<Kris plops down in her Comfy Chair, takes a look around...
and suddenly notices her surroundings. "Hey! What am I doing here
in Spike's crypt?">
After watching the last ten minutes of this episode, that's about
all I could think of.
Eeeeewwwww. Again.
And Ugh. Grrr. Argh. Bleh. All Over Body Shivers.
I knew from reading some of the commentary on this list that this
was going to be an intense episode... but I honestly wasn't expecting
to feel so drained at the end. Wow. Say what you will about Marti
"I will make you Feel!My!Pain!" Noxon, but the woman can write one
heckuva story.
Let's skip the recap and get right to the Yays and Yucks, shall
<kris pops open a Diet Coke, and hauls out the Ben & Jerry's...>
Let's start with a big YAY for Buffy! Did flatlining (again!) finally
get this girl back on track? She's finally sticking up for her ideals
(as twisted as they may be), even in the face of what would admittedly
make most of us want to look the other way if something horrible
were to happen to Warren... and she even has the guts to stand up
to Xander when she's doing it. For some reason this season, Avoidance!Buffy
has seemed reluctant to stand up for herself lately to Willow and
Xander, for whatever reason (not wanting them to know how she really
feels, not wanting to offend them, etc)... but tonight Strong!Buffy
was back in the house. I didn't realize how much I missed her...
especially when she was able to make her point without being strident
about it. That combination has been sorely lacking this season.
Perhaps Buffy is finally starting to Grow-Up-Already.
And speaking of Buffy speaking up for herself... how about her
hushing of Xander over his objections in regards to Spike? I also
finally respected the character for swallowing her own pride and
wants in order to provide Dawn the best shot she has at being kept
safe... it shows some real maturity on her part. Again - not so
happy with what Spike did last week - but what does this show about
what Buffy feels about what happened?
Now onto a big YUCK! Let's start with the summary of past events
that opened the show... what was with not showing any of the Spikey
Remorse scenes? Especially after everything that we now know about
the timing of that particular scene being added to last week (and
who was most likely behind the addition in the first place)? Ugh.
Somehow, that's not a big enough Yuck. So... let's add the mental
picture of Jonathan serving as Parking Ticket Guy's Butt Monkey.
Yuck. So did *not* need to go there.
I think another YAY! is in order... how about Spike's handling
of himself in the cave? (Oh, you knew I couldn't go for too long
without talking about it, didn't you?) When I was getting my tape
ready for tonight's ep, I rewatched all the important scenes (read:
Spike scenes) from last week's ep... and I noticed something kinda
sad... credit the director, or JM... but the use of posture in conveying
Spike's feelings about his situation and himself has really been
a silent clue as of late. Spike didn't stand up straight at all
during last week's episode... he was all hunchy, slouchy, beaten
down... just not looking like he had any self-esteem or self-respect
left (which, we all know, he really didn't)... *until* Clem made
his fateful comment. When Spike straightens up from leaning on the
sarcophagus, it's not just the look on his face that gets your attention...
it's the vaguely predatory way in which he's carrying himself that
does the trick.
And so, this week, when we cut to the scene of Spike in the desert,
striding along with some of his old bravado back, it's a great thing
to see. You can tell that it's not the same Big Bad stride that
he had when we first met him (granted, part of it is probably due
to the sand...) - it's just a little off - but he's walking along
as a Man-On-A-Mission. I'm not going to repeat everything that I've
seen on the list in terms of reviews of the scene... but suffice
it to say that we can clearly see that Spike, in the words of my
husband and Clem, "has issues." And yes, they left it wide open...
I can't wait to see what the trials are. I'm still conflicted over
where I want this to go... and I think that the writers *want* us
to be wondering. Yes, we all know that Spike blames the chip for
all of his problems... and yes, we all know that he doesn't *like*
how things are... he doesn't like being told that he's "Lower" than
anyone (remember Cecily, anyone?)... last week he told Clem that
Buffy would never *lower herself" to his level...
But he also remembers the good times he had being the Big Bad -
not having to worry about the reprecussions of his actions, being
able to wreak havoc at will... and not having to constantly keep
his base instincts in check. And he desperately wants that freedom
Or does he, really?
Ugh. It's enough to make your head hurt just thinking about all
the possibilities.
So... I got my Dear Hubby's opinion.
Kris: "So... from a guy's perspective, what do you think Spike
Dear Hubby: "He wants the chip out. Duh. He wants to go back to
being a vampire."
Kris: "Okay..."
Dear Hubby: "But I don't think that's what he's going to get. I
think he's going to become human." (Dear Hubby snickers a bit)
Kris: "So you're saying that he's going to get screwed, at least
in his mind."
Dear Hubby: "Oh yeah. But in his mind, he already got screwed."
Back to the Yays and Yucks, shall we?
A big YAY! for continuity! How about Rack's reappearance? It tied
in well with the flow of the episode... and also provided some plot
twists (such as the essence of Warren being in the robot) that I
wasn't expecting... Wow.
