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Episode 29: Darla

Starring: David Boreanaz as Angel, Charisma Carpenter as Cordelia Chase, Alexis Denisof as Wesley Wyndham-Pryce, and J. August Richards as Charles Gunn

Guest starring: Mark Metcalf as The Master, Christian Kane as Lindsey McDonald, Sam Anderson as Holland Manners, Julie Benz as Darla, Juliet Landau as Drusilla, and James Marsters as Spike

Original air date: November 14, 2000

Written & Directed by: Tim Minear

Angel is alone in his room at the Hyperion sketching a picture of Darla. Wesley stops by to check on Angel, make sure Angel is feeling ok. Angel tells Wes that everything is fine but Wes doesn’t believe him, mostly because there are about a hundred drawings of Darla that Angel has wadded up and discarded on the floor.

Across town Lindsey McDonald is entering Darla’s apartment. All of the mirrors and most of the glass in the room has been shattered. Lindsey finds Darla sitting in one of the chairs, her forearms and hands bleeding because she smashed the glass and the mirrors with her hands. Darla is starting to remember her past and having a soul is making her feel guilty. Lindsey also feels guilty because he thinks it was too soon to send Darla to Angel. Lindsey tends to Darla’s wounds and Darla asks Lindsey if there is someone special in his life. Lindsey admits that there isn’t anyone in his life and Darla agrees. Darla starts rambling about her long relationship with Angelus. Darla asks Lindsey if he knows what she and Angel have become. Lindsey thinks they are enemies but Darla tells Lindsey that she and Angel are soulmates. Then she starts to laugh. It looks like Darla is becoming unhinged.

1609, the Virginia Colonies. Darla is pale and lying in bed while a doctor bleeds her and two nuns look on. The sun is shining on Darla and she asks one of the nuns to close the shutters. Darla thinks it’s wrong that she should die when the sun is bright. A large, hooded priest is standing in the doorway and tells Darla that she will not live to see the sun again. Darla is not happy that a priest is here, but the priest tells Darla that she invited him the night before when she cried out in one of her dreams. Darla asks the priest if he knows that she is a whore and the priest admits that he knows. The priest suggests that Darla might have had a better life if she’d visited with a priest before today to which Darla responds that if the priest had visited Darla before today he might have had a more interesting life. The priest shoos everyone out of the room so that he can save Darla’s soul but Darla tells the priest that her soul is past saving. Once everyone has left the room the priest lowers his hood to expose his true face - the face of The Master. The Master promises Darla that she will be reborn and The Master will be Darla’s savior. The Master leans over and bites Darla’s neck.

Present day, L.A. Angel is conferring with Wesley, Cordelia, and Gunn. Angel wants to take the offensive and storm Wolfram & Hart to find Darla. Cordy thinks Angel’s plan is a bad one, in part because Darla was the woman who invaded Angel’s dreams for almost a month. Wes points out that the last time they encountered Darla she wanted to be found but now Darla is just another face among the millions of people who live in the LA area. Angel thinks that they should just be detectives and find Darla but both Cordy and Wes think it’s going to be a very difficult job. Suddenly Cordy has an idea - if Angel can really smell Darla they should just ride around in Angel’s convertible and Angel can take big whiffs and smell Darla out. Nobody thinks Cordelia’s plan is good. Gunn, however, has a much better suggestion. A big law firm like Wolfram & Hart has to have some sort of housing for out-of-town guests and are probably using the costs of the house or condo or whatever as a tax write-off. Cordy and Wes start sifting through Wolfram & Hart’s real estate holdings to find where Darla might be hiding. According to Angel they should focus on places with a view because Darla always liked a view.

1760, London. Angelus is meeting The Master for the first time. Darla is proud of her creation, after all Angelus barely left anyone alive in his home village and then Darla and Angelus swept through Wales and northern England leaving death and destruction in their wake. Angelus is not impressed with The Master or his position as the head of the Order of Aurelius, nor is Angelus impressed with the sewer the master and his order are currently living in. The Master tells Angelus that they wait below ground until the prophesied day when the Order will go above ground and kill everything. Angelus, acting quite cocky, wants to know why the hell The Master would want to do that, especially given how nice it is above ground. The Master can’t quite believe what he’s hearing and Darla tries to excuse Angelus’s rude behavior by saying that Angelus is new and that they had fed earlier. The Master again tries to explain to Angelus that members of the Order go above to feed and increase their numbers, but the order does not live among the “pestilence” that is humanity. Angelus tells The Master that, with his face, The Master really couldn’t live on the surface, the flops down in The Master’s throne. Angelus asks The Master if he will grow a bat-like nose like The Master’s and The Master has had enough. The Master tells Angelus that there are very few vampires who have lived as long as he has and Angelus is proof of that. The Master grabs Angelus’s shirt and throws Angelus across the room. Angelus laughs off his injuries and asks Darla if she would like to go to Naples with him. The Master has really lost his patience so he hits Angelus again. When Angel tells Darla that she should live above ground and not take orders from The Master, The Master hits Angelus again and demands that Angelus show the respect The Master is due. Angelus tells Darla that he can give Darla everything she wants, the things she craves, and that Darla should go with Angelus and leave The Master behind. Darla is finally convinced, she’s going to leave The Master and live with Angelus which doesn’t please The Master in the least. As Angelus and Darla leave, arm in arm, The Master tells them that they won’t last more than a century. Tops.

