![]() Angel stands in the rubble of his room, staring at Connor's empty crib. Fred and Gunn are at Wesley's place. Fred listens to the messages on the answering machine but all she hears are her own messages, asking Wesley to pick up the phone. She's upset, not believing he'd take Connor. ![]() Gunn tells her Wes did it. She wants to know why. Gunn figures they can ask him that when they find him. Fred fears what will happen to Wes if Angel finds him first. Gunn knows Angel will kill him and they'll never get any answers. Fred suggests Gunn search for Wesley while she remains behind at his place in case he returns. Gunn is sure he won't be back, pointing out he took the necessities with him, including his gun. Fred tears through the desk, not believing Wesley would betray them or leave without saying something to her about it. She dumps out the contents of the wastebasket onto the floor, telling Gunn Wesley kept diaries. She wants to know where they are. ![]() Gunn says they aren't in the apartment and they weren't at the office. He thinks they should go back to the hotel to see what Angel is up to, fearing if he finds Wesley, he'll kill him. They head back to the hotel in Gunn's truck as Fred continues trying to reach Wes on her cell phone. In the park, Wesley's phone rings as he lies on the ground, unmoving, his eyes open, staring blankly. ![]() Justine arrives back at Holtz's where his minions have a couple of vamps chained up. She asks why the vamps are there. One of the minions explains they're for continued training. She stakes the vamps and tells the others no more training, everything is real now. They ask where Holtz is, she tells them he left with Angel's child. She pauses a moment and adds that was what she and Holtz had planned. She says he asked her to pass on his praise for their work but he's gone. He won't be back. She is asked what Holtz wants them to do. She tells them to finish the job Holtz began, killing Angelus. ![]() ![]() In the lobby of the hotel, Lorne has told Fred and Gunn what happened to Connor. Fred doesn't want to believe Connor is gone. Lorne tells her it's true. An emotional Fred remembers what it was like being pulled through a portal. She's afraid for Connor, knowing the trauma of that experience. Gunn embraces her in a comforting hug. He can't make sense of it either. He breaks the embrace and asks Lorne if he really expects them to believe Wesley took Connor and gave him to Holtz. Lorne answers Wes had been meeting secretly with Holtz. He read that much before Wesley attacked him. Gunn is certain Lorne must have read Wesley wrong. Fred agrees with Gunn. Lorne is just as certain that Wesley had no intention of ever returning Connor when he took him out of the hotel. Fred just wants to know why he did it. ![]() Angel comes downstairs, not interested in the why. He's intent on dealing with those responsible for what happened, assuring the others they'll all pay, including Wes. He tells Lorne the portal led to Quor-toth. He wonders if Lorne has ever heard of that dimension. Lorne hasn't. Angel tells him that's where Connor is now. He wants Lorne to find out what he can. Lorne agrees and leaves. ![]() Gunn figures they'll be making a trip to that dimension. Angel tells him he'll be going as he heads for Wesley's office. Gunn and Fred follow. Gunn tells Angel they're with him on this but they'll need to open a portal first and the last time they needed that, Wes was the one who figured out how. He wonders how they're going to do it without Wesley. ![]() Angel tells him they don't need Wes. He intends to find the one who opened the portal in the first place. He tosses a sketch across the desk and explains the demon's name is Sahjhan, he's an inter-dimensional demon. As Fred and Gunn look at the sketch, Angel tells them Sahjhan is the one who's been behind everything from the beginning. ![]() ![]() Linwood enters Lilah's office at W&H, noting he knows she met with Sahjhan and with Angel behind his back. Lilah assures him the details were all contained in her report. She intended to have it on his desk by morning. Linwood laughs as he pours himself a drink. He says Angel keeps them busy then tells Lilah she can't win the war but she'll have to make choices. He suggests the side she always chooses should be his. ![]() Lilah points out she had a gun aimed at her head earlier in the evening. Linwood offers his sympathies for that, clearly not too bothered by it. He verifies with her that Sahjhan opened a portal to Quor-toth and Holtz jumped into it with Connor. Linwood tells her, with an edge of sarcasm, he knows she did everything she could to secure Connor for W&H. Lilah reminds him about the gun pointed at her. Linwood figures Holtz got a big win. Lilah isn't so sure jumping into a violent