"Out of the Blue "

Author: Michelle
Email: michellabella52478@yahoo.com
Notes: This takes place at the beginning of Season 3. No major spoilers. Except that Oz isn't a werewolf and Xander and Cordelia never dated.





"Dinner was outstanding," Robin said when she and Angel reached the door to her dorm room. "Thank you so much."

Angel smiled at her. "It's my pleasure. I wanted to do something special for you, considering this is your last night in town for a couple weeks."

"That's so thoughtful of you." She took her key out of her black purse. "I've got a Christmas present for you. It's inside."

"I have something for you, too."

"Well, come on in. We can open them in my room."

Angel followed her inside, and Robin closed the door behind them. "Shannon's not here?" he asked.

Robin shook her head. "Nope. She left at six tonight. We have the room all to ourselves."

"Oh." Reaching into his coat pocket, he pulled out a flat box, holding it out to Robin. "Merry Christmas, Rob."

Her eyes widened with glee, like a small child on Christmas morning. Taking it from him, she looked at it for several moments before ripping off the wrapping paper. When she opened it, her breath caught. What she found shocked even her. A gold, oval locket on a delicate gold chain. "A-Angel, this is so beautiful. I don't quite know what to say."

"I hope you'll say you like it."

Robin threw her arms around him, planting a soft kiss on his lips. "It's such a thoughtful gift, I love it. Of course I do."

"Buffy picked it out, actually," he admitted to her. "I needed a woman's point of view."

"Thank her for me next time you see her."

"Will do."

Placing her hand on the back of his head, she brought his lips to hers. Robin deepened the kiss, using her tongue to open Angel's mouth. Without breaking their embrace, she placed the jeweler's box on the dresser, then skimmed her hands along his sides to his trousers.

Angel pulled away when she tugged his shirt from his pants. "What are you doing?" He knew it was a stupid question – it was fairly obvious what she was doing.

"I'm giving you your present," Robin answered. "Me."

"This is an awfully big present."

"Angel, I'm not a little girl anymore. I'll be twenty next month. And I know what I want. You."

He shook his head. "No, you don't. You can't."

"I can and I do. I want you to be the first man I make love to. And I know it's a big step, but I know I'm ready to take it. With you."

"You can't just jump right into this." Angel was doing his best to change her mind.

"You don't think I've thought of everything? Prepared for it? I have." Opening her dresser drawer, she pulled out a rectangular box. "Angel, you have absolutely nothing to be worried about. I have everything we need."

He tried to find the nicest way to say what he had to say. "Robin-"

"No, don't 'Robin' me. Don't tell me that we can't. There's nothing stopping us. Angel, I'm standing right in front of you, your present is waiting for you to unwrap it."

"Don't do this. It's not right."

"Yes, it is. God, you don't have to be so noble, or so shy. I know you've done this before, and I also know you won't hurt me. And I'm not the least bit scared." She brought her hands to her dress, unbuttoning the buttons slowly, waiting for him to give in and take over.

Angel pulled her hands away. "Stop it!" Half of her dress was open, her black bra clearly visible to him. To his own surprise, he wasn't even the least bit tempted to see what was hidden underneath.

"What's wrong?"

"I don't want to do this! Look, I'm sorry, Robin, but I can't make love to you. I really like you, I care about you a great deal, but I don't think we're ready to go that far yet. I just can't be with you like that."

She was confused. "Is it me? Did I do something wrong?"

He caressed her chin with his fingers. "Not at all. You may be ready, but I'm not."

"I thought tonight was going to be about you and me. We're supposed to be together tonight. I wanted to make love to you tonight."

"I'm sorry I ruined your plans," Angel apologized. "I'm not ready. It's too soon."

Robin bit back tears. "It's okay. If you're not ready, I guess I can't force you. But I meant what I said; I want you to be my first."

He couldn't think of a reply. Instead, he kissed her lightly on the lips. "I better get going."

"Thank you for my present. I'll wear it all the time; I'll never take it off. I love it. Beautiful and thoughtful."

"So was yours. I only wish I could have accepted it."

"Angel?" He turned around to look at her. "Merry Christmas."

"You, too. Don't forget to call me. I'll see you when you get back."

He walked out the door. Halfway down the hall, Angel turned to glance at Robin's closed door. The hurt in her eyes was so apparent when he'd said no; it almost killed him to deny her what she desired. But he couldn't, just as he couldn't tell Robin the real reason he couldn't sleep with her. How do you tell your girlfriend you can't imagine waking up next to her in the morning? And moreover, how do you tell her that you're hopelessly in love with your best friend?

At two forty-five Christmas Eve, Buffy guided herself down the church aisle. She looked all around for Angel and his family, but there were so many people that she couldn't find them.

"Buffy!" a voice to her left whispered loudly.

She looked toward the left where the voice had come from, finding Mr. and Mrs. Osborne, along with Angel, seated in the pew a few rows behind her. Smiling, she made her way to them, having to climb over the other people in their pew.

Angel gazed his eyes over her, taking in her beauty. She left her blonde hair down, letting it flow to her shoulders. He didn't think he'd ever seen her look so pretty, even on Homecoming. Dressed in a long navy blue skirt and a white blouse, Buffy managed to take his breath away.

"Hi. Sorry I'm late," she said, apologizing.

"No problem. I'm glad you came. Church always bores me and it's nice to have someone here to keep me company."

Mrs. Osborne bent down, turning her head toward her son and Buffy, giving the young woman a pleasant smile. "You made it."

"I wouldn't have missed it. Thanks for inviting me along."

Angel moved over so Buffy would have enough room to sit down. It was a tight squeeze, but she found the room. Her right leg pressed against his, and he closed his eyes at her touch. With each passing day, it became harder and harder to suppress how he felt for her. He knew that it was only a matter of time before the truth came out.

"I hope you like ham," Mrs. Osborne said to Buffy when they arrived back at the Osborne home after the church service. "That's what I made for dinner."

"I love it. I'm not a very picky eater. Just put a plate in front of me and I'll be sure to eat all of it. Guaranteed."

She nodded. "Great. I wish I could do that. After having two children, my figure is shot to hell. But you have such a tiny little figure, Buffy. Where do all those calories go?"

Buffy blushed slightly. "I work out."

"Tae Bo?"

"No. Just regular exercise."

"Ah, to be young again. Why don't you and Angel go do whatever it is that you two do while I finish up with dinner," Angel's mother suggested.

Angel took Buffy's arm. "We can go in my room and talk."

Mr. Osborne gave his son a look of warning. Angel shook his head, knowing what his father was thinking. No, he'd never do that to her.

Angel closed his bedroom door behind him. Buffy had a seat on his bed, looking expectantly at him. "Aren't you going to sit down?" she asked.

"Yeah." He took a seat on the other end of the bed, keeping his distance from her.

"Something's wrong with you, I can tell. What is it?"


Buffy shook her head. "No, you have 'something' face. Did something happen with Robin the other night?" Horrible images flashed through her mind, the worst being an image of Angel and his girlfriend lying naked in her bed. She didn't know why it bothered her, but it did.

"Yeah, sort of."

She raised her eyebrows. "Sort of? You're not being very forthcoming with the details, Angel. What happened?"

"We went out for dinner and then went back to her dorm room, where we exchanged presents. She loved the locket, by the way. She wanted me to say thank you to you for picking it out. But her present to me…well, it wasn't what I expected from her."

"Good or bad?" she wanted to know.

"You know what, I'm not even sure." He paused before telling her. "Buffy, she wanted me to make love to her."

Shifting uncomfortably on the bed, Buffy bit her lip. "Oh." She couldn't ask him the question that was plaguing her thoughts. Truth was, she didn't know if she wanted to hear the answer.

"I know what you're thinking, and the answer is no. I didn't sleep with Robin."

"That wasn't–"

"Yes, it was. The old me would not have hesitated to take her to bed, not a second's hesitation. But this me couldn't. She had everything prepared. We had privacy, protection, everything we'd need. And I couldn't bring myself to even touch her. Do you know why, Buffy?"

"I don't know. Maybe because you're different from the way you used to be."

Shaking his head, Angel disagreed. "No. Because I'm not in love with her. That isn't even the worst part. No, the worst part is that I couldn't imagine spending the night with her. My own girlfriend, and I couldn't see myself in her bed the next day. I didn't want to wake up the next morning with Robin lying next to me. Her face wasn't the one I wanted to see when I woke up. Is that horrible of me?"

"I don't think it is. You looked temptation right in the eye and said no. Despite how much it must have hurt Robin, I'm proud of you. Most guys wouldn't have had the courage to do what you did."

Angel snorted. "Yeah. I'm a real stand-up guy," he said sarcastically.

"Do you two want to open your presents now or wait until later?" Mr. Osborne asked Buffy and Angel after they'd all finished eating dessert.

Glancing at one another, they both replied at the same time. "Now."

"You guys go in the family room and distribute the presents and I'll bring out the cookies and apple cider," Mrs. Osborne said to them.

Angel hung back while Buffy and his father left the room. "Do you need any help, Mom?"

Smiling at her son, she shook her head. "No, honey, everything is taken care of. Did you put Buffy's present under the tree with the rest of them?"

