Creative Works
Love is Forever
By Marj
Summary: After "Innocence," Buffy experiences a change.
Disclaimer: I don't own anything from the Buffyverse, the only thing I own is my imagination. :)
Feedback: send it right to angelus03(at)
Author's Notes: This is a "what if" story, "what if" Buffy became a vampire? And just so you know, I know that after a vamp makes a vamp, it takes awhile before it rises again, but this is my own little way of making a vampire.
This picks up right after Innocence (And do not think that I have not watched all the other episodes after it!), except Angel does not run out side suddenly dressed. So Angel and Buffy have just had sex. STOP! Then my story starts.
If you really need to go watch Innocence to get it, go ahead, I will wait. And oh yes, uh, the Judge suddenly disappeared from the face of the earth, ‘cause I said so! (If you really want an explanation of where the Judge went, Spike finally realized that if he destroyed the world, he would have no food, so he killed the Judge, and Spike is out of the chair. Tada! All better, but I do not think that will be fitted into my story, and by the way, so you do not become confused, Spike & Drusilla already moved into the "funky looking mansion on Crocker street." Oh yeah, two more things, everybody already knows that Xander and Cordelia are dating, and Oz already turned into a werewolf.)
I apologize for such a long authors note:) * sheepish grin *
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Part One
Angel looked over at Buffy sleeping. Her chest rising and falling gracefully. He remembered when she asked him that faithful night they ran into the three if he snored. In the morning, he hadn't had the heart to tell her she did. Not loudly though, a soft, lulling snore. It was what helped him fall asleep that night.
He got up carefully, not wanting to wake her up, and pulled on his boxers. He stretched a little. It wasn't that easy for a vampire to fall asleep at this time. He walked over to the couch, and plopped down on it. He had a very bad feeling. Even the air around him had that feeling. He looked over at her. Wishing he knew what was going to go wrong. He hated when he had bad feelings, they always came true.
He went back over to the bed, and laided down next to her. He carefully pulled her hair back out of her face, and watched as she stirred slightly. He took his hand back quickly, not wanting to wake her.
He finally let sleep claim him, wrapping his arms around her lightly. He fell asleep with her body in his arms, and her face in his dreams.
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Xander sat down on the bench in the bus stop slowly. It's freaking freezing out here, he thought to himself. He looked up at the sky, as the rain came pouring down. He heard a bus squeak somewhere. He jolted up, looking around for any vampires carrying boxes.
He turned the corner into the bus parking lot. He looked suspiciously at the bus. He snuck carefully over, a cross hidden behind his back.
"Hello?" He called as he got closer. The only thing that answered him was silence. He shrugged and leaned against a nearby wall, breathing into his numb hands. He rubbed them together, trying to gather some warmth. Why had Giles made him go wait in a bus depot all night, in the pouring rain?
A strange looking fat guy cam up to him. He hobbled up to him in till he was about 2 feet away. "Do you want me to wash your hair?" The wino asked.
Xander looked at him strangely, and shook his head. "Ahh, no thanx, really. In fact, I just washed my hair a couple of hours ago. See, it's still wet." He said, pointing to his head, and laughing nervously.
The guy shrugged, and hobbled away. Xander looked after him, and watched in till he was far away. He shook his head, and decided to head home.
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He could feel the pain starting to grow, slowly ripping him apart from the inside. He tried to fight it, but in the end found himself giving into the pain. He wanted to go away from her, afraid that he might hurt her when the change was complete, but he wanted to spend his last moments with her.
Selfish me, he thought.
Buffy looked over at Angel questioningly. It was obvious he was in pain. He had his back turned to her. She grabbed his shoulder, and turned him around to face her. She was surprised to see tears in his eyes. She caressed the side of his face.
"What's wrong?" She said softly, moving in closer to him.
He shook his head, implying that there was nothing wrong. Suddenly, he felt the pain stop. He felt like all the guilt, and pain he was holding in had just all been lifted off his chest. When he looked at Buffy, and saw the love in her eyes, he almost threw up. It sickened him to see her so happy, he wanted to make her miserable. A small smile crept across his face as he used one of his arms to grab hold of her waist, and pull her close to him.
She looked up at him in, and smiled. Her smiled faded as she looked at his eyes. His usual beautiful brown eyes seemed dead, and almost black. She felt herself falling into them. She looked away quickly, shaking off the urge to look back into the pools of blackness that she saw in his eyes.
He lifted up her chin to meet her lips with his, and kissed her softly. He then made a small trail of kisses down her neck. He whispered something softly in her ear, that she hesitated to answer.
"Do you trust me?" He asked softly, kissing her earlobe.
She wondered why she hesitated. She had always trusted him, why was she hesitating now? They had just made love. She answered softly.
He smiled to himself, and kissed her neck. His face shifted, as the demon revealed himself.
She felt his face shift, sometimes you could actually hear it if you listened carefully. Her whole body tensed up with fear. She knew what he was going to do, and she did not like it one bit, even if he only did taste a drop of her blood.
He had her pinned down on the bed, which she did not like either. He was not holding her down on the bed with a death grip, but he was holding her down pretty hard nonetheless. She squirmed under him.
"Angel?" She asked weakly, as a tear fell down her face.
"Shhh. Don't speak." He said softly.
She did not know why she was acting like this, she trusted Angel with her life. He would never betray her for the world, she knew that. She was sure that he would not hurt her.
"Good bye, Slayer." He whispered to her.
She panicked, what the hell was wrong with him? She tried to throw him off her, but he was holding her down too hard. She suddenly felt his sharp fangs sink into her neck. The pain was almost unbearable. She tried to move her neck away, but he quickly detached from her, and rammed the back of her head into the headboard, growling at her. Stars obstructed her vision, as the pain in her head started to grow. He put his fangs back in her neck, sucking lightly.
She cried, calling his name softly over, and over again. This was not Angel, something had happened to him. Maybe…maybe, he lost his soul. She cringed. She did not know how it happened, but there was nothing she could do now. She knew that she was going to die. She began to get very nauseated. She felt her life draining away, slowly spilling into Angel.
Angel slowly let go of Buffy's neck. It took all his self control, but he somehow managed to. He needed to leave some of her blood left, or what he was going to do would never work. He felt her pulse, she was very close to dying. He reached over to the night side table, and opened the drawer. He took out what looked like a Swiss army knife. He slit his wrist slowly, clenching his teeth from the pain. He watched for a second as the blood slowly spilled out of the wound. He sat Buffy up slightly, and put his wrist up to her mouth. Her eyes flew open almost immediately, as she grabbed his wrist, and shoved it to her mouth.
Buffy sucked at Angel wrist fast, not savoring any of the delicious crimson liquid that trickled into her mouth. She wanted to stop, she really did, but she could not. She thought it was totally disgusting what she was doing, but on the other hand, the blood running through her mouth, over her tongue, and all through her body felt wonderful. She felt as if she was being drugged, it gave her a feeling inside she could not describe.
Angel slowly took his wrist from her mouth, dabbing a gauze on it. He watched as she licked her lips, and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand.
"Thank you." She whispered, with a seductive smile.
Without another word, she yawned, and went back to sleep. This time though she did not breathe, just lay there silently, looking as if she was dead. Which she was.
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