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Latest news – December 17, 2002
Now Shooting: Episode 13

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Posted by Wanda on E!Online on 12-11-02

From angstyme: Any word on the international slayer you mentioned being introduced on Buffy?
They're reproducing like Gremlins, apparently. Just heard from a studio insider who tells me Giles is bringing back a whole gaggle of "slayers-in-training" from England to keep them safe from the Bringers (the guys with no eyes). Two of them are "international slayers" with British accents. These Slayerettes are young women who have not yet been called but are being trained in the event that Buffy (or, ahem, the show) should meet an untimely demise. In the next episode, Giles shows up with three Slayerettes (like the ones we saw dying at the beginning of the season.)

From deedeehere: Do the Slayerettes last more than one episode?
They are recurring characters. They start in episode 10 (airing December 17, I believe) and are all still around until at least episode 13--which is the ep they're about to start filming. And more Slayerettes are coming...

From designhustler: Anything more on Buffy?
I hear that one of the Slayerettes is going to be a love interest for Willow. They are drawn to each other almost immediately.

From maryg: If Mutant Enemy tries to put Buffy and the principal together as a romantic couple, the backlash against the show will be serious. You think they hated Riley? LOL! Pairing up Spike and Buffy is the only way to go.
Whoaaa, Nellie! It's only the telly! Listen, please don't jump to conclusions that D.B.'s comments in this week's column mean they are romantically linking Buffy and Principal Wood. All we know is that something big and "heated" is going down between them--could be good, could be bad. Don't get your "I Heart Spike" skivvies in a wad! Mwah.

Posted by Laurie on the BC&S Spoiler Board on 12-14-02

>Laurie can you tell us anything else in a more detailed manner about
>episode 11 and especially episode 12 situations and scenes that
>concern Buffy/Spike interactions, Dawn's potential as a slayer
>candidate, and about the Xander/Dawn scene.

1. B/S interaction
The only direct B/S interaction in ep 11 is at the end, when
Buffy rescues Spike. Imo, it's pretty shippy (and as you guys
know, I am no shipper). Spike is being defiant, thinking that
the First has come to him as Buffy again -- when he looks
into her eyes and realizes it's really her. She cuts him
loose, smiles a little, and supports him as they move
off together.

Earlier, Ep 11 continues to show the First's attempts to break
and/or seduce Spike back to the side of evil. The First also
attempts to convince Buffy that Spike isn't worth saving.

In ep 10, Buffy couches the need to rescue Spike in terms of
having to get him away from the First before it makes him do
worse things -- and, at another point, because they need the
added muscle. But in ep 11, it's made clear that things are more
complicated than that (at least in the version of things
I'm familiar with). Interestingly enough, it's the Potential who is
actually the First who challenges Buffy on the need to
save Spike, trying to convince Buffy he's not worth saving.

While being tortured, Spike is dreaming of Buffy. The
First, as Buffy, realizes this and taunts him that Buffy
doesn't believe in him; that she won't risk herself to
save him. Spike, barely conscious, tells the First
that Buffy will come for him.

Ep 12 Buffy/Spike interactions
I think most of these have all been pretty well spoiled
already. There are five scenes as I recall -- the first,
the training session in the teaser; the second, the
setup for the demon bar scene, with Spike and Buffy
gathering the girls to take them on their field trip
(and Andrew bemoaning the fact that they won't take
him with); the third, the scene at the demon bar (which
turns out to be mostly Clem and virtually no Spike); the
fourth, in the crypt, where Buffy and Spike team up to
lock the girls in with a new vamp after Buffy weakens it
somewhat, so the girls can get their first kill; and the fifth,
when Buffy and Spike team up to kill some Harbingers
with a nice bit of teamwork.

And of course, there's the earlier scene at the school
between Buffy and Amanda when Amanda asks if it's
weird for people who like each other to be mean to each
other and Buffy gets a tad tongue-tied and confuzzled.
As has happened on other occasions, Spike does a
disappearing act at the end.

2. Dawn as potential Slayer
Sort of the main point of the episode. This ep really is
a Dawn showcase.

3. X/D scene
Very moving scene, if it's handled well, I suspect.
A very sweet Xander/Dawn moment, and could
well be setting something up. No idea what though.

