Creative Works
Brother Dearest (Part 2)
By sugar7999
Disclaimer: All the characters belong to the WB, mutant enemy, whatever. Except
the ones I made up. Don't sue unless you want to get a bottle of
hairgel and a magazine subscription.
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Angel's jaw dropped.*Buffy, married? And to Angelus, of all people.*
Finally the slayer's dumbfounded ex-boyfriend found his voice.
"Excuse me?" he asked uncertainly.
Angelus loved the rise he was getting out of everyone, especially the
hurt look on his look-alike's face.
"And how long has this been going on?" asked Joyce. She had fire in
her eyes. She had come to adore Angel. She would have loved to see
him with Buffy. But now her daughter was with a horrid, wretched man.
The man who had teased her, who had made her poor little girl cry
herself to sleep every night, for fun.
"Mrs.Summers, I know what you're thinking" Angelus began. "But
Buffy's not your little girl anymore. She's an adult, capable of
making her own decisions. You need to realize and except that."
There was silence for a few moments. But Willow, the wonderful,
understanding Willow, decided to give the guy a chance.
"So, Angelus," she began, laughing nervously. "You're here. A-and
you're not a demon cause, well, here you are in a not-demon way. Umm,
Angelus cleared his throat roughly. "To be honest, I don't really
understand it myself. All I know is that they took the demon, me, and
put me in a mortal body. So pretty much I'm my good 'ol self all
dolled up like DeadBoy over there, 'cept without the bloodlust. And
my wife made me give up the torture thing. Brings new meaning to the
term 'taming your boyfriend', eh?" At the mention of Buffy, Angelus
smiled, obviously remembering something.
Joyce spoke. "Well then, I can see that you two seem to be doing
well. What exactly do you do?" she asked.
Everyone looked anxiously at Angelus, curious to hear of the couple's
"Buffy is an interior decorator, she's actually becoming quite famous
for her work. And I'm an attorney." said Angelus.
Xander laughed. "You? You, of all people, are in a profession that
deals with justice?" he asked. Angelus smiled ruefully. "Believe me,
no one's more surprised than me."
"Well, what are your plans for the future?" asked Joyce finally. She
knew that she would just have to accept her daughter's choices. She
didn't approve of them, and she was very angry with Buffy, but over
the years she had learned that acceptance is key.
Angelus looked up, surprised. "Excuse me for a moment, will you?"
without waiting for an answer he got up and went into a room, closing
the door behind him.
"Can you say, 'heroin addict'?" asked Xander. Angel smacked him
upside the head.
Two minutes later, Angelus emerged from the room. Tucked into each
arm was a baby, obviously identical twins. They both had chocolate
brown eyes and sandy blond hair. Everyone, especially Joyce, gasped.
"These are our two sons, Shawn and Rory." he said, carefully handing
one baby to Joyce and the other to Angel.
"Kids?" whispered Angel, shocked. He glanced down at the small child
in his arms. It was perfect. Golden skin, dark eyes, light hair, a
perfect combination of Buffy and Angelus.
Angel was jealous. This horrible demon had stolen his body and his
girlfriend. He should have been the one Buffy came home to every
night. These should have been his children. He should have been the
one who comforted Buffy. It should have been him who woke up to see
Buffy in the morning. He should have been the one allowed to kiss
her, to hold her, to smell her hair. But no. His evil twin gotten to
her first.
Angel handed the baby over to Willow, who was eager to hold it. Joyce
held the twin that she had tightly, memorizing every detail of her
grandchild's face.
"Mrs. Summers, you're holding Rory. Willow, you've got Shawn." said
Angelus, sitting back down.
"How old?" asked the new grandmother.
"They'll be six-months old, soon. They were born on November 3rd."
was the response.
Joyce felt rather bad. Even if she hadn't known where her daughter
was, she still felt bad about missing the birth of her grandchildren,
whom she loved very much now,even though she had only just met them.
Silently, as if in unison, everyone forgave Buffy for leaving in
their minds. She had left, but she had not been wasting away. She had
gotten married and had kids, without them in her life, but now she
had a purpose other than being the chosen one.
At that moment, Buffy, the vampire slayer, the interior decorator,
the wife, the mother, walked in the room.
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