]
I’m back! I’m back… Hot damn! I’m back! I’m more excited than the dad in A Christmas Story when his major prize was coming. So did you miss me? Probably not, but hey, what do I care? I’m back baby! So let’s hit it… Just a few minor housekeeping things to take care of first; yes, this is still Divine Musings. It will flow, not flow, like the previous ones. I prefer it that way, so there ya go. Another thing, I will not limit my stuff to JossVerse, I will hit a few other things in my topics some are: Smallville (yea baby, how hot is Lex), Farscape (can I get a hell yea?) and any other show that I pick up and watch. Another thing, no spoilers from me or to me; I say this because I am on Smallville 4.3 and Serenity is coming out. Lastly, I am up for topic suggestions. Now let’s get to it shall we?
I need a hero… Ever since Matt and I talked about me doing the column again, that song has been stuck in my head along with an idea of an Eighties style montage of a few people. By the way, I mean the song by Bonnie Tyler. Let’s take a look at some:
Lex Luther (Smallville): Somebody save me… Yep that’s right. The hero of Smallville is not Clark Kent, though he does run a close second (we’ll discuss this later), it is Lex. Ok, he is a semi-bad guy, I get that, however in Lex’s eyes, he isn’t a bad guy, he is good and fits into my search for a hero. I think the lyric:” I can feel his approach like a fire in my blood.” Yea, that sums up why Lex is on here. Seriously all hotness aside, he just steals the show from Clark. I can see how Lex becomes who is supposed to be in the future. Damn that Jonathan Kent! Clark and Lex’s friendship has grown and changed over the years. Soon they will be archenemies, and at the moment, their best friend status is currently on a hiatus. Lex has had it rough. He goes bald from the metor shower, teased and tormented in prep school, drives his car off a bridge, his best friend is hiding things from him, his best friend’s dad rejects almost all good things he had done for them, and finally he marries not one, but two, women who want more than just him.
John Crichton (Farscape): John has it rough, but he keeps on going. He tries to not give up hope and just wants people to stop chasing him and his friends all over the universe. John is easily the most tortured hero I know, yes, even surpasses Wesley. He has been raped, chased, poked, prodded, things shoved in his nose, in his head and possibly in other orifices that we don’t know about. The guy just cannot catch a break. And damn, he looks good in those leather pants. Before John got shot through a wormhole, he was a smart guy that thought he was a geek, who felt that he couldn’t live up to his father. John however was underestimating himself. He changed and adapted very quickly, he evolved into a take charge, do the right thing, leader. He quickly earned a reputation through out the universe as someone you do not mess with, not because he is slightly insane, but because he is a bad ass. He travels aboard Moya with his friends, who are now, his family. His relationship with shipmate Aeryn, has been far from easy. It has bounced from fighting, love, grief, hope, regret, and tragedy. This is one of the best ships out there. Aeryn is his center, through him; she has learned how to love and how to be more than what you know.
Wesley Wyndham-Pryce (Angel): Yea, he would make this list. Why the hell not? He would do anything for the person he loves. He has to make the hard choices; he doesn’t have any super strength, besides some badass guns. He has to walk the hard line between black and white. When you take a stand, it isn’t easy. They may not be the right choice all the time, but you accept the consequences. He goes from comic sidekick to a take-charge leader. Wesley’s journey over the show, it absolutely amazing; there are times when it is a subtle change, then there are times that it hits you in the face. Wes is like the others, he has no luck; when he first has feelings for Fred, he is possessed and tries to kill her. When they finally see that they are meant to be, Illyria infects her and kills Fred. So then, Wesley is plagued with facing everyday there after.
Xander Harris (Buffy the Vampire Slayer): Yep, he is the hero of the show. He loves his friends, supports them and is there for them in the end. He could have easily gave up the good fight long ago, no duty bounded him to stay, he does it because of his friends and it is the right thing to do. He watched everyone get stronger, powerful, and think about how rough that had to be. Your friends changed and yet, you didn’t. The only way was maturity changes. Another vital job was to provide humor to relieve stress and break up the tension. His courage and compassion have helped to advert the end of the world when other people used fists and strength.
Malcolm Reynolds (Firefly): I almost went with Jayne on this one due to his ‘Jayne is the hero of the scene’ way he has about him. However, Mal is my kind of hero. He will take a cheap shot, he will run away when the time calls for it, and he looks hella good in tight pants. And who else do you know would shove a huge needle into their chest? Ouch! He also suffers from the plague of bad luck. He took on a box that had a naked girl in it, he is in love with a companion and he just does not want to open up that complication. Mal always wants things to be simple and easy but he is a complications magnet! Mal trying to get a simple thing done is almost as laughable as me winning a million dollars. It ain’t never gonna happen! The trailer shows Mal shooting the assassin guy first. That is such a typical “Mal” act. He has lost everything over the past six years, his beliefs, his cause and he really does not have anything left but freedom. Freedom comes in the form of Serenity, as Jack Sparrow’s freedom came in the form of the Black Pearl and a broken compass. He will just about take any job, the less questions, the better. Nothing in life is free and as long as he can keep flyin’ and he is free, nothing is better or more worth fightin’ for.
Damn, I love men with causes. They are incredibly sexy.
That was a short list based on the video in my head. Yes, I am slightly odd, but you guys missed me whether you admit it or not. I think I will have to make this into a video. Look for that to hit the shelves on a website near you real soon.
I am far from foolish, I know people will look at this title and go what the hell? Hero? How is Lex a hero? Wes a hero? Forget what you think a hero is…. For these are the men of my eighties montage.

fiat: But you have to admit - Lindsey was HOT! (21.07.2005, 14:39) Aeryn: Meh, I hate Lindsey. But good comparison. Thanks Semaht :) (20.07.2005, 11:21) ~/semaht\~: Welcome back, sweetie!
- Lex is hot. I have this fantasy where . . . (19.07.2005, 18:31) jones: mmmm...lex...hotter than your typical fire-hell. kinda reminds me of lindsey from angel- devil with a heart of gold. they both could have been heros in the end, if only they had gotten support from the people around them. but they end up corrupted by their ambition/pride/greed. (18.07.2005, 11:44)