Written by: Tim Minear
Quote List compiled by: Hazel
Wesley: Angel's not back with the scrolls yet. I'd feel a lot better if we had the ancient prophecies to guide us." Cordy: "Please! Women have been giving birth without ancient prophecies for years!
Gunn: What we could really use right about now is some Vaseline and a catcher's mitt.
Wesley: Now it's up to us to protect Angel's unborn child. - Darla, we're trying to take you out of here. Relax. The trick is to breathe. Something like this: Heh, heh, heh, hoh, hoh, hoh, heh, heh, heh...
Darla: I! Don't! (Sits up and sends all four of them flying backwards) Breathe!
Gavin: He's gonna crucify us.
Lilah: They don't crucify here. It's too Christian.
Darla: Doesn't anyone wanna sit back here with me?
Cordy: We're good.
Gunn: Yeah, it's - comfy.
Darla: I promise I won't throw anyone out of the car. - Not while it's moving.
Fred: It's not that we don't trust you. I mean, we *don't* trust you. But the fact is, your water broke all over the back seat.
Darla: Oh.
Holtz: I can't allow you to leave.
Lilah: What do you mean? Of course you can.
Holtz: No. You said you work for the law.
Lilah: No, I didn't. I said I'm a lawyer. I don't care about the law.
Fred: He wouldn't have to. That's the tragic beauty of a cosmic convergence. I-I mean, he just plays his own small part. He-he comes here looking for Angel and Darla, and in the process ends up finding Angel's unborn child, who, as it turns out, wasn't evil at all as we feared, but was actually meant to be some sort of Messianic figure. But Holtz kills it before it's even born and his vengeance somehow triggers the end of the world! Or not! It could go either way. - Have you thought of a name yet?
Man: Ah! You had another translator work on this I see. - I don't recognize the handwriting but the idiom would indicate an Englishman.
Lilah: I don't know. I don't remember.
Man: It wasn't Worm Forsch in Ancient Symbols and Icons, was it? He's had his eye on my cubicle.
Lilah: No, it was somebody else. You don't know them.
Man: He's only got that one eye...
Lilah: Don't worry about it. Outside contractors. Now, I've highlighted the sections they seemed to be concentrating on.
Man: You *highlighted* an ancient Nyazian Scroll?
Lilah: In yellow.
Holtz: He's not the same vampire.
Sahjhan: "Of course he is! His hair is a little shorter, a little spikier. He's using product.
Lorne: Here?! She wants to have it here? Well, that's just a terrible idea. Can't you see I'm working my tush off trying to get ready for a grand re-opening? Uh, ah, Gorsh entrails behind the bar next to the Maraschinos. I can't have *baby* here! I just had the booth simonized.
Lorne: Okay. Try that.
(Fred slaps Gunn)
Fred: Nope, still not working.
Lorne: Okay. Ah. - Try it now.
(Fred slaps Gunn again.)
Gunn and Fred: "No!
Lorne: Okay. Okay. I'm *convinced* I got it this time!
(Cordy smacks Gunn)
Gunn: Ow.
Lorne: Let me see that.
Arnie: Don't forget what we discussed.
Sahjhan: "You'll get your money.
Arnie: I've heard that one before. You know, I've got mouths to feed. Plus a family. Some of them have mouths, too.
Gunn: We don't know that. We don't know that it's the powers that's been protecting it. Angel, I'm sorry, but what if what Darla's carrying *is* the thing in the prophecies? That scourge of mankind that's supposed to plunge the world into ultimate darkness? - What if - what if what's happening to Darla *now*, what if that's the powers? Finally stepping up to the plate and doing something for once!
Angel: How? By killing my kid?
Cordy: Do you always have to be so damned honest?
(Cordy tries to hit Gunn again, fails.)
Lorne: What? Hey! Hey, it-it worked! I fixed it! Ah, yay, me?
Wesley: We're being attacked.
Angel: Attacked? I thought you had double protection sanctorium spells?
Lorne: I do. It's a thing with the door and the stairs and the world and the thing. Never mind!
Gunn: Apparently you can be outside and shove stuff in.
Lorne: I just said that.
Gunn: You got an ax, a hammer or anything?
Wesley: Buddha head.
Sahjhan: Do it! Now's your chance. Do it! Finish it while you still can! You can't just let him walk away! Not now! Not after what you swore to me!
Holtz: I swore that I would show no mercy. And I won't.

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