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Please note: There are spoilers for Season 4 of
Angel on this page. I apologize! If you're desperately Angel spoiler-free
and Buffy spoiled, e-mail me, and I'll try to put together an edited version.
Yet another
personal update:
I'm doing
the best I can to update and to respond to posted spoilers. I like to
do the bulk of my commentary here on the Spoiler Zone rather than posting
on boards all over the net so I can be consistent in what I'm saying and
people don't have to pick over my differing word choices wondering what
I meant, when really, anything weird I say is probably just a product
of my sleep deprivation. :)
Also, I want to apologize for not answering the bulk of my email received
since June. I have received so many kind notes and congratulations and
received a bunch of questions/comments I would normally have time to answer.
But this is not a normal time for me! It's not every month you have a
baby and buy a new house. I may never get to reply to all the mail, but
I want you to know how much I appreciated hearing from all of you. Thank
Latest news August 9, 2002
Now Shooting: Episode 2
by The Partyman on the BC&S Spoiler Board on 8-5-02
more of a storyline direction spoiler, than actual spoilers...
Sorry - misleading title.*g*
Looks like satisfying the 'shippers' isn't a high priority on
ME's "to do" list this year. Several sources have been whispering
about the death of C/A and B/S for a while, and it looks like
they're right...
DrLLoyd has asked me to gently reveal that as Season Four of Ats
gets further underway, it looks increasingly likely that C/A will
not happen. There is certainly no romance in the first six
episodes. It would seem that that the C/A 'ship' was something of a
Greenwalt thing, and now he's not around so much.... there may be
other avenues to be explored.*g*
Over in Sunnydale, those fearing WTP's words of several months ago
may have their suspicions confirmed. A valuable contact is now
confirming to me that 'Spuffy' is indeed over. Not over as in
Ross/Rachel over, but over as in no more. Big time no more.
And Spike will not be taking things very well. At all.
*NB - any 'shippers' should not take the above information to mean
that there will neccessarily be any B/A pairing this season. The
death of C/A and B/S does not exclusively point in that direction....
Obviously things are always subject to change - elements were
altered last year and no doubt things will be tweaked a little here
and there this time around, but judging by Joss' insistence that
he's already written the end of 7x22 and he's not gonna change it...
I wouldn't hold your breath.The cynics amongst you may wonder where ME
can go next? Last season
they ripped apart Xander/Anya and Willow/Tara, and now there's gonna
be no more more B/S or C/A?
Surely that's not right? Surely they need some 'ships' remaning to
rip apart next year (if there's a season 8/5)? *g*
Maybe I'd better enjoy Fred and Gunn before something unpleasant
happens there...
Posted by The Godfather on Ducks Babble on 8-6-02
First..understand that Partyman's misrepresentated the C/A spoilers
he was given. What he should have replied to them was, "Anything
happen but I wouldn't get your hopes up." Keep in mind that he was
channeling the spoilers. So don't hang your heads.
Second, Tensai is a HUGE B/Ser. He has ZERO credability because he
will give anything that looks vaguely good for B/S a huge push no
matter how unreliable. He also abuses his spoiler status for the
most part..such as with posts like that above. He doesn't actually
have any real independant sources..his are other people with sources.
Third..his information as far as B/S being civil is dead wrong. In
the first ep, she is nice enough. That's done as of ep 2. And he's
not terribly ok with that. Buffy finally has a break through and
calls Spike's attack what it was: attempted rape.
And he doesn't care.
Posted by the Oracle on the BC&S Spoiler Board on 8-7-02
NEW - Anya senses Spike's new soul and Buffy finds out for herself from
UPDATED - The title is in reference to the monster of the week, a giant
"Tremors"-like worm that stalks his old girlfriend. Anya's responsible
turning the man into a worm after the girlfriend wished it.
NEW - In light of the events of last season, Buffy remains mature and
when she encounters Spike. (In other words, she doesn't show interest
returning to anything they had last season, but she doesn't shun him away
either. In this episode, there are no new developments on exactly what
happen between them, if anything. So stay calm or I'll stick to spoilage
other characters.)
Posted on TV Guide Online on 8-6-02
(selected excerpts)
Buffy will cheer up. Whedon concedes that last season, Buffy "got
very dark, and not everybody responded to that." So from here on,
the Chosen One won't be playing the victim anymore. "We're going
to see Buffy empowered again," he says, "instead of seeing her
at the mercy of life."
Sunnydale High School will be rebuilt. "Buffy's going to get involved
in the school and Dawn (Michelle Trachtenberg) will be attending,"
he says. "It's about getting back to the mission statement of the
show, which was, 'Here's a little girl with a lot of power and a lot of
people who underestimate it.'"