demon dimension can be considered a win. Linwood responds it certainly isn't a win for W&H. ![]() Fred, Angel and Gunn continue doing research in Wesley's office, trying to find any reference to Sahjhan. Gunn thinks there might be something in the files but he can't figure out Cordy's filing system. ![]() Fred starts to call her in Mexico where she's vacationing with Groo. Angel tells her not to, he doesn't want to ruin her vacation. Fred thinks Cordelia would want them to call. An edgy Angel tells her Cordelia will be back with gifts for the baby and he's sure Connor will be there to receive them, trying to convince himself of that more than anything. Angel apologizes to Fred and says what they're doing isn't working, forget it. He leaves the office. Fred asks Gunn if Angel just said to forget it then worries he might be intent on dealing with those responsible. Gunn thinks they need to find Wesley. Fred agrees as they leave the office together. ![]() ![]() A homeless man is digging through a trash can in the park. He sees Wesley lying on the ground and figures he was mugged. He approaches him and rolls him over, checks him out, goes through his pockets looking for ID. Wes weakly raises his arm toward the man. The homeless guy finds a wad of cash in Wesley's wallet, realizes this was no mugging, and pockets it. He drags Wes behind some bushes, out of sight, and leaves. ![]() Angel is standing in front of the weapons cabinet in the lobby, staring inside. Lorne enters and tells him he spoke to his sources about Quor-toth. He says he doesn't have good news, as Angel digs through the desk, looking for something. He picks up a staple remover, flicks it open and closed a few times, then puts it into his pocket. He retrieves a sorting spindle and removes the papers impaled on it. ![]() Lorne says his sources fear Quor-toth and what Angel saw wasn't a portal because there aren't any. The only way in is to"tear the fabric of reality." Lorne follows Angel as he walks up the steps and heads for his earthquake devastated room. Lorne continues explaining it's not as simple as finding a dimensional "hot spot" or conjuring an opening with a simple incantation. Creating an opening to the Quor-toth will require the use of very dark magicks, the kind of power it takes hundreds of years to acquire. He points that even if Angel got in, finding Connor would be nearly impossible, akin to searching for a needle in a haystack the size of China. ![]() Angel ponders the needle mention, wondering why he hadn't thought of that. Lorne says they don't have the resources for that kind of power. Angel disagrees as he opens the door to his room where Linwood is tied to a chair. ![]() As Angel selects a knife from the kitchen area, Lorne asks who the guy is. Linwood introduces himself and asks who Lorne is. Lorne answers he's "deeply troubled". Linwood figures Lorne and Angel have that much in common. He wonders if Angel is too far over the edge to realize the consequences of abducting an employee of W&H. He's sure there will be a price to pay when the firm finds out. Angel figures they'd kill Linwood before kiling him [Angel]. He sets some knives and other tools on a small table. Lorne reminds him he's dealing with a human being, sort of, not some kind of demon. He tells Angel this won't get Connor back. He wonders if Angel has any idea what he's doing. ![]() Linwood offers so far it's kidnapping, assault and attempted murder. Angel sets the small table of torture implements in front of Linwood which shuts him up and curbs his arrogance. He assures Angel he has no intention of pressing charges on any of the previously mentioned issues. Angel sits in front of him holding the sharp sorting spindle. Linwood tells Angel if he wants to find Connor, he can have all the resources of W&H at his disposal. ![]() Angel positions the spindle close to Linwood's eye and calmly asks who Sahjhan is and how to find him. Linwood tells him to hit 3 on his cell phone speed dial. He tells Angel he can find the phone in his jacket pocket. Angel removes the phone from Linwood's jacket, hits 3 and holds the phone up to Linwood's ear. Linwood tells Lilah he's sending Angel to the office and she's to give him whatever he wants. ![]() At Holtz's, Justine is carving a stake with a large knife. Gunn and Fred enter. Gunn suggests she might want to get a guard dog since they had no trouble walking in. Justine informs him that getting in isn't the hard part. Gunn wonders if that's what happened to Wes, Holtz and Justine lured him in then wouldn't let him out. Justine assures him Wes is a grown man, he made his own choices. ![]() Fred asks where Wesley is. Justine doesn't care. Gunn suggests she should as he approaches her. Fred stops him before anything happens. She doesn't figure