BtVS Quotes
(B=Buffy, G=Giles, X=Xander, W=Willow, S=Spike, A=Anya, D=Dawn, T=Tara, Gl=Glory, Bn=Ben, Mn=Minion)
Gl: Last words, Slay-runt?
D: And then whoosh! All of a sudden Glory's standing right there in front of us, all skanky and blonde and thinking she's all bad just 'cuz some bumpy heads kiss her stinky feet -- she does have nice feet -- and she's coming right at us and Buffy's just standing there, not even blinking, like "Bring it on!" and wham! Hell-Bitch in orbit.
G: There must be something in the Book of Tarnis that we've missed. Something that we can use against Glory.
A: Run away? ... Finally, a sensible plan!
Mn: Oh yes, Inappropriate humor. Most amusing. Don't suppose you know what led to this sartorial tragedy?
Mn: I just thought maybe after her Magnificent Incandescence was returned to this manly and... painfully handsome assemblage you might have noticed something interesting?
Mn: No one can stand against Her Blindingly Scrumptious Luminescence!
Bn: You know why I wanted to become a doctor?
A: Anybody else feel that?
A: Overwhelming? How much more than 'whelming' would that be, exactly?
G: Look, everything will be all right. We just need to stay here. Calm. As soon as Buffy arrives...
S: Buckle-up, kids! Daddy's putting the hammer down!
S: We'd already be somewhere if Captain Slowpoke would give up the wheel. Hey, Gramps! Bloody step on it!
A: He doesn't travel well. He's like fine shrimp.
S: Or what? You're gonna toss your cookies on my shoes?
X: That guy is bloodsucking the last nerve right out of me!
D: Any luck?
A: Oooh, snacks! The secret to any successful migration.
S: No biggie. Look, the skin's already stopped smoking. You go ahead and play peek-a-boo with Mr. Sunshine all you like. Keeps the ride from getting boring.
Mn: It's coming. The signs are in alignment. Soon victory will be in our grasp. All we need do is seize the moment... and squeeze until it bleeds.
D: Hey, I think Anya's gonna try to cook. Want to come watch the tears and recriminations?
D: You're not fleeing, you're...moving at a brisk pace.
D: At least things can't get any crazier, right?
D: <bandaging his hands> Keep. The pressure. On.
S: Florence Bloody Nightingale to the rescue.
A: You have another plan, right? One that doesn't involve pointy knives and a Winnebago?
X: We've got company! And they brought a crusade.
B: Will, how long will it hold?
S: So, what's the story with these role-playing rejects?
S: You sure Scarface here can habla the English?
G: What you did was necessary. What I've always admired.
X: Whoa! Hey! This is war, isn't it? If there's one thing I've learned from Sergeant Rock is that in war there are rules... or at least there should be if you're as honorable as you think you are. Plus we do have your General Forehead guy.
B: Look, I know this must seem extra-Outer Limits to you.
X: You know those things will kill you.
X: How're your feelers?
W: Come on, Tara! You have to eat something.
Gl: Hey! It's Gregor!
Credit: The Sunnydale Slayers