"Yes, I did. Do you think she'll like it?" he asked in a worried tone.

"Of course she will. It's beautiful, just like her. I adore that little girl just as much as you do."

He planted a kiss on his mother's cheek. "I highly doubt that."

Walking out of the kitchen, Angel entered the family room in time to see his father handing a pile of presents to Buffy, who sat on her knees a few feet from the tree.

"These are for you," David Osborne told her.

"All of these? You didn't have to."

"Joanne and I wanted to. You've become like a daughter to us these past few months, Buffy. You're a member of this family, like it or not. And we'll spoil you just like we spoil our son."

She was speechless. "I don't know what to say."

"How about nothing and open your presents?" Angel suggested.

"You know, you've got a pretty big pile here, too, buddy," she teased.

Mr. Osborne sighed. "Both of you shut up and open your presents."

After Angel's mother returned with a plate of cookies and four steaming mugs of hot apple cider, they all began to open their gifts. It took them an hour to open all of them, each person having at least five presents to unwrap. Mr. and Mrs. Osborne gave Buffy a black sweater, a fifty dollar gift certificate to the Sunnydale Mall, a leather jacket, a pair of opal earrings and several CDs that Angel picked out.

"You went to too much trouble," Buffy said. "Really, you didn't need to buy me anything."

"We wanted to. Come on, you have one more present left to open," Mrs. Osborne pointed out.

It was a long box, small in comparison to the others she'd opened that night. Looking at the card, it said TO: BUFFY. FROM: ANGEL. With all eyes on her, she opened her last gift.

"Oh my god, Angel, you shouldn't have." He'd bought her a gold charm bracelet with a gold heart charm dangling from it.

"Do you like it?"

"It's beautiful. Of course I do."

He grinned. "Read the inscription on the charm," he requested.

Turning the heart charm over, Buffy read what he had inscribed on it. In small letters was written MY HEART BELONGS TO YOU – ANGEL. Her lower lip quivering, she said, "That's so sweet."

Only Angel and his father were aware that the words were the truth. "I'm glad you like it. See, now you have my heart forever."

She wrapped her arms around him. "Angel, I love it. Will you put it on me?"

Taking the bracelet out of its box, he gingerly placed it on her wrist, securing the clasp so it wouldn't fall off. His fingers lingered for a moment before he put his hands back in his lap.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

They sat around the tree for another hour, Angel's parents telling Buffy stories from when Angel was a young boy. She couldn't help but laugh when they told her about him, at age eight, getting up at the crack of dawn and falling asleep under the tree with presents surrounding him.

"I better get going before Mom sends out the National Guard," Buffy said at eleven o'clock.

"Do you have to go?" Mrs. Osborne pouted. "You can stay over if you'd like to. There's an extra bed in Angel's room that you can sleep in."

Mr. Osborne feared the outcome of his son sharing a bedroom with Buffy. "If Buffy's mother wants her home, maybe it's better that she go."

"I do appreciate the offer, but I can't stay. Thank you so much for having me over, and for all the wonderful gifts you gave me."

"You know you're welcome over anytime, and as we said before, you're family to us, Buffy. Have a Merry Christmas and tell your mother the same."

"I will."

Angel stood up when Buffy did. "I'll walk you out."

He followed her to the front door, holding it open for her. "Thanks for coming tonight. Christmas was actually fun this year."

Glancing up, she grinned mischievously. "Are you going to kiss me or not?"

"Huh?" Her question took him by surprise.

Buffy pointed to the door frame. "Mistletoe."

"I guess I have to then, don't I?"

"It's tradition."

"Can't break tradition, now can I?" Leaning down, he pressed his lips gently over hers. His heart raced and his palms felt sweaty. Kissing a girl never had that kind of an affect on him. Not that Buffy was just any girl. He had to blink several times after he pulled away from her. "That was…"

"Really nice," she finished. "Thank you for the bracelet."

"And thank you for the watch."

She smiled at him. "So, tell me, Angel. Did you get everything you asked for this Christmas?"

Angel shook his head. "No. The one thing I want more than anything still eludes me. Not that I expected to get it. It's not something you can buy."

"What did you want?"

"Never mind. It's something I'll never have anyway."

"You never know. You might find it under your tree tomorrow morning."

"I don't think so, Buffy. You can't giftwrap what I want with a big red bow and put it under the Christmas tree." 'How do you tie a bow around love?'

"Ah, the annual Sunnydale High Winter Carnival," Angel said on New Year's Eve when he and Buffy arrived at the school grounds. "Same faulty rides and freaky people year after year. It's nice to know some things never change."

Buffy frowned. "You didn't have to come with me, Angel. You could have said no when I invited you."

"I'm only teasing. The carnival isn't that bad. I have somewhat fond memories of this place."

She laughed. "I'll bet. You probably brought one of your many girlfriends here and had sex with her somewhere on the grounds."

"Actually, she was running one of the game booths and we did it in the woods behind the gymnasium during her half-hour break," he told her with a straight face.

Her jaw dropped. "You did *what*?"

Angel took her hand in his. "It was a joke, Buffy. I never did that."

She hit him across the chest with her free hand. "You really had me going! You are such a jerk, Angel."

"Sorry. No, back in high school, the guys on the football team would come here and make fun of it all."

"Is that why you're here now? To make fun of it?"

He shook his head. "Nope. I came because I want to have a good time tonight. Besides, it gives me an excuse to go out with you."

"As if you need one. Pretty soon, people will start to talk," she said with a sly grin.

Shrugging his shoulders, Angel replied, "So, let them."

They walked inside the tent that housed the booths and game tables. "What do you want to do first?" Buffy asked.

"It doesn't matter to me. Whatever you want to do."

"Ferris Wheel or Bumper Cars?"

Angel considered his two options. "Ferris Wheel."

On their way over to the Ferris Wheel, Cordelia stepped in their path. "Angel, I had no idea you were going to be here. If I'd known, I would have worn something nicer than this old thing," she said, blatantly flirting with him.

Buffy inwardly groaned, feeling underdressed in comparison to the tall brunette. While the Slayer wore a black turtleneck and a pair of jeans, Cordelia had chosen a pair of tight black pants and a royal blue sweater. As usual, she looked stunning.

"Buffy invited me."

Cordelia ignored his statement. "Wanna go on the Ferris Wheel with me? We can get to know each other better."

"Not tonight, Cordelia. I told you, I came here with Buffy. She and I are headed to the Ferris Wheel ourselves," he told her.

It didn't deter the wealthy brunette. "My sympathies for your choice of companions. I'll be running the kissing booth in an hour. It's only three tickets, but I won't charge you if you stop by."

"Uh-huh. Nice seeing you."

"She was coming on pretty strong," Buffy commented when she and Angel reached the line for the Ferris Wheel.

"Too strong for my liking."

"So, are you going to stop by and visit her?" she asked.

He scoffed. "Hardly. She's too stuck up and pushy for my liking."

"Next!" the man running the ride called. "How many?"

"Two," Angel answered.

They sat down in the seat and the man closed and secured the bar. The ride began its journey upward, gaining speed as it went along. From the top, Buffy looked down at the lights of the town. It seemed just like any other small town – peaceful, tranquil and oblivious to the dangers all around.

"Have you spoken to Robin lately?" Buffy wanted to know.

Angel shook his head in response. "Not since Christmas Day. She and her family are spending the New Year in Aspen. I was invited, but I said no."

"You never told me that. Why didn't you go?"

"I guess I wanted to be around my family for the holidays instead of spending them with a bunch of strangers."

"Sure. That's why it's New Year's Eve and you're spending the night at my house with me, Willow and Oz. Yeah, quality time with your family. Ringing in the new year with us."

"What can I say? You made me an offer I couldn't refuse."

"Angel, you should be spending New Year's Eve with your girlfriend."

"I'd rather be here in Sunnydale with you than in Aspen, Colorado. I'm not a big fan of snow, you know that."

Buffy smiled, then laughed. "Don't you know that you're supposed to kiss the person you love at the stroke of midnight? Who are you going to kiss then?"

"I was planning on kissing you, actually." 'That way, I will be kissing the person I love.'

"Hey, look," Angel said an hour later. "They have a psychic here this year. I don't remember there ever being one before. We should go."

"They're cheesy. Just a bunch of bologna if you ask me."

"It'll be fun."

Buffy shook her head. "It's a waste of five tickets. Besides, I don't believe in that kind of stuff. People who can see things in their mind…ha! Yuck."

"Well, I never believed in vampires and demons until I met you, so I will believe pretty much anything."


"Buffy, come on. I'll put in my own tickets for you. I'd like to find out what this Madame Drusilla has to say about my future."

She relented. "Fine, but I'm going under duress."

"It's all in good fun."

They walked into the tent at the far corner of the school grounds. A beautiful woman with long brown hair and a hypnotic smile greeted them. "Oh, what a pretty couple you two make," she said in a thick English accent.

"We're not–" Buffy began.

Angel interrupted her. "We'd like our fortunes read."

"Five tickets each, dearies."

He handed Madame Drusilla ten tickets, enough for both he and Buffy to have their fortunes told.

