Written by: Tim Minear
Quote List compiled by: AnGeL X
Angel: You know...I, well, really couldn't help but notice the goats. Yeah. Lotta goats. Goats... many. Those goats, guys.
Cordelia: The hair. I meant the hair. That was in back there where the... not the third eye... cause that won't come back. Right?
Wesley: No reason it should. The curative charm seems to have worked like a... well, charm, really.
Wesley: Things'll pick up again. They're bound to.
Cordelia: Yeah. It's L.A. The evil's probably just tied up in traffic or something.
Lilah: Makes the Christmas Purge of '68 look like fun old times. Nearly half of mid-management was sacked... and, Lindsey? They used actual sacks.
Lindsey: Do you really think a few last minute dark rites and rituals is going to make a difference?
Lilah: Everyone else seems to think so. I heard Henderson actually pulled her First Born out of company daycare to offer it up to - Brown-noser. My mother was right... I should have had children.
Kate: You remember Atkinson? The captain at the Two Three? He's blaming me for granting access to some lunatic who broke into his office and beat ever-holy-crap out of him. He's filed a formal complaint.
Angel: He was raising zombie cops and setting them loose on the streets.
Kate: And I'm sure once I explain that to Internal Affairs, this'll all just go away.
Darla: It's cold.
Lindsey: That' the only way to keep it fresh.
Darla: Not the only way.
Darla: You always take a shower when you get back from that place. Don't know why. You're never dirty.
Lindsey: I'm always dirty.
Host: You should've booked in advance. I doubt we can get you on stage tonight.
Angel: I'm not here to sing.
Host: Oh, is that what we're calling it now?
Angel: Lawyers.
Host: Easy, big fella. I know what you're thinking... And the throwing-yourself-across-six-tables-and-twisting-their-heads-off-their-necks part? Not a good idea.
Host: Now, Angelcakes. You wouldn't appreciate it if I were to blab your personal stuff to every Tom, Dick and vampire that walked in the door, would you?
Angel: Is it bad?
Host: Oy. But I really can't divulge to you what I read in another being. Though I can pass along what I overheard in the men's room. It's coming Friday. And they've all got their legal briefs in a twist about it.
Host: All those messy rites and rituals you've been crashing all over town? They don't mean anything. Nervous children trying to score as many brownie points as they can before daddy gets home. And I got news: Daddy? Not impressed. Anyhow, stopping those won't prevent it from passing into our world on Friday.
Angel: What is "it" and how do I stop it?
Host: I don't know, and you don't.
Angel: Can it be killed?
Host: Most anything that can manifest in order to move in this dimension can be killed. Kinda a down side of being here. That and the so-called "musicals" of Andrew Lloyd Weber.
Angel: You took all the books.
Cordelia: Yeah, well... you got the waffle iron!
Angel: Don't make me move you.
Cordelia: I don't even know what you are anymore!
Angel: I'm a vampire. Look it up.
Cordelia: I mean, if it were anyone else, I'd just say get laid, already!
Wesley: Cordelia...?
Cordelia: But him? Unh-uh. One decent boff and he switches back to evil psycho vamp. Which, in a way, would be better for everyone. Better for him, 'cause then he'd get some, better for us, 'cause then we'd get to stake him afterwards.
Denver: Well, to kill the Kleynach and get the ring, ya need the glove.
Angel: Okay, now you're just making this up.
Darla: That's right, Angelus. Go toward the bleeding mortal. Because that's smart.
Wesley: Well, I stood up to him. That's the important thing.
Virginia: But you couldn't have done it metaphorically? You know, with a stern word? You had to do it in the I'm-actually-standing-up-now-and-popping-six-stitches way?
Wesley: Well, of course, what I do is dangerous. Are you forgetting how we met? You were strapped to a sacrificial alter while the Goddess Yeska was called forth from the Nether regions to consume you.
Virginia: But I grew up with all that sort of stuff. Creepy crawlies and scary stuff, I can handle. But, guns? Kinda makes it all a little too real, you know.
Wesley: The gun was fired by a zombie, if it makes you feel any better.
Virginia: You know, strangely, it doesn't.
Virginia: Most people, they don't even acknowledge the evil, let alone try and fight it. They don't have to wrap themeselves in bandages, to keep their insides from falling out.
Cordelia: Good evening, "Angphlmn" Investigations, we help the helpless. How can we help you?
Wesley: What in god's name is "Angphlmn"?
Cordelia: Oh, there are just some names I'm not saying at the moment.
Wesley: There must be someone you can call.
Cordelia: Uh no, cause then I'd actually have to have some friends. I don't.
Wesley: That's not true.
Cordelia: You don't count.
Wesley: Thank you.
Cordelia: You know what I mean.
Angel: You're...
Holland: Holland Manners.
Angel: ...not alive.
Holland: Oh, no. I'm quite dead. Unfortunately, my contract with Wolfram and Hart extends well beyond that.
Angel: In the larger sense... I don't really give a crap.
Holland: Now, let me see. There was something in a sacred prophecy. Some oblique reference to you. Something you're supposed to prevent. Now what was that?
Angel: The apocalypse.
Holland: Yes, the apocalypse, of course. Another one of those. Well, it's true, we do have one scheduled. And I imagine that if you were to prevent it, you would save a great many people. Well, you should do that then. Absolutely. I wasn't thinking. Of course, all those people you save from that apocalypse would then have the next one to look forward to, but hey, it's always something, isn't it.
Holland: The world doesn't work in spite of evil, Angel. It works with us. It works because of us.
Holland: If there wasn't evil in every single one of them out there, why, they wouldn't be people. They'd all be angels.
Darla: Don't play games with me.
Angel: I'm not playing. I just wanna feel something besides the cold.

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