Wes is in Fred's office, looking through the window to the lab below where Illyria is standing. Angel comes into the office and steps up beside Wes who notes, "She's either counting oxygen molecules, or analyzing the petri dish she just put into her mouth, or sleeping. I can never quite tell." Angel wonders if Wes really thinks this is a good idea. Wes says they have plenty of petri dishes. Angel starts to clarify, "I meant --" Wes cuts him off, "I know what you meant." Angel reminds Wes he doesn't have to do this alone. Wes counters, "Who else is there? We're running out of people, Angel. We're getting no further with Gunn --" Angel assures him he won't leave Gunn in the hell dimension ("Underneath"), they'll get him out but in the meantime, he wants Wes to let them help him with Illyria. Wes feels Illyria is his responsibility. Angel tells him, "She's our responsibility and if she's going to be here there are things that we should be doing, like testing her powers, studying her .." He watches Illyria a moment, "She put a whole petri dish in her mouth?" Wes observes, "Illyria can be ... difficult. Testing her might be hard without getting someone seriously hurt." Angel has a solution, "We'll make Spike do it." Wes agrees with that idea, "Good." He moves closer to the window watching Illyria intently as she cocks her head and looks around the lab, "She doesn't understand our world. She needs someone to guide her. She needs --" Angel asks when Wes last slept. A weary Wes doesn't offer an answer. Angel firmly tells him, "You're not her savior. I need you here, working, not off drinking yourself into a coma, chasing ghosts." He steps closer to Wes, "Fred's dead, Wes. You're still alive. Start acting like it." He walks out of the office. Wes is in his office, sitting behind his desk. A man and woman are seated on the opposite side. They tell Wes about their son who was out getting the mail when a speeding van jumped the curb and ran into him. The van slammed him into the outside of the garage then took off. Wes notes the police think it was intentional and asks if "homicide" found the van. They tell Wes he misunderstood, their son isn't dead. Wes is surprised to hear it, "He's not?" The man tells him their son is fine, he got right up. The woman adds he was barely scratched. The man continues, "Police said it was dumb luck but if you saw it -- " They tell Wes an officer called later and told them their son may be "different", he referred them to Wolfram and Hart. Wes picks up the phone and directs Harmony to ask Angel to come to his office. As Wes scribbles some notes, the woman tells him their son is downstairs, he thinks they're there to "set up a trust." She asks if they'll help them. Wes assures her they will. As Angel walks down the hallway headed for Wesley's office, the elevator door opens behind him. He's stunned to hear a familiar voice, "Hey, dad!" Angel stops in his tracks, turns and stares in disbelief at Connor. He stammers, "What -- What are you --" as Connor walks toward him, "Dad?" The man who was speaking to Wes exits his office, "Yeah, it's okay. Come on over." Wes and Connor's mother come to the doorway as Connor walks past Angel to join them. He notes with wonder, "You know they have dried scorpions in the vending machines downstairs?" Wes notices Angel has arrived and introduces "Laurence and Colleen Reilly" along with their son. Connor tells Angel his name as he extends his hand in polite greeting and says it's nice to meet him. Angel does his best to avoid eye contact with Connor as Wes tells him Mr. and Mrs. Reilly have some things they need to discuss, "I thought we could --" Angel interrupts him, "No." Wes doesn't understand. Angel offers a curt, "I'm sorry, we can't help you." He walks away. As the Reilly family waits in the lobby, Wes is in Angel's office, summing up the reason they're there, "A van ran him down, he got up and walked away, unharmed." Angel stares out the office window into the lobby, "How'd they find us?" Wes answers, a police officer told them W&H may be able to help them. Angel shakes his head, "We're not taking this case." Wes wonders why not. An edgy Angel walks away from the window, across the office, "Because with everything going on, we don't have time to be dealing with small stuff like this." He takes a seat behind his desk. Wes points out this is what they do, or what they're supposed to do, "They need help. They seem like good people." Angel reckons that's all the more reason to refuse them, "We know what this place does to good people." In the hell dimension, Gunn is in the basement, lying flat on his back on the table, his bloodied chest cut wide open. The torture demon drops Gunn's heart onto the pile stacked on the floor and steps away. As the demon cleans its bloody blade, Gunn's chest heals shut, good as new. He shouts and bolts upright, gasping. The demon embeds the blade in the surface of a