Partnered with Laugh Lines, Love Lines
and Caritas to bring you more Angel (and Buffy) goodness
The pictures used in the banner are from www.grr-argh.net/shanshu, part of the Freeze Frame Network
Don't forget my lovely affiliates and other things I've joined
If you like Angel's Secrets, you might enjoy my other sites. That link opens the list of sites that I run, including three fanlistings, an 'Alias' fansite, a personal site, etc.
Quotations 101 - quotes, memorable moments, and lessons learned for various TV shows (yes, Angel), movies, celebrities, and more.
The Angelguide - Part of the Sanctuary site this is an excellent source of Angel information; there is a detailed episode summary, reviews, and screen caps for each episode.
Flights of Angel - Tons of features including news and quotes.
City of Angel.com - Huge fansite with news, show info, message forums and more.
Angel: Carpe Noctem - Contains episode reviews, fan art, a discussion forum, info about the cast/show, and more
Darling Violetta - This is the site of the group that does Angel's theme song. You can hear an unbelievably clear version of the Angel theme song, but you'll have to do some surfing to get to their History page. Plus you'll need Macromedia Flash 5.
Buffy World - Tons of stuff, including transcripts.
Freeze Frame Network - Has links to screencaps from many episodes.
Laugh Lines, Love Lines - Although it has other information, I mostly check this site for the quotes - they are *so* funny!
Star-Crossed Lovers - This site focuses mainly on Angel and Buffy. It also has bios on Sarah and David.
Reviews - Mr. Jenoff writes thoughtful, objective reviews about Angel and Buffy the Vampire Slayer; he also provides an episode summary, in case you missed something.
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