Episode 7.1: Lessons
Written by Joss Whedon
Posted by Schroeder on TWOP on 9-7/8-02
It's been revealed that Sunnydale High is reopening and that Joss is going
back to the beginning right? Well, that's the tone.
Ranking: Already revealed. Just confirmation
[spoiler start]The show more or less opens the day before high school starts
for Dawn. Buffy and Dawn are still living at home, but need Xander to drive
them to school. Whatever happened to Joyce's butt-kicking Jeep Cherokee? I wouldn't
have sold that, if I were them, if they did. It would make patrolling easier.
Dawn's excited, but nervous. Buffy gets her ready and is nervous about letting
her go, almost to the point of thinking that she's going to suffer from empty-nest
syndrome. There is a lot of talk about the school reopening and the potential
reopening of the hellmouth, but nothing seriously wiggins-inducing, although
I nearly died from the anvils that Joss drops this eppy-sode to let us know
we're going back to the beginning.
Willow is in "rehab" or "detox" in England with Giles, who's
in all his "I'm the adult, listen to me speak rationally and in English."
I mean, in an English accent. They do not leave England in this eppy-sode.
Xander is working on the construction site at school, which still needs to have
its science building opened. The construction isn't too good, simply because
Dawn gets in trouble in the bathroom and immediately ends up in the school basement,
which enough characters describe as a maze. Who designed that place?
And Spike is back in Sunnydale, as is Anya, whose hair is now long and brown.
She should be the new spokesdemon for Clairol, because I'm tired of Carrie from
Sex in the City telling us that Brown Sugar No. 43 is her new favorite color.
[spoiler end]
Ranking: Slightly more revealy, but could be in circulation.
[spoiler start]The Monsters of the week are three dead things (Yeah, that title's
been used, sue me. FOX, this does not include you.).
[s]Tall Blonde Guy (I think it's the actor who played Hollister on Galaxy Quest)
[s]Black Haired Girl (looks like Sara LaRue from Popular but it's not)
[s]one dead-looking Janitor
These three are people who died at Sunnydale High, supposedly when Buffy was
a student.
The three things more or less attack Dawn, Buffy and a few more to be revelled
later in the school basement.
The copy of the tape I had didn't have too many credits, so I wasn't able to
check to see if it's the same people who played them or what. Actually, the
opening credits were from last season, the one with only the slightest look
of Amber Benson, when she blows that dust before James Marster's credits popped
up, so I guess they didn't care too much about secondary credits.
Poppy says to Buffy at once point that Buffy was too busy to save her from a
werewolf, and although Buffy makes no mention of Oz, I'm assuming that she's
the first woman to have died back when Oz became a werewolf.
I don't remember when the Janitor died, only because someone in authority seemed
to die every other week during Buffy's high school tenure.
Hollister makes reference to Buffy being to busy to save him when he died, and
all I can say is if he's going to whine so damn much about being dead, then
I'm glad Buffy was too damn busy.
These dead things are not ghosts or zombies, they're something else, and Buffy
gets a clue as to what from someone other than Giles for once. All three keep
repeating that Buffy was to busy to save them back then, but it's all different
now as it's all starting over again because they've gone back to the beginning.
Watch yer heads, Buffsters.[spoiler end]
I know it's a long post, but it's probably going to be the only time that I'm
going to get to do this, ever, so I'm going to have some fun with it. If it's
too unbearable, just let me know and I'll knock it off.
Ranking: Not spoilery, just conformation. Although it can start off speculation.
[spoiler start]The entire eppy-sode started off in Instandbul (not Constantinople/but
it's Instanbull, not Constantinople), and we're following what I assume to be
a Slayer-in-Training. She has dark hair and is wearing a red jacket, so I immediately
thought of the Boxer Rebellion Slayer that was Spike's first kill in Fool For
Love. Turky runs, badly, from hooded creatures. Or people, we're not shown what
they are. Turky runs into a dead end allyway (aren't they always?) and she climbs
a drain to get away. She gets to the roof but is thrown off. She lands on her
back, is pinned down, a huge curved knife is displayed in a camera shot all
its own, and we then cut to a Buffy-and-Dawn scene before the opening credits
are rolled. No more Turky.
It does not come across as Buffy's dreaming, but as a "This is Instanbul
(cue song) and now we're in Sunnydale." And that's all we see of it.[spoiler
Ranking: What they do in this eppy-sode, and what I thought.
[spoiler start]I know I said I wouldn't give my opinion, but hell, I hated Carlos,
so forget it.
Kit or Kitt
We meet her briefly as Buffy and Dawn are walking into the school, before we
meet The Principal. We meet her again when Dawn's gone to the bathroom after
Dawn freaks out in homeroom, and she hears crying. After checking the stalls,
we find Kit in the last one, feet pulled up crying, because, you guessed it,
she's seeing dead people. Kit has dark hair, and really looks like Molly from
Felicity, even though I've watched about five whole eppy-sodes of that series.
