Season 2
1. Judgement - Summary - Quotes Another day, another talisman. Oh, and Faith is in the big house. Wonder if she gets cable? |
2. Are You Now, Or Have You Ever Been - Summary - Quotes The Hyperion Hotel is haunted, as Angel remembers back when he used to part his hair with the gel, instead of sticking it straight up in the air. Memories rule. |
3. First Impressions - Summary - Quotes Cordy becomes Gunn's muscle. Scary, ain't it? And Darla is in Angel's dreams. Well, color me shocked. |
4. Untouched - Summary - Quotes The tribute to Carrie....or ripoff....same diff. |
5. Dear Boy - Summary - Quotes Darla's driving Angel bonkers. Short trip. |
6. Guide will be Guise - Summary - Quotes Wes pretends to be Angel for awhile. He needs your pity. |
7. Darla - Summary - Quotes Lindsey likes the crazy ones. |
8. Shroud of Rahmon - Summary - Quotes It's like Goodfellas, but not. |
9. The Trial - Summary - Quotes Darla's dying, and Angel wants to turn her. That Angel, always with the sucking blood thing. |
10. Reunion - Summary - Quotes Just a couple girls painting the town red. |
11. Redefinition - Summary - Quotes Angel Investigations...without that Angel guy. |
12. Blood Money - Summary - Quotes Charity, sucka! Charity! |
13. Happy Anniversary - Summary - Quotes Stopping time is good for many things. Tax extensions, slowing death process... ...ok, that's about it. |
14. The Thin Dead Line - Summary - Quotes It's that girl with the million names again. And what do ya know? She's in trouble. Wes takes a bullet for Gunn. What an idiot. |
15. Reprise - Summary - Quotes Wolfram & Hart's senior partners are pretty much like any other company. |
16. Epiphany - Summary - Quotes Angel wants to come back to the gang. Oh, so you think you can just come back that easy? I don't think so, buddy! Well, ok... |
17. Disharmony - Summary - Quotes Harmony, it's time to actualize your potential. Time to maximize your personal input and get the most out of your afterlife....or run away. |
18. Dead End - Summary - Quotes I want to hold your hand, but not that one. That one's evil. |
19. Belonging - Summary - Quotes Portals, and bikinis and demons...oh my! |
20. Over The Rainbow - Summary - Quotes Cows talk too much in Pylea. |
21. Through The Looking Glass - Summary - Quotes Angel's looking a little green lately. And let us all meet Groo...and his big....sword. |
22. There's No Place Like Plrtz Glrb - Summary - Quotes Saving Cordelia, fighting groo, losing's been an off and on week for Angel. |