BtVS Quotes
(B=Buffy, G=Giles, X=Xander, W=Willow, S=Spike, A=Anya, D=Dawn, T=Tara, Gl= Glory, Bn=Ben J=Jinx )
X: Oh, like you care about her.
W: The only thing is, it will get better, I promise.
A: Hmmm... that was different.
A: Well, I just think understand sex now. It's not just about two bodies smooshing together. It's about life. It's about making life.
Bn: Tell my sister I'm sick of running into her Jawa rejects.
Bn: You're more fun when I hit you.
J: It's just-- Glory would like to encourage this interest of yours in the Slayer. It might lead to more information about The Key.
G: You don't have to do that Dawn. Just... just relax.
G: Then useful you shall be! We can always use a hand.
A: Ring up sales? With the money? She gets to fondle the money? <off Giles' look> Customer! Hello, customer! How may I serve you?
D: I know why you're doing this.
Flunky: I'm sure Jinx is on his way, Your New-And-Improvedness!
Gl: Jinxy! Oh, no! No, no! -- Mind the rug, Honeys, blood's a bitch. -- Was this the Slayer? I'll pull her wings off!
Gl: Jinx! You robed stud! You're my man! I'm even gonna let you slide on the lame toadying, on account of you're dying and stuff!
S: Well, what do you know? Bitty Buffy!
W: You had two eggs, sunny-side-up. I remember because they were wiggling at me like little boobs.
Credit: The Sunnydale Slayers