nearby wooden stand as a confused Gunn gets off the table and looks around, "What was it? What am I ... I was ... looking for something." The demon hands him a light bulb. Gunn takes it and calls upstairs, "It's okay! Found it!" He heads up the steps. In a training room at W&H, Spike is knocked to the floor by Illyria who observes, "You break so easily." As Spike gets to his feet, she asks, "Why do you bother getting back up?" Spike tells her they need to set some rules, "First, no more punching me in the face. Secondly, when I punch you in the face, you tell me how you feel, so I can write that down, on my clipboard." He bends over and retrieves the clipboard from the floor, "Third, no touching my clipboard! Fourth --" Illyria says she likes hurting him. Spike reckons they need to put a stop to that. She punches him in the face, he hits her back. She backhands him, sending him flying across the room. Wes comes in and notes Spike on the floor, "How goes it?" Illyria answers, "I've been hitting the half-breed. He makes noise." Spike gets to his feet, "We're off to a bit of a rough start but don't worry. I'll break her." Wes says Illyria isn't a horse. As he walks further into the training room, he points out it's equipped with "automated training devices", Spike doesn't have to let her beat him to a pulp. Spike says they're working on the basics and assures Wes he's writing everything down. Wes tightly crosses his arms over his chest, "Okay, fine." Illyria observes him a moment, "You reek of frustration. Curls off of you like smoke." Spike thinks it's something else, "Actually, love? We call that Scotch. 12-year Lagavulin, if I'm not mistaken." He looks at an annoyed Wes, "Good choice." Wes says it's nothing, he just had a "slight disagreement with Angel." Spike offers his sympathy, "Oh, old broody pants got you wound up, eh? Keep in mind he can't get laid without maybe going crazy. Makes it funny." Illyria isn't amused, "In my time, a leader would punish your insolence with death." Wes tells her they weren't being insolent. Spike disagrees, "I am." He walks away. Wes tries to explain, "It's just uh .. I don't always understand Angel." She notes he follows Angel willingly in spite of that, he's loyal to him. Wes says Angel has earned that, "I trust he knows what he's doing." As Marcus Hamilton enters Angel's office, an angry Angel demands to know what's happening, "What the hell is going on?" Hamilton isn't sure what he's asking about, "Angel? I'm at your disposal." Angel shouts, "My son walks in through my door!" Hamilton calmly notes, "And you make him walk right out again. I found that interesting." Angel continues shouting, "I want him as far away from here as possible!" Hamilton gets that, "Yes, but it might have been smart to get some information out of him first. It could help us understand what's happening." Angel gets in his face, "I'll tell you what. Why don't you just tell me?" Hamilton's previously cordial tone takes on an edge, "Let's be clear about this. Things run differently now. I'm not a little girl, and you and I won't be making love on this couch anytime soon." He turns his back and takes a few steps away from Angel, "Now, with that in mind, how can I help you?" Angel slams the office door shut and reminds Hamilton he had a deal with the Senior Partners. Hamilton sums up the events of "Home", "Yes, you did. They took your son -- your raging, psychopathic son -- gave him a new family, changed his memories. Changed everyone's memories, actually, to give him a new life. A normal life." Angel notes his end of the deal was to come to W&H. Hamilton assures him they're happy about that, the Partners honor the deals they make, they don't want anything disrupting the partnership with Angel. Angel scoffs, "So this is just a ... an unfortunate coincidence." Hamilton clarifies, that's not what he said, he said it wasn't the Partners doing but it wasn't an accident. He reckons someone is sending Angel a message, "And they're using your son to do it." Connor and his parents are in an SUV, driving down the street. Colleen wonders where they go now. Laurence figures there's somebody else who can help them set up the trust. Connor lets them know they don't have to pretend, he knows they were at W&H because of what happened with the van. Colleen starts to apologize for the deception. Connor assures her it's okay then teases, "I mean, my parents are liars and I can never trust them again, but it's cool." He knows they're concerned but reminds them he's fine, he got hit and he's fine. That should make them happy, not crazy. Everything turned out okay. Laurence notes it was the "getting hit part", they thought he'd been killed. He pulls the SUV to a stop in a motel parking lot. Connor knows it's strange, but assures them they'll get through it, they don't have to be afraid. The passenger door is suddenly ripped off by a demon who grabs Connor, pulls him out