Episode Guide

Episode 23: Judgement

Starring: David Boreanaz as Angel, Charisma Carpenter as Cordelia Chase, Alexis Denisof as Wesley Wyndham-Pryce, and J. August Richards as Charles Gunn

Guest starring: Christian Kane as Lindsey McDonald, Stephanie Romanov as Lilah, Andy Hallett as The Host, Justina Machado as the pregnant woman, Julie Benz as Darla

Original air date: September 26, 2000

Story by: Joss Whedon & David Greenwalt
Teleplay by: David Greenwalt
Directed by: Michael Lange

A green-skinned, red-eyed, red-horned demon dressed in a very nice tux is singing Gloria Gaynor’s “I will survive” on stage and vamping with the audience. Elsewhere Cordy is talking to Johnny and trying to convince him not to leave. Johnny wants to move on so Cordy slaps him. Johnny tells someone that the slap wasn’t in the script. Ooops. It’s Cordy’s acting class. The director is impressed with Cordy’s work and encourages her more until Cordy’s pager goes off. The pager reads “911” so Cordy leaves. In a bar somewhere Wes is playing darts, and he is *good.* So good that Wes impresses a couple hotties who are watching. Wes’s pager also goes off so he picks up a large pile of money and leaves the bar.

Angel, Wes, and Cordy enter a members-only gym. Wes thinks it’s a little public for a Praetorian sacrifice. Angel’s sure it’s the right place, especially since the demon performing the sacrifice likes muscles and mirrors. The team walks over to one of the mirrors and Angel smashes it in revealing a couple demons and their sacrifice-ees. Angel, Wes and Cordy move into high gear, eliminate the demons and free the potential victims. When a gym club employee notices that one of the demons has horns, Angel tells him to avoid steroids. They aren’t good for you.

Cordy is updating a large white board with all the Angel Investigations cases, past and present, on it. Wes and Cordy are trying to figure out what the Wolfram & Hart lawyers mojo-ed up in the large box with the Vocah demon’s help (see AtS, 1.22, “To Shanshu in L.A.”). Unfortunately for Cordy, the temporary AI headquarters is her dining room. Cordelia has a huge vision so Angel and Wes rush forward to catch her. As Cordelia sits on the couch she explains her vision to Angel and Wes. Cordelia saw a nasty demon that she didn’t recognize.

In the meantime Lilah is walking into a Lindsey’s office at Wolfram & Hart. Lindsey is trying to open a CD case and is having trouble adjusting to his prosthetic hand (see AtS, 1.22, “To Shanshu in L.A.”). Lindsey plays a Chopin CD for Darla who is starting to remember things: Chopin had consumption, Angel killed her (see BtVS, 1.7, “Angel”). Darla also senses that Angel is in town. Lindsey tells Darla that, as soon as she is able, they will begin plans to bring Angel down. Darla is intrigued and wants to see Angel again.

Back at Cordelia’s she and Angel are working on a drawing of the demon from Cordy’s vision. When Phantom Dennis hurls a book across the room to Wes, Wes tells Angel they *have* to find a new office. As Wes flips through the pages of the book Cordelia screams - she sees the demon from her vision. It’s a Prio Motu demon, which is a killer. They need to find the demon and Wes has an idea how: a parasitic demon named Merle who hangs out in a safe haven for demons. Wes has been meaning to take Angel and Cordy there but, according to Wes, “it’s a bit outside the box.”

A bumpy faced, scaly skinned demon is singing the Pointer Sisters’ “I’m So Excited” at a demon-human karaoke bar. There’s a sign on the wall that no weapons are allowed with a metal detector and a bouncer to back it up. The green skinned, red-horned demon from earlier is working the room as Wes, Cordy and Angel enter the bar. Cordy can’t believe that Wes’s stoolie feels safe in the bar until Wes explains that the bar is a sanctuary. As the demon on stage finishes his song the green skinned, red-horned demon emcee introduces the next singer (another demon) and walks off stage with the demon who just finished singing. The emcee then explains what he sees in the other demon’s aura.

