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Latest news – September 19, 2002
Now Shooting: Episode 6

Latest Rumors:

Posted by the Spoiler Slayer on 9-5-02

I've just gotten some additional information which confirms the general plot of 'Help'. As reported before, the episode revolves around Buffy's first day on the job at Sunnydale High. It's still unclear what her exact role is, but it appears that a number of teens will be coming to her with various 'issues'. One of these is a young girl 'Cassie', who feels that she will be dead in a few days. But these aren't the only student problems that Buffy faces in her first few days...A female student, who feels that she's being picked on by another student, misinterprets some advice Buffy offers, and lets her fists do the talking.

One student asks Cassie to the school dance, but after she turns him down, he confesses to Buffy that Dawn was his first alternate.

A male student who thinks that he might be gay, but wonders if Buffy will help him test that theory.

Finally, there are a couple of students who were once content with only picking on their peers, but might be trading up to demonic sacrifice.

Buffy may also have to face some parents too. This of course lends further credence to the report that I had from that 'untested source' earlier, I'll be adjusting the spoiler rankings to reflect this.

In addition to the information on 'Help', I've also received a report from another source. Supposedly the production staff is in the process of building a 19th century town/village set on location. This would seem to confirm the spoilers that the episode that revolves around Anya will feature flashbacks. However, this could also be in preparation for either a sweeps episode, an Angel episode, or even a Firefly episode. Just something to keep in mind as we get more spoilers.

Posted by the Oracle on the BC&S Spoiler Board on 9-6-02

"Same Time, Same Place"
UPDATED! - Anya pays the price for undoing the curse on Worm Man and is restricted to only being able to teleport for Vengeance jobs. (Previously reported it was all teleporting, but there was confusion there. All better now.)

Episode 5
NEW! - Anya grants a young woman's wish, but the violent act of vengeance leaves Anya completely guilt-ridden. In order to fix her mistake, she asks that the spell be undone. Knowing the price of the reversal is the life of a Vengeance Demon, she's willing to make the sacrifice.
NEW! - Flashbacks to Anya's past, supposedly complete with the return of Olaf, Anya's *husband* before she was made a Vengeance demon. We'll also learn about the origination of Anya's "bunny" fear.
NEW! - Buffy and Anya fight (and I don't me a verbal sparring) after Buffy and the gang learn about Anya's destructive wish granting.

Posted by Wanda on E!Online on 9-9-02

From shaneboy: I missed you last week! So tell us the truth. Are they turning Spike into a wussy Angel knockoff?
No. You wash those words right out of your mouth, mister! Everything that I've heard sounds very promising and very different from the Angel/Buffy interaction. Don't you worry. This season looks amazing so far.

From lovergirl: So if Spike isn't a wuss, what will he be?
Tormented. Tortured. Tortilla. And, okay, I'll admit, this is a teensy bit loserish: He will be living in a similar sitch to Xander of a few seasons ago. Word is he'll be shacking up in Buffy's basement this season.

From sarahlain: I thought Spike was going to live in the basement of the school.
Crimeney. What did I say? Sorry, people, it's been a looooooong two weeks. Spike is living in the basement of the new high school.

From wolfen430: That's very different From Buffy's basement.
I know. Throw your rotten food my way.

Posted by the Spoiler Slayer on 9-13-02

Episode 6 info:
The main storyline will revolve around Dawn's latest crush, the captain of the football team. The only problem is, Dawn isn't the only one interested in the him. In fact, all the female students and staff at Sunnydale (including all the female Scoob's) find themselves drawn to him.

Xander, who has found himself in a similar situation in the past, figures out that something strange must be going on. The answer to the puzzle is the Letters Jacket the captain wears. Anyone wearing it becomes irresistable to members of the opposite sex. It's Spike and Xander to the rescue...

Posted by Wanda on E!Online on 9-16-02

From park450: Are you upset that Buffy got zero wins at the Creative Arts Emmys? I know I am.
Miserable. Is someone brainwashing those voters? If so, please stop.

From dianeb92: When does the tour of the Buffy set with James Marsters air? My VCR wants to know!
Glad you asked. Tell your trusted friend that it will be on during E!'s Live Emmy Countdown Show, which airs this Sunday, from 12 p.m. to 6 p.m. on E! I've also visited two other sets and I'll be doing a live interview on the red carpet with one of the stars from last season's highest-rated drama. I'm all squishy nervous. Tune in and watch my knees knock.

From kelly: So, if Faith is coming back for the last five Buffy eps, do you think they might be planning a Faith spinoff, if Sarah Michelle doesn't re-sign?
From your mouth to Joss' ears. They truly, truly have not decided the fate of the show or whether SMG will be back. However, yes, it does sound like this is a very strong contingency plan. I'm sure Joss and Marti have heard the reaction to the possibility of "Dawn the Vampire Slayer." I'm curious, though, what do you all think of a Faith spinoff?

From veaniebabie: Wanda, I've heard stuff on Anya, Willow, Buffy, Spike...what's in store for my favorite hunky construction worker?
Sorry to be the one to break it with you, but he's parted ways with the cop, the Indian and the cowboy...Oh, sorry, that construction worker. The first peep I've heard from the world of Xander is that he considers reconciling with Anya, but it may be too late.