of the vehicle and tosses him to the asphalt. Another demon grabs Colleen and pulls her out, pinning her against the front fender. Laurence tries to intervene on his wife's behalf but the demon punches him, knocking him out. Connor gets to his feet and punches the demon, sending it flying backward several feet through the air. A stunned Connor looks at his hands, "Whoa." The demon leaps back toward Connor, punches him and slams him into a parked car. Angel leaps into the fray and takes on the two attackers. After a brief battle, he flips one of the demons onto the roof of a nearby car and snaps its neck. He picks up the other who is lying on the ground, raises it above his head and slams it downward over his knee, snapping its back. A stunned Connor gets to his feet, "Oh, my God!" Angel reckons he's got some explaining to do, "Connor, listen to me --" Connor stares at the demon on the ground, "You almost broke that guy in half!" He looks up at Angel and smiles, "That was awesome! Seriously, that was the coolest thing I've ever seen." Angel relaxes and smiles, "Well, it's -- It's not a big deal. I do stuff like that a lot. There was this one time in France --" Colleen calls out for her son as she assists Laurence who's been injured. Connor rushes past Angel and goes to his parents, noting Laurence is a little shaky as his wife helps him stay on his feet. Connor lends his assistance as well. Colleen wants to get her husband to a hospital. Angel says they have doctors at W&H that can help. As he leads the way, he tells Connor there are some things they need to talk about. Connor looks down at the dead demon, "Yeah, I kinda figured." Angel and Connor are walking down a hallway at W&H. Angel assures Connor his father will be fine, "He's in good hands .. or claws, as the case may be. They're good doctors." Connor asks what attacked them in the parking lot. Angel answers, "Some kind of demon. I'm looking into it." Connor stops, wanting to know if that's what he is as well. Angel tells him he isn't. Connor asks what he is then. Angel answers, "Best we can tell, you're a healthy, well adjusted kid. With ... uh ...enhanced abilities." Connor considers that, "And you're a vampire." Angel nods. Connor mulls over what he's learned, "So .. demons, vampires, doctors with claws, and I'm some sorta superhero." He thinks on that a moment then adds cheerfully, "Okay" as he resumes walking down the hall. Angel chuckles as he joins him, "You're taking this pretty well." Connor isn't sure what he's supposed to do about it, "complain"? He's just not sure how he's going to explain it to his parents. He asks Angel if he has family. Angel answers no. Connor remembers, "Right, vampire. So, what are you, like 500 years old?" Angel starts to answer, "No, I'm about --" Vanity kicks in as he wonders, "Do I look 500?" Connor asks if he spends his time "making out with other vampires, like in Ann Rice novels?" Angel answers, "No. Uh .. I used to but ... " Connor asks if he has a girlfriend. Angel says he "can't afford to." Connor reckons it must be lonely. Angel offers a bit defensively, "I keep busy." Connor asks if they "fight crime and save the world, that kind of stuff." Angel tells him that's pretty much the idea. Connor wonders if everyone at the firm is a "superhero." Angel says they're mostly paralegals and secretaries, "pretty boring, really." Spike comes flying through the doors of the workout room, crashing into the hallway wall just in front of Angel and Connor. His clipboard gets tossed out after him. Spike yells toward the doors, "You filthy harlot!" He gets to his feet, "I'm gonna tear your neck out!" He storms through the doors, back inside. Angel sighs and asks Connor, "You want to meet some of my coworkers?" They step inside the workout room where they find Spike, pinned to the floor as Illyria stands with one foot on the side of his face. Angel asks them to come over for a moment. Illyria removes her foot from Spike's face, allowing him to get to his feet. Connor stares at Illyria, asking what she is. Angel admits he isn't sure, "She's a ... um .. uh .. to be honest, I really don't know. She's some sort of ancient demon." Connor asks if she has any powers. Spike offers to answer the question, "Glad you asked. So far, I've established that she can hit like a Mack truck, selectively alter the flow of time and uh .." He checks his clipboard, "possibly talk to plants." He hands the clipboard to Angel. Connor is enamored, staring at Illyria. She turns to Angel,"I'd like to keep Spike as my pet." Angel introduces Connor to the two of them. Connor politely greets them, then nervously tells Illyria he likes her attire. She observes him a moment, "Your body warms." She turns to Angel, offended, "This one is lusting after me." A slightly embarrassed Connor tries to explain, "Oh. No, I ... I ... It's just that ... It's the outfit." As Angel steps over next to him, Connor concedes, "I