Fanfiction: gidgetgirl's Stories
Below are all Fanfics stored here written by gidgetgirl, sorted by the date they were added (with the most recent ones at the top of the page). Please visit gidgetgirl's website here!
Rated: PG-13
Added On: March 06, 2004
Summary: Multi Award Winning Fic set during Angel S1 & BtVS S4. This is TOO cute and incredibly moving. I, and many others, adore this. - Thanks to a spell gone awry, Faith and Angel are reduced to four-year-olds. --Faith's memories become more disturbing, as does the facts Wes discovers about her past.
Gidgetgirl's 'Bad Girl'
Rated: PG-13
Added On: March 06, 2004
Summary: Another Award Winning Fic. This is a companion to Throwback. Faith and Angel have been turned into small children, and Wes and Cordelia have been taking care of them. Told from Faith’s POV, and much heavier on the angst than usual. Here’s the warning: it’s heavy on darkness, and very light on fluffy funniness, and it’s also written in Faith’s mind (remember, she's 4 in this), so it might be hard to follow along.