Episode 6.20 - Villains



Marti Noxon





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As paramedics work on Buffy, Willow tries and fails to resurrect Tara. Intent on revenge, Willow heads to the Magic Box, immobilizes Anya, and then literally absorbs dark magic from the shop's books. At the hospital, a transformed Willow magically heals Buffy, but her determination to kill Warren puts her at odds with her friends. Buffy and Xander discover Dawn watching over Tara, and after Tara's body is taken away, Buffy and Xander make plans to stop Willow before she can harm herself or others. Buffy takes Dawn to Spike for safekeeping, but instead finds Clem. Spike is in Africa, seeking the aid of a demon to return him to his former self. Xander goes to Anya for a locator spell, and learns his ex has returned to her demon life. Still, a concerned Anya wants to go with him and Buffy, and help Willow. Warren is in the woods, trying to escape, but Buffy, Xander, and Anya arrive too late to save him from Willow. After torturing Warren, Willow brutally kills him, then disappears before her stunned and horrified friends can stop her.

What we thought about this Episode:

Dori's Spikefeed

Cath's Summary

The Tarabula Rasa Review

Klytaimnestra's Review

Kris's Musings from the Comfy Chair

Jerry's analysis

Sidebar: Clem's movie - Meet John Doe

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