Written by: David Greenwalt
Quote List compiled by: MBNielsen9
Angelus: Darla. She loves the Sistine Chapel.
Holtz: Michelangelo?
Angelus: Not him, she's mad for Botticelli's frescos. _The Temptation of Christ_ is her favorite, probably because of the leper.
Holtz: My only desire here is to discover if a _thing_ such as yourself can be made to pay for its sins. (stabs Angelus) You're a demon. It is your nature to main and kill. But you were also once a man. If we beat and burn the demon out of your living flesh, will there be anything left? (twists the pitchfork) Anything at all? I doubt it. But I'm willing to spend the next fortnight of my life finding out.
Angelus: Darling, shouldn't we be killing Holtz?
Darla: I know, but it's just so much fun ruining his life. He's like family now.
Darla: And they say there's no public transportation in L.A.
Angel: They're fake.
Cordelia: Yeah. You put something real in this hellhole and it will die like *that*!
Angel: You know, I've been around a long time...
Cordelia: Which reminds me: Next birthday, do you think we could skip the 250-odd candles on the cake, and the inevitable fire marshal, and just go with a little song...
Angel: ...and I've never known anyone like you.
Cordelia: Well, *duh*!
Angel: I'm a vampire. You can't hurt me!
Angel: The end is not coming! Someone is always uncovering some ancient scroll, and they're always saying the same thing: that something terrible is coming. Do you know how many of these things I've seen in my very long life?
Cordelia: Four?
Angel: Three, but there's nothing to worry about.
Cordelia: Well, all we can do is live each moment to the fullest, and be grateful we didn't throw too much money at the NASDAQ.
Angel: Am I swelling?
Wesley: Step one: Dobermans are happily gnawing steak. Alarm and vid lines are disabled. No infrared -- caught a break there. Step Two: We cut a hole in the glass, snake the mini-cam in, scan the interior. If it's all clear, we disable the locks and bolts on the side door, thus completing... (Gunn opens unlocked door) "...step three.
Gunn: I've got a bad feeling about this.
Wesley: We'll figure something out. It's just a vault.
Gunn: Actually my bad feeling is more about the man standing behind you with a large revolver.
BadGuy: All right, I won't call the police.
Wesley: I'm glad we understand each other.
BadGuy: Until _after_ I kill you.
Wesley: Oh.
Gunn: Always want to give them a big finish.
Angel: That's probably enough for today.
Cordelia: Well, we could do more, but then I'd have to ice every bone in my body. See ya.
Fred: Kye-rumption!
Cordelia: Well... right back atcha!
Fred: It's when two great heroes meet in the field of battle and recognize their mutual fate. ...It's also a kind of grog made out of yok's dung, but that's archaic.
Fred: Oh! Plastic flowers! My favorite! They never fade, you know.
Fred: See? You're being chivalrous because you're a hero, just like her! You've got kye-rumpt...
Angel: Stop using that word!
Fred: Oh... that can't be right. Unless the world ended last March.
Fred: He'd be, like, a normal man?
Wesley: Yes.
Fred: Wow. What will we do if that happened?
Cordelia: I'd buy him some plaid shirts and take him to the beach. The boy needs some color!
Angel: Take you and me, for instance. I mean, we're very different. *Very* different. Obviously! Human... vampire! Woman... man-pire....
Cordelia: Has someone been putting vodka in your blood?
Cordelia: Angel, are you trying to say you love me?
Angel: What?
Cordelia: I love you too.
Angel: You do? When did this...?
Cordelia: (to gang) Angel loves me. I love him!
Angel: Oh my God!
Cordelia: ...you guys love us and we love you!
Whole Gang Off-Screen: We _love_ you, Angel!
Cordelia: We were all saying it earlier, just in case this prophecy comes true and we all die. You're not going to want a hug, are you?
Cordelia: Hey, what are friends for?
Darla: You ask me, they're for knocking you up and leaving you high and dry.... Hello, lover. Long time, no see.
Angel: Darla.
Wesley: Darla?
Cordelia: Darla?
Fred: Who's Darla?
Gunn: Angel's old flame from way back.
Fred: Not the one who died?
Gunn: Yeah... No, not that one. The other one that died and came back to life. She's a vampire.
Fred: Do y'all have a chart or something?
Gunn: In the files, I'll get it for you later.
Cordelia: You slept with her?
Angel: Vampires can't have children. Wesley?
Wesley: No, he's right. It's not possible.
Cordelia: That's not what I asked.
Fred: I wonder if this might not be that bad thing we were expecting.
Cordelia: Stop it!
Angel: No, I'm all right Cordy, I'm o.k.
Cordelia: You'll hurt her! Haven't you done enough?
