Update Archives
July 2003
Lil Bits
Added two new Awards, one new Affiliate, and fixed some errors in the Links Centre.
New section added: Faith’s Tattoo! We’re also looking for people who got a Faith-related tattoo. If you have one, please send us a photo of it and the story behind it, we’d love to feature it here. :)
We’ve been made Site Of The Month over at WarmChampagne.com. Thanks so much guys, we really appreciate it! :)
New Fics
Added 2 new pieces of Fanfiction.
Bad Girls Icons
Added 9 new LiveJournal Icons, 8 new Avatars and 5 new AIM Buddy Icons, using quotes and pictures from Bad Girls.
Revamped the Affiliates section using the awesome phpAffili8.
Five By Five
Added a new (small) essay to the site: Five By Five. We’ve gotten so many questions from visitors on what this term means and why Faith uses it, that we decided to expand on it a little. :)
June 2003
Faithless Finished
Mike finished the brilliant fic Faithless, so we have put up the last Chapter and Epilogue of it. It is absolutely awesome, so go read! *many thanks to Mike for letting us put it up and for being so sweet*
We will soon be making some changes to the site. Faith’s Solace will be split up in two sites. One will be an Eliza Dushku fansite only, the other will be a Faith fansite only. We’ve already opened the Eliza Dushku fansite at Eliza-D.com. Very soon we will be taking down the Eliza-related content here, but don’t worry, we’ve moved it all to http://eliza-d.com, so it’s still as viewable as always.
The split will allow us to distill Faith even more, as Faith’s Solace will be even more focused on Faith than before. Please bear with us during the changes, and forgive us for any broken links you might find. Thanks in advance! :)
Chained Freedom
Added one new piece of fanfiction, the awesome Chained Freedom by Tonya.