violence is going to solve anything. Fred reckons both sides have lost enough. Justine doesn't agree. Fred wonders if the only thing that will make her happy is killing everyone. Justine doesn't answer. Fred realizes happiness isn't in the cards for Justine. She understands Justine's attachment to Holtz as she looks around the trash strewn room. She figures losing Holtz must have been like losing her father, or perhaps something else. Fred makes note of the trash to Gunn, telling him she'll explain later. ![]() ![]() Justine tells them to leave. Gunn assures her they aren't leaving until they find out about Wes. Holtz's minions arrive and jump Fred and Gunn. One of them grabs Gunn and holds a knife to his throat. Justine flashes back on slashing Wesley's throat and stops the minion from cutting Gunn. She tells Fred and Gunn to get out. They leave. ![]() As Angel and Lilah walk down the hall at W&H, she marvels that he's been told about the "white room." She says she worked at the firm for three years before she even knew about it. She wonders if Linwood told Angel what was in the room. He tells her "answers" as they stop outside of the elevator. He asks her if they're going up or down. He presses the 'up' button in response to her reply as they both get onto the elevator. ![]() Lilah wonders if Angel was told how to get to the "white room." He pulls a piece of paper from his pocket and reads from it, punching a sequence of floor numbers on the elevator panel in a specific order. Lilah mentions one of the firm's lawyers entered the white room several months ago, he's in an insane asylum now. ![]() A new blank button appears at the top of the panel. Lilah thinks she should hold onto the paper Angel was reading off of. As she reaches for it, he shoves it into his pocket and pushes the newly visible button which lights up when depressed. ![]() The elevator dissolves in a blinding white light. When it clears, Angel and Lilah find themselves in the white room. They are greeted by name by a young girl seated in the middle of it. She compliments Lilah's fingernail polish, expressing her fondness for red. She notes Angel is fond of red as well as revenge. She knows it's more enjoyable than forgiving. She asks "what's up?" Angel answers Sahjhan has taken his son. ![]() ![]() The girl mockingly asks Angel if he wants his baby back. An irritated Angel makes a move toward her. Lilah stops him. The girl says the baby is gone but he wants Sahjhan. She says now they can be walked through but it was different in the past. His kind lived for torture and death. She figures Angel can relate to that. As she describes this, we see a demon of Sahjhan's type in the past, decapitating someone, chopping others to bits with a large sword. The girl says they caused trouble which didn't bother her but she hates chaos so her kind changed them so they can only watch now, no touching. ![]() Angel asks how they can be captured. The girl answers there is a specific type of urn that can trap their essence, but they're expensive and difficult to find. As she explains, we see an image of the past. Several priests chant as they confront a Sahjhan-type demon . They open the lid of an urn and the demon turns into bright yellow orange light which streams into it. The priests replace the lid, trapping the demon inside. ![]() The girl figures Angel wouldn't simply want Sahjhan's essence in a jar, she thinks he'd prefer "something you can sink your teeth into." She informs him there's always a price for these things and tells Angel to kill Lilah. He moves to snap her neck. The girl giggles and stops him, telling him his willingness to do it is good enough for now. ![]() As Lilah rubs her throat, the girl tells Angel she understands why he is respected. She tells him he'll need to do a ritual to make Sahjhan flesh. She holds up a folded piece of paper, it disappears from her hand and ends up in Angel's. It contains what he needs to know. She dismisses them with, "Can't wait to see how it turns out." The room disappears the same way it appeared, in a flash of bright white light. Gunn and Fred head to a dumpster. Fred asks Gunn to help her in so she can look for Wesley's papers. Gunn isn't sure she'll find anything. Fred figures that Wesley either took the papers with him or he threw them away. She thinks they're lucky they got to the dumpster before it was emptied. Gunn gives her a lift into it. She sorts through the trash and quickly finds what she's looking for. ![]() At Wesley's, Fred and Gunn go through the papers. Gunn asks if she's found anything. Fred notes Wes kept separate files for everyone and she's noticed he was worried about something in a prophecy but she's not sure exactly what. She says he indicates some kind of "pending doom" in the later