Goth, dark hair, pale skin, light clothing that is mixed-matched. She carries
her presentation fairly well, enough to get me interested in her character.
God, I hate this character, I hate this actor. We see him briefly after bouncing
a basketball, we follow Buffy following him through the school, but she loses
him, although we stay focused on the basement door. After Dawn and Kitt or Kit,
whatever, meet up with him later after the bathroom fiasco, he admits that he
too, has seen dead people, even though he was down in the basement to get a
smoke. The girls ask for a way out, and he remarks the basement is like a maze.
(woo-o-o-o-o-o, ghostlike sounds). His delivery is awful, awful, awful, and
I'm hoping it's because of the advance tape.
Scrappy Gang.
Later, as Buffy and Dawn attempt to fight the MothW Three, Kit and Carlos get
moved to the back ground and they watch. They're saved, and they're grateful.
They walk off with Dawn at the end. Because of the way they're presented, I
did not get the impression that they are "Scrappy Gang-ish." Just
"Here's Dawn's friend Janice, whom we've heard about forever and are meeting
for the first time and will never see again, or Dawn's black friend in The Body,
who's name Schroeder doesn't even remember she was so important." I don't
know about you guys, but I'm glad I've gotten the impression that there is no
Scrappy Gang. I think it's just to show that Dawn is capable of making friends
herself, like Buffy did with Xander and Willow.
God, what a dolt I am. I just now got that parallel. Damn Joss and his "We're
going back to the beginning!" anvils.[spoiler end]
Ranking: God, there's nothing to tell.
[spoiler start]Talk about phoning in your performances. Xander shows up to drive
Buffy and Dawn to school. He has the blueprints for the school, and it looks
kinda small to me. Anyway, he expositions that he's gone over the blueprints
and there's not pentagrams in the construction, no secret passages and the opening
of the Hellmouth is directly under the new Principal's office. He later comments
that the science building is still being built, and I'm thinking, there's a
school building and a science building? Why is science the only subject that
gets its own building? No other subject has its own wing that we've heard of,
let alone its own building. Did History and English lose out the bidding war
for its own home?
Later, Buffy calls Xander on their cellphones (FINALLY! After six years, Sunnydale's
out of that weird No-Coverage Zone.) and goes into the Bathroom of Dead People
to help Buffy put and end to the MotW Three.
Xander seems successful. He has a shiney silver car, a new suit that he wears
to work instead of working clothes, so it's a guess that he's really successfull
now. That leaves a bitter taste, as he didn't even attempt higher education.[spoiler
And because I have the time, and I really love you guys...
Ranking: She's in one scene, what's to spoil?
[spoiler start]Anya and Hallie, that's right, Hallie, are sitting in the Coffee
Haus, listening to a really, really, really bad Boy/Girl guitar group going
at it. Hallie comments that Anya's not been herself and that D'Hoffryn and the
upper and lower beings have noticed. Hallie comments that she's always looked
up to Anya, and everyone's notice that Anya has not killed, eviscerated or even
creativley done away with anyone when she grants wishes. She hasn't goaded any
girls into any wishes, either. And there's a funny comment about the wishes
that she does grant.
Hallie further says that everydemon should be on its demon toes, because now's
a bad time to be a good guy, as the Hellmouth is reopening because we're going
back, way back, so far back, that it's the beginning again. (Dodge the anvil!)
Anya snits that if this is supposed to be intervention, then all her demon friends
should be there. Hallie tackfully replies that they are. Ouch.
Anya is sad during this whole exchange, and it's not anvil-heavy that she's
just not the same. It was just sad.[spoiler end]
Ranking: It's gonna cause a lot of speculation.
[spoiler start]Yeah, they're in England. And yeah, Giles is on horseback in
one scene. That enough for you?
It's not? OK, how's this?
Willow looks like crap. She sounds like crap, she's dressed kinda blah, and
she's just crap. No makeup, ruddy compection. She's in detox, or rehab or whatever
you want to call it. She's remorsefull, sullen, withdrawn.
She's under a tree, and she's growing a flower. It was so funny because when
we cut to the flower shot, all it says is "VFX growing flower" and
the faintest outline of a computer flower is drawn in white. It really killed
the moment.
Giles asks if it's Brazillian, and Willow wants to know if there's anything
he doesn't know. Funny answer a comin'. Giles remarks that that flower doesn't
belong there, and Willow says she knows. So "VFX wilting flower" appears
on scene, and the white outline wilts. I was prepared, but it killed it again
With two mood killers, is this scene important?
You bet it is.