guess I've always had a thing for older women." Angel mutters, "They were supposed to fix that." Connor asks what he said. Angel declines the opportunity to repeat himself. He tells the others Connor brought them a case, they're looking into it. He was just showing him around the place. Lorne comes in. Connor is impressed, "Whoa! This place is way better than college." Lorne tells Angel Wes wants to see him, he has some demon information for him. As Angel and Connor follow Lorne out, Angel asks, "You're in college?" Connor confirms that, he's attending Stanford. Angel reacts proudly, "Really?" In the conference room, Angel identifies the demons from photos Wes has shown him as the type who attacked Connor and his family. Wes fills him in, "Kith'harn demons. In Los Angeles, they're the known henchmen of a warlock called Cyvus Vail." He hands Angel a photo of Vail. Angel examines it, "What do we know about him?" Lorne answers, "He's powerful. Heads up a large demon empire, has tendrils stretching throughout L.A." Angel asks about that "tendrils" thing. Lorne clarifies, metaphorically speaking. Connor wonders what Vail wants with him. Wes doesn't know but figures since Vail used his Kith'harn henchmen, he's not trying to be anonymous. As Angel heads for the door, Wes asks where he's going. Angel says he's going to visit Vail. Connor offers to come along. Angel is firm, "No. You're here." Wes points out they don't know much about the warlock, "If he's trying to bait you --" Angel isn't in the mood for debate, "It's not up for discussion." Wes asks him to at least take backup along. Angel snaps, "I said I'd take care of it, Wes. Drop it." He leaves. Wes looks on, suspicious. Wes walks into his office, takes a seat behind his desk and thinks about things a moment. He picks up the phone, presses a button and orders, "Get me everything you can find on Cyvus Vail." In a dimly lit, sparsely appointed room, a wizend red demon with yellow eyes sits in a large chair, wheezing. He has a number of intravenous fluids hanging from an IV trolley, hooked up to his arm. A large chandelier hangs from the ceiling. A demon is thrown into the room, landing on the floor near him. Angel walks into the room, prepared to confront Cyvus Vail. Vail asks if he killed all of the guards. Angel answers, "All the ones I could find." Vail tells him he wasn't trying to kill Connor, he just needed him to know what he was capable of. Angel demands to know how it is Vail knows about his son. Vail answers, "I built him." Harm brings a stack of file folders into Wesley's office and sets them on his desk, "These are everything the clerk had on Vail." Lorne is also in the office, going over papers. As Illyria steps up to the doorway, Harm adds, "And this, was down wandering around human resources." Illyria walks into the office, "Spike is resting." Wes thanks Harm who then departs. Lorne has found something in the papers he's perusing, "Here we go. Vail listings under accounts paid." Wes asks if W&H did business with him. Lorne confirms that, "Looks like he was one of their go to warlocks when it came to the magical mojo. Specialized in memory restructuring, mind control, temporal shifts." He thumbs through the papers and finds something else, "Oh, boy." Wes gets up from the desk and walks over to Lorne, "What is it?" Lorne notes, "You could buy Bolivia for what we paid him on this one." He hands the document to Wes. Wes looks it over, "Not just him. He supervised some of the most powerful sorcerers on the west coast." Lorne reckons it must have been something special. Wes continues perusing the paperwork, "Some sort of reality shift." He realizes the job was done the day they took over W&H. Cyvus Vail asks Angel to help him up, he'd have one of his guards do it, but he doesn't seem to have them anymore. Angel steps up to him, seemingly agreeing to help but pulls Vail's IV loose and grabs him by the throat instead. Vail wheezes, "When Connor was five, he got lost in a department store. He wandered off while his family was shopping. It scared the poor child nearly half to death." Angel knows that never happened. Vail concedes that's true, "But he remembers it happening." He slumps back into the chair as Angel releases his grip on his throat. He wheezes harder as he adjusts his IV, "He remembers screaming in the middle of the store. He remembers his mother rushing towards him. And he remembers his father, sweeping him up into his arms." Angel realizes what this all means, "You built his memories." Vail confirms that, "I did. He is some of my finest work." Angel wants to know what Vail wants. The warlock tells him, he needs someone dead, a demon named Sahjhan. Angel knows the name. Vail struggles to his feet and pushes his IV trolley along as he shuffles across the room, "I believe you tussled with him before. He's a nasty little cur." Angel informs Vail that Sahjhan is gone, he trapped him in