entries. She reads from his notes that he was trying to find denial of this prophecy, whatever it is. Gunn figures they need to find the prophecy. Fred doesn't know where to look. ![]() Gunn does as he finds the paper on which Wes had written "The father will kill the son". He hands it to Fred. They realize what Wesley had believed, that Angel would kill Connor, and that he kept trying to disprove it but every route he took led him back to the same conclusion. Fred is relieved to know he had a good reason for taking Connor. She doesn't think he had any choice. She suggests they need to find Angel and explain. Gunn isn't convinced knowing the facts would let Angel forgive Wes for taking his son and handing him over to Holtz. Fred thinks it's a start. ![]() ![]() Angel finishes painting a red pentagram on the floor of the lobby as Lorne implores him not to go through with this. He's sure they can find another way. Lilah says there is no other way. Lorne suggests she not talk. Angel asks if the pentagram looks okay. Lilah answers it looks right. Angel asks what's next. ![]() Lorne offers that reconsidering this would be a good next step, reminding Angel they're dealing with very dark powers. Angel repeats the question, asking Lilah what's next. Lorne wonders if this is really how Angel wants to get Connor back. Angel looks sternly at Lorne as he asks Lilah again for the next step. Lilah looks up from the paper she's consulting and tells him "human blood." Angel snatches the paper from her hand to read it for himself. Lorne isn't happy about this step either. ![]() Angel looks at Lilah. Lilah looks at Linwood, who is now in the lobby, still tied to the chair. Angel also looks at Linwood. Lilah grabs a knife and approaches Linwood with it. She smiles then cuts her own palm and drops blood from it onto the floor. ![]() Angel turns out the lights and recites some words. A whirlwind of vapor, light and energy forms in the center of the pentagram, explodes and disappears. Angel grabs an ax but Sahjhan doesn't appear. Angel threatens Linwood with the ax and demands Linwood tell him where Sahjhan is. ![]() Sahjhan appears in an explosion of light and energy in the middle of a street. He realizes he's in solid form just as he's hit by a truck which spins and hits another vehicle going in the opposite direction The truck driver is shaken, sitting behind the wheel, as the truck starts moving. Sahjhan lifts the truck off of himself, flipping it onto its side. He takes a moment to enjoy being corporeal. Angel drags Linwood up the steps, still tied to the chair. Linwood tells Lilah to do something. Lorne tells Angel killing him won't change things. He doesn't think Angel really wants to do this. Angel assures him he's wrong on that. Linwood shouts that they had a deal, he gave Angel everything he asked for, he wants to know what more he wants. Angel tells him he wants Connor back. Linwood shouts for Lilah to do something. ![]() Lilah takes a call and relays the message the firm registered an energy disturbance. She gives Angel the location, telling him it occurred at the same time Angel had done the spell. Angel wonders if it's Sahjhan. Lilah tells him whatever it was, it flipped a truck like it was nothing. Angel lets go of the chair he's dragging, sending the chair and Linwood crashing down the steps. ![]() Gunn and Fred arrive as Angel is headed out. Fred intercepts him and tells him they need to talk. He tries to get around her, telling her "not now". He moves around her and heads for the door as she shouts after him, "The father will kill the son!" Angel stops and turns back to her. Fred explains the prophecy exists in the Nyazian scrolls, Wes had checked all available sources, including consulting an oracle, but he couldn't disprove it. ![]() Gunn reminds him of the blood spiking incident and that Angel had said Connor smelled like food. Fred says Wes was trying to protect the baby. Gunn adds he was trying to protect Angel as well, just as they're doing now. Angel thinks on that a minute then heads for the door. ![]() Fred positions herself in between Angel and the exit. Angel believes the prophecy is a lie. Fred doesn't understand how he can be so sure. He tells her he'd never hurt anyone he cared about then coldly tells Fred to move. She complies, Angel heads out the door. ![]() Fred suggests going after him. Gunn disagrees, saying if Angel touches Fred, Gunn will have to kill him. Gunn notices Lilah helping Linwood to his feet and asks Lorne why they're there. Lorne answers, "kidnapping, a spell, dark magick. It's bad, kids." Linwood vows vengeance on Angel for what he put him through. Lorne figures things are just going from bad to worse. Outside of the hotel, Justine shoots Angel in the shoulder with a crossbow. As she aims for a