Willow is listless, but talks about how she can get that flower to grow here
in England, because everything's connected. The roots, flowers, blades of grass,
Gaia (Mother Earth), she's connected to it all. She thanks Giles for putting
her in touch/under the care of a coven there in England, and she remarks that
the witches still look at her with fear in their eyes.
A little walk and talk. She asks if that fear will always be there, and honestly,
I don't remember what he said. But whatever he said, it was loving and matter
of fact. Oh, I love me some loving-and-matter-of-fact Giles. Anyway, Willow
remarks that she's killed people and Giles says he hasn't forgotten (Not to
mention that she tried to kill him!). He asks if she thinks she should be punished.
Honestly, I don't remember again. But it was cool.
The main point of this scene that I picked up is that Willow says the magic
is still inside of her, and she's trying to control it. She remarks that she's
drained after what happened in May, and she asks if it will ever go away. Giles
says that it won't. The magic will always be there, and she will have to control
So there goes that speculation that magic really was an addiction that can be
kicked, huh? Put that in your speculation pipes and smoke it.
The final scene of Willow and Giles (and I think there's only two) is after
Buffy has fought the MotW Three, and we see Giles picking her up off the floor,
after she was knocked to it, I guess. He asks her what she sees, and she says
the Earth, and other crap, but what's important is that she could see its mouth
opening will all the teeth. Giles remarks that the Hellmouth might be opening
again now that the school has been rebuilt and Joss is taking us back, and Schroeder
has to get off his bed and under the nearest doorframe, lest any anvils that
are falling will surely kill him, and Fairly Perceptive Boyfriend will be sad.[spoiler
Ranking: I'm going tell how she gets the job at the school and her meeting with
Spike, so rank it how you want.
[spoiler start]As I've said, Buffy is not introduced this season waking up from
a dream. She is training Dawn at a graveyard in the second scene before the
opening credits. The third scene, immediately before the credits, is the ribbon
cutting for the new school. Buffy's teaching Dawn about slaying, about who has
the power, the pointy end points outward to stuff, the basics.
As I said in the Dawn spoiler, the banter between the two is great, delivered
well, and Buffy's channelling Giles. Very serious, but capable of having fun.
(Huh, not exactly Giles with the fun part, but the instruction, I mean.) She's
patient and lets Dawn control the slaying of the new vampire until Dawn needs
help. It's funny because the vampire comes out of his grave and he's all Everyvamp,
because he listens to them banter first before asking for help getting out.
In the tape I have you can see the wire coming out of the vamp's back up to
the sky that helps her lift them. That shattered all illusions that Sarah really
has upper-body strength. I'm sure there's a Freddy Prince Jr.-hubby joke in
there somewhere, but hey, I'm tired.
After staking the vamp, the resume banter about school and how scary it is,
only we're not suppsed to know it's about school and that we're going back to
the beginning.
After the credits, Buffy is getting Dawn ready for school, and she's worried
about sending Dawn there because, let's face it, they built the damn thing right
back over the Hellmouth. Now if ME doesn't play that out like someone somewhere
in Sunnydale did it on purpose, then they've fired the Continuity Fairy althogether
this season.
Honestly, why didn't the Summers girls move? Oh, because they can't transfer
out of district and she doesn't have the money for private school, as the Exposition
Fairy tells us through Buffy.
Cut to school, Buffy's doing her best to prep Dawn as any of us would do for
our younger sibs, but we've never had to tell them to look out for a heyena
pack, fish swimmers or invisible girls. Looks like Continuity shows up when
it wants to, huh?
Buffy and Dawn meet the principal, and he's a black guy, but young. Buffy and
I were both surprised at the age. Race doesn't matter to either of us. Buffy
and I are like that. They banter about how Buffy's a little overprotective of
Dawn, and Dawn finally runs of to get away from smothering Buffy. The principal
actually makes a reference to reading Buffy's permanet records. Guess even blowing
up the damn thing can't kill those freaking records, huh?
Buffy never leaves the school. She follows a then-unamed Carlos until she loses
him and then goes to the Bathroom of Horror. It is there that we first see dead
people in the school, and it's Poppy. (Check my Monsters of the Week post earlier
today) Buffy finds a little hand-made talisman on the counter, picks it up and
we see Poppy behind her. A freaked out Buffy runs to get Dawn at the most inopportune
time. It's freaking hilarious. Read the Dawn post to take a guess.
Buffy can't get Dawn to leave, so she starts to leave herself when The Principal
stops her again. Small talk about how it's customary to actually leave when
you graduate. Ha ha, The Principal's actually likable right now. Like Flutie
During this, Dawn's had her own bathroom problems and calls Buffy to get her
help down in the basement. Buffy runs of, she runs down there and she goes to
save the day.