a "bottle." ("Forgiving") Vail corrects him, "An urn, actually" as he opens the double doors of a cabinet revealing the urn inside. "Morbid thing, doesn't really go with my decor." Angel notes Sahjhan is trapped inside the urn, why not just let him rot. Vail doesn't like that idea, "Urns tend to break. Long lost enemies tend to return." He wants this business finished. He extends his hand, palm upward. A frosted glass cube appears in his hand. A bright light shines from within it. Vail asks Angel if he knows what an "Orlon Window" is, then explains it's a spell that allows warlocks, like himself, to see the past as it once was. Inside the Window, a swirling mist begins to form. He notes care has to be taken. If the Window were to break near someone whose memories had been altered, the old memories would come rushing back. Angel takes a step towards Vail who warns him, "I gave Connor his happy life. Are you sure you can kill me .." The Window disappears, "before I can take it away from him? I built your son. I am not the sort of man you want as an enemy." As Vail wheezes and sits back down in his chair, Angel moves toward the urn, agreeing to kill Sahjhan. Vail doesn't find that offer acceptable, noting the prophecy is clear, "There is only one person who can kill Sahjhan." Angel recalls the prophecy, "Connor." Vail knows Angel now understands, "You see our problem. I turned your son into a healthy boy. And now, I need you to turn him back into a killer." In Angel's office, he tells Connor that Vail wants him to kill a demon named Sahjhan, they've fought him before. He sits on the edge of the desk in front of Connor who's seated in a chair opposite. Connor wants to know why it has to be him. Angel tells him he's special, a prophecy says Connor is the only one who can do it. Wes wants to know why they're even considering this. Angel tells him Vail made convincing threats. Wes doesn't understand, since when do they give in to threats? Connor notes they aren't the ones being threatened, his family is. Wes doesn't figure they can trust anything having to do with Cyvus Vail. He points out to Angel that Vail did some kind of massive spell the day they took over W&H. He doesn't think they should do anything until they understand why. Connor asks if Sahjhan is strong. Wes notes the last time Angel fought him, Sahjhan nearly killed him. Connor asks if that's true. Angel answers, "This is different. Like I said, you're special." Connor realizes Angel is saying they don't have a choice in the matter. Wes thinks they do have a choice, they just need to figure out what the spell was that Vail conjured. Angel tells him they have no time for that. Connor asks if Vail will leave his family alone if he kills Sahjhan. Angel nods. Connor gets to his feet, "What are we waiting for?" Angel and Connor depart. In the hell dimension, a bloodied Gunn is laid out on the table. The torture demon moves toward him. Gunn coughs and pleads, "Please ... Please .. I'll do whatever you say ... Please." He shouts as the demon gets near, "No! No!" Hamilton comes down the stairs into the basement, "Sorry to interrupt, I'll just need a minute." The torture demon steps aside. Hamilton removes the necklace from Gunn's neck. Gunn sits up. Hamilton points out one of the torture implements, asking if Gunn knows what it is, "It's a gibbet. Has he put you in it yet?" Gunn weakly shakes his head, indicating no. Hamilton assures Gunn he will, "Eventually he gets around to everything down here." He introduces himself to Gunn, explaining he's the new liaison to the Senior Partners. He offers Gunn a proposition, "It occurs to us that you might want to get out of here. We can help with that." Gunn shakes his head no. Hamilton presses, "You know I've been by your offices. Seen your friends. Strange, there's not much activity on the 'Save Gunn' front. We're not asking you for much. All we need you to do --" Gunn looks up at him, "Can I have my necklace back?" Hamilton holds the necklace up. Gunn grabs it out of his hand and addresses the torture demon, "Come on, Sparky, let's go. This heart ain't gonna cut itself out." He ties the necklace back on himself. Hamilton thanks him for his time and heads up the stairs as Gunn lays back down on the table. The demon approaches, Gunn screams. A ripping, crunching sound is heard as his chest is torn open. Angel and Connor are in the W&H training room. Angel tells Connor he won't be alone, Angel will be with him. Connor wonders if Angel plans to hold Sahjhan down for him while he stabs him. Angel notes there's nothing in the prophecy that says Connor can't have some help. Connor is troubled by that, "Hardly seems fair." Angel tells him they don't worry about being fair. Connor thinks maybe they should, "I'm not a bully. If I'm gonna do this, you have gotta let me do it my way." He considers that a moment, "Now I just gotta figure out what my way is." Angel assures