Darla: Oh, he lied? What a surprise.
Angel: It wasn't like I went _evil_ or anything!
Cordelia: You just went male.
Angel: Maybe it's a hysterical pregnancy.
Darla: You want to feel it kick?
Cordelia: Does it kick a lot?
Darla: Like crazy.
Angel: Well, now! Wouldn't that be the first sign of... (Cordy glares) ... hysteria?
Angel: Wes, let's get on this right now!
Wesley: What do you suggest?
Angel: I suggest you use your books and find out what's going on! What, do I have to think of everything?
Wesley: (opens a book) Oh, here it is! It says: 'I have absolutely no idea what is going on'.
Enchanting Girls: *Mmmmmm*! *An*-gel....
Cordelia: And here we have three more of Angel's chippies. You girls are on the Pill I hope?
Enchanting Girls: *Mmmmmm*!
Lorne: I'm opening the club again. I was pretty blue for a long time. Had it gone on much longer I would have turned aquamarine!
Lorne: What happened here?
Darla: What's it look like?
Cordelia: Angel boned her.
Angel: Just once! Just the one night... uh... just the two or three one-times... that one night....
Fred: Is Angel going to sing?
Gunn: Oh, no.
Wesley: I suppose he'll have to.
Cordelia: _She_'s carrying the baby!
Darla: Ugh. (pulls herself up and somewhat sings) Oh Danny boy... what the hell's inside me?
Lorne: Oh, no no no no. We're way beyond singing, _mes enfant_. Its a brand new day here.
Lorne: This is _way_ beyond my ken... and my Barbie, and _all_ my action figures!
Angel: Great, so we're saying my child is the scourge of mankind?
Angel: It's biologically impossible!
Lorne: And mystically unfair. You fought long and hard for good. If your destiny is to spawn something evil...?
Angel: I don't see how anything spawned by Darla and me could be good.
Fred: Can I say something about destiny? ... *Screw* destiny! If this evil thing comes we'll fight it, and we'll keep fighting it until we whup it! Cuz destiny's just another word for inevitable, and nothing's inevitable as long as you stand up, look it in the eye, and say 'You're evitable!'... Well, you... you catch my drift.
Lorne: Oh! I like her so much!
Angel: How's she doing?
Lorne: Well, she's weary. Poor thing looks about 18-months pregnant. I hope they're not twins.
Angel: Not her. Cordelia.
Lorne: Oh, oh. I sense she's hurt. And... uh, _pissed_. What with the lying and deception, etcetera. You should probably stay out of her way for a while.
Angel: I'll kill her for this.
Cordelia: You're gonna have to find her first.
Wesley: She got away.
Gunn: We tried to stop her by hitting her fists and feet with our faces, but....
Angel: I'm not going to keep telling you how sorry I am. I am going to tell you: She'll never do it again.
Wesley: She's stronger than all of us right now, including you, because of what's inside her.
Angel: I know, I put it there.
Wesley: Why does he think he has to do everything alone?
Fred: I think he just can't bear to have us see him do it.
Wesley: Kill Darla? She did try to kill Cordy. And she is a vampire.
Fred: And she's carrying his child. The one thing he can never have, even if he lives forever.
Mom: You're a brave woman! About to have one, taking the other one out to play?
Darla: Oh, I love children. I could just eat 'em up!
Fred: Angel's not answering his phone, should I leave a message on his voicemail?
Cordelia: He doesn't know how to use his voicemail. Just try his pager.
Gunn: Well, we found Angel's beeper.
Darla: How could you put this in me? I *hate* you!
Darla: _They_ breathe. They breathe and pound. I don't breathe, you idiot! You can't strangle me!
Angel: The child. The child has a heartbeat. It has a soul.
Darla: Not my child!
Angel: You're not alone in this anymore. We'll deal with this together.
Darla: Gosh, I'm the luckiest vampire girl in the whole world. Get away from me.
Cordelia: Well! Another big, fun day here at Angel Investigations. What do you say we pour ourselves a good, stiff...
Fred: Uh, oh.
Cordelia: A good, stiff uh-oh?
Fred: Remember before when I said thought that maybe possibly perhaps I might've been off in my earlier calculations, and you asked Wes if the Tro-clan was prophesied to arise or to be born, and he said it could be both, an d we all know the Latin for 'to arrive' is 'arevere', 'to come to land', or possibly in this instance simply 'to come to' as from a deep sleep...
Wesley & Angel & Cordelia: Fred!
Fred: I believe, whatever this thing is, it's arriving right about 3...2...now.
Demon: Welcome to the 21st century. Angelus is here. You'll see him soon. You haven't used your muscles in a very long time. It will be a while before you're strong enough...
Holtz: Just tell me where he is.

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