Meanwhile Wes has located Merle the stoolie. Merle doesn’t want to talk, not with Angel around, because of Angel’s reputation of dusting vamps and killing demons. Wes hands Merle an envelope of money and, as Merle opens the envelope, Wes tells Merle that they are looking for the Prio Motu demon. Merle tells Wes it will cost much more to find out about the Prio Motu, and the AI team has to promise to keep Merle’s name out of it. Wes adds some money and Merle starts to spill what he knows: Prio Motus stay underground and Angel can find it in a tunnel near the Redondo line. As Angel turns to leave he comes face-to-face with the emcee, The Host. The Host welcomes them all to Caritas (the name of the bar) and asks Angel if he will sing but Angel declines. Wes explains to Cordelia that The Host is ‘anagogic,’ he sees into your soul when you sing. The Host wants to see into Angel’s soul but Angel, again, tells The Host that he doesn’t sing. No amount of cajoling from Cordelia, Wes, or The Host can convince Angel to get on stage and sing. Angel walks out of Caritas a little miffed.

Later Angel is walking through a tunnel. He finds and startles a pregnant woman. Just then the Prio Motu demon comes out of nowhere. Angel tries to protect the woman from the Prio Motu demon and Angel and the demon fight. As fights go this one was pretty short - Angel snapped the neck of the demon after only a few minutes. Angel reassures the pregnant woman that she will be all right, but she is devastated. She cradles the head of the Prio Motu demon in her lap, crying over his death. When Angel killed the Prio Motu he killed her protector. The demon was protecting her from the Tribunal. Angel wants to help the woman but she doesn’t want to have anything to do with him, and she tells Angel to stay away from her.

Back at Cordelia’s Angel fills Cordy and Wes in on what has happened - he killed a demon who was fighting on the side of good. Cordy’s quite angry that the PTB sent her a vague vision and Angel feels guilt for killing the Prio Motu. Angel decides that, whatever the Prio Motu’s mission was, it’s his mission now. Angel asks Cordy and Wes to find out what the Tribunal is. As Angel is leaving Wes tries to reassure him; Angel didn’t know that the Prio Motu was good, but Angel figures that *someone* did know.

Angel catches up with Merle and roughs the truth out of him. Merle confesses that there is a price on the woman’s baby’s head, her daughter. The daughter is destined to become a powerful force for good so the dark powers want her eliminated now. Merle sent Angel after the Prio Motu to kill the demon so that the local hit men could have an easier time killing the woman. After a little more roughing up Merle gives Angel the general area of where the Prio Motu was living.

In another part of town four very able bodied men approach a guy who is trying to get in his car. He panics and starts to run away with the four men chasing him. The men are trying to warn him but, too late!, he runs right into a vamp. The four men are Gunn and some of his team. Gunn stakes the vamp and tells the guy to go home. Angel appears. He wants Gunn’s help. Apparently the Prio Motu was living in Gunn’s neighborhood and Angel wants Gunn’s help finding the demon’s lair. Gunn and Angel go into some tunnels near the Department of Water and Power and Gunn notices something different - a vent that wasn’t there the last time his group patrolled the area. Gunn notices that there isn’t any air coming from this very large vent and, lo and behold!, the vent is a door. It’s the Prio Motu’s lair. Very neat. Very clean. Angel discovers that the Prio Motu’s name was Kamal. Angel also finds a large bronze disk. Angel asks Gunn to take the disk to Wes and Cordy and tell them that the disk might have something to do with the Tribunal. Gunn leaves and Angel takes another look around at Kamal’s quarters. Angel sees that the candle in front of the statue of Buddha has burned out. Angel replaces the candle and lights it.

As he finishes he hears someone opening the door - it’s the pregnant woman. She tells Angel that he shouldn’t be there and Angel explains that Kamal’s mission is his now. The pregnant woman is not impressed. She finds their codes of honor to be archaic. She just wants to protect her baby and be able to provide for her. Angel wants to help her and her daughter, so she tells Angel that she’s looking for a coat of arms. Kamal had told her that she would need it for the Tribunal. The pregnant woman wants to give the coat of arms to the Tribunal with the hopes that they will stop whatever they have planned. Angel realizes that the bronze disk he had just given Gunn was the coat of arms, and it’s on its way to Cordy’s apartment. The pregnant woman is disgusted with Angel’s type of “help.” As she opens the door to leave Kamal’s quarters a demon lunges at her. Before he does anything serious, Angel asks the pregnant woman if he can kill the demon. She tells him to kill it, quick! The demon has razor-sharp claws and slices into Angel a couple of times before Angel manages to kill it. More demons are coming so Angel and the woman make a run for it.

In the meantime Gunn arrives at Cordelia’s apartment. After a little confusion about his name, Cordy finally lets Gunn into her apartment. Cordy tells Gunn it’s nice to finally meet him but Gunn tells her that he’s already met her and Wes. Gunn was watching over Cordy and Wes when they were in the hospital recovering from the Vocah demon’s attacks (see AtS 1.22, “To Shanshu in L.A.”). Gunn delivers the coat of arms and Wesley starts his research.

