Angel's Secrets

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Brother Dearest (Part 3)
By sugar7999

Disclaimer: All the characters belong to the WB, mutant enemy, whatever. Except the ones I made up. Don't sue unless you want to get a bottle of hairgel and a magazine subscription.

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Buffy shut the door, making sure that the three large locks were clamped tightly.

She walked over to a large ebony desk and set her briefcase down.

Angelus came up to her and kissed her lightly on the lips. He loved the rise he was getting out of Angel. He could have sworn that he saw smoke coming out his brother's ears.

Buffy smiled up at her husband, and then walked over to the couch. Wordlessly she took her now cranky son out of her mother's arms. No sooner had Buffy picked up the baby then he stopped fussing and cooed.

Handing Rory over to Angelus she went into the kitchen to prepare a bottle, not really wanting to be in the same room as the ex-slayerettes.

"I guess Buff's not exactly in the mood to speak to you guys." said Angelus, a sneer on his face.

Angel was infuriated. This had to be some crazy dream. Buffy was ignoring him and regarding Angelus as, well, a person!

Buffy emerged from the kitchen right then, with two bottles. She handed one to Willow.

She took Rory from Angelus and sat down in a large armchair, cradling her son softly as he had his bottle.

Joyce cleared her throat nervously. "So, honey, how have you been?"

"Fine." answered Buffy tightly. She hadn't really realized how upset she still was with her mother. It was something about being in the same room with the woman that aggravated her to her very soul.

Cordelia gave Buffy a once-over, noting Buffy's perfectly ironed outfit, her smooth, shining hair, and her flawless skin. The Slayer hadn't changed a bit. Although she would never admit it, Buffy had always looked perfect.

"Y'know, I hear that you get all, like fat after you have kids and all, but hey, you look fine" said Cordelia. That was about as close to a compliment as she got.

"Thanks, I think."

Giles was tempted, very tempted, to ask Buffy if she'd kept up with her slaying. But he knew that this was neither the time nor the place.

Abruptly, Buffy looked up. She knew that this was stupid, sitting here, moping and pouting.

She stood up and handed Rory over to Angelus.

"Mom? Can you please join me in my study in about five minutes?" asked Buffy. Without waiting for an answer she turned and went into a hallway.

"I guess she's giving you another shot" said Angelus, rather surprised. He didn't know that Buffy had the ability to cool down so easily.

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Page 3 of 8
Read the next part

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Okay, my hands are tired and I don't wanna write anymore. I'm kinda on a writer's block, so if you have any suggestions for Part 4, please e-mail 'em to me. It would really help. Besides, I wanna know what you thought of it.

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