"Step inside," she said, motioning for Angel to follow her into a curtained-off room. He sat down at a small, round table in the center of the room.

She took a seat across from him. Madame Drusilla stared deeply into Angel's brown eyes. It made him rather uncomfortable, but he never looked away. It was as if he were under some kind of spell, he couldn't turn away from her gaze. After a minute, she asked for his hands, and she placed her palms over his, closing her eyes.

"You're in love, and it frightens you. Your feelings are so strong, yet you fear rejection. There's no need to worry so, you will attain what you want; the young woman waiting outside will be your true love."

"She doesn't love me back," Angel told her.

She put her pointer finger to her lips, quieting him. "Soon, you will know her love, and her gift to you will amaze you. But you won't feel as if you deserve it." She closed her eyes again. "There will be hurt and heartache, Angel. Your heart will be broken, though fear not your love, she will be yours."

"H-How did you know my name?" he asked. "I never said it."

"You are her angel; her knight in shining armor." Her head rolled from side to side. "Ooh…I see happiness in your future. Not just in love. You'll have everything you want…snow…I see you playing football in the snow…millions of people watching you as you ask her to be yours for all time…I hear them cheering when she says yes. Angel, all of your dreams come true."

He stood up, creeped out by what Madame Drusilla fortold. "T-Thank you."

Angel practically ran out of the room, but he collected himself when he reached Buffy again. "Your turn."

"Are you okay?"

Nodding, he replied, "Yeah."

Buffy went inside. "Have a seat, love," Madame Drusilla softly demanded.

She did the same exact thing that she had done to Angel only five minutes earlier. Buffy, however, remained skeptical. Psychics were just plain weird to her. And she doubted what the woman had to say. What were the chances that she could tell her future? Slim to none, as far as Buffy was concerned.

"You have been hurt by the men in your life. They all leave you, including your father. You haven't heard from him in months; you think he doesn't care about you anymore, but he does. My dear, there is one man who never wants to leave you; he wants to be by your side forever. But yet you close your heart to love, and to the man who loves you. It needs to be open for his arrival.

"A man has given his heart to you and you wear it on your sleeve for all to see," she said to Buffy, pointing to the charm bracelet Angel gave her for Christmas. "My dear Buffy, I see such love in your future. By next month, it will all come to a boil. Your cup overfloweth, brimming with love from a man you never thought could have had such feelings for you. You'll know his love in every way imaginable. Emotionally, spiritually; but it won't be until you know his love physically that you'll realize you feel the same for him.

"It won't be easy, but his love is truer than any other. He will hurt you, remember that he loves you. He wants to be with you forever. Don't fight it."

Buffy raised her eyebrows. "Uh-huh. I'll keep that in mind. Thanks for the words of warning, but I'm going now."

Angel was waiting for her when she exited the room. "That was real fun, Angel," she commented sarcastically. "That lady was nuts!"

"I don't think so. She knew exactly what's going on with me." 'Dead on.'

"Madame Drusilla seems to think I'm going to find love in January, and that I'll know physical love. Whatever she meant by physical love."

"Physical love is sex, Buffy," he said to her.

Buffy shrugged. "Sure. Like I'm going to hop into bed with some guy just because he says he loves me. Not likely. I'm not a slut, I don't sleep around."

"Nobody said you were. Maybe what she said is true, you'll fall in love with someone who feels the same way about you."

"Some guy out there somewhere is going to sweep me off my feet and into his bed? I wouldn't let it happen. Face it, there isn't some guy out there mooning over me, pining away for my unrequited love."

Angel grimaced. "Yes, there is," he said under his breath, too soft for even Buffy to hear.

"This past month has just flown by. I can't believe you're going back to school tomorrow morning," Mrs. Osborne said at the dinner table on January seventeenth. Tears formed in the corners of her eyes.

Angel sighed sadly. His mother always cried the day before he left for school. "I'll only be three miles away, Mom. You make it sound like I'm flying back to Notre Dame or something. I'm still going to be here in Sunnydale."

"I think your mother has grown quite accustomed to having you home these past few weeks," his father commented. "We both have."

"Why do you have to live in the dorms? You can live here and stay in your old room."

"Because my scholarship pays for me to dorm there. I like the privacy and the responsibility of being on my own. Mom, you never had a problem with it before, why is my living in the dorms such an issue now?"

She sniffled. "You're growing up so fast, Angel. It seems like only yesterday that you were starting kindergarten, holding on to my leg and begging to stay at home with me. Now you don't even want to stay at home. Pretty soon you'll be moving out and getting married and starting your own family."

"Can you say jumping the gun? I'm not getting married anytime in the near future," Angel told her. "And kids? Don't think it's going to happen."

"My baby's growing up; you're not my little angel anymore. You're a grown man." She broke down and sobbed.

Mr. Osborne turned to his son, who stared at his mother in shock and dismay. "Maybe you better leave the room before your mother really loses it."

Angel nodded, then carried his empty plate to the sink. Taking a look back at his parents, he felt a pang of guilt when he saw his mother dabbing her eyes with a napkin. His leaving was breaking her heart, and Angel hated seeing his mother so sad. She'd already mourned the loss of her oldest son; Angel moving back to campus was hurting her even more.

Inside his bedroom, he began packing his clothes for the move back to the dorms. Almost mechanically, he threw jeans, t-shirts, sweats, sweaters, socks, underwear and shoes into the four suitcases that lay on his bed. His heart wasn't in it; Angel dreaded returning to the UC Sunnydale campus the next day.

Mr. Osborne knocked on the door, opening it slightly to see his son packing his things. "Mind if I come in?"

"Not at all."

In the month that Angel had been home for Christmas vacation, he and his father struck up a father-son relationship that never existed before. For the first time since Brandon's death thirteen years earlier, Angel and David Osborne felt comfortable around one another.

"How's Mom doing?" Angel asked.

"She's upset. Your mother doesn't want you to go; she's afraid of losing you for some strange reason. They call it the empty nest syndrome."

"I'll be home every weekend. It's not like she'll never see me."

Mr. Osborne shrugged. "Tell that to her."

Angel took a deep breath. "I've been doing a lot of thinking these past few days. I haven't been the world's greatest son to you and I haven't been fair to either of you. Ever since I became a teenager, I have pushed you and Mom away and acted like a self-centered jerk. And I'm sorry for all the hurt I've caused."

"You don't need to apologize."

"Dad, I want to move back home for my last year of school. I want to get to know my family before it's too late."

"This is your home as much as it is ours. We'd love to have you back."

Angel slumped down on his bed. "You know what? I don't want to go back to school tomorrow."


He nodded. "Not about school itself, though. I…Robin comes back tomorrow and I still don't know what I'm going to do about her."

"You've had a month to think about it, Angel. I would've thought you'd have come to some kind of a decision."

"I did, too."

Mr. Osborne sat down next to his son. "Well, what does you heart tell you to do?"

Angel bit his lip. "I care about Robin. She's a terrific girl; sweet and funny and nice, and I know I should love her. But I don't. Dad, I don't want to hurt her if I can help it, especially for no reason."

"You do have a reason. Are you still in love with Buffy?" he asked.


"Then how can you say you have no reason? I'd say that's a very good reason. You're not in love with her, you shouldn't be seeing her if you don't."

"Maybe so, but what if I break it off with Robin and then tell Buffy how I feel and she says she doesn't feel the same way? I'll have made a complete fool of myself for nothing, losing a girl I, one day, could love. God, I don't know what to do. My head tells me to do one thing and my heart says something different. I'm so confused."

Mr. Osborne put his arm around Angel. "I can't make your decisions for you, son. You have a difficult choice to make; I don't envy you. It's not easy to choose between two such unique women."

"Do you like Robin?"

"I've only met her once, but she came across as being a very nice young lady."

"And Buffy?"

"I like her a great deal. She's like family."

Angel swallowed the lump in his throat. "If you could look ten years into the future, who would you see by my side? Buffy or Robin or someone else?" he asked.

He closed his eyes, a mental picture forming inside his head. It was Christmas, and he and Joanne were greeting Angel and his wife at the door, a young baby boy in their daughter-in-law's arms. Angel's wife grinned, secure with her husband's arms around her.

"I can only see Buffy."

"So do I. I think I know what I have to do."

At one the next afternoon, as Angel was unpacking his belongings in his dorm room, a knock sounded at his door. When he opened it, he found Robin standing on the other side. "Robin," he said simply.

"Angel!" she returned, throwing her arms around his neck, pressing her lips to his. "I wasn't sure if you were going to be here. But I decided to take my chances anyway."

"It's great to see you," he told her, preparing for what he had to say. "We have to talk."

She didn't remove her arms from him. "This month has been hell not seeing you. Angel, you have no idea how much I missed you."

"I missed you, too."

"We haven't spoken since Christmas Day. How was your New Year's? What did you do?"

Angel thought back to that night two and a half weeks prior. It almost brought a smile to his face, but he fought it.

"The ball is going to drop in fifteen seconds," Buffy said, standing on top of her sleeping bag in the middle of the living room.

Willow grinned. "This is so exciting. For the first time ever, I'll have someone to kiss at midnight."