From lmblack21: What's the what with Marti replying to our questions?
She already did. Got 'em in early (love that!) and there's some very interesting stuff in there. They answers will be posted with Friday's column.

From haylied: With all the other people from Buffy's past showing up this season, is there any hope that Seth Green will show up?
Not unless they are keeping it really under wraps.

Posted by the Oracle on the BC&S Spoiler Board on 9-17-02

UPDATED - A new possible big bad makes an appearance in Sunnydale...but just wait until you see what it looks like. To vaguely confirm some suspicions, this particular villain makes it possible for *any* character good or bad, new or old to appear...and a large majority of past characters will be returning. *** New revelations make it possible for this "villain" to just be a result of Spike's newly twisted mind. It could just be all in his head, it could be something making Spike see these visions, or he could really be seeing what he's seeing. All that is clear is that Spike's not quite mentally stable and real or not, these figures are messing with is mind even more.

NEW! - A young girl named Cassie, whom Buffy counsels at school, knows that she's going to die and the day it's going to happen, but not why or how. It's up to councellor Buffy and the rest of the gang to help her out.
NEW! - Meanwhile, a group of guys want to use Cassie (*ahem* Callie, anyone?) as a sacrifice for a demon. (Before you assume sloppy writing, I think there's something much bigger and much better hidden behind these oddly repetitious episode plots. Maybe a literal return to the beginning--and no that's not a spoiler, just crazy thoughts.)

UPDATED! - Flashbacks to Anya's past, supposedly complete with the return of Olaf, Anya's *husband* before she was made a Vengeance demon. We'll also learn about the origination of Anya's "bunny" fear. We also see Anya and Hallie during the Russian Revolution serving up some gruesome vengeance.
NEW! - Willow uses the talisman D'Hoffryn gave her (in "Something Blue") to summon him.
NEW! - Anya does not die in the episode. Emma's a regular and she's not going anywhere just yet.

Join me in the Crypt of Decryption:

Two corrections this week: I was sloppy and misread a few things. First, as the Oracle indicates, episode 5 is not titled "Anya." I misunderstood my source for that info. Second, I corrected the last Spoiler Zone to indicate that any conclusion that the final scene of episode 1 involved the Big Bads morphing into each other
was Herc's speculation, not Drew Greenberg's comment. Of course, we now know Herc was onto something.

A member of TWOP apparently saw Episode 1 in advance. You can read his description of the episode here.

I have additional spoilage, mainly relating to Spike.

Episode 2:

Buffy goes back to the basement to look for Spike--but he's not there. This is before he shows up at her house to offer to help with the Worm.

Episode 3:

Spike and Willow also have a conversation, of sorts. It's clear from the conversation that Willow knows about Spike's soul. Willow is mainly concerned with finding out more about the dead body.

Also, Spike still has some snark left, even though he is still insane.

Episode 4:

Buffy goes to Spike for help finding out what's happening with Cassie, the psychic girl. Spike is still crazy and is saying he's bad. He starts hitting himself and Buffy stops him. He's getting confused about "hurting the girl"--he blames himself. He means Buffy, which is confusing to Buffy because she wants to know who's going to hurt Cassie. When she starts to go away, he begs her not to leave, but she says she feels he's worse when she's there. As she leaves, he yells after her, "Don't hurt the girl!"--which he also says later when he rescues Buffy from the demon. And when Cassie sees him, she has something to say about his future: "Someday she'll tell you."

Episode 5:

Spike hallucinates that Buffy has come to help him get through his problems; the real Buffy shows up and tells him that he needs to get out of the basement because whatever is there is causing his problems. She also tells him that he has a fresh start with her.

Episode 6:
(this info is derived from casting sides and thus is subject to change)

Dawn has a crush on a high school football player. She finds herself in competition for his attention with other girls. She has a fight with one girl, and Buffy intervenes. Later, Buffy talks with the football player to tell him to behave more responsibly, but when he puts on his jacket, Buffy begins to have a different reaction to him; she begins to find him more physically attractive. Later, Buffy pulls him out of class ostensibly for a guidance consultation, but instead she brings him into a classroom to get to "know" him better.

Meanwhile, Xander and Spike work together, with plenty of snarky banter, to solve the problem of the football player's mysterious allure. They visit his brother, whom Xander remembers as being similarly charismatic. However, when they meet him, he is living in the basement of his parents' house and seems to be an underachiever. Xander and Spike figure out that the power of the spell is in the jacket, and they accost the football player and remove the coat from him.

Scheduled writers and episode titles:

Episode #1: Joss Whedon
Title: Lessons

Episode #2: Douglas Petrie
Title: Beneath You

Episode #3: Jane Espenson
Title: Same Time, Same Place

Episode #4: Rebecca Rand Kirshner
Title: Help

Episode #5: Drew Goddard
Title: Selfless

Episode #6: Writer Unknown
Title: Him

Do you want to:
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E-mail me at ww1614@yahoo.com

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