better shot, he pulls the arrow out of his shoulder and moves out of the way. More of Holtz's minions jump him. He takes them out with little effort and heads out toward the sidewalk. Justine punches him. He grabs her by the throat and pushes her against the fence, suggesting she find someone else to beat her up. He throws her to the ground. When she looks up, Angel has disappeared. Gunn and Fred come out of the hotel in time to see Justine taking off in Wesley's car. They follow her. ![]() ![]() Angel approaches the truck driver at the accident scene. He asks him if he's okay. The guy says he tried to stop, it's all his fault. Angel asks the guy his name. He answers, "Al Stokely" and says the truck isn't even his. Angel asks what happened. Al says he hit someone, a man. Angel wants to know where the guy is he hit. The driver doesn't know, he just knows the guy couldn't have gotten up. He looks on as emergency personnel tend to the family in the other vehicle he hit during the accident, feeling badly that it's all his fault. Angel assures him it's not then walks over to the truck, laying on it's side in the street. He checks the undercarriage and finds blood. ![]() Justine is in Sahjhan's cavern, where she had her early meetings with Holtz. She thinks about him. Gunn and Fred arrive and demand to know where Wes is. Justine realizes Holtz isn't coming back, he only cared about getting Connor to punish Angel, nothing else. Gunn again demands to know where Wes is. They know she was driving Wesley's car so she had to have taken it from him. They want to know where they can find him. Fred offers that they just want to hear Wesley's side of things. ![]() ![]() Justine tells them Wesley sacrificed everything to save Connor. Gunn isn't sure how he felt he was going to accomplish that by helping Holtz take the baby to a demon dimension. He'd rather hear it from Wesley. Justine tells them Wes is innocent. Fred wants to know if he's still alive, she demands to know where Wes is. Justine tells them "heaven or hell", she slit his throat. Fred backhands her hard across the face. Gunn finishes the job, knocking her down a few times until she takes his advice not to get up and fight back anymore. Justine says she trusted the wrong man. Gunn yanks her to her feet and tells her she's going to take them to Wes and he'd better be alive when they get to him. ![]() Sahjhan arrives and notes that fight was a little pathetic. He offers to show them a real fight, the way they did things in the old days. He's not happy with intruders in his place. Gunn asks Justine if this is Sahjhan. Sahjhan greets Justine, remembering she tried to decapitate him. He punches her, sending her flying across the room and crashing into the wall.. Sahjhan is enjoying his new solid form as he breaks the furniture into pieces and threatens Gunn and Fred. ![]() Angel arrives. Sahjhan figures he owes Angel thanks for giving him physical form. Angel acknowledges he's responsible and offers to call it even if Sahjhan takes him to Quor-toth and helps him get Connor back. Justine escapes while everyone's attention is on Sahjhan. ![]() Sahjhan isn't interested in working with Angel on anything. Angel doesn't plan to offer him a choice. Sahjhan says he couldn't help Angel even if he wanted to. Angel is sure he's lying. Sahjhan assures him he's not lying about that, informing Angel that Connor is gone for good, he can only open the Quor-toth once. That was the reason he chose it. If he tries it again, the universe could explode and that wouldn't be good for anybody. Fred asks him what he is lying about. Sahjhan answers that he doesn't like to brag, but asks Angel if he's read any good prophecies lately. Gunn realizes Sahjhan wrote the prophecy. Sahjhan corrects him, explaining it was more accurately a "rewrite." He admits he moved through time, changed the one who threatened him and polished some other things. He says Angel wasn't his enemy. He plans to kick his ass for being in his home but he wasn't the point. Angel realizes it was Connor. Sahjhan concedes seeing one's name for the first time carved in blood on a scroll in a real prophecy is an unnerving experience. "The one sired by the vampire with a soul shall grow to manhood and kill Sahjhan." ![]() ![]() Fred says Sahjhan planted the false prophecies saying Angel would kill his son and Wesley believed them. Sahjhan is thankful Wes had some brass, noting that Holtz was useless. He says all Holtz wanted was to raise Connor as his own. Sahjhan has been living with a death sentence for 1,100 years and all Holtz wanted was petty vengeance. He offers if Holtz had killed the baby while it was still in Darla, all of this could have been avoided. Angel morphs into game face and charges him. Sahjhan tosses him aside with little