Oz put his arm around the redhead. "I'm pretty excited about that myself. How 'bout you, Angel?" He knew that his cousin would be kissing Buffy at midnight.

"Whole new year, whole new world full of possibilities. What's not to look forward to? You never know what's going to happen."

"Okay, this is it," Buffy exclaimed. "Five! Four! Three! Two! One! Happy New Year!"

Oz pulled his girlfriend into his arms, kissing her. Angel looked at Buffy, not sure if she wanted him to do the same. He'd told her earlier at the carnival that he planned to kiss her, but didn't know if she'd let him. Taking a deep breath, he moved in front of her, slowly bringing his lips to hers.

He never deepened it, despite the fact that he desperately wanted to. Buffy placed her hands on his shoulders, using them as leverage to lift herself closer to his mouth. For some reason, she wanted it to go on forever. While part of her craved more of his touch, another part told her to stop. 'Angel has a girlfriend. I can't keep kissing him like this.'

"Happy New Year," he whispered in her ear when their embrace broke.

"Happy New Year to you, too," Buffy replied.

"I stayed home with my parents," Angel lied, not wanting to tell Robin that he slept over Buffy's house New Year's Eve. "Nothing special."

"Well, mine sucked. I had to kiss my brother at midnight. I would much rather have kissed you. But hey, there's always next year."

'Next year?' "I told you, my parents wanted me to stay home with them. If I could have, I would have gone with you."

Robin nodded. "I know." Reaching into her purse, she pulled out a small package. "Since you wouldn't accept my other Christmas gift, I bought you something else. It's not as nice as the one you got me, but I thought of you when I saw it."

Angel opened the gift, finding a CD with songs by women rockers in the eighties, his favorite type of music. "Thank you. I like it."

"One of my favorite songs is on there. Will you dance with me to it?"

"I'd love to."

Robin took the CD from him, putting it in his CD player, programming it to number twelve. She wrapped herself in her boyfriend's arms as the song played.

When I find myself watching the time
I never think about all the funny things you said
I feel like, instead, love isn't near me now
I turn around in the still of the room
Knowing this is when I'm going to make my move
Can't wait any longer and I'm feeling stronger
But, oh
Just as I walk to the door I can feel your emotions
It's pulling me back, just a little more time to love you
I know, caught up in the middle I cry just a little
When I think of letting go
Oh, no, gave up on the riddle I cry just a little
When he plays piano in the dark

With Robin's head resting on his shoulder, Angel put his hands around her waist. As he closed his eyes, he imagined it was Buffy he was with – Buffy's head on his shoulder, Buffy's arms wrapped around him, Buffy telling him she loved him.

"What?" he asked.

She looked up at him, gazing into his eyes. "I love you."


"You don't have to say it back, not if you aren't ready. Just dance with me."

'I really screwed up this time,' Angel said to himself. 'Robin isn't supposed to be in love with me.'

He holds me close like a thief of the heart
He plays a melody, born to tear me all apart
The silence is broken, no words are spoken
But, oh
Just as I walk to the door I can feel your emotions
It's pulling me back, just a little more time to love you
I know, caught up in the middle I cry just a little
When I think of letting go
Oh, no, gave up on the riddle I cry just a little
When he plays piano in the dark

"I know you're not ready, Angel. But I love you and I want to make love to you."

"I don't know if–"

She shook her head. "It's okay. I understand that you're still a little bit gun shy. But just so you know, whenever you want to, I'll be here. You're probably the nicest guy I've ever known, and I can't think of anyone else I'd rather be with."

'How can I break up with her after she said that? I can't do it, not now.' Angel seriously wondered if he'd ever be able to.

"This has got to be my worst birthday yet," Buffy said to Angel the next night. He'd invited her over so he could give her the birthday present he bought. "My mom's out of town, Dad 'conveniently' had meetings he couldn't get out of, and on top of all of that, I feel really weird. I have this feeling that something is going to go wrong."

"Look at the bright side, at least you're eighteen."

Buffy frowned. "Yippee. Oh gee, I'm legal. Like it's such a big deal anymore to turn eighteen."

"There's a lot of things you can do now. You can vote. And…" He couldn't think of anything else that was important about being eighteen.

"I appreciate the effort, Angel, but forget it. Nothing is going to make my day better."

From underneath his bed, Angel pulled out her gift. "Not even a present from yours truly?"

He waited expectantly for Buffy to open the present, hoping that she would like it. It wasn't nearly as nice as the Christmas present he'd purchased for her, but it wasn't exactly cheap either.

"Angel, it's gorgeous," she commented when she gazed upon her birthday present. In a gray box lay a silver cross on a silver chain. "This must have cost you a fortune. You shouldn't have spent so much money on me."

"What else am I supposed to spend my money on? I stopped over your house last week while you were in school and your mother let me sift through your jewelry box. When I saw that you didn't have a cross necklace, I decided to buy you one."

She smiled at him. "Well, I love it. I guess I was wrong; you did make my birthday a little better."

"That was the whole point. Besides, it's a special day. A girl only turns eighteen once in her life. Might as well make it memorable."

"You did. Thank you, it's the best gift ever."

Buffy left Angel's dorm room a little after nine, wanting to be home before nine-thirty. She tried to ignore the sense of forboding she felt when she stepped off the university campus. Angel had told her that she was being paranoid before she left, but she believed otherwise. Something was definitely amiss.

"Hey there, little lady," a short, stocky man sneered as Buffy turned onto the street. "Need a strong man to walk you home safely?"

"No, thank you. I can make it home by myself."

The man vamped out, showing Buffy his game face. "Sorry, I don't take no for an answer."

She whipped her stake out from underneath her blouse, holding it in preparation for battle. "Neither do I."

He ran at her, easily knocking the weapon out of her hand with a single blow. The act took her by surprise, giving the vampire enough time to push her to the ground, pinning her to the sidewalk. She tried to free herself, but it proved futile; Buffy simply didn't have the strength to fight back.

The man bared his fangs and hissed, leaning over her neck, using his right thumb to scratch her cheek, drawing a bit of blood. The smell of it sent his bloodlust into overdrive. She knew she had to get away or she would die. With all her might, Buffy lifted her right knee, successfully making contact with her attacker's groin. He backed off, stunned. Buffy took the opportunity to get up and run away. On her way back to the UC Sunnydale campus, she realized that her Slayer strength was gone. She was helpless against her foes.

Buffy pounded on Angel's door, praying that he would answer. Looking nervously over her shoulder, she needed to make sure that the vampire wasn't following her. Never in her entire life had she felt so scared and helpless. 'Angel, please open the door.' He heard the knocking from his bathroom where he was drying off after his shower. Quickly throwing on a pair of sweatpants, Angel ran to the door to answer it. Upon opening it, he found a shaking, disheveled Buffy standing in the hallway on the other side. A drop of blood trickled down her cheek from a cut below her eye. "Oh my god, Buffy. What happened?"

"Can I come in?" she asked in a shaky voice.

"Of course." He opened the door wider to let her inside his dorm room. "You're hurt."

She nodded. "I know."

"Come in the bathroom with me and I'll clean off that cut."

Buffy followed Angel into the bathroom, still somewhat steamy from his shower. While he reached into the medicine cabinet for bandages and alcohol, she took a seat on the toilet. She brought a trembling hand to her left cheek, discovering that she was bleeding.

Sitting himself down on the edge of the bathtub, Angel tended to her wound. "This may sting a little," he said to her.


Dabbing a piece of cotton in the bottle of alcohol, he pressed it lightly on Buffy's cut. She gasped at first from the pain, but bit her lip rather than cry over it. Angel continued to wipe the cut off, amazed at how quickly it was healing. Glancing in her eyes, he saw them glisten from the tears that welled up there. Angel carefully bandaged it with sterile gauze.

"All done," he told her, standing up. He put the alcohol back in the cabinet and threw the blood-stained cotton ball in the garbage.

"Thank you."

"Do you want to tell me what happened?"

She nodded, and he led her to his bed where she sat across from him. Buffy curled one leg under her and left the other one dangling off the mattress. Angel waited patiently for her to begin her tale.

"On my way home, I got attacked by a vampire. I was only a few feet off campus when he came up to me. He asked to walk me home, but I said no. Then I realized he was a vampire. I grabbed my stake, but he ripped it out of my hand." She let her tears fall and she sniffled. "Angel, I couldn't fight the vamp. It wasn't because he was super strong or anything. I was weak, helpless. My power, my strength is gone."

"You're jumping to conclusions. There must be some other reason," Angel reasoned.

"No," she said, shaking her head. "I'm just like everyone else now. Normal. What if I have lost my power?"

"You've lived a long time without it. You can do it again."

She shrugged. "I guess. But what if I can't? I've seen too much, I know what goes bump in the night. Not being able to fight it…what if I just hide under my bed, all scared and helpless? What if I just become pathetic? Hanging out at the old Slayer's home, talking people's ears off about my glory days and showing them Mr. Pointy, the stake I had bronzed."

Angel gave her a small smile, taking her hand. "You could never be helpless or boring, not even if you tried."

