e p i s o d e . g u i d e

Season 5

1. Buffy vs. Dracula
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Buffy fights the legend, the count, the master...*cough*bater.
2. Real Me
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Dawn is Buffy's sister. No seriously, she is....she always has been. You don't know what you're talking about.
3. The Replacement
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2 Xanders. Anya is way too happy.
4. Out Of My Mind
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Spike has a penny in his head! COOL! I wonder if I have a 20 dollar bill in mine?
5. No Place Like Home
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Dawn is the key. The monks created her. Anything more you want to know, good luck on your long journey.
6. Family
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Tara's family comes to visit, because her dad is really hungry.
7. Fool For Love
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Spike tells Buffy how he killed those 2 slayers and hits on her. Yeah, I'm sure she's hot after all that.
8. Shadow
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There's a shadow, and a really bad CGI fight between SMG's stunt double and a reptile demon. It's all very much uninteresting.
9. Listening To Fear
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He has come from outer space to slobber on you!
10. Into The Woods
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Riley leaves. Parties are thrown around the world.
11. Triangle
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Anya's old troll boyfriend comes out to drink some grog and eat some babies. Nice guy.
12. Checkpoint
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The Watchers Council comes to town to annoy Giles and pick on Buffy. Those big bullies in tweed!
13. Blood Ties
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Dawn finds out she's not entirely normal. Well, give that girl a medal.
14. Crush
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Buffy finds out about Spike's crush. Dru comes into town to stare into space, get tied up, and talk that wonky Dru jibberish. I missed her.
15. I Was Made To Love You
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Warren has created a Robot to love him. That's kind of pathetic. Now excuse me while I go to my weekly brothel appointment.
16. The Body
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Joyce dies. Everyone gets pissed off and cries. It isn't pretty.
17. Forever
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Angel shows up for his annual guest spot. Dawn tries to resurrect Joyce. 2 moments I don't care to remember.
18. Intervention
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Spike has Warren make a Buffy bot for him....for...em...you know. And the first slayer tells Buffy that 'death is her gift'. I wonder what THAT means??!
19. Tough Love
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Willow goes all witchy-nuts on Glory for sucking out Tara's brain. Oh Willow, you're SO overreacting.
20. Spiral
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An army of d&d nerds! Watch out Buffy!
21. Weight of the World
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Willow climbs into Buffy's brain. I bet there's a lot of space in there to walk around.
22. The Gift
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She saved the world a lot. Mostly on Tuesdays.