him he'll have his whole life to figure that out. Connor reckons he may as well start now, "I'm all noble and stuff but I'm not an idiot. I've been in one fight in my entire life and you bailed me out of it." He looks around the room at the array of weapons mounted on the walls, "Should I take one of these with me? Maybe an ax, or whatever this thing is." He clumsily removes an ax-type weapon from the wall, knocking another to the floor in the process. Angel smiles and retrieves the weapons, setting them aside, suggesting Connor forget those for now. He tells Connor he's faster than Sahjhan, he needs to use that. He offers some advice. Sahjhan talks a lot, he'll try to slow Connor down. He reminds him not to listen to him, just keep moving. Connor wonders if Angel really believes he can do this. Angel is sure of it, "I know you can." Illyria follows Wes into the records room. As they walk through the maze of file boxes and cabinets, she notes, "You are so concerned with names, dates, times." Wes tells her reality was changed. She asks what he means, "The world is as it is." Wes disagrees, "Not necessarily." He opens a drawer in one of the cabinets. Illyria doesn't understand, "You are a summation of recollections. Each change is simply a point of experience." Wes opens another drawer in the file cabinet and thumbs through the folders, "We're more than just memories." Illyria notes, "And yet Fred changed the moment her memory did." That gets Wesley's attention, "Fred's memories were changed?" Illyria confirms it, "In places." Wes wonders if she can see what the memories were before they were changed. She tells him she can't, "They're gone." Wes pulls a folder out of the cabinet and goes through the papers within it. Illyria asks, "Does this change your view of Fred? Is she still the person you thought she was?" A stunned Wes stares at one of the papers in the folder, "No. None of us are." He sets the folder down and rushes out, leaving the folder open to a contract, signed in blood, 'Angel'. Cyvus Vail welcomes Angel and Connor as they arrive at his place. Angel starts to talk but Connor interrupts, "Here's how it works. I kill this Sahjhan thing and we walk. You come near my family again and I'll slit your throat. And if that doesn't kill ya, I'll chop your whole head off. And ... if that doesn't work ... I'll .. I'll just keep ... stabbing you till you ... till you bleed to death. Understand?" Cyvus Vail understands. Connor is glad to hear it, "So, where is he?" Vail points toward another room, "Right through there." As Connor walks toward the room, Angel walks alongside, anxiously reiterating his advice about Sahjhan, warning Connor not to listen to him, not to take his eyes off him, don't be distracted -- Connor looks at him, "Dude, you're starting to freak me out." Angel backs off. As Connor starts to walk on, Angel stops him, taking a moment to straighten Connor's collar. Connor gives him a look. Angel apologizes, "Go get him." Angel looks on nervously as Connor steps into the room and approaches a long table. The urn containing Sahjhan is sitting in the middle of it, along with selection of weapons arranged on either side of it. Connor asks, "What am I supposed --" As he turns back toward the entryway where Angel was standing he sees it's now a solid wall. Outside the room, Angel can still see inside, as if it remains open. Vail tells him Connor can no longer see them, he can't risk Sahjhan getting loose, "He has a nasty habit of trying to kill me, but don't worry. Your boy is very brave. I'm sure he'll do you proud." Angel turns back and watches Connor inside the room. Connor stands in front of the urn, takes a deep breath, "Open sesame, or whatever." He reaches out and lifts the lid from the urn, setting it on the table. Multiple streams of light snake from the urn and take form as Sahjhan, beside the table, opposite Connor. Sahjhan offers his thanks for being set free, "In gratitude I grant you three wishes." Connor asks, "Really?" To Connor's disappointment, Sahjhan admits, "Nah, I"m just messing with you." He stretches, offering his appreciation, "I owe you one." Connor notes, "Before you start trying to kiss me, I should probably tell ya. You and I .. we're uh ... we're supposed to fight." Sahjhan wonders why he'd want to do that, then realizes the answer as he takes a few steps toward Connor, "Ah, you're him." Connor answers, "Yeah, I'm me. Hi. You can take a moment if you want. There's some weapons and stuff over here if you think you'll need them." Outside the room, Angel watches and frets, "No, he's talking to him. Why is he talking to him? I told him not to talk to him." Inside the room, Sahjhan notes it's been awhile since he and Connor last saw each other, "How'd Quor-toth work out for you anyway?" ("Sleep Tight") Connor doesn't know what he's talking about, "Worked out great. Thanks for asking." Sahjhan fingers the urn as he notes he's