And another Yay! for getting all of the characters on-screen again...
and giving them something to do that advanced the story along. Anya's
revelation of her demonness to Xander was great - loved him being
taken aback, and her snarky reply to his "when did this happen?"
question. I also loved that she was able to use her powers to help
out, even though she didn't have to do it... it shows, like we've
been getting shown all season, that demons truly can exist in the
world of Gray. Dawn's mention of her attempted resurrection of her
Mom was a nice touch, too.
And now, for the biggest Yuck of all. You got it... Dark!Willow
and all things associated with same. Did anyone else notice her
line about Tara's death "... taking everything that was light" away
from her? Was Tara providing the counterbalance to Willow's dark
tendencies all this time? It's hard to say... but this is definitely
a woman who is way past the edge. She's even past the wild Wiley
E. Coyote flailing when she's off the precipice - she's plummeting
downwards, and accelerating. The torture and skinning of Warren
was just creepy... "Bored Now." <shudder again>
I appreciated that she brought Buffy back... but why did she do
it? Was it because she expected that Buffy would help her in her
Vengeance Quest against Warren? And will she feel that Buffy has
an obligation to her now? And if she does.... will she try to call
that obligation in?
(And if she does call the obligation in... how will Buffy feel
about that? Will she be, in Spike's words, a welsher?)
Oy. Let's move onto the quick thoughts, shall we?
Buffy's reaction to finding out that Spike left town: sad for Buffy,
but Yay for B/S shippers (sorry, I'm a shipper - had to throw that
in there!). I feel bad for Dawn though... she's really getting left
alone again, isn't she?
Warren's smugness in the demon bar: Yuck. But then again, you knew
he had it coming, so....
Clem babysitting Spike's crypt: Hee hee! Loved it... Dear Hubby's
comment: "Clem's a cool guy."
Willow calling on Osiris once again... oh boy. You just *knew*
that couldn't be something that would end well... even if you hadn't
seen the promo for this week.
Willow's new method of studying: Okay, that was cool... (and the
visuals were terrific)... can I learn to do that so I can absorb
my system documentation I need to read for supporting our systems
at work? Computer-speak is just as arcane as what she was reading
(and my users think it's just as evil)...
Willow's location spell for Warren: creepy. Big shivers again.
Spike's angry declaration that he *is* a warrior. Kinda funny when
you remember back to Willow's resurrection of Buffy... when she
referred to Buffy as the "Warrior" of the people... is that supposed
to be a hint of things to come?
Willow's new look: As Buffy would say: "Okay, I get it. You're
*eeee-vil.*" But it was neat to see the transformation.
Dawn keeping vigil over Tara's body: it was a nice touch. The two
people who were alone together so much this season sharing one last
final moment... it was sad, it was disturbing... but it was so perfect.
It was also a nice parallel to last season, when Buffy discovered
her Mom's dead body on the couch... this time Dawn discovered her
surrogate mother's body on the floor. Not an experience you would
normally want to have to tie two sisters together... but it fits
the story.
Oh, my head is spinning again. Let me end this train of thought
with this earlier mention of Spike and his current state of mind:
"But he also remembers the good times he had being the Big Bad
- not having to worry about the reprecussions of his actions, being
able to wreak havoc at will... and not having to constantly keep
his base instincts in check. And he desperately wants that freedom
And now, we see Willow - good, sweet, helpful Willow... Not Worrying
about the reprecussions of her actions... being able to wreak havoc
at will... and not constantly keeping her base instincts in check.
And she *desperately* wants to keep this feeling of freedom.
Kiddies, I think we're in for a ride. All season I've been wondering
if we were being set up for a parallel storyline between Willow
and Spike... they're both geeky types who *don't* like being perceived,
or treated, as such... and while they both have an incredible loyalty
to the people they consider friends (almost a fealty in some respects),
they both have shown that they will strike out on their own if they're
pushed too far out of the direction in which they want to go. They
can both hurt people in incredible ways without meaning to do so...
and they're also both capable of great acts of kindness. They're
also capable, as we've seen, of great acts of *intentional* evil.
So. Willow's apparently headed down the path of BIG BAD EVIL...
and she's been shown as the Goody-Two-Shoes who strayed this season.
Spike's heading down an unknown path... does this mean that he's
heading towards the light and Goodness? We almost always saw Willow
in the shadows for most of the episode tonight... the more the episode
wore on, and the darker she became (and granted, it was night time),
the more she tended to stand in the darkness. Spike, however, was
presented as being half in the light, half in the dark... to the
point of him stepping into the light at the end of his confrontation
with the demon. What does that mean for next week?
Alright... time to wrap this up.
But, I just gotta say... I never knew that my Comfy Chair was in
Spike's crypt.
Too cool.
I'll be sure to say hello to Clem on behalf of all of us.