Buffy shook her head, wiping her eyes with her free hand. "Don't be so sure. Before I was the Slayer, I was…well, I don't want to say shallow, but let's just say that Cordelia Chase looked like a classical philosopher next to me." She paused for several moments before continuing. "Angel, if I'm not the Slayer, then who am I? What do I have to offer the world? Why would you even like me?" The last question was barely audible, hardly a whisper.

"Don't say that. You being the Slayer doesn't determine who you are as a person. Buffy, you have plenty to offer the world. You're smart, funny, pretty and a lot of fun to be around; you're my best friend. I would have liked you even if you weren't the Slayer," Angel admitted.

More tears fell down her cheeks. "Do you mean that?"

He wiped the stray tears away with his pointer finger. "Yes, I do."

Buffy put her arms around him, and he held her tight, his face nuzzled in her neck. "I don't want to be normal. I'm not strong enough to be weak. It hurts too much."

"Shh. It'll be okay."

Angel let her cry on his shoulder while he embraced her. He couldn't abandon her, not when she needed his support. The one thing he wished he could do was show Buffy how important she was to him, Slayer or not.

Continuing to hold her, he placed a feather light kiss where her neck and her shoulder met, easing upward toward her jaw. Buffy was only vaguely aware of what Angel was doing through her tears. It wasn't until his gentle kisses reached her cheeks that she realized what was going on.

She lifted her head off his bare shoulder slowly as he moved his lips upward along the left side of her face, carefully avoiding her bandaged cut. Their eyes locked for a moment, then Angel brought his lips to her forehead, then down to the tip of her nose.

'Oh god, he's kissing me,' Buffy thought. 'This must be some sort of dream. Angel wouldn't be kissing me like this in real life. I'm only imagining it, aren't I? I must be.' "Angel?"

He never replied. Bringing his lips to hers, Angel closed his eyes and followed his heart. All conscious thought left his mind at the touch of her lips. He never pushed it or forced her to do anything she didn't want to; he simply lost himself in the kiss.

Buffy couldn't deny that she wanted him to keep kissing her. It was in his embrace at that very moment that she felt the most secure, no other place on earth would make her feel safer. She, like Angel, lost herself in the kiss. It wasn't as if she'd never been kissed before, but this one was different for some reason.

Their lips parted, and the two looked at each other for what seemed like an eternity. Neither spoke; they couldn't seem to find the right words to say. In Angel's eyes, Buffy expected to see lust and desire, or even shock and disgust. Instead, she saw what she believed to be love and a look of hopefulness. Any doubts she might have entertained left her mind at that moment.

When she put her hand on the back of his head and pushed his lips to hers again, Angel was somewhat surprised. It was the last thing he expected Buffy to do. He figured she would push him away for being so bold, but she did the exact opposite.

Lacing his hands through her shoulder-length blonde hair, he fervently kissed her back. She opened her mouth a couple of centimeters, just wide enough for him to slip his tongue inside. As their kiss grew in intensity, his tongue roamed her mouth, seeking its mate. The two appendages danced in each others' mouths, and Angel gently pushed Buffy back so that they lay on his bed, her lying beneath him.

Her hands ran up and down his muscled back, feeling his muscles as they rippled under her touch. He held his weight from her vulnerable body, propping himself up with one arm, using the other one to explore her body. Using his right hand, Angel examined the curves of the young woman beneath him. Unbuttoning her black jeans, he pulled her white blouse upward, exposing her belly to his touch.

Buffy knew where things were heading as soon as her back was pressed against the mattress. "Angel," she said, removing her lips from his, but keeping her hands clutched about his waist.

"What is it? Is something wrong?"

She swallowed the lump that formed in her throat, and tried to ignore the tingling feeling in the pit of her stomach. "I'm…" Embarrassed, she turned away, unable to look him in the eye. "I've-I've never done this before."

"Buffy, I'm so sorry. I never wanted to take it this far, really. I'll stop." 'What the hell was I thinking? Buffy's still a virgin. I shouldn't be pushing this on her. And she's so vulnerable right now. I'd just be taking advantage of her.'

"I don't want you to stop. But I can't help feeling a little scared," she admitted to him.

Angel gazed at her intently. "You really don't want to stop?"

Buffy shook her head. "No, I don't. It's what I want."

"If you're afraid, I don't want to force you."

"You're not forcing me, Angel. Just go slow, please."

He kissed her softly. "I will. And if at any time you want to stop, just tell me and I will."

I can't fight this feeling any longer
And yet I'm still afraid to let it flow
What started out as friendship has grown stronger
I only wish I had the strength to let it show

With his right thumb, Angel wiped the tears from her cheeks. It hurt him more than he liked to see her in any kind of pain. Buffy was the kind of person that should never know heartache, and only good things should happen to. Gazing into her green eyes, he felt like he could see his own soul. Everything that he was and would ever be could be found inside this bright young girl. He tried so hard to control himself, to suppress his urges, but could not keep himself from wanting her, or from loving her.

Trailing his hand along the side of her body, he could feel the rapid beating of her heart and the increase in her body temperature. Reaching the waistband of her jeans once more, Angel slipped his hand inside her blouse. Her soft skin was scalding; burning him. He'd never felt anything so wonderful in his life. With his fingers, he traced the edges of her lace bra, wanting so badly to touch what was inside. But he had to go slow for her; he needed to be patient.

Angel sat himself on his knees between Buffy's legs, hoisting her up into a sitting position. She thought for sure he was going to stop; that he didn't want to do it anymore. Lifting the hem of her shirt, he slowly removed it from her body. Taking a moment, he surveyed her. She was far more exquisite than he imagined, wearing only a white lace bra that accentuated her perfectly rounded breasts. He'd found perfection, and she sat right in front of him.

I tell myself that I can't hold out forever
I said there is no reason for my fear
'Cause I feel so secure when we're together
You give my life direction
You make everything so clear

Bringing his mouth to hers again, he wound his arms around her back, feeling the creamy skin beneath. Her arms wrapped around his neck, pushing him harder against her, as if afraid he'd stop again, only this time for good. Together, they fell back, Angel on top again. While Buffy continued to kiss him and stroke the back of his neck, Angel finished unbuttoning her jeans. With little difficulty, he pushed them down her hips, thighs and legs. She helped him along by kicking them off, landing at the end of the bed. All nervousness was gone, replaced by anticipation.

He couldn't believe that she was still there and not running out the door as fast as she could. It amazed him. But he kept telling himself not to rush things, as much as he wanted to just rip her undergarments from her yielding body and take her right then and there, Angel refused. He wanted her first time to be special; didn't want her to look back on it with regret. So he contented himself at that moment with only kissing and touching.

And even as I wander
I'm keeping you in sight
You're a candle in the window on a cold, dark winter's night
And I'm getting closer than I ever thought I might

'He's not going to hurt me,' Buffy thought. 'Angel really is going to go slow. Oh my god, in a couple minutes, I'll be having sex with him. He'll be kissing me and touching me and he will actually be inside of me. And I can't believe he wants to do this with me. Why me? Why am I the special one? I'm just Buffy, no one special.'

Whenever their eyes met, if only for a brief instant, there was an unspoken exchange between them. No words needed to be said, it could all be found in their eyes. Buffy wasn't sure what Angel saw in hers, but she saw love in his, and perhaps a twinge of desperation. She wanted – no, needed – to share the experience with him. Angel was the only person she could share it with.

And I can't fight this feeling anymore
I've forgotten what I started fighting for
It's time to bring this ship into the shore
And throw away the oars forever
'Cause I can't fight this feeling anymore
I've forgotten what I started fighting for
And if I have to crawl upon the floor
Come crashing through your door
Baby, I can't fight this feeling anymore

Without breaking their embrace, Angel flipped them over so that Buffy lay above him, her soft body pressed against his hard one. Bringing his hands to her waist, he rolled her matching lace panties from her hips. He nearly lost all control when he felt the dampness on them, knowing that he alone had caused it to be there. He pushed them to her knees, leaving them there to be removed later.

His next order of business was her bra. The clasp was in the back, and he trailed his fingers back up her body; up her thighs, over her backside, across the small of her back until he found her one remaining article of clothing. He traced his thumbs and forefingers around the strap to the curves of her breasts, which were crushed against his chest, and back again. The bra unsnapped easily, and Angel slid the straps down her arms, flipping them over once again.

Back on his knees, he bent Buffy's knees up, fully removing the panties. She watched him to see what he'd do next, not the least bit afraid. With his hands on her hips, Angel pushed her toward him, straightening her legs out and sitting between them. Her bra only slightly covered her breasts, and he brought his hands to them, cupping her over the bra. Moving inch by agonizing inch, he moved his hands downward, taking the scrap of lace with him until her breasts were bare to his full view.

My life has been such a whirlwind since I saw you
I've been running around in circles in my mind
And it always seems I'm following you, girl
'Cause you take me to the places that alone I'd never find

Buffy's eyes closed and she sighed pleasurably when Angel bent over her, pressing his lips to her breasts, taking one of her nipples in his mouth. It seemed to her that he knew exactly what to do to pleasure her, to make her feel good. She held his head in place, lifting her hips against the fabric of his sweatpants, desperately craving any kind of contact with him. With his other hand massaging her other breast, manipulating her nipple between his fingers, Angel bit down ever-so-gently, swirling his tongue, and finally bringing his head up to look at her. She was on fire with want; her eyes closed and panting. She'd never felt that way about anyone, and she didn't quite know how to react to it. But Buffy did know that she wanted him to be her first lover. She only wished now that he'd hurry up before she exploded.

