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Latest news – January 19, 2003
Now Shooting: Episode 15

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Posted by Fraz on FanForum on 1-10-03

TUESDAY: 02/04/03
TITLE: "The Killer in Me"
Synopsis: When Willow starts to give in to romantic feelings for Kennedy, her guilty conscience causes her to turn into Warren, Tara’s killer. Also, the gang gets clues that lead them to believe Giles may be The First, and Buffy helps Spike with what seems to be his malfunctioning chip, ultimately leaving Buffy with a shocking choice.

TUESDAY: 02/11/03
TITLE: "First Date"
Synopsis: Buffy goes on a date with Principal Wood, while Xander goes on date with an evil woman.
Special Guest Stars: Multiple Grammy nominee, Ashanti, as Lissa

TUESDAY: 02/18/03
TITLE: "Get It Done"
Synopsis: Buffy time-travels to meet the original slayer.

TUESDAY: 02/25/03

Posted by Wanda on E!Online on 1-13-02

From nelliejone: Buffy! Do you know more about Wood yet? Is he good or evil?
Lookin' good. (In more ways than one.) We will find out that Spike and Woodsy have a surprising, and heartwrenching, connection.

From angellvr272: More Buffy, please.
Not one but three big dates on the way for the Scoobs: Buffy goes out with Principal Wood, Willow with Kennedy (the Slayer in Training), and poor Xander (who also, in another ep, has to be rescued by the aforementioned Woofy coupling) with an eeevvvill chiquita.

From deanomeano: Will there be more Slayers in Training?
Absolument. A central Slayerette is an Asian girl who arrives for the February 11 episode. Her name is Chao-Ahn.

From valleygurl: More Buffy!
Some really great stuff coming up with Spike and Buffy, when his chip malfunctions. The Scoobs will get hip to the Giles-First vibe. And Buffy will once again come face to face with the original Slayer.

From rene_artois: Bonjour, mon petit fromage. It has been too long. You are more beautiful than ever. Any news on the time-travel episode of Buffy?
Ahhh, you are too kind, mon petit cordon bleu. I only know that it happens at the end of February, and Buffy meets up with the First Slayer.

From filter117: Is Giles dead?
No. But the Giles we've seen is not the real thang.

Posted by Buffynuts on @n-zone on 1-15-03

Report from Buffynuts
January 14, 2003

There was a night shoot at Rosedale Cemetery. It was huge; there were many trailers, vans, cars, and people.
I wasn't able to stay long, since the cemetery closed at dusk; all I saw was a rehearsal for a scene with Giles and Spike. There were other people there, too; I'm not sure who else was in this particular scene. Spike was wearing his usual black pants and short black jacket with a dark tee underneath; Giles was in jeans and a grey or black long-sleeved sweatshirt that had white writing on the front. Spike tackled Giles and brought him down to the ground; Giles' reaction and body language was something like, what do you think you're doing, indignant, and the two of them had a conversation. Spike mistook Giles for someone else, maybe? This implies that Giles isn't the First, at least, since Giles is definitely corporeal here.

Didn't get to see much more than that. I thought I saw Sarah and the actresses who play Molly and Kennedy, but I'm not certain. Spike's stunt double was also there; I heard him say that he would be shooting a Spike fight scene in an alley the next night. I also heard some of the crew members saying that the principal's father has some sort of back story with Spike.

Posted by Spoiler Slayer on 1-16-03

Apparently the show was looking for two hispanic females to play Potential SIT's. From what little I do know, my guess is that they won't be actual SIT's, as these will either be non-speaking or very-limited speaking roles.

Posted on FilmJerk.com on 1-16-03

Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Three African males, 55 to 80 years old needed. Must speak fluent Swahili. These very old African men wearing cowls created the first slayer with their dark magiks. Buffy travels through a portal back in time to find the origins of the very first slayer and confronts these men in Episode 15. Do we need the first slayer to kill the first vampire? Signs point to yes!

Posted by loves_6itch on the BC&S Spoiler Board on 1-18-03

I just finished reading both "Potental" and "Killer in Me" today. Both were great, but I especially liked "Potential". Now I know these two episodes already have a lot of spoilage out on them already, but if anyone out there would like a spoiler or two straight out of the ol script, just ask! I'll try to answer any or all questions. :-)

[From "The Killer in Me"]
All sceans were shot TWICE after Willow "turns into" Warren--once with Alyson and once with Adam.
1. Does Willow actually shoot or is Kennedy able to stop her? I just want to know because there are these spoilers about gunshots.