A lot of familiar faces will be returning. Not only is Amber Benson coming
back as a character other than Tara, so might be Eliza Dushku (Faith),
Clare Kramer (Glory), Juliet Landau (Drusilla) and George Hertzberg (Adam).
"[They're all returning] for a very particular reason that I will
not explain to you," Whedon teases.
Anthony Stewart Head will be around more. At least Whedon hopes so. To
date, the actor who's currently appearing on the BBC America series
Manchild is only committed to doing 10 episodes of Buffy. "But
we want more," Whedon says. "We missed him [last year]."
Meanwhile, Ripper, the in-the-works spinoff revolving around Head's counterpart
Giles, has been put on hold.
Willow (Alyson Hannigan) will get a new girlfriend.. Well, maybe. "That's
something I'm not going to comment on," Whedon says. "But it's
definitely a possibility."
Spike will not turn into a little Angel. Although the blonde blood-sucker
got back his soul, Whedon has no intention of turning him into a clone
of Buffy's first love. "If you think [that], you don't know me,"
he asserts. "The trick is to do it differently and have it mean something
Buffy will go on with or without Sarah Michelle Gellar. A decision
about an eighth season has yet to be made. However, Whedon certainly isn't
eager to dust the franchise. "The show is about growing up, and that
process never stops," he says. "I really do feel like it could
go on forever" even if Gellar hangs up Mr. Pointy when her
contract expires in May? "I'm game for almost anything," Whedon
says. "It's a huge universe we've created and an incredible cast
of actors."
Summary of casting sides for episode 3
BtVS is casting for a demon called Gnarl. The following information
was gleaned from the casting info:
has been paralyzed by a demon, Gnarl, and the Scoobies need to kill it
to reverse the paralysis.
Buffy and Xander don't want to leave Dawn alone while they go after the
demon, so they call Anya to come be with Dawn. When Anya arrives, they
find out she knows about this demon, so they take her with them, leaving
Dawn alone. Gnarl has captured Willow and is feeding from cuts he's made
on her stomach. He also taunts her by telling her that her friends don't
care about her and won't help her.
me in the Crypt of Decryption:
Some spoilers have made the rounds of the boards lately, upsetting many
Spike fans. I can somewhat clarify the events relating to Spike in episodes
1 and 2:
It's my
understanding that Spike's arc over the first couple of episodes is as
In the first episode, Spike is out of his mind. Buffy comes across him
accidentally in the basement of Sunnydale High. Despite his mental state,
he gives her information that helps her fight the ghosts in Sunnydale
In the second episode, Spike has pulled himself together and offers to
help fight the Monster of the Week. Buffy reluctantly allows him to help,
but is uncertain how to act around him--angry, sad, scared? Dawn knows
how to act--she threatens to stake Spike.
At first,
Spike is very business-like, and Buffy doesn't know how to respond to
this new Spike. But later, when Anya senses Spike's soul, Spike causes
trouble in order to distract her from spilling. Buffy gets upset and starts
punching him. Spike starts to act like the old Spike, causing Buffy to
treat him a bit like the old Spike. Later, during the fight with the MOW,
Spike accidentally hurts a human, and he loses his grip again and runs
off. Buffy follows him and confronts him about what has been going on
with him. And that's when she realizes that he has a soul.
And the
episode ends here.
Some details
above may be off, and things could be changed during filming this week,
but this is my understanding so far from credible sources.
We can see
that Spike is having a hard time, going back and forth between sanity
and clarity. He wants to help, and he does, but his hold on his sanity/emotions
is pretty tenuous.
I cannot
confirm or deny rumors that the Spike/Buffy relationship is over. However,
I can say that it is my understanding that there is still a lot of relationship
tension between Spike and Buffy in these first two episodes. Not UST (unresolved
sexual tension) -- but the writers aren't going out of their way to create
distance between these two. They are still very much connected in many
And answer
me this: if Buffy is so over Spike, if she has made her friends and sister
her priority and has promised to be honest with them--then why do we learn
in episode 2 that Buffy never told Xander and Dawn about seeing Spike
in the school basement in episode 1?
We may well find that in episode 3, Buffy tells Spike that soul or no
soul, there will never be a relationship between them. And that, my Redemptionista
friends, is when we'll really get our Redemption storyline, though I lean
towards Cissy's interpretation
that Redemption has for the most part already happened.
Scheduled writers and episode titles:
#1: Joss Whedon
Directed by David Solomon and Joss Whedon
Title: Lessons
#2: Douglas Petrie
Directed by Nick Marck
Title: Beneath You
Title: Same Time, Same Place Updated 8-8-02
Do you
want to:
Correct me? Yell at me? Praise me? Send me spoilers or inside info?
E-mail me at ww1614@yahoo.com
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