When he sat back up again, Buffy followed in suit. She placed her hands on his waist, pulling down his gray sweatpants. Her eyes bulged when his erection became free, standing proudly in front of him. 'It's so big! I never thought it would look like that.' Buffy looked back up at him, seeing him watch her curiously, awaiting some kind of expression or movement from her.

Nervously trembling, she brought her left hand to it, wondering what it felt like. It was hard to the touch, quivering at the contact of her warm hand. Buffy gasped, shocked that this thing – this long, hard part of her best friend and soon-to-be lover's body – could fit inside of her. It looked too large. Putting her hand around it at the base, she stroked him to the very tip and back again.

He let her do what she wanted, knowing how curious she must be. Though if she continued to stroke him as she was doing, and doing well, he might add, Angel knew he'd come in her hand. Placing his hand over hers, Angel stopped her.

She looked up at him questionably. "Did I do something wrong?" she asked innocently.

Angel shook his head vigorously. "God, no. You were doing it right, Buffy. Perfectly."

"Then why did you make me stop?"

"Because if you keep doing that, it'll be over before it even begins. And I don't want that to happen."

"Oh. Sorry."

He kissed her gently. "Don't be."

And even as I wander I'm keeping you in sight
You're a candle in the window on a cold, dark winter's night
And I'm getting closer than I ever thought I might
And I can't fight this feeling anymore
I've forgotten what I started fighting for
It's time to bring this ship into the shore
And throw away the oars forever
'Cause I can't fight this feeling anymore
I've forgotten what I started fighting for
And if I have to crawl upon the floor
Come crashing through your door
Baby, I can't fight this feeling anymore

Angel discarded his sweatpants, throwing them on the floor along with Buffy's clothes. They fell to the bed once more, only this time to finish what they'd started. His lips took the same path they took originally, starting at her shoulder and working upward, only this time on the right-hand side.. He kept most of his weight on his arms, not wanting to put it unnecessarily on Buffy.

With a searing kiss, he positioned himself at her opening. She felt him there, practically waiting to be let in, but he didn't move. He reached behind him with each arm, wrapping her legs around his waist for better access. Looking down at her, Angel asked silently for permission to enter her body. Nodding her head, she gave it.

He buried his head in her neck as he pushed his way slowly inside, tearing through her virginity. Buffy squeezed her eyes shut at the pain of his entrance, holding him as tight as she could. She wanted to cry out, scream, do anything to take the pain away. Never had she imagined sex would hurt so much. When she'd looked at him, she knew how big he was, but never questioned whether or not he would fit perfectly inside of her. And he didn't.

While Buffy silently fought the pain, Angel lost himself in the tight, hot wetness of her body. It was pure bliss as he slid himself out and back in again. No other girl he'd ever slept with felt this good. He was so lost in being inside of her that he never noticed Buffy's discomfort.

Nibbling on her earlobe, Angel murmured in her ear. "You're wonderful, Buffy. This was meant to be. Us being like this, it's supposed to be this way. I can feel it."

It hurt too much to reply to him. Even if she could, what could she say? Tell him to stop; that he was hurting her? No, then she'd seem like a baby, when it was she who'd asked him to make love to her. She waited for the pain to stop and the pleasure to begin – pleasure like she felt when Angel was attending to her breasts. But all she felt was the pain of his too-large body pushing its way inside of her small one.

He felt himself approach his climax, but didn't feel Buffy nearing hers. "Come on, Buffy. You have to come with me. We have to do this together," Angel begged, thrusting harder into her, trying to bring to her orgasm along with him.

Though she tried to find pleasure in it, it never came. Angel reached his peak without her, kissing her with all the passion he felt at that moment, exploding within her. Buffy knew it was too late for her when his seed shot through her. And as her best friend lay spent on top of her, exiting her aching body, she silently cried. Her first sexual experience ended without the pleasure and solace she'd hoped to find.

Angel rolled onto the pillow next to her, not wanting to let go of her or break their physical connection. He'd never been so filled with passion like that before, it was a wonderful, blissful feeling. Kissing her shoulder, he asked, "How do you feel?"

Buffy sighed. "Better." She didn't answer his exact question, though. When Angel asked, he meant emotionally. But she had answered in reply to the physical sense. After several minutes, her body was stopping the achiness she'd felt after their lovemaking.

"I'm glad. All I wanted to do was make you feel better. Buffy, we just shared something so amazing. It's been a long time since I felt like that. And it's all because of you."

"How could I have made you feel anything?" she questioned. "All I did was lay there. You did everything." The recollection of her lack of contribution in what they'd shared brought a fresh batch of tears to her eyes.

"Don't say that. You were…it was beautiful."

She shook her head. "I didn't know what to do."

"You were everything I could have asked for; it was perfect. Look at me." He put his hand under her chin, turning her head so he could gaze into her eyes. "Buffy, you're crying. Why?"

Wiping her tears away, she sat up, wrapping the red bedsheet around her body, properly covering herself from his eyes. "Forget it, it's not important."

"If it's making you cry, I'd say it is important. Tell me. You know you can tell me anything." Angel hated seeing her cry.

"I'll go home now." Even though she didn't want to leave the safety of Angel's bedroom, or his bed for that matter, Buffy figured it had to be time to leave. She'd overstayed her welcome by about five minutes.

"You don't have to leave. Why would you do that?"

Buffy couldn't look him in the eye and say it, knowing how much it would hurt her. "Isn't that what happens after this? I go home?"

"Why on earth would you think that, Buffy?"

"Because of what you told me. About how after sex, you tell whoever she is to go home. I'm saving you the trouble. You don't have to kick me out. I'll grab my clothes and I can find the door all by myself."

Angel sat up on his knees, putting his hand on her shoulder. "Don't go, please," he begged. "I want you to stay with me." Saying that was a first for him. He never asked anyone to stay the night with him. But Buffy was different from all those other girls.

"You want me to stay? Really? You're not just saying that because you feel sorry for me?" she wanted to know.

"I do things because I want to. And I want you to stay. I want to fall asleep with my arms around you, and I want to wake up next to you. Your face is the first thing I want to see when I open my eyes tomorrow morning."

Buffy turned around, looking him in the eye. "But I thought you would make me leave after we had sex."

"That wasn't sex."

Now she was really confused. "Then what would you call it? What did we do? Why wasn't it sex?"

"To me, sex is just something that two people do. A way to pass the time, so to speak. There's nothing emotional behind it; no love or feeling or emotion of any kind. What you and I shared, Buffy, could never be called sex. It was far more than that. We didn't have sex, we made love."

"I never knew there was a difference. I thought it was all the same."

He smiled. "Until I was with you, I didn't either. I feel for you, I care for you; I never felt any of that with any other girl I've slept with, hell, with any other girl period. And it felt so different, so right. Like, this is the way it's supposed to be, what it's supposed to be like."

Buffy put her hands over her eyes, feeling the tears fall from their confines. After hearing Angel say that, she felt so horrible for thinking he wanted her to leave. "Don't cry, Buffy. I hate it when you cry. Don't you believe me?" he asked.

She wiped the tears away with the palm of her right hand. "No, I believe you. I feel bad, and betrayed."

"Betrayed? How?"

"Because they lied to me."

"Who lied to you?"

Buffy frowned. "All those romance novels I read in junior high."

"How did they lie to you?" Angel didn't know why anything like that would make her cry, particularly at that moment. It didn't make any sense to him.

She looked down at the bed, keeping her eyes off Angel's nakedness only inches in front of her. "They said it would feel good. All of them made it seem like it felt so good; that everything was absolutely wonderful. But they were wrong. Because it hurts. So much. Worse than anything I'd ever felt before."

It all fell into place for Angel. He understood why Buffy was crying, and why she hadn't reached the same heights of passion that he had. He'd given her more pain than pleasure. "I hurt you?" It almost brought tears to his own eyes.

"You didn't know. I didn't tell you."

"Buffy, you should have told me. If I'd known how uncomfortable you were with it, I would have stopped immediately. We didn't have to continue, I could have held you or done something else to comfort you."

"I kept hoping that it would stop hurting," she told him.

"But it didn't," he finished. He scooped her into his embrace, holding her to his chest, her tears falling on his skin. "I wanted so much to take all your pain away. Instead of making you feel better, I made you feel worse. God, I'm such an idiot. If I hadn't been so damned concerned with making myself feel good, maybe I'd have noticed your pain. I hate myself for what I've done to you."

Buffy held on to him, feeling safe and secure and loved. "It's not your fault. I never told you. But I wish I could have felt the same way you do about it. Angel, I'm not sorry it happened, or that it happened with you. I–I wish I had known ahead of time. Then I wouldn't have had this fantasy image of my first time."

"I never wanted to hurt you; it's the last thing I ever wanted to do. I was supposed to make you feel better; stop your pain, not bring you more."