had a lot of time to plan for this, he expected Connor to be more "intimidating." Connor says he thought he was going to "Tony Roma's" with his parents tonight, but he's there. He suggests Sahjhan deal with it. Sahjhan says he'll "work on it" as he picks up the urn and tosses it, hitting Connor in the head with it. Connor falls to the floor. Angel tries to rush into the room but is stopped by an invisible, mystical barrier. He looks back at Vail who tells him it's not his fight. Connor groans as he slowly gets back to his feet, rubbing his face, "Ow! God, that really hurt!" Sahjhan sarcastically asks if Connor needs to call a time out. When Connor says no, Sahjhan takes a swing at him, fight ensues. Sahjhan misses with a couple of swings going wide. Connor punches him in the face but Sahjhan is unfazed. He punches Connor, knocking him to the floor. Outside the room, Angel demands Vail let him inside. He turns to see the warlock holding the Orlon Window, "Or you'll what? Relax. Your son has to grow up sooner or later. Sit back and watch his future unfold." As Connor is getting his ass kicked, Vail brushes his hand against the Window, "There's no need to bring back the past if we don't have to." Angel turns back toward the room, helpless to do anything but watch as Connor continues getting a beat down. Sahjhan punches him in the back, knocking him once again to the floor, "You know? I went to a lot of trouble to get rid of you. What a colossal waste of time that turned out to be." As Connor tries to get up, Sahjhan kicks him in the stomach, sending him flying across the room, crashing into the wall. Angel turns back to Vail, insisting he open the doorway to the room. He sees Vail, frozen in place, the Orlon Window no longer in his hand. Angel turns to the other side of the room when he hears Wes' voice, "You changed the world." Wes is holding the Window, Illyria stands between him and Angel. A nervous Angel asks what he's doing. Wes answers, "You sold us out to Wolfram and Hart." Angel tells him to be careful. Wes looks down at the glowing cube in the palm of his hand, "Is this your thirty pieces of silver?" Angel takes a few steps toward him, "Wes, give me that." Illyria punches him, sending him flying across the room, "He doesn't follow you any longer." Inside the room, Sahjhan slams Connor down onto the table. He rolls off of it, onto the floor. Sahjhan jerks him up and slams him down onto the table again, not releasing his grip this time, "These prophecies are turning out to be pretty overrated. I gotta tell ya, kid. You're making a good case for the whole concept of free will." Outside the room, Wes repeats his earlier charge, "You changed the world." Angel tries to explain, "He's my son, Wesley. Connor's my son." Wes doesn't care, "Did you trade her?" He walks closer to Angel, "Did you trade Fred for your son?" Angel asks, "What?" Wes continues, "Everything that's happened since we took over Wolfram and Hart. Everything that's happened to --" He looks at Illyria, then averts his gaze, "-- her. Did you know? Was Fred the price?" Angel denies that, offering to explain if Wes puts the Window down. Wes wants to know why Angel is afraid of it, "He said it would bring back the past. Would it undo what you've done?" Angel answers quietly, "No. It won't bring her back." Wes is willing to find out. He raises the Window, prepared to smash it. Angel pleads, trying to stop him, "No. Please. You have to trust me." Wes isn't willing, "I can't. Not anymore." He smashes the Window into the floor, resulting in a blinding explosion of light that knocks everyone back. A series of images flash on screen (from seasons three and four) as the memories are returned, including; a shot of a smiling Angel holding baby Connor, Angel handing the baby to Wes when Wesley's intention was to take him and not return, Wesley's scrawled translation of the prophecy, "The father will kill the son", Wes holding baby Connor as he's approached by Justine, Wes getting his throat slashed, Sahjhan, Holtz with baby Connor in his arms leaping through the portal into Quor-toth, Angel on the ground witnessing Holtz dive into the Quor-toth, Wes in the hospital with his slashed throat bandaged, Angel trying to suffocate Wes in the hospital, the arrival of teen Connor, Angel being sealed in the crate, Connor sinking Angel to the bottom of the ocean, Wes getting feisty with Lilah as she wears her Fred clothes and glasses, Wes opening the closet door in his apartment revealing Justine locked in a cage inside, Connor and Cordy having sex, Connor dragging the bound virgin girl to her death, Wes looking up with an expression of terror, Cordy holding the Mu-Ping containing Angel's soul, Angelus in vamp face holding Lilah's corpse, Jasmine in the octupus-like form, a smiling Jasmine in her human form, Connor and Angel standing on the Hyperion landing beside Jasmine, Connor putting his fist through Jasmine's