effort, slamming him against the wall. As he stalks toward Angel, Gunn punches him. Sahjhan knocks him backward with one punch, then continues his attack on Angel. Fred checks on Gunn as Angel and Sahjhan battle back and forth. Sahjhan knocks Angel to the ground. As he approaches him, Fred grabs a brazier filled with burning coals and tosses them into Sahjhan's face. He isn't fazed much by that, asking Fred if she thinks he looks like he needs anymore skin problems. He heads for her. ![]() Angel gets up and shoves Fred out of the way. He and Sahjhan continue their battle. Sahjhan throws Angel against the wall. Gunn gets up and attacks Sahjhan but once again is beaten down with little effort as Sahjhan continues to focus his attention on Angel. He picks Angel up from the ground by the throat, lifting him off of his feet, then punches him. He pulls him up again, slams him into a pillar and throws him around a bit. Angel is clearly outmatched as Sahjhan flips him over his head, slamming him down on his back on top of the table. A weakened Angel morphs back into human face as Sahjhan retrieves a piece of the broken wooden furniture and prepares to stake him with it. ![]() He tells Angel it was a shame he had to get rid of Connor, the kid had a big future but he concedes everybody has to go sometime. Before he can stake Angel, Justine arrives with an urn. Sahjhan turns into a stream of yellow orange light as his essence is pulled inside. Justine returns the lid to the urn, trapping Sahjhan. She tells the others Holtz had left the urn there. (Holtz first mentioned the urn to Sahjhan in "Loyalty"). Fred asks about Wes. Justine tells them she left him in the park by his place. ![]() Gunn, Fred and Angel search the park for Wesley. When they come up empty, Fred wonders if Justine was lying. Angel tells her Wes was there. She wonders how he knows that, then realizes he can smell the blood. Gunn points out the sun is coming up, he and Fred will continue the search while Angel gets inside. Angel doesn't want to believe Wesley could be dead. Fred tells him they'll keep looking and Lorne has been on the phone all night calling hospitals. ![]() At the hotel, Angel tells Lorne he went too far in his quest to get to Sahjhan, almost getting Fred and Gunn killed. Lorne is relieved they're all safe. Angel wonders if Lorne thinks Wes is dead. Lorne doesn't know, he only hopes for the best. He points out that if the spiking blood plan had worked, Angel would have Connor's blood on his hands. Angel thinks he does anyway. orne assures him that's not true, there was nothing more that he could have done given the knowledge he had, just like Wes. He suggests perhaps the way to forgive himself is to forgive Wesley. The phone rings, Lorne answers. Fred tells him they found Wesley. Lorne passes the information on to Angel. ![]() ![]() Angel arrives at the hospital and joins Gunn and Fred in the waiting room. He seems very concerned and wonders if Wes asked for him. Gunn tells him Wesley can't talk yet but it's good Angel came. Fred tells him Wesley isn't out of the woods yet, but she's sure Angel's being there will help. Angel asks to see him. Fred thinks Wes would like that. ![]() ![]() Angel calmly walks into Wesley's room and closes the door behind him. Angel greets him as Wesley looks at him then Angel quietly tells him he understands why Wesley did what he did, he knows about the prophecies, he's sure the decision was difficult. He knows Wes thought he was going to become evil and kill Connor. Angel's voice takes on an edge as he tells Wes he didn't turn evil and it's important to him that Wesley know that. He wants to be sure Wesley knows it's not Angelus speaking. He asks him if he understands that. Wes nods slightly indicating he does. ![]() Angel responds with "good" then suddenly yanks a pillow from under Wesley's head and presses it to his face, trying to suffocate him with it while screaming obscenities and shouting that Wesley will pay for costing him his son. Numerous alarms and monitors go off, getting the attention of Gunn and Fred in the waiting room. Several orderlies rush down the hall in front of them. Angel continues trying to suffocate Wesley, screaming at him that he'll never forgive him, he's going to die for what he's done. Wes feebly claws at Angel's arm, trying to break his grip but to no avail. ![]() ![]() One of the orderlies enters the room and tries to pull Angel off. Angel throws him backward and continues his assault on Wesley. Gunn, Fred and a couple of burly orderlies rush into the room. Gunn and the orderlies drag Angel off of Wesley. Wes gasps for air as Angel is dragged out of the room shouting over and over that Wesley is a dead man, he's going to kill him.
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