Episode 6.19 - Seeing Red



Steve DeKnight


Michael Gershman



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Willow and Tara are busy kissing and making up, Anya is too distracted by her Xander woes to grant wishes, and Buffy tries and fails to patch things up with Xander. Dawn's concerned visit to Spike adds to his guilt over his tryst with Anya, and later he goes to Buffy to apologize. When a battle-weary Buffy makes it clear she can't love him, an emotionally fragile Spike loses control and tries to force her into having sex--until she stops him with a kick. Warren obtains mystical orbs that imbue him with super-strength, which comes in handy when Buffy interrupts the Troika's robbery of an armored car. Warren nearly trounces Buffy, until she smashes his orbs. Warren escapes, but Andrew and Jonathan are arrested. Remorseful and conflicted over his actions, Spike leaves town. The next morning, Xander and Buffy are mending fences and talking about their troubled friendship when a vengeful Warren shoots and wounds Buffy. A stray bullet kills Tara, and as a distraught Willow cradles Tara in her arms, her eyes swirl with black and red.

What we thought about this Episode:

Dori's Spikefeed

Cath's Summary

The Tarabula Rasa Review

Klytaimnestra's Review - The Redemption of Spike and Pretty Much Everybody Else, Except Warren

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