"The Thin Dead Line"
Written by: Jim Kouf
Quote List compiled by: AnGeL X
Cordelia: Maybe we should buy one of those star maps, find out where Steven Seagal lives. (off looks) You telling me he got to be a movie star without a little demonic assistance?
Cordelia: The stranger, the better, as far as we're concerned. Please, have a seat and tell us what the problem is. Trust me, we specialize in strange, there's nothing we haven't... se-- There's an eye in the back of her head!
Angel: Hey, Merl.
Merl: Jeez man! Can't you, y'know, knock?
Angel: You don't make that funny expression when I knock. Or if you do, I don't see it.
Gunn: Oh, so I haven't seen you on Normandy and Fifth dealing? You trying to tell me that wasn't you I seen?
Kid: That's ancient history, man. I gave that up.
Gunn: Well, do the cops know that cause maybe they didn't get your e-mail.
Gunn: Alright look, the plan is simple. I want you to roll the camcorder, wait for the cops to hassle us.
Anne: How do you know they will?
Gunn: 'Cause we'll be the ones walking while black.
Kate: Guess you never caught up with your vampire friends in time.
Angel: I did track them down later and set them on fire.
Kate: Sounds like you enjoyed it. But then again, the whole murder and mayhem thing's always been right up your alley.
Angel: If that's how you feel, I guess probably this isn't the best time to tell you I just killed a cop.
Kate: I wouldn't make a joke about that in this building. No matter how immortal you think you are.
Cordelia: Okay. Gunn's about to do a really stupid thing.
Wesley: What did he say?
Cordelia: Just that in order to find out if the police have been brutalizing and killing people in Anne's neighborhood, he's going to videotape the cops trying to brutalize and kill him.
Wesley: You can't be serious.
Cordelia: Nothing says "Aha, I'm on to you!" like being on the receiving end of a vicious police beating.
Wesley: You couldn't stop him?
Cordelia: Hello. Gunn, stubborn, synonyms.
Wesley: That can't be his plan... can it? I mean... that's really a... dumb plan.
Cordelia: Hey, Gunn graduated with a major in "Dumb Planning" from Angel University. He sat at the feet of the master and learned well how to plan dumbly.
Angel: How're your laundry folding skills?
Cordelia: I'm an actress. I can fake it.
Gunn: Damn. Somebody have an apocalypse and forget to invite us?
Wesley: 9... 1... 1... you've got to... call 9-1-1.
George: Screw the cops! They're the ones did this to you!
Wesley: An ambulance.
George: Oh.
Gunn: Look, we can't go back out there, alright. You saw what they did to him.
Cordelia: He's going to die. We're taking him to a hospital now. I don't care who's out there.
Cordelia: ...This is no time for circuits busy! Don't tell me the circuits are busy! If there's not enough circuits, GET SOME NEW CIRCUITS!
Angel: Thought you might want to know I took care of our little cop problem.
Kate: Crime reports from that precinct. Up until three months ago, there was a murder every two weeks. A rape every two days. A robbery every hour and a half. That's what we just gave back to the people of that community.
Angel: I can live with that.
Kate: You learn to live with a lot of things, don't you?
Wesley: I... I feel I should be in a great deal of pain.
Gunn: Gettin' gutshot'll do that to ya.
Wesley: And yet... (looks at tube in arm) Is this morphine? (Gunn nods) Well it's bloody lovely! (giggles)
Cordelia: What are you doing here?
Angel: I heard about Wesley.
Cordelia: Well, that's great. Too bad it takes a gunshot wound to make you give a crap. Wesley doesn't need you right now. We don't need you. You walked away. Do us a favor and just... stay away.

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