Q: What is your intepretation of the Spuffy action in both of
these episodes?

A: I personally enjoyed the stuff in ep 11 more -- Spike,
certain that Buffy will come for him; Buffy determined to take
on the Ubervamp in order to rescue him. And that lovely
scene at the end. But the ep 12 stuff is good too, especially
the teaser. But there are niggling things -- there's a line
in the teaser that could make Spuffyists uneasy, and then
there's a bit in the crypt as well.

But it's fun seeing the two of them shepherd the Potentials
around. And there is a definite Randy/Joan vibe to things,
imo. And there's a door scene of sorts, which to me at
least harkened back to Dead Things -- but in this case,
Buffy and Spike are both on the same side of the closed door,
with Spike's hand on hers. But of course, it's hard to know
if this bit will be filmed this way, or will come across this
way on screen.

Still, others that I know who are familiar with the material
in these eps find ep 12 shippier than I do. So opinions
are evidently going to differ.

Followup question:
What warning signs? Can you be a bit more specific?
A: In the teaser, there's a moment where Buffy is concerned
about Spike's still-not-healed ribs and is fussing over him.
The SiTs are still watching. Two of them think it's *hot*, but
a third is warning Buffy that he'll hurt her when she
doesn't expect it.

Later, in the crypt scene, Buffy is describing vampires
as "animals". Spike is hurt, and Buffy sees the hurt
in his face, but ignores it.

On the question of why anti-Spuffy fans will hate ep 12:
Personally, I don't find ep 12 that Spuffy-ish; it certainly has its
moments (pretty much all of which have already been talked
about here and elsewhere), but there are also warning signs
that make it less than 100 percent positive.

Ep 12 is really a Dawn episode. Yes, it has a few nice
Spuffy moments, but it's really all about Dawn. So if you
hate Dawn, you're not likely to enjoy ep 12.

Q: Is Spike really not under the FE control any longer?
A: Supposedly, the FE has presently backed off or something,
which means Spike isn't under its control. No guarantee
that won't change. Spike indicates in BotN that he's
done with having his strings pulled by the FE -- but we
don't really know if that's mere bravado on his part or

Q: How do Buffy, Spike, and the others find out and react to Dawn
being a slayer candidate? How does Dawn finally accept her
possible fate?
A: Buffy and Spike don't get a chance to react to the
news. The others are worried about Dawn. As for Dawn,
at first she's excited because she's been feeling very left
out watching Buffy and Spike with the SiTs, but then she
gets nervous. Still, when she runs into Amanda, who has
encountered a vampire, her reaction is to try and help
Amanda. Dawn shows pretty well in this ep, I thought.

Q: Any new info on Giles? Does it seem that Xander will turn evil?
A: Not really, re Giles. He's not in ep 12 though.
Re Xander -- not from what I've heard.

Q: Is Willow going to be using her magic in effective ways to
help fight the FE and Ubervamp?
Yes... and no.

Q: How many slayer candidates are left after episode 12?
A: Hmm. Good question. Five, I think -- not including the
Shanghai candidate that Giles supposedly went to find.

Q: Any concrete info about Principal Wood in these episodes?
A: Some more stuff to make you wonder about him, but
nothing really concrete.

Q: Does Spike behave in a Redeemy way in these episodes?
I guess you'd have to say so, since the First is continually
trying to win him back to the side of Evil, through the use of
vicious torment and seduction and attempting to instill
despair, and Spike steadfastly resists.

In ep 12, after he's rescued, he's pretty much teamed up
with Buffy to help train the SiTs. Does that count as
Redeemy? We seem to be back in a late season five
place, I think, with Spike helping the gang against the
Big Evil.

Question regarding the scene where Buffy finds Spike,
which I liked very much:

>Do you actually get a shipper sense from this? Or is it more like
>NLM's basement scene in tone, where some people got shippy vibes and
>others just saw respect and possible friendship? I guess what I'm
>asking is are there any moments that are indisputably meant to be
>taken as romantic?

First of all, let me repeat myself. I am NOT a shipper.
In most fandoms, in fact, I am strongly anti-ship. Buffy
is a notable exception, in that I'm okay with a B/S ship,
but I can also happily manage without one. So asking
me if something is shippy isn't necessarily going to get
you anywhere.

