Creative Works
- Aftermath -
After "Not Fade Away" Illyria learns why she was resurrected.
- An Alternate Ending -
What if the season two finale had gone another way?
- Ambushed -
Continuing the story after the Surprise/Innocence episodes.
- Amti Island -
The gang investigates mysterious happenings on an island.
- Angelic -
Two months after "Becoming," Buffy experiences a change.
- Ariel -
Darla wanders 18th century Ireland looking to make a new Childe when she discovers a young couple in love.
- Assumption -
Buffy muses over her relationships.
- Before the Dawn -
Prior to the start of the TV series, Angel watches Buffy.
- A Beautiful Good-bye -
How could Angel ever leave Sunnydale?
- The Beginning -
Buffy learns that she is The Slayer.
- Black Balloons -
Buffy has a surprise for Angel.
- Blood and Whiskey -
Darla's got a plan.
- Brother Dearest -
Several years after "Becoming," everyone is back to - and beyond - normal.
- Buffy and Angel Fight Scene -
Is it more than just a training exercise?
- Challenging Destiny -
An alternate ending to "I Will Remember You."
- The Change -
A romantic version of Evil Angel, written before viewing Innocence.
- Child of Mine -
Joyce's point-of-view, a few days after "Lover's Walk"
- The Closest Thing to Home -
While traveling, Buffy and Angel meet a man who works in television.
- Coming to America -
Angel's adventures in the early 1900's.
- Death for the Asking -
Angel seeks a favor from Xander.
- Demonic Intentions -
After "Becoming," a new vampire rises.
- Early Mornings -
Buffy and Angel start the day together.
- The End -
Giles' point-of-view, at the end of his life.
- Everything You Want -
Buffy and Angel consider love and loss.
- Expect the Unexpected -
Identical Slayers?
- Extra Help Needed -
Three girls show up in Sunnydale to help the Slayer fight another Master.
- Facing Fears -
Willow steps into the spotlight.
- Feelings -
After Bad Eggs, Jenny Calendar makes a confession.
- Fighting for Attention -
Cordy and Xander do what they do best.
- Forever Together -
Buffy loses Angel - or does she?
- Forgiveness -
After "Innocence," "Phases," and "BBB," Angel has to face the gang.
- Forgotten Beginnings -
An alternate version of "Becoming."
- A Friend in Need -
Xander's thoughts about Angel/us.
- Frogged -
This takes place in an alternate timeline, where Surprise/Innocence and
Becoming never happened.
- A Gift -
Angel tries to make amends with Giles.
- Gypsies -
Jenny is dead, and someone will pay.
- Happy Rebirthday, Angel -
Buffy and the gang prepare a special gift as Angelus celebrates an "anniversary."
- Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas -
One year after "Amends," Angel struggles with the holiday spirit.
- The Healing Process -
Buffy and Angel reunite.
- In Sunlight and Shadow -
Angel leaves L.A. to take care of some business in Sunnydale.
- In the Dark -
Three months after graduation, Angel pays a visit to Buffy.
- Jungleland -
Angel has been released from Hell and is looking for Buffy.
- Kiss the Rain -
Buffy finds a way to see Angel again.
- La Belle et Le Bete -
In 1899, has Angelus found love?
- Land of the Living -
A possible explanation of the origins of Angel's tattoo.
- Life Force -
Angel discovers some signs of life.
- A Lifetime of Learning Could Do You No Wrong -
What if Angel had vamped his sister?
- The Lion and the Dove -
Angel and Darla re-hash the past.
- Lost Time -
Angel and Buffy try for happy-ever-after.
- Love is Forever -
After "Innocence," Buffy experiences a change.
- The Love Never Ends -
Ten years in the future, "Becoming" never happened but all is not well.
- Love will strike when you least expect it -
Just before "Innocence," Angel muses over his feelings for Buffy.
- Memories Recalled -
Ten years in the future, Angel regains his mortality but loses his memory. Can Buffy remind him?
- Midnight Red -
Angelus toys with Buffy.
- Monster Crush -
Jealousy drives a guy to extremes.
- More Healing -
Angel returns to Sunnydale. Again.
- My All -
An idea of what happened after Buffy leaves Sunnydale in "Becoming."
- No Ordinary Love -
Angelus takes Buffy to the dark side.
- Once Again -
Buffy fights to break out of a coma and return to her friends.
- Once Upon A Time -
Just another night at the Bronze?
- Partners -
Dru's back, with a vengeance.
- The Past Can Haunt You -
A blast from the past finds Angel
- Pictures and a Picnic -
The gang reflects on their summer adventures.
- The Pride -
Winner of the Angel's Tattoo Fanfiction Contest!
- Principal's Pet Peeve -
An alternate beginning for season three.
- The Return -
Buffy finds herself in a very, very bad place.
- Save Me -
Angel's thoughts after "Prophecy Girl."
- Saved by a Technicality -
An alternate ending to "Becoming," Part 2.
- Saved by ... What?! -
Angelus is loose; can Buffy bring Angel back?
- Second Coming -
Searching for answers, Angel visits the L.A library and finds a connection to Sunnydale.
- Shadows of the Heart -
Buffy tries to get over Angel, but she just can't let go.
- Singularity -
What is the nature of Angelus' vampire soul?
- Soul Searching -
Angel appears in this rewrite of the episode "Living Conditions."
- Symphonie Fantastique -
The music of Angel's heart.
- Talking Over Animal Crackers -
Willow and Oz: so cute together!
- Telling Mom -
Someone is spilling Buffy's secrets.
- Till Death Do You Part -
Three marriages . . . after a funeral?
- To Absent Friends -
Willow is missing, and two new characters arrive.
- Treats -
A response to a challenge to write a fic about Angel dealing with his kids during Halloween.
- Twist of Fate -
Willow's point-of-view about changes in her life.
- Undertow -
Buffy on the beach.
- Vacuum -
An explanation for what Buffy said in "Sanctuary."
- A View From Below -
Angel is reminded of what he's lost.
- Watching and Waiting -
Buffy and Angel start to feel the heat.
- Waiting, Too -
Should Buffy and Angel keep fighting?
- Why Don't I Ever Learn -
Buffy realizes that it isn't about her.
Fanfiction Index