It's then that when she least expects it, she runs into the MotW Three. She
tries to fight them and has to listen to their stupid banter about how they're
dead and it's all her fault. She actually snarks back that they need to get
over it. I realize that these three did NOT die at graduation, as speculated.
She realizes they're not ghosts, and goes to the door she thinks that Dawn's
in, because the MotW Three are protecting it. She runs to it, opens it and comes
face to face with Spike.
Muwah ha ha ha!!! (Opps. Did it again.
Boy, Sarah pulled back on this scene. She jumps into the little basement room
with Spike and locks the door. I'm describing Spike in his own thread: how he
looks, his reactions, whatnot. This is about Buffy. I'm getting that this is
the first time that she's seen him since the you-know-what. She asks what he's
been up to, and asks what happened to him, as she notices some scars on his
chest. She does not address the near rape, and I really think it's because she
was caught unawares, and because she knows that Dawn, Carlos and Kit are in
real danger. She just doesn't have the time. Maybe eppy-sode 2, 3 or 4.
It's Spike who informs Buffy that the MotW Three are not ghosts or zombies,
they're manifestations of evil spirits, and they need a talisman to be controlled.
Buffy puts two-and-two together and calls Xander (He's got a phone too! Did
Nokia sponsor this show as they did Alias or something?). Anyway, she gets Xander
to get to the talisman in the bathroom and break it. The MotW Three disapear,
and Buffy takes the Scrappies out of the basement.
It's here that when she's coaching Kit and Carlos how to survive this hellmouth
that the principal overhears and comments to her after the Scrappies leave.
He tells her that Carlos and Kit are two big-time trouble makers and was impressed
she was able to talk to them and that they listened. He mentions that they have
a community outreach program where he gets the parents or gaurdians to help
out part-time a few days a week, as buddies or mentors for troubled students.
Buffy actually says Guidence Counselor and her corrects her. She's not going
to be. It doesn't matter, as she takes the job without any hesitation. Guess
that will leave her up for patrolling.[spoiler end]
Ranking: Oh, who am I kidding!!! Read at your own risk!
[spoiler start]Where to start? As I said in the Buffy spoiler post, Spike is
first seen before a comerical, by Buffy, as she's looking for Dawn in the basement.
Spike's hair has grown out and he stopped bleaching it, so the roots are dark.
I have never been a big Spike lover, but my god, he looked damn hot to me with
with longer hair. He was a little tanner, and he was wearing a long sleeved
shirt that was unbuttoned. He had scars and cuts all over his chest, and Buffy
asks him what happned to himself. She moves aside his shirt and looks and asks,
and he replies with "I tried to cut it out." I messed up this earlier
by saying "they" but that's not true. He says he tried to cut it out.
what's he talking? Who knows. He does tell Buffy that she needs to find a talisman,
and although Dawn heres avoice on Buffy's end of the phone, she does know who
it is. Buffy does leave to go save Dawn, but she says she'll come back for Spike.
Also, the Janitor MotW says that down there is like a maze and you can get lost
for months. Spike says that this is now his home, so guess who long he's been
living down there. [spoiler end]
The Final She-Bang
Ranking: Don't read unless you would pissed about learning of Tara's death or
Glory's godness.
[spoiler start]The final scene is of Spike, hudled in a ball in his little basement
room, and he's talking about he had a whole speech planend out and didn't get
to say it. At that point, Warren comes on the screen and talk about hot stupid
that would be. He morphs into Glory, who talks about how faboulous she is, and
then become Adam, who talks about how he has plans for Spike, No. 17. We don't
see him change into The Mayor, but that's who's next. He talks about how he
knows Spike got a soul, but doesn't know why he did that. It's not going to
prove anything. His hand that's caressing Spike's face becomes Drucillia who
talks about how Spike has always been with her and always will be with her,
right down in the dark, and she'll sing songs for him, as she did in the beginning,
and right then she morphs into the Master, who talks about how the next few
months will be interesting, as well all learn about each other. He says we're
going back to the beginning, the beginning, WAAAAAAAY on back to the BEGINNINGININGININGINING,
just in case non of us hear about Joss' promise to take us back to beginning
of the series when it was funny and fun in an attemp to correct what Marti did
wrong. What out for the anvils. And The Master says that we'll all learn a lot
more about ourselves in the next few months, and it's not about winning, or
something, it's about something else. And at that point, he morphs into someone
else, who tells us what it's really all about.
And I'm not going to post who that is, because I just want y'all She-banged
correctly.[spoiler end]
I thought I said it wasn't the First Slayer. Is that who some of you mean by the Primitive? Either way, it's not them. [spoiler start]The show opens with Buffy speaking, and closes with her speaking. At the end, she only says one line to Spike, so you're given very little time to think anything past, Fhat the Wuck?[spoiler end]