Having said that -- the answer to your question imo is no. There
are NO "indisputably romantic" moments in either of these
episodes, I don't think. And I don't frankly expect any anytime
soon. I don't think that's where the show is going.
I would say you were correct in your statement that this is like
NLM's basement scene in tone, where some people got shippy
vibes and others just saw respect and possible friendship.

Q: Is Giles still around, and is he still doing the "no-touching"
thing? Does Giles, be he real or Not!Giles, have any reaction
at all to anything related to Spike?

Giles is around in eps 10 and 11; he's supposedly
off collecting a Shanghai candidate in ep 12 and
thus not present.

As far as I know, the *no touching* thing remains
There is no Giles reaction to anything Spike, so far
as I can tell. He's present in one scene where Buffy
mentions the need to rescue Spike, but he doesn't say
anything about it.

Q: Does he question Buffy's determination to find/rescue Spike?

Q: Does he find out about the soul? Or anything?
Not so far as I can tell. Sorry. He's more concerned
with the apocalyptic ramifications of what's going on.

Regarding my statement that that while being
tortured in ep 11, Spike is dreaming of Buffy.

Q: What's in the dream?
A: Nothing nearly as interesting as you're suggesting. :-)
Seriously, he's just seeing her being sympathetic
and caring toward him.

On a totally different note, let me say that Andrew
is still around providing comic relief and some of
it is really quite funny.

Ep 11
Giles and Anya seek out an oracle-like being in order to learn more about The First. What they learn is very disconcerting.
Xander accompanies Buffy to meet up with a new SiT
Willow is forced to use magic again to try and protect the Summers house from attack

Ep 12
Willow (with Xander, Dawn and Anya in attendance) does a spell to locate an SiT in Sunnydale.
Willow, Xander and Anya (with Andrew's unwelcome participation) discuss the implications of Dawn as a potential Slayer.
Xander goes to rescue Dawn at one point.
Xander has that very moving speech at the end that others have alluded to.
No Giles in ep 12

And yeah -- I'll concede that the others don't have all that much to do in these eps -- though there is that one great Willow scene; the oracle-seeking trip by Giles and Anya; and that very nice Xander scene. But these episodes either focus more on other characters, or involve so many characters that there really isn't that much of a focus at all.

Posted by Laurie on BC&S Spoiler Board on 12-16-02

Ep 13 is titled "The Killer in Me". It's written by Drew Z. Greenberg
There are three separate storylines involved -- one involving Willow, one involving Spike, and one involving Giles.

And now, it's quiz time. All of these questions relate to ep 13. There can be more than one correct answer to a question. Have fun!

In ep 13, we learn that Spike is now living:
/a/ In Buffy's basement
/b/ In Buffy's bedroom
/c/ In Xander's *closet*
/d/ In the house of the old lady he killed in Sleeper
/e/ With Giles at his new apartment
/f/ None of the above

As pretty much everyone now knows, the answer is /a/.

In ep 13, there is friendly physical contact between:
/a/ Buffy and Spike
/b/ Anya and Xander
/c/ Xander and Giles
/d/ Andrew and Willow
/e/ Willow and Kennedy
/f/ None of the above

/e/ is the clearcut answer. But also /c/ and /d/ to a lesser extent.

The following movie(s) is/are referenced in ep 13:
/a/ Gone With the Wind
/b/ The Wizard of Oz
/c/ Casablanca
/d/ Ghostbusters
/e/ Moulin Rouge
/f/ None of the above

/a/, /d/ and /e/ are all referenced directly or indirectly

The title, The Killer in Me, refers to the following:
/a/ The chip in Spike's head
/b/ The demon within Spike
/c/ The Darth in Willow
/d/ Buffy's Slayer within
/e/ The *Grrr. Argh." guy
/f/ None of the above

/a/ and /c/

The Killer in Me features which of the following old friends in some significant way:
/a/ Willow's old Wicca group at Sunnydale U
/b/ Riley Finn
/c/ The Initiative
/d/ Amy the Witch
/e/ Warren the dead
/f/ None of the above

All of the above.