Present day L.A. Angel is reading the meaning of the name “Darla” to Wes. Because the name wasn’t common until more than 100 years after Darla was born Angel figures that The Master gave Darla her name and realizes that he never knew Darla’s real name. Wes tells Angel that they haven’t had any luck yet tracing down Wolfram & Hart real estate. Wes confesses his concerns about Angel’s obsession with Darla. Angel feels guilty because he killed Darla (see BtVS 1.7, “Angel”) and he feels he has to know why Wolfram & Hart brought Darla back, and as a human. Wes guesses that ‘human’ may be the only way Wolfram & Hart *could* bring Darla back and exert any control over her. Wes asks Angel if Angel has considered that Wolfram & Hart brought Darla back as a diversion, something to focus Angel’s energies and distract him from everything else. Angel realizes that if that is Wolfram & Hart’s plan, it’s working.

In the meantime Lindsey escorts Darla into his office when Holland Manners stops by. Holland asks to talk to Lindsey in the hall. Holland reminds Lindsey that Wolfram & Hart has to keep a good distance from Darla, especially now that she’s contacted Angel. Lindsey tries to explain that he’s concerned that Darla may endanger her self if she’s left alone. Holland realizes that Darla is “cracking up” ahead of schedule. Lindsey is surprised that Holland anticipated what might happen to Darla’s mind but Holland is only worried about accelerating the Senior Partner’s plans. Holland tells Lindsey that he’s done a good job so far, but that Lindsey really should remove anything sharp from his office for the time being. Lindsey looks terrified.

1880, London. Darla and Angelus are looking at Drusilla’s recent kill, a young sailor. Drusilla tells Darla and Angelus that when she bit into the sailor she could hear the ocean. Drusilla complains about being alone but Angelus tries to comfort her by telling Drusilla that she isn’t alone, she has Darla and Angelus. Drusilla disagrees because Angelus’s head is too ‘full of’ Darla. Angelus tells Drusilla that she should make herself a playmate and Drusilla thinks that’s a wonderful idea. Just then a sandy haired man wearing glasses bumps into Angelus and drops a handful of papers. The man tells Angelus to watch where he is going. As Angelus, Darla and Drusilla start to walk away Drusilla pauses and watches the man, then follows him.

Present day, L.A. Wes and Cordy are filling Angel in on Darla’s possible location in the hotel office. Even though the property is owned by Wolfram & Hart Angel doesn’t think that’s enough to go on so he tells Cordy to keep looking. Cordy tells Angel that her sister lives there. . . her sister Darla. . . with no last name. . . . a sister Cordy has been desperate to find, what with their parents in the coma. Angel finally catches on that Cordelia talked to the property manager and spun a story to confirm that Darla was living there. Angel grabs the address and tells Wes and Cordy that they’re leaving. Wes thinks that a better plan would be for Gunn and Wes to do some reconnaissance, report back to Angel and then the four of them can decide the best way to proceed. Cordy agrees and she’s able to convince Angel that it’s a good plan when she points out that it’s one in the afternoon and the sun is out.

Back at Wolfram & Hart Darla is looking out of Lindsey’s windows when Lindsey comes in with some sandwiches. Darla’s remembering again. She knows that the first time she was human her name wasn’t Darla, but she can’t remember what her name was. Darla also remembers that Angel killed her and that the Wolfram & Hart lawyers brought her back. Darla asks Lindsey who they brought back - the girl whose name Darla can’t remember or someone, something, else. Lindsey tells Darla they just brought back her. Darla asks Lindsey why he hasn’t kissed her. Darla knows that Lindsey does want to kiss her. Lindsey tells Darla that he wasn’t sure if Darla wanted Lindsey to kiss her. Lindsey crosses the room and kisses Darla. Darla tells Lindsey that she remembers that sex is how humans get what they want. Lindsey asks Darla if she liked the kiss and Darla tells Lindsey it’s nice. . . but it’s not Darla that Lindsey wants to screw, it’s Angel. Lindsey admits that the firm has been using Darla to get to Angel. Lindsey kisses Darla again, deeply, then clears the top of his desk and puts Darla there. When Darla asks again what she is Lindsey tells Darla that he doesn’t know and he doesn’t much care. The sexual tension between Lindsey and Darla is broken when Darla bites Lindsey’s neck, hard enough to leave blood. Darla tells Lindsey that biting was how vampires get their way and asks Lindsey, again, what she is - human or vampire, Darla or the other girl. Darla turns away from Lindsey and Lindsey tries to empathize with Darla but she doesn’t believe him. Darla is wigging out because she can feel her body decaying, dying, moment by moment because her soul is a cancer.