Angel and the pregnant woman are still running. Angel gets a funny look on his face and brings the woman through a trap door up into a basement. Up a flight of stairs and they’re now in a pretty big lobby of an old hotel, complete with columns and marble. Angel has been in the hotel before. Angel asks the pregnant woman what she knows about the Tribunal, which isn’t much. Apparently Kamal was planning go before the Tribunal with the charm and be her champion. The woman wants to leave town but Angel tells her that where ever she goes the Tribunal will find her. Suddenly Angel hears a noise so he tells the pregnant woman to go to the address on the back of his business card. After she leaves two more demons jump Angel and they fight.

Later Angel returns to Cordelia’s apartment but the pregnant woman isn’t there. Wes is still researching the importance and purpose of the talisman. Angel realizes that the pregnant woman doesn’t trust him. Angel’s angry, very angry. Angel tells Cordelia that he thought he was close to ending his tenure as a vampire and was about to fulfill the Shanshu prophecy (see AtS 1.22, “To Shanshu in L.A.”). Cordy sympathizes and tells Angel that it may take awhile, but he will eventually fulfill his destiny and that she will be with him until them. Just then Wes tells Angel he may know what the talisman is. It’s a coat of arms to be presented at the “Cahair Binse” or Tribunal. Wes believes that the Tribunal is a fight to the death to settle a score or grievance. Angel wants to know where the Tribunal will take place and Wes tells him there is no way to know. Angel is ready to try something, anything, to find the tribunal. Even something desperate. . .

. . . like returning to Caritas and singing. Angel’s on stage and singing a rendition of Manilow’s “Mandy,” very badly. Angel finishes to a smattering of applause just this side of ‘polite’ and asks The Host to tell him where to find the Tribunal. The Host tells Angel that the Tribunal will be where ever she is and, before he’ll tell Angel where the pregnant woman is, The Host wants an answer to a question: Why did Angel decide to sing “Mandy”? Angel tells The Host it’s because he knows the words and he thinks it’s pretty. This seems to make The Host happy. The Host tells Angel where to find the pregnant woman.

The pregnant woman is walking down the street when three partially masked men sitting on large throne-like seats arise from the pavement. Down the street a being wearing a suit of armor and riding a horse moves towards the Tribunal and the pregnant woman, and tosses his coat of arms on the ground. The middle judge of the Tribunal asks the pregnant woman where her champion is. She tells the judge that Kamal is dead but, according to the judge, that is irrelevant. There are two champions - one can save her life and the other can take it. Because she has no champion her life is therefore forfeit and she and the baby will die. Just then Angel arrives with the coat of arms.

Angel has to survive a trial by combat and the pregnant woman isn’t convinced that Angel can. Especially since the first trial appears to be jousting. Angel tells her that he grew up around horses and that riding isn’t something you can forget. Angel mounts up and prepares himself to meet the other champion. The middle judge of the Tribunal drops a red cloth and the fight begins. the two champions level their lances at each other and the horses charge. On the first pass Angel makes a good hit but, on the second pass, the demon champion knocks Angel off his horse. The demon champion spins his horse and starts to charge toward Angel. Angel grabs a sword and mace from his saddle and, as the demon champion passes by, knocks the demon off his horse. Now the fight is hand-to-hand. The fight is pretty well matched until the demon champion manages to stab Angel with Angel’s sword. The judge announces that her champion is defeated and her life, and the life of her baby, now belong to the demon champion. As the demon champion brings a knife to the pregnant woman’s throat Angel removes the sword from his side and decapitates the demon champion. Angel’s won the fight and saved the pregnant woman’s life. Her life and the life of her baby are now under the protection of the Tribunal. The Tribunal disappears.

The next day Angel takes down the white board. . . permanently. Angel and Wes agree that they shouldn’t be keeping track of how many lives they save. They should just be saving lives. Angel asks Wes and Cordy to mind the shop so he can run an errand.

Angel is at a prison. On the other side of some plexiglass is Faith. Angel wants to know how her own path toward redemption is going (see AtS 1.18, “Five By Five” and 1.19, “Sanctuary”). Faith had been attacked earlier but she managed to resist killing the woman who came at her with a knife. Faith thinks her life is pretty bad until Angel confesses that he sang a Manilow tune in front of people. Faith asks if the song was “Copacabana” but Angel tells her it was “Mandy.” Faith responds that the “road to redemption is a rocky path.” Both she and Angel agree that the two of them just might make it.

Summary by Kirsten.