Posted by aphrodite-in-nyc on TWOP on 12-16-02

1) Willow is lured out by the s-i-t training and ends up in a bar with funny drinks, talking about how she knew she was gay and her relationship with Tara.
2) Spike's chip is seriously malfunctioning and he is now chained to a bed (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) in Buffy's basement. She seems to be being very nice to him.
3) Buffy is so concerned about Spike she calls Riley Finn to get info on the Initiative's chips. Very funny scene but someone please tell me Riley is not returning, or that if he is the UberVamp will kill him?

You know, I really HATE to spoil this episode cause it is very good -- they really are bringing things back to the beginning. That said, I will reveal also the following:
1) Willow's guilt over Warren's death manifests itself in a very unusual condition;
2) Amy the Rat returns to help out;
3) Spike and Buffy go back to the source of the chip -- the initiative's headquarters -- with surprising results;
and finally --
4) Buffy will finally have to make a choice about how much she trusts Spike.

Posted by Laurie on BC&S Spoiler Board on 12-16-02

Wanted to clarify something about these.
Spike is chained in the basement, but that is by his own request. Buffy sees no reason for him to be chained, but he doesn't want to take a chance on falling under Morphy's control again and hurting more people.
Also -- more confirmation (by omission) that the Xander scene that gave *chills* to Drew2 came from the end of Potential. There's not really anything in this one, from what I've heard at least, that would fit that description.

Posted by aphrodite-in-nyc on TWOP on 12-16-02

1) Spike's chip is just deteriorating. It seems that the Initiative never intended for any of the chipees to live that long so it was not made to last. So he is in pain A LOT.
2) He is restrained to prevent him from hurting other people. He and Buffy return to the Initiative (which could be a really cool scene -- it has a lot of great directions) to try to find a way to reduce his pain.
I know this sounds like ME is in "torture spike mode" but I want to defend them here -- the entire thing is very pro-Spuffy. At least that is how I read it.
Riley does not make an appearance in this episode.

Posted by aphrodite-in-nyc on TWOP on 12-17-02

Everyone is right that upcoming developments are very pro-Spuffy but their interactions are not sexual at all. They are very much allies and equals in how they are acting together -- and the dirction is full of words like "tenderly" and "concerned." There is a scene in episode 12 where Buffy in her guidance counselor role actually counsels a girl who is trying to understand why the boy she likes and she insult and pick on each other and Buffy totally gets confused and is clearly thinking of Spike.

Giles is not completely passive in all of this -- he does try to get info on how to fight the First which involves working a very dangerous spell with Anya. The info isn't very good however; and you don't see him share it with everyone. That said, I think the "passive" attitude is clearly there to make people think Giles might be Morphy Giles.

Join me in the Crypt of Decryption:

Laurie is a new spoiler source, but her information is very credible and coincides with my information, as does that of aphrodite-in-nyc. I'll discuss mainly the episode 13 information here.

Spike and Buffy spend a lot of time together in this episode, and he is now living in the basement of the Summers' home. They've established a very friendly relationship---they are pretty much "talking buddies," not just colleagues. Buffy's concern is evident when the chip begins to malfunction, and she will do everything she can--including calling her ex-boyfriend--in order to help Spike. Riley does not appear in the episode, but he sends help.

Episode 13 also calls to our attention yet another thing that Spike and Buffy share--a feeling that they've lived longer than they were expected to. Many have questioned why the Ubervamp drowned Spike in episode 10 when vampires can't breathe. Perhaps it's no coincidence that Buffy too drowned in a muddy pool of water in a cavern near the Hellmouth. Again, the writers seem to be inviting the viewers to link these two characters.

Episode Summaries

These summaries of the next three episodes are not detailed but provide a generally full account of the action. Because I'm feeling friendly towards the writers for all the wonderful Spike scenes lately, I have left out a few key plot points so as not to ruin some surprises. None of these plot points have to do with Spike. These summaries are based on my own information, not sources from other boards, public or private.

Episode 11

Episode 12

Episode 13

Scheduled writers and episode titles:

Episode #11: David Fury
Title: Showtime

Episode #12: Rebecca Rand Kirshner
Title: Potential

Episode #13: Drew Z. Greenberg
Title: The Killer in Me

Episode #14: Jane Espenson
Title: TBA

Do you want to:
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E-mail me at ww1614@yahoo.com

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