1898, Romania. Darla is talking with a gypsy man, complaining because the gypsies gave Angelus a soul. The gypsy man claims that the soul was retribution for killing the man’s daughter. Darla demands that the gypsy remove Angelus’s soul so she can have Angelus back. Drusilla interrupts Darla’s threats toward the gypsy so Darla tells Drusilla to go kill things. Darla tells the gypsy man that, if he removes Angelus’s soul, the man’s wife and daughters will live. Otherwise they are dead. Unfortunately for Drusilla Spike leaves the man’s wagon, his face covered in blood, and belches. Spike has just eliminated Darla’s leverage for making the gypsy remove Angelus’s soul. Darla is despondent and snaps the gypsy’s neck. Darla tells Drusilla and Spike to show the remaining gypsies no mercy.

Present day, L.A. Wes and Gunn have returned with a videotape of Darla’s thrashed apartment. Cordy thinks that Wes and Gunn tossed the place but Wes assures her that there was no forced entry and that Darla may have done the damage herself. Angel thinks that Darla smashed the mirrors because Darla’s soul is starting to make her feel guilty, but Wes isn’t convinced. Angel tries to convince Wes that they need to find Darla because Darla needs help. Wes is concerned that the appearance of Darla’s apartment may be a ruse to draw Angel out, make him vulnerable. Cordy interrupts. Darla’s on the phone and wants to talk to Angel. Darla is clearly losing her grip on sanity. Darla rambles on a bit about where she was and whether or not there is a hell. Darla has finally come to the realization that the one person who can help her through the weight of her soul is Angel. Angel promises to help Darla as much as he can but, before Angel can find out where Darla is, Lindsey comes back into his office and finds Darla on the phone. At the Hyperion Angel can hear Lindsey tell Darla to hang up the phone but Darla doesn’t. A security guard enters trying to help but Lindsey tells the guard to leave. Darla tells Lindsey that she has to go to Angel because Angel is the only one who can help her. Lindsey tries to convince Darla that he can help her but, before Lindsey can make any progress, the security guard interrupts and suggests that they all go down to Holland’s office. Lindsey’s lost his patience and yells at the security guard to leave. When Lindsey’s head is turned Darla clobbers him with the telephone and rushes the security guard. At the Hyperion Angel can hear the scuffle followed by a gunshot.

Lindsey is reviewing a security video tape taken during the exchange in his office. The tape shows Darla fighting with the security guard, the security guard falling on the ground, and Lindsey helping Darla out of his office. It appears that Darla shot the guard in self-defense. Holland wants to know why Lindsey helped Darla to leave the building and Lindsey simply says things were confusing. Holland is a bit disappointed that when matters concern Darla Lindsey is being ruled by his emotions. Holland tells Lindsey that he is off the project. Lindsey tries to save face by telling Holland he knows where to find Darla, but Holland doesn’t really care because security picked up Darla less than two blocks from the Wolfram & Hart building. Lindsey is desperate to stay connected with the project but Holland tells Lindsey that the project is now terminated. Holland orders Lindsey to go home and get some rest. Lindsey is suspicious of Holland’s use of the word ‘terminated.’

At the Hyperion Angel is going out after Darla. Wes makes one last-ditch effort to convince Angel to wait but Angel is determined to help Darla. Angel doesn’t want Darla to have to go through the hell that Angel went through when Angel’s soul is returned. Wes reminds Angel that Angel was ensouled for 100 years before he sought redemption and Angel agrees. When his soul was returned Angel sought Darla.

1900, China, the Boxer Rebellion. While chaos and mayhem run rampant in the streets Darla is calmly packing her belongings to leave China. Suddenly a very dirty and grubby Angel grabs Darla from behind. Darla’s a little surprised that Angel was able to find her, but Angel tells Darla that Darla couldn’t resist a religious war plus she left a trail of bodies that Angel could use to track her. Darla quietly draws a large knife and presses it up against Angel’s neck. Darla accuses Angel of finding her so that Darla would kill Angel because Angel wasn’t brave enough to kill himself. Darla is disgusted by Angel’s soul and the fact that he’s been feeding on vermin. Angel tells Darla to behead him but Darla can’t. Angel asks Darla for a second chance to make things like they were before Angel got a soul. At first Darla doesn’t think that it would work because Angel has a soul, but Angel convinces Darla to give him that second chance.

Present day, L.A. Lindsey is in the Wolfram & Hart parking garage heading toward his car dialing a number on his cell phone. Angel leaps out of the shadows, wraps a cord around Lindsey’s neck, and demands that Lindsey tell Angel where Darla is. Lindsey can barely breathe let alone talk so Lindsey lets his cell phone do the talking for him. Cordy’s on the other end because Lindsey called the Hyperion. Lindsey tells Angel that Wolfram & Hart are going to kill Darla and that Darla needs Angel’s help. Lindsey begs Angel to help Darla. Lindsey gives Angel an address of where Wolfram & Hart does it’s ‘wet work’ and he’s pretty sure that’s where Darla can be found. Before Angel leaves he tells Lindsey that if Lindsey’s setting a trap Angel will be back for him.

1900, China, the Boxer Rebellion. Angel is on the streets looking for Darla. Angel’s search takes him into an alley where he finds a European family - a husband, wife, daughter and infant. A Boxer leaps out of the shadows to attack the Europeans but Angel stops them. Angel is afraid as he backs his way out of the alley and away from the humans. Darla finds Angel on the street and she is very happy to have her Angelus back. When Darla wants to know what was in the alley Angel lies and tells Darla that there are only bodies and suggests that they go find something warm. Darla and Angel find Drusilla and Spike, who has just killed his first slayer (see also BtVS 5.7, “Fool For Love”). Drusilla is thrilled about Spike’s accomplishment but Darla is concerned about Angel’s reaction to the news. Angel tells the others that they are leaving because the Rebellion is starting to bore him. As Angel, Darla, Spike and Drusilla walk off Darla keeps a very close eye on Angel.

Later Angel returns to Darla’s rooms and tells Darla that he’s been out feeding. Darla asks Angel if he’s been eating vermin but Darla doesn’t believe him. Darla has noticed that Angel has only been feeding on the scum of the earth, humans who deserved some sort of punishment. Darla is very angry that while Spike was killing a slayer her beloved Angelus was saving missionaries from her. Darla wants Angel to prove himself by killing the missionaries infant.

Present day, L.A. Three men in white jumpsuits throw Darla out of a white van onto a cement floor then draw guns. As Darla prepares herself to die Angel drives up and leaps over the hood of his car to save Darla. Angel disarms the men and knocks them unconscious. Unfortuantely, during the scuffle Darla was also knocked unconscious.

The next day at Wolfram & Hart Lindsey sees Holland Manners talking to the security guard that Darla supposedly killed. Holland notices that Lindsey has been watching him and follows Lindsey into his office. Lindsey is really pissed that Holland played both Darla and himself. Holland tells Lindsey that Darla and Lindsey and Angel had to believe that Darla’s life was in danger. Lindsey tells Holland point blank that Angel would never take advantage of Darla in her current condition so Holland’s plan of Angel’s moment of perfect happiness is pretty crappy. Holland tells Lindsey that the plan wasn’t for Angel to lose his soul, but for Angel to save Darla’s soul.

At the hotel Darla wakes up surrounded by Angel, Wesley, Cordelia, and Gunn. When Darla calls Angel “Angelus” Cordy steps up and tells Darla that it’s now Angel. Just Angel. Angel asks the others to give Darla and himself a minute to talk. Darla tells Angel that she feels very lucky to have someone who knows and understands what she is going through and realizes that Angel never had that. Darla agrees that wasn’t her fault but there are many other things that were her fault. Darla asks Angel if he will make the pain stop but Angel tells her it takes time. Darla disagrees - Angel can make the pain stop in just moments. Darla exposes her neck to Angel and tells him to “do it.” Angel is surprised and disturbed - he can’t believe what Darla wants him to do. Darla demands that Angel make her a vampire again to help her. Angel won’t. He tells Darla that her second chance as a human is a gift but Darla sees life only as pain, suffering, and eventual death. Darla orders Angel to sire her to ‘return the favor’ that she once showed him. Angel can’t believe that Darla believes that when she sired him Darla was doing Angel a favor. Angel tells Darla that she damned him and Darla tries to taunt Angel into siring her as revenge for what she once did to him. Angel tells Darla that he can’t sire her.

1900, China, the Boxer Rebellion. Angel tells Darla that he can’t kill the human infant but Darla tells Angel that it’s simply that Angel won’t do it, not that he can’t. Angel tells Darla that he’s sorry but Darla only has contempt and disgust for Angel. Angel grabs the infant and runs through a window to get away from Darla.

Present day, L.A. Darla dashes out of the hotel with Angel close behind. It’s daytime so Angel can’t go far. Before she leaves the hotel Darla tells Angel not to look for her again.

Summary by Kirsten.