"Does it always feel like that?"

Angel caressed her arm gently. "I don't think so. I'm pretty sure it gets better after time. Buffy, I don't want you to be discouraged or scared because of your first time. Making love to someone you care about is an amazing experience. I never felt like that before until I was with you. You made me feel good about myself."

A thought entered her mind. "What about the second time? Does it hurt then, too?"

"I don't know, I honestly don't." Truth of the matter was, he never really stuck around long enough to find out.

"I want to find out."

Angel locked his gaze on her innocent young face. She wanted him to make love to her again, even after the pain he had caused her the first time? It was a gift he did not feel deserving of. "Is that what you want? To possibly put yourself through that kind of pain again?"

"I trust you. You'll make me feel the way you did, I know you will. Please, make love to me."

She leaned her head up, bringing her lips to his and wrapping her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. Angel broke the kiss several seconds later.

"Buffy, I lo–"

She shut him up with another kiss. "Don't. Just kiss me."

Three hours later, Angel watched her sleep peacefully. Her head rested on the pillow, cradled between his arm and his chest; her left hand lay flat over his calmly beating heart. A contented smile adorned her beautiful face. He'd been watching Buffy sleep for hours; he couldn't take his eyes off of her.

They'd made love twice after her plea, Angel proving to her just how heavenly it could feel. He couldn't seem to get enough of her; he had wanted to go on and continue making love to her for a fourth time, but Buffy had grown weak and tired; completely drained and sated. It made him curious as to her stamina at full strength.

Angel brushed a stray hair that had fallen on her face. After years of searching, he found her – the one his heart called out for. And she was his best friend in the world. "Happy birthday, Buffy," he whispered in her ear. "I love you."

Angel awoke from a dreamless sleep at six o'clock the next morning. He was tired after the previous night's events, but had never felt so complete in his entire life. Looking down at the young woman in his arms, he couldn't help but smile. She looked so peaceful and content, Angel could not bear to wake her. Part of him wanted to let her sleep and get her rest, but another part wanted to rouse her from her slumber and make love to her all over again.

Buffy's leg was thrown over his, her hand rested on his chest and her head using his left arm for a pillow. The blankets covered her up to her shoulders; he'd covered them both up before falling asleep for fear of her being cold; the last thing he wanted was for her to feel uncomfortable in his bed, no matter what the cause. With his unoccupied hand, Angel ran his fingers across her soft cheek. She had made him feel so much love the night before that he wished he could express it to her fully.

"I love you. So much that I'm afraid to tell you, Buffy, because I'm afraid you'll laugh at me. If you didn't feel the same way, what would I do? I can't live without you, I know that now. I wouldn't be able to live if you walked out of my life," he said softly. "Don't leave me."

Buffy groaned several minutes later, feeling Angel's fingers caressing her left cheek. She opened her eyes, looking right into Angel's smiling face.

"Good morning," he greeted.

"Mmm. I fell asleep."

"So I noticed. You had a rough day yesterday. I can completely understand why you were tired."

"It wasn't the best day of my life, that's for sure. But you know what? It wasn't the worst either. And that's because of you. You made it one of the most memorable days ever." She sighed. "You know what, I had this fear of you not being here when I woke up. That maybe all this was just a dream I had and I'd wake up alone in my bed without you. I didn't want that. Or that maybe you'd just have left me and went someplace else because you didn't want to see me."

He placed a soft, lingering kiss on her lips. "That's silly and you know it. I told you last night that I wanted you to be the first person I see after I wake up. There was no way I wasn't going to make that a reality."

"Thank you, Angel. For everything you did for me. You made me feel like a woman for the first time in my life, instead of a machine."

"You are a woman."

She gave him a half-smile. "Now I am."

Angel bent his head down, capturing her lips. He nibbled on her lower lip, his hands wandering under the blanket to touch any part of her that he could. The touch of her lips was intoxicating, the feel of her skin addictive. If he didn't stop soon, he knew he'd lose control like he did the night before; in fact, he could feel the beginnings of it make its way through his body. Before things between them went too far, Angel broke away, gasping for breath.

"You have to go to school in a little while," he said. "Why don't you get up and take a shower while I get us some breakfast."

Buffy simply nodded, not quite knowing what to say. When he had kissed her, she thought for sure he wanted to make love to her again. 'Did I do something wrong?' she wondered. Sitting up, she wrapped the blanket tightly around her body.

Angel watched with longing as she scooped her clothing into her arms and walked into his bathroom. It took all of his willpower to keep from taking her like he so desperately wanted to. But he knew if he did, he wouldn't want to get out of bed all day long.

'I can wait, hold out,' he told himself. 'I have the rest of my life to be with Buffy. She knows that, she has to know that by now.'

Buffy looked at her reflection in the mirror. She looked different somehow, felt different. 'I am different, I'm not the same person I was yesterday. Today, I am a woman, in every sense of the word. I made love last night with Angel. Oh, god. What does he think of me now? Does he think I'm some kind of a slut because I wanted him to touch me? Is that why he stopped kissing me? I disgust him?'

She peeled the bandage from her left cheek, throwing it into the garbage can. Looking back at the mirror, she was shocked. It heeled completely. There were no remnants of her battle from the night before. She looked exactly as she had twenty-four hours earlier.

Climbing into the shower, Buffy turned on the water as hot as she could. It sprayed over her, warming her cold and sore body. The feeling felt so good; she closed her eyes and smiled, it reminded her of the warmth of being in Angel's arms all night long. And she lost herself in the memory of security in his embrace.

Down in the cafeteria, Angel poured two cups of coffee. He put them on the tray with the two bagels and containers of cream cheese. Before she went in the shower, Angel had promised Buffy he'd bring them both breakfast. He wasn't about to break any of his promises to her. Not ever.

"Hey, Osborne," one of the guys from the football team said. "Bit hungry today?"

Angel turned around, seeing three of his fellow teammates. "What's up?"

John McCormick laughed. "Better question. What's up with you? Never mind, we already know the answer to that one."

He narrowed his eyes. "What the hell are you talking about?"

"Somebody got some last night," Drew Henderson said in a sing-song voice.

"Excuse me?"

"Finally gave in and decided to do Robin? Thought you were all Mr. Noble Guy these days. Guess a person can change and then change back. Looks like you did."

Angel shook his head. "You don't know anything about it, Drew. Keep your nose out of my business or I'll break it."

Drew snidely laughed at Angel's comment. "I know what I heard. My room is right next to yours, Osborne, and sound carries quite well through those thin walls. Gotta tell you one thing, Robin sure is a screamer. And a moaner. 'Oh, Angel…oh god, don't stop…oh yes yes yes!' Made for great entertainment. I hardly got any sleep last night thank to you two."

John and Mark Jackson giggled. "I'll never be able to think of Robin the same way again," Mark commented.

"Screw you."

"From the sounds of it, you were the one doing the screwing last night. When the bed's a rockin', don't come a knockin'."

As he began to walk away, Angel heard one of them say, "Come to think of it, maybe it wasn't Robin after all. Osborne might have nailed someone else. Wonder who she is."

Careful not to drop the tray, he ran upstairs to his room. He closed the door softly behind him, echoing in the silence of the room. "Buffy?" he called, fearing that she'd left already.

"Present," she replied, stepping out of the bathroom.

She was dressed in her clothes from the night before, wrinkled and dirty though they were. Her wet hair cascaded past her shoulders, framing her face. Part of him was disappointed that she'd gotten dressed; he'd fantasized about her stepping out wearing only a towel and making love to her again before they left the room.

"I got us bagels and coffee," Angel told her.

"Thank you."

He placed the tray on the bed, which he made before he left, and sat down at the same time as Buffy did. She took a sip of coffee, but only picked at the bagel. The uncomfortable silence unnerved Angel to the point where he couldn't take it anymore. He needed to hear her voice, no matter what she was saying.

"You hate me, don't you? You regret what we did."

Her eyes snapped upward. "Why would think that?"

"Because you've barely looked at me since I came back and you've said less than five words in that time, too."

"I thought you hated me, that you didn't want to talk to me."

"No, Buffy, I don't hate you. I could never hate you. What on earth would make you think that?" he asked.

She shrugged. "Because of last night. I came on so strong and you didn't want to do it again but I made you and then this morning when you stopped kissing me…oh, god, I'm rambling."

Angel touched her cheek. "I love it when you ramble. Buffy, you didn't come on too strong. You didn't force me to do anything I didn't want to do. I would have kept on touching you all night if I could have, but you were so weak and tired. And this morning I was afraid I'd lose control if I didn't stop."

"It was nice, being able to lose control for once. God, I wanted to lose control again. The first part of it is still pretty much a blur, but what I remember…it was great."

"Every moment of it is etched in my memory. I'll never be able to forget it. You're right, it was great. I never felt so…complete in my life. It was you, Buffy. You made me feel that way."

She put her arms around his neck, resting her head on his shoulder. "That's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me."

"It's true."

"Then it's true for me, too. You made me feel complete. You made me whole again. I'll never be able to thank you enough."

"You already have. Just by being here."

Angel put the car in park in front of the high school shortly before eight. He turned to Buffy, who sat silently next to him in the passenger's seat. "Looks like this is the end of the road."


