Written by: Jeffrey Bell
Quote List compiled by: Hazel
Sahjhan: Yes. But not in the way you imagine. There are other dimensions, other worlds where time behaves differently. I have an ability to navigate those dimensions.
Holtz: And is that why you haven't aged?
Sahjhan: That, and I had a little work done. Mostly around the eyes.
Darla: Hey, you're the one that came in here all 'the world is a cold and lonely place.'
Angel: I had a bad day.
Darla: So, you threw me through those glass doors, slammed me against the wall, pushed me onto the bed and took what you wanted.
Angel: It seemed like the thing to do - at the time.
Wesley: Angel's right. Clearly something wants this thing to come to term. - We'll wait for it to be born then we'll chop its head off.
Fred: Well, what if it doesn't have a head?
Cordelia: We're gonna need a really big mallet.
Gunn: If it skitters, we should have a net or something. Maybe a flame thrower.
Angel: Flame thrower? No, no. There'll be no throwing of flames. Nobody's gonna do anything until we know exactly what's going on. Now, if anybody has a problem with that they should leave - now.
Cyril: Sure. - Uh... - Miss Morgan, I hate to bother you. But I've been admiring you for quite a while and I was wondering...
Lilah: Don't flatter yourself, Cyril. I don't date guys from the mail room.
Cyril: Me neither!
Lilah: And who are we allied against, you and I? Who is this common foe?
Cyril: I'd rather not...
Lilah: If you don't tell me right now, I'm gonna have your skin peeled off and stapled back on inside out.
Darla: Something's wrong. The pain...
Angel: You like pain.
Darla: This is different. I want it out - now!
Wesley: That's exactly what's happening, Darla. You're in the first stage of labor.
Darla: Labor, that's - that's good, right? How long does it usually last?
Wesley: It varies. On average, the whole thing, maybe eighteen hours.
Darla: Eighteen hours!?
Woman's voice: "Hi, you've reached the Tittles. We can't come to the phone right now. If you wanna leave a message for Christine, press one. (man's voice) For Bentley, press two. (Deep, gravely voice) Or to speak to or worship Master Tarfall, Underlord of pain, press three.
Sahjhan: I'll take you to them. Two centuries into the future.
Holtz: Through black magic and sorcery.
Sahjhan: No. On a mule cart. Of course through black magic and sorcery. I'm a demon.
Angel: How are you feeling?
Darla: I haven't had blood in almost a day, and your devil spawn is trying to rip its way out of my body. How do you think I'm doing?
Bald psychic: I can't apologize enough, sir.
Linwood: You're right. You can't. But I'm not without compassion. I'm gonna give you a chance to save your job - and your skin.
Bald psychic: No, you're not. - You're gonna have me killed.
Linwood: Now, why couldn't you have had that kind of foresight when we needed it?
Angel: Isn't that a head?
Wesley: I think it is. Or is that the head?
Fred: Maybe you're both right. It's not like I'm suggesting it's an evil two-headed thing.
Angel: Darla, you might wanna join the fight.
Darla: Sorry, darling. I'm gonna have to be Switzerland and sit this one out. (To vampires) Now, you did say you were just gonna kill the humans, right?
Vampire: Yes, just the humans. Then we will nourish you, slice you open, wear your entrails as a belt and consume your eyeballs before we worship the miracle child.
Darla: Okay. I'm in.
Fred: You freaks make one move and I'll slice the miracle kid into triplets.
Cordelia: It's always the quiet ones.

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