Willow never gets to shoot the gun. Kenedy figures out how to stop her...as in many fairy tales, it's with a kiss.

2. How does Andrew react, when he sees Warren?

At first Andrew is TERRIFFIED (as are all the Scoobies) that it's the First. Then, when they see that Warren's SOLID and they realize it's not the First, Andrew gets all excited as he thinks it's the real Warren and throughs his arms around him in a big ol hug. Needless to say he has to try to hide his dissapointment when he finds out that it's actually Willow.

I'm afraid Potential is Willow/Kennedy ship free. But fear not, you'll get your ship in "Killer In Me" a little in "First Date", too! ;-)

In "Killer In Me", in the second act, the Scoobies get a phone call from no other than Robson, the Watcher Giles was leaning over when the ol Bringers axe was falling. Robson apparantly tells them the story and tells them that the last thing he remembers, Giles' head was about to get real familiar with the Bringer's very sharp axe. Anya notes that Giles never mentioned any of this to her...or any of them. Anya suggests that maybe Giles didn't make it....
But how can they know? Andrew suggests that the First can't take corporal form, so it cant touch anything. They rack their brains trying to remember if Giles touched anything or anyone.

Giles is in the desert sitting in front of a campfire. Suddenly, he's tackled by our gang. "Touch him!" "I feel him! I feel him!"
Very cute scene!

We don't get to hear the rest of the story until next episode, when it opens with Giles telling the whole story of how he got away and all.

Chloe is not listed on the cast list for Potential or Killer in Me. Nor is she mentioned as a character.

Faith is not mentioned either. Slayer line not talked about in either Potential or Killer In Me...but Giles does take the SITs out to the desert for a vision quest thingy, but they dont get into that. Boy, Giles has a GREAT quote about the desert-vision-quest-thingy, but I'm not aloud to post it, I don't think. You'll laugh when you hear it!

Okay, guy n gurls, this is the ONLY question pertaining to episode 14 that I'm answering on the board right now.

The only referance that I was able to pick up on the whole Wood lineage thing is at the very end of First Date.

The First comes to Wood in the form of Nikki. It is obvious that Nikki was Wood's mother. Wood IS aware that this is the First and basicly tells the First to go away. He shows obvious distain for the First.He indicates that he plans to "take out" the First. Wood starts to leave, but is stopped in his tracks when the First asks Wood if he'd like to know who killer her (Nikki). The First tells him. Wood says "Thank you."

First off, let me say that these things are all a matter of perspective (for the most part), and though I try to be unbias in my oppinions of the whole Buffy/Spike thing, it's hard for me to be compleatly unbias.

However, the scripts on several occassions refer to Buffy showing "genuine concern" and "sharing a tender" moment with each other. I get a very shippy feel on all this. And from what I've read (so far) of "First Date", everyone else (the Scoobies, Wood) does, too.

The First tells Andrew that "it's not time" for Spike yet. When Spike finds this out is when he suggests he should perhaps "leave town". Buffy tells Spike "You have to stay". Spike asks "why"? Buffy says because she's "not ready for you not to be here."

Join me in the Crypt of Decryption:

Apologies for the delay in updating. Just some garden-variety laziness kicking in.

I am adding a summary of episode 14 to the Episode Summaries, but for now we have only sketchy information on episode 15. We know it is reported to be the long-awaited look into the origins of the Slayer and that it involves time travel.

Also, Wanda reiterates her claim that Giles is not what he seems. Though Wanda has often been wrong in the past, she has been right several times this season (Spike living in Buffy's basement; Buffy and Wood dating), and I'm not ruling her out right now.

Episode Summaries

These summaries of the next three episodes are not detailed but provide a generally full account of the action. These summaries are based on my own information, not sources from other boards, public or private.

Episode 12

Episode 13

Episode 14

Scheduled writers and episode titles:

Episode #12: Rebecca Rand Kirshner
Title: Potential

Episode #13: Drew Z. Greenberg
Title: The Killer in Me

Episode #14: Jane Espenson
Title: First Date

Episode #15: TBA
Title: Get It Done

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E-mail me at ww1614@yahoo.com

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