head, Wes in bed, a portal opening, Wes talking to the Burger Loa, Angel trying to suffocate Wes in the hospital, the crate Angel was sunk in being welded shut, Wes holding baby Connor, Connor looking down at Holtz's body, Angelus with the corpse of Holtz's wife, Holtz, Angel, Wes, Sahjhan, Wes with baby Connor, Wes shagging Lilah, Cordy and Connor, Wes standing outside the cage looking in at Justine, Darla's ultrasound, baby Connor, Wes and Lilah, Wes in the hospital bed, Angel hovering threateningly over Wes in the hospital, Darla staking herself, Wes kidnapping baby Connor, Wes and a smiling Angel with the baby in the pediatrician's waiting room, Angel holding up the baby sized hockey jersey with "Connor" imprinted on it, Justine bound and gagged in the closet cage, Connor's bloody hand print on Cordelia's pregnant belly, Wes getting into his car with baby Connor, the Beast, Gunn and Fred kissing, Jasmine's arrival, Wes and Lilah in bed, Holtz, Angel, Connor, Wes in the present, Lilah, Connor and Cordy having sex, Connor arriving from Quor-toth, Connor, Wes in the present. Wes gasps and looks at Angel as his newly returned memories sink in. Angel's concern is for his son, "Connor --" as he gets to his feet. Inside the room, Sahjhan has his hands wrapped around Connor's throat. Connor grabs him by the neck and tosses Sahjhan over his head, across the room. He gets to his feet, his demeanor changed entirely from tentative to experienced and confident. Sahjhan reckons he just got lucky. Connor rolls across the table, retrieving an ax resting on top of it as he does so. He lands on his feet and proceeds to put a serious beat down on Sahjhan. Sahjhan lands one punch before Connor swings the ax and decapitates him. The barrier to the room disappears, Angel enters and approaches Connor cautiously, "Connor?" Connor turns to face him, "Whoa. You see that? I went a little hard core there for a second. That guy made me really cranky." He looks down at the bloody ax in his hands. Angel asks if he's all right. Connor answers, "I guess. I don't really like people touching my neck, you know?" He rubs his neck. Angel isn't sure what's happened, "Connor ... Uh ..." Connor interrupts, "Can we get out of here? I'd like to go back, see my parents." He tosses the ax to the floor. "This whole fighting thing, I'm not .... I'm not really sure it's for me." He looks at Angel a moment, neither saying anything. Wes and Illyria are in his office at W&H. She sums up his restored memories, "You betrayed Angel. You stole his son. He tried to kill you." Wes quietly says, "Yes." Illyria wonders, "Are these the memories you needed back? Does this now make you Wesley?" Wes answers, "At least I know what happened." She wonders if he does, "There are two sets of memories. Those that happened and those that are fabricated. It's hard to tell which is which." Wes tells her, "Try to push reality out of your mind. Focus on the other memories. They were created for a reason." Illyria asks, "To hide from the truth?" Wes answers, "To endure it." Angel is standing at the window in his office, looking out. Connor enters, "I thought sunlight burned you up." Angel turns and chuckles, "Special glass." He asks how Connor's dad is doing. Connor says he's fine, he's being released from the W&H medical unit now. He reckons he should warn Angel, his father is pretty angry, "I told him that you took me out demon fighting and, uh, almost got me killed. He wants to have a talk with you." Angel is prepared to try to explain. Connor smiles and lets him know he was just kidding, "Man, you gotta lighten up. He thinks we spent the whole night doing tests. I told him I could bench press, like, a thousand pounds." Angel asks what Connor will tell them about who he is. Connor says he'll tell them the truth, more or less, that he's different and it's a good thing. "I'll tell them to stop worrying so much." Angel notes they're parents. Connor gets that, "Yeah, I know. They'll feel a lot better knowing you're looking out for me." Angel tells him they haven't found Vail yet, but they will. Connor isn't concerned about it, "Nothing he can show me I haven't already seen." After a brief moment, he continues, "Anyway, I just wanted to say good-bye. I gotta go back to my life now." He heads for the door. Angel calls after him, "Oh .. Do you really have to leave? I mean, right now?" Connor answers, "I kinda think I should. I need to take care of my parents. This isn't their world. They really don't feel safe here. You gotta do what you can to protect your family." He looks at Angel a moment and adds, "I learned that from my father." He turns and walks out of the office. As Connor waits for the elevator doors to open in the lobby, he turns back toward Angel's office. Angel is standing in the doorway. They lock eyes briefly then Connor gets onto the elevator and departs.
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