"We're here. You still have to go to school, Buffy."

She nodded. "Yeah. I guess so."

"What's wrong? You know you don't have to keep secrets from me."

"I know. Angel, I'm afraid. What if I'm not me anymore? The Slayer, I mean. Can I go on the rest of my life just being Buffy Summers, Ordinary Girl?" she asked in a shaky voice. Her lower lip trembled.

"Of course you can. And I'll be here for you every step of the way. No matter what, Buffy, you can turn to me. I'll be a shoulder to cry on, a confidante, a friend. And if it comes to it, I'll protect you," Angel promised, gripping her hand tightly in his.

Buffy smiled slightly. "Thanks. I really appreciate it and it means so much coming from you, but I don't want to be coddled like a five year old."

"Maybe I want to coddle you. Maybe I want to keep you safe from anything that'll harm you. If it would have kept you safe, I would have let you stay in my bed all day; I'd have stayed there with you until I knew for a fact that you'd be protected from the outside world, that nothing would ever hurt you. Don't you get it, Buffy? I want to protect you. I–I want to be your knight in shining armor."

"You're really trying to rack up the bonus points, aren't you?" she teased.

"Is it working?"

Buffy nodded. "Oh yeah." She took a deep, tentative breath. "Am…am I still going to see you at the Bronze tonight?"

"I promised you I'd be there, and I refuse to break that promise to you. Or any promise for that matter." He put his hand under her chin, lifting it. "I think we need to talk about what's going to happen now."

She whole-heartedly agreed. "We do."

"But not now. Tonight. Right now you need to go to school. Go talk to Giles and find out what's going on with your powers. Or lack thereof."


Before Buffy stepped out of the car, Angel leaned over to kiss her. He didn't care who saw or what they might think. All he cared about was Buffy and keeping her with him for as long as possible. And keeping her safe.

"Buffy?" he called after she exited the car.


"I'll see you tonight."

Nodding, she closed the door and walked toward the main entrance of the school. She was so lost in her thoughts that she never noticed Harmony Kendall fall into step with her.

"Looks like we've got a new member of the club," she said to Buffy."

Buffy wasn't in the mood to deal with the stuck-up blonde girl. "What are you talking about, Harmony?"

"The Angel Cast-Off Club."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Come on, Buffy, don't play dumb. I saw that kiss; hell, half the school probably saw it. It's pretty obvious that you slept with him, at least it is to me."

She shook her head. "We're friends." 'Can Angel and I really be just friends after last night? Is it possible?' she wondered.

"You don't have to be ashamed to admit he got you. He's good, anyone could fall for one of his lines. I know I did."

"Angel's not like that anymore," Buffy professed.

"Sure he isn't. Take it from someone who knows; forget every promise he made to you last night because he sure as hell did."

He found it impossible to pay attention during his Economics class that afternoon. His mind kept wandering to the previous night's events. No matter how hard he tried, Angel could not forget the pure bliss he'd felt when he'd made love to Buffy.

Halfway through class, he stopped paying attention altogether and simply let his mind float back to the night before.

"Don't. Just kiss me."

Angel brought his hands to her back, covered only by the thin bedsheet wrapped around her. Her tongue darted in and out of his mouth, her arms wound around his waist, holding him tightly. She wanted him; no, she needed him. Buffy didn't care that it might hurt again, she knew deep inside that the pleasure would outweigh the pain this time around.

His hands roamed downward over her back, across her waist and down to the tips of her toes. Her legs were still clutched about his waist, and he undid them, bending her long limbs at the knees. Angel ran his hands along her muscled legs, over her calves, her knees, brushing across her thighs. The bedhseet went the way of his hands, scooped upward, exposing her to him and to his touch.

It was knotted on the left side, taking only seconds for him to loosen it. With his right hand he removed it from her body, letting it fall to the mattress in a heap. She was breathtakingly beautiful and completely open to him.

"You're so beautiful. Every inch of you is utterly perfect," he murmured. "I want to be the first to take you to the greatest heights of passion, someplace I could not bring you before."

Buffy put her hands on his cheeks, forcing him to look into her eyes. "Then what are you waiting for? Take me there."

He pressed his lips to hers yet again, though his hands went in a different direction. His left hand busied itself with cupping and fondling her breast while his right hand moved farther downward. It skimmed her stomach and stopped at the juncture between her thighs. He'd be damned if he didn't bring her to climax at least once that night. Angel promised her pleasure and passion, and he wasn't about to break that promise.

At first he simply kissed and pet her, not wanting to frighten her by going too fast or too soon. But he knew Buffy would tell him to stop if she didn't like what he was doing, so Angel decided to take his chances. If she said no, he'd find some other way.

A shockwave of pleasure traveled through her body the very second she felt his fingers on her clit. She broke their embrace and looked at him questionably. "What…?"

"I'll stop if you want me to," he told her.

"Don't. Just make love to me again."

With another flick of his fingers, Angel replied, "I am."

Her entire body was throbbing -- hot, wet and desperate to have him inside her once more. She clutched him in her embrace, though welcomed the bolts of pleasure coursing through her. And all he was doing was kissing and touching. "Please…" she moaned, rolling her eyes back.

Angel gave her mercy. She was close, achingly close, and he wouldn't let her suffer. There was no way he'd be able to hold out in letting her achieve orgasm. Rubbing his two fingers roughly against her clit, Angel watched in awe as Buffy reached her peak.

She called out his name with raw passion, her body shuddering as wave after wave crashed through her. His fingers did not relent on their torment of her aching bud, and it brought another orgasm a minute later. By the time she calmed down, she was panting and collapsed against him.

Gently, he laid her on the bed, carefully resting her head on the pillows. "Are you going to stop now?" she asked.

"If that's what you want."

Buffy shook her head. "I don't want to stop."

"If you're sure."

"I'm sure. I want to do this."

He leaned down to kiss her, positioning his arms on either side of her, his weight trapped in his elbows while his hands ran through her hair. Looking down at her, Angel wanted to make sure that she was ready. The look in her eyes said she was, and he began to enter her.

She gasped at his entrance, her small body still not accustomed to his girth. He was moving slowly this time, gauging her reaction before pushing more of himself inside of her. Her short fingernails dug into his back while she adjusted to him, and he lay unmoving against her. Angel pulled out and back in again, only this time Buffy released her deathgrip on him, relaxed and comfortable with having him moving into her body.

"Are you okay now?" he asked, concerned. The last thing Angel wanted was to hurt her again.

Buffy nodded, smiling at him. "I'm fine. It doesn't hurt anymore."

Sighing with relief, he thrust a little harder. Her left leg rubbed against his, her right one hooked over his left, her hands moving up and down his back in time with his thrusts. If this was what it felt like to make love to someone, Buffy never wanted to stop.

Angel moved his lips from hers down to her chin, then to the column of her throat. He eased his kisses farther down, over her shoulders, and then finally to the valley between her breasts. Being with Buffy was pure heaven for him. He loved the way she tasted, smelled, felt – he loved everything about her. It was as if she was born just for him.

Innately, he knew that when she began meeting his thrusts, he wasn't doing nearly enough for her. Collecting her in his arms, Angel rolled them over so that he lay beneath her. Her body remained crushed against him, but she set the pace this time. The change in position put more pressure where she needed it most, achieving climax less than a minute later. She continued to ride him at a furious pace, craving yet another release. It amazed Angel that only an hour earlier, she had been an innocent virgin. But now, she was making love to him like she'd been doing it all her life.

After giving her one more orgasm, he rolled them over once more. Buffy threw her arms around him and held on as he relentlessly thrust himself in and out of her in a need reach his own orgasm. She knew it was something she couldn't physically help him achieve, not like he'd done with her. So she let him do what he needed to.

It didn't take long at all for him to do so, and it triggered another for her as well. "Buffy," he cried softly, the feeling of her inner muscles clenching around him nearly bringing him to tears.

Her cries weren't nearly so quiet. "Oh god, Angel! Yes…more…" she moaned.

Angel stayed within her for as long as possible. Even as he exited her body, he remained on top of her. He looked at the young woman beneath him. Her blonde hair clung to her face, her skin glistened with sweat, her green eyes full of concern.

"Angel, you're shaking," she said.

"I'll be alright."

"Are you tired?"

He shook his head. "No. Are you?"

"I'm very much awake." She bit her lip, somewhat embarrassed. "Can we…I mean…if you want to, I'm not too tired to do it again."

Angel couldn't think of a single reply. Knowing that actions spoke louder than words, he kissed her lovingly. They made love slowly, gently and reverently, falling asleep in each others' arms.

"Wake up, man," the student next to Angel said.


The student laughed. "Class is over. You really were on another planet, weren't you?"

Angel shook his head. "No, just reliving the past."


He gathered up his books and headed to the dorms. There was still a lot of things he had to do before he went to the Bronze that night. Like homework. 'Tonight,' he said to himself. 'I'm going to tell Buffy how I feel. I can't keep it in anymore. God, I feel like shouting it to the entire world. I love Buffy Summers!'

"There you are. Where have you been?"

Glancing up, Angel found himself face to face with Robin.


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