Angel's Secrets

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Love is Forever (Part 2)
By Marj

Disclaimer: I don't own anything from the Buffyverse, the only thing I own is my imagination. :)

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Part Two

"Where could she be?!" Xander asked Giles. "I mean we have checked everywhere, and asked everyone!" He was really worried about Buffy. She had been gone for so long, okay, only a day and a half, but nonetheless, it was something to freak out about. He wondered what could have happened.

"What about Angel, he is missing too." Cordelia asked him.

"Who cares about Angel? Buffy's missing, she's way more important then Angel!" Xander said, annoyed that Cordelia had to bring up him at a time like this.

"Xander!" Willow yelled at him, giving him a good slap on the arm. Angel was a good friend, and she was worried about not only about Buffy, but also him.

"What?" Xander asked innocently, rubbing his arm. Both girls rolled there eyes.

"Xander please calm down!" Giles yelled at him. Not only did Xander shutup, but everybody else did. After making sure that he had their attention, he tried to make them listen. "Now, we need to think. I am sure there is something, something were missing, somewhere that we haven't looked." He said, he was worried about both of them. He felt like it was his fault, he did not know why, but that's how he felt. He took off his glasses, and rubbed his eyes. He sighed, what could have happened to them? If the judge killed them, the world would have been destroyed by now, and the world was still there and everything, so that was out of the question.

"God, this is so sad. Buffy and Angel were so perfect together, and you always told us she was like the strongest slayer so far." Cordelia said, interrupting everybody's thoughts. They all looked at her.

"Do you really find that important right now, Cordelia?" Giles asked annoyed.

"Well actually I do, if you really want to know." Cordelia replied, a matter of factly. Giles rolled his eyes, went back into his office, and slammed the door. Everybody looked at each other.

"We have to do something." Willow said. "We checked Angel's apartment, right?" Willow asked.

"It was locked." Xander replied.

"You mean you did not try to break down the door or anything?" She asked in disbelief. Xander opened his mouth to say something, but Willow cut him off.

"Come on." She said, dragging Cordelia behind her.

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Xander, Willow, and Cordelia all stood in front of Angel's door.

"So…who's going to break in? I would offer to, but I just got a manicure, and I really do-" Cordelia started, but got cut off by Willow and Xander's annoyed look.

Xander, and willow at the same time rammed into the door with their bodies, making the door swing open freely. Xander stepped in cautiously, followed by Cordelia, and Willow. He looked around, it looked as if the place had been trashed.

"Hello?" Xander asked, to the empty room. Willow walked over to the bed. She almost screamed when she saw the blood all over the bed, and the bloody knife. Buffy, and Angel's clothes from the night before were strewn around the bed, and the floor around it. She covered her mouth, making sure she did not scream.

"You guys, you better get over here." She said weakly. They hurried over, and they almost did the same thing as Willow, but stopped themselves.

"I know this a little off subject, well sort of, but it looks like they had sex. I don't get the blood, and the knife though." Cordelia said, her voice filled with fear.

"I second that." Xander added, even though it was hard for him to admit it. "We need to find out who's blood it is. Maybe we should get Giles, I don't know if he could help us, but it might help." Xander suggested, stumbling over the words.

"I am really drawing a blank with the blood, and the knife. I mean what could they have done, or for that matter, what did somebody do to them?" Cordelia asked, confused.

"Lets get back to the library, but I think we should block the door, or something, so nobody gets in." Willow said.

"Good idea." Xander replied. He